ESPN Picks 49ers to Finish 3rd in NFC

  • last year
Analyzing why ESPN has picked the San Francisco 49ers to finish third in the NFC.
00:00 The Niners have a great roster. I don't know if I'm say great an excellent roster and a lot of people think it's as good
00:06 As any roster in the league at D line at linebacker at tight end at running back
00:11 I think it's pretty undeniable that the Niners are at the top best running backs in the league best tight ends in the league
00:17 We're up there best D line. Well up there and linebackers for sure. Yeah, what about the other ones? Let's talk about
00:23 Quarterback did the Niners have the best quarterback in the NFC West we're talking
00:29 I guess we're talking Brock Purdy because that's who they say their quarterback is Brock Purdy Matt Stafford
00:35 Kyler Murray Gino Smith, who's the best?
00:39 Well, you know I did I did this poll man and the majority of 49er fans said Brock and I think you guys are a
00:46 Bunch of homers if I'm being honest about it here. Let's talk about it. I mean Matt Stafford won a Super Bowl
00:51 He's thrown for over 4,000 yards in a season. He's thrown for 40 plus touchdowns in a season
00:56 He's been a Pro Bowl quarterback. I believe he's won a Super Bowl. I think out of all these quarterbacks
01:02 He's the only one that's won a Super Bowl
01:03 He's the only one that's put up those kind of numbers
01:05 Matt Stafford has to be the best quarterback in the NFC West now
01:09 Maybe he's not gonna be the same like he was when he won the Super Bowl. Maybe he's falling off
01:13 But I'm gonna put Matt Stafford at number one
01:16 After that, you want me to continue and go through the all four?
01:20 I would go with the Stafford number one - I was just pulling up his stats. I mean, yeah, he won a Super Bowl
01:25 he
01:27 He's thrown
01:30 333 touchdown passes his career
01:32 Somehow only went to one Pro Bowl in his career. But yeah, I would have to say the totality of his resume like
01:38 Dwarfs anyone else in this division not even close and I think not even close
01:43 I think 49er fans need to put these quarterbacks on the 49ers when you're thinking about this
01:47 Put them on the 49ers if Matt Stafford was on the 49ers over the last few years
01:51 Do you think we might have won a Super Bowl? I would say yes, absolutely
01:55 Yeah, yes. Now the only question with Stafford is like how healthy is he? How much?
01:59 Yeah, how much does he have going forward? He wasn't good last year. That's all fair
02:03 So if you're telling me he's like never gonna be what he was in his peak and he's now declining and fine
02:09 Then I'm not interested in anymore. He almost looked like Ben Roethlisberger like old Ben Roethlisberger last year
02:15 So with the elbow problem and all that, so I don't know but I'm still taking Stafford
02:19 I'm still taking and after that it's it's tough for me because if you look at
02:25 Who had the best year last year?
02:27 Gino Gino had a much better year. No doubt for an entire
02:30 Right for sure stayed healthy
02:33 If you're based in just on last year last year
02:35 Which is all your base in your judgment on Brock on your only you're based in all your judgment on eight games last year
02:40 Right, so rock was on a better team, right?
02:43 So why can't we base Gino's 18 games when we're making a decision on engineer for basing on those 18 games?
02:50 He's but he's better than brought 30 based on those 18 games versus box eight
02:54 Yeah, and I think this I think this is the point of this exercise. We got to stop focusing on a year or eight games
03:01 It's the totality. It's the full picture. It's obviously Stafford when you look at it that way
03:06 It's like not even a discussion and then after that
03:08 To me you could even argue and it's Kyler
03:14 You could argue I mean he's been on a that organization. Yeah is a freaking joke now. I know he has
03:19 Culpability. He's not the pro. He should be. Yeah, there's a study like he should
03:23 But what you said you put him on the 49ers if you put Kyler on the 49ers given what Brock Purdy did
03:30 Right running around
03:33 Yeah, I mean that I mean towards ACL though, I don't know what he's gonna be like when he comes back but
03:40 I'm sorry. Just saying it's all good. I got business business calls man. But yeah, no, I
03:44 Just saying I agree. I mean I might take Gino above Kyler. But again, like Gino's a one-year wonder at this point
03:50 Yeah, I mean, you know, but so is Brock
03:52 He's a half-year wonder. He's a happier wonder the half year was so to me. I would have to put Brock at the bottom
03:58 Yeah
03:59 Does it mean he couldn't end up being number one at the end of this year like that's what's cool about Brock he could end
04:03 Up being number one on this list at the end of the year
04:05 If Stafford falls off and Gino comes back to earth and I was gonna miss the whole year, but right now
04:11 fourth
04:13 Rock plays the same way you did for those eight games for the whole season wins a Super Bowl. He's probably number one
04:18 Right, but he hasn't shown he could stay healthy for a full season
04:21 He's gonna have no offseason to prepare and improve if you're not getting better you getting worse
04:25 He's not gonna have time to get better this offseason all that stuff. I
04:28 Mean, it could be like a down year before it's enough, you know, bro. I saw more notifications
04:34 I apologize. Oh, it's all good. Don't worry about it
04:36 You
04:38 (upbeat music)
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