Ehsaas Telethon - Muharram Appeal - 6th August 2023 - Part 2 - ARY Qtv

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Ehsaas Telethon - Muharram Appeal

Fund raising from international community.

$185 for Hand Pump
$65 for Ration Pack

For Call: 1-718-393-5437
For Donation: 1-855-617-7786

Account Name: Ehsaas Foundation
Bank Name: Chase Bank
Account Number: 202535861
Routing: 021000021

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#EhsaasTelethon #MuharramAppeal #ARYQtv
00:00 There is no God but Allah.
00:08 After the break, once again, the special telethon of Khusham Deed Ahsas Foundation is going on.
00:15 I am Syed Imran Wadood, our guest.
00:18 The panel is also here, the Sanakhwan-e-Rasool is also here.
00:21 We are talking about the water supply, the hand pumps that have to be installed,
00:25 digging wells, we are talking about that.
00:28 We are talking about the houses, the supply of food,
00:31 the construction of mosques, the service of the people.
00:35 With these references, we are appealing to you to support the Ahsas Foundation.
00:40 From your contribution, from the wealth you have given,
00:44 the Ahsas Foundation will do this work.
00:47 Our account numbers are on the screen, the IBA numbers are on the screen.
00:51 You can send your money to us online, through the Bankers Check.
00:56 You can talk to our representatives.
00:59 24x7, our telephone numbers are open.
01:01 You can talk to our representatives and then send your money.
01:04 In whichever department you want your money to be deposited,
01:07 you can come to our offices.
01:10 You can meet our representatives, Bill Mushafa, and give your money.
01:14 You can use any means of transfer of money,
01:17 whether it is Visa or Mastercard, it is acceptable.
01:20 You can go to our website and make payments through Visa or Mastercard.
01:24 You can go to any place in the world and wherever you are present,
01:27 and wherever you are watching our programs,
01:30 you can send your money to us, you can write your share.
01:33 Your share will be included in the amount you have given and in the department you have mentioned.
01:39 And God willing, the creation of God will benefit from this.
01:43 And as the scholars are present with us, the scholars of the world are present,
01:47 they have mentioned that this will become a continuous reward for you.
01:50 And as long as this thing is there, people will continue to benefit from it.
01:54 God willing, you will also continue to receive its reward.
01:57 A very important department of the Aisaaz Foundation is also related to mosques.
02:02 Not only are mosques built, but also the arrangements and expenses to run it,
02:08 the mosques, the people who give the call to prayer there, the servants,
02:13 their matters and other mosque utilities, electricity bills, and other expenses like water,
02:21 in that regard, the Aisaaz Foundation is a department that not only builds mosques,
02:26 but also works to run the mosques.
02:30 And you know that mosques have changed a little in today's time,
02:36 but when Islam was in its early days,
02:39 we used to see that the system of the kingdom was also run from the mosques.
02:44 And the mosques were the center of the Muslims,
02:47 and the Muslim leaders were present there, and the affairs of the kingdom were run from there.
02:53 And all the problems were solved by the Muslims in the mosques.
02:57 Education was also given there, people were also trained there.
03:01 If there was a war to be dealt with, or if there was a discussion about it,
03:05 then that was also carried out there.
03:08 The problems of the people were solved there,
03:11 the fights of the people were cleared there.
03:14 So, for the Muslims, the mosques were a very important center,
03:18 and even now, a lot of work is done in the mosques.
03:21 And we see that in the Paswamanda area, where they do not have other facilities,
03:28 there are no mosques in the way that there are mosques in urban areas.
03:33 So, it is very important to establish mosques in those areas,
03:36 where there is a training of religion, and training of Islam.
03:39 Our religion is spreading, and those people are Muslims,
03:42 but if there is no mosque nearby where they can talk about the knowledge of religion,
03:47 and the knowledge of religion can be spread to the people, then it is very weak.
03:50 Although we are also weak Muslims, we can understand ourselves in this,
03:55 this is with the grace of Allah, that someone's faith is strong.
04:00 But there are no external reasons in those areas,
04:03 and the mosques should be built, and the gatherings should be organized,
04:06 and we see that the fundamental principles of prayer,
04:10 the way of prayer, people do not know about it,
04:13 there are matters of zakat, Hajj is a very difficult worship for them,
04:18 and very few people are there who can perform the Hajj,
04:22 or matters of zakat, etc.
04:24 So, it is very necessary to build mosques in those areas,
04:27 because the mosques will not only be built,
04:29 but there will be a whole series of mosques that will be established.
04:33 Al-Madeen is with us, Mr. Allama Syed Azza Gilani.
04:35 Mr. Allama, I would like to ask you,
04:37 how important is it, in such areas, where there is no mosque even a mile away,
04:42 in urban areas, you can find a mosque every two steps,
04:45 and there is no mosque even a mile away,
04:47 so the mosque is a pillar of Islam, a center of Islam,
04:51 if there is no mosque, how difficult will it be for Islam to be there?
04:56 [Javed Ahmed Ghamidi] You are absolutely right,
04:59 in the propagation of Islam, in the propagation of Islam,
05:03 or for the betterment of society, mosques play a very important role.
05:08 And since the beginning of the propagation of Islam,
05:12 from that time, the Holy Prophet (pbuh)
05:15 has especially emphasized on mosques,
05:18 and has also stated its virtues,
05:20 that in the presence of Allah, the best places on earth,
05:26 are the houses of Allah, i.e. mosques.
05:29 Mosques are those places where Allah's blessings and mercy are revealed.
05:35 And as you mentioned, in the beginning of Islam,
05:38 all matters were within the mosque,
05:41 if there was a fight or a dispute between someone,
05:44 all other matters were within the mosque.
05:47 And the mosque is a source of Islam,
05:50 and also a source of pride and glory for Muslims.
05:53 Now see, there are some mosques which are called Jai Namaz,
05:56 where the five daily prayers are offered.
05:58 Now a Muslim who offers prayers at his home,
06:01 and another who offers prayers in the mosque.
06:04 Offering prayers in the mosque,
06:06 is more of a virtue with the community,
06:09 but it also shows the unity of Muslims.
06:12 Why was this purpose set, that Allah (swt)
06:15 made it a habit to gather all Muslims there,
06:18 so that Muslims offer prayers there,
06:21 rather the way of the companions,
06:23 after the prayers, they would find out about each other's well-being,
06:26 find out about each other's situation,
06:28 that why did Fula not come today,
06:30 how are the matters of his house, is anyone sick?
06:33 When the Prophet (pbuh) himself would see someone who was not present,
06:37 he would find out why they were not coming.
06:40 If they were not present in the mosque,
06:42 then what was the matter with them,
06:44 so that Muslims could find out about each other,
06:46 the concept of Islam giving the Muslims,
06:48 the concept of well-being,
06:50 that is also found, that this way everyone knows about each other.
06:53 Then after that, the concept of Jama Masjid,
06:56 this is also a pride and glory of Muslims,
06:58 that now the collective worship of Friday,
07:01 should be shown, that how this Friday's gathering,
07:04 shows the pride and glory of Muslims.
07:07 Then after that, the two Shukran prayers,
07:10 the Eid prayers,
07:12 that in a big square,
07:14 it shows the pride and glory of Islam.
07:17 That is why the mosques,
07:19 from the beginning, the religion of Islam,
07:21 has given them great rewards,
07:23 for their excellence and for their construction.
07:26 You see, the Masjid-e-Nabi Sharif,
07:28 and this is such a deed,
07:30 that the Prophet (pbuh) himself took part in its construction.
07:33 The Baitullah Sharif,
07:35 the first mosque that was built on the soul of the earth,
07:37 that is the Masjid-e-Haram.
07:39 The first mosque that was built.
07:41 The Masjid-e-Nabi Sharif,
07:43 or according to some, the Masjid-e-Aqsa,
07:45 there is a difference of about 40 years.
07:47 So the Masjid-e-Haram was built,
07:49 the Masjid-e-Nabi Sharif was built.
07:51 The Prophet (pbuh)
07:52 by showing its greatness,
07:54 by himself, by lifting bricks from his hands,
07:57 he constructed the Baitullah Sharif.
07:59 You saw, when there was a dispute among the tribes,
08:02 that who will put the black stone in the wall of the Baitullah Sharif.
08:06 So at that time,
08:07 the Prophet (pbuh) himself was taking part.
08:10 In the construction of the Masjid-e-Nabi Sharif,
08:12 Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani (ra)
08:14 because the greatness was so much that
08:16 whoever will give space for the mosque,
08:18 whoever will construct for the mosque,
08:20 Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani (ra)
08:22 from there, the Hadiths are blessed,
08:24 that he says that the Prophet (pbuh) said,
08:26 whoever will construct the house of Allah (swt)
08:29 for the pleasure of Allah,
08:31 Allah (swt) has built a palace in Paradise for him.
08:34 And one narration, the Hadiths are blessed,
08:36 we get it up to here,
08:38 that if someone is equal to the nest of a bird,
08:40 these are the words of the Hadiths,
08:42 now an example has been given,
08:44 how small is the nest of a bird.
08:46 To explain,
08:47 that if a person thinks that
08:49 the mosque will require so much money for it,
08:51 I cannot give so much,
08:53 then he can also take part according to his status.
08:56 He said that if he takes part in the construction of the mosque
08:59 equal to the nest of a bird,
09:01 then Allah (swt) will reward him so much
09:04 that for him,
09:05 there will be buildings in Paradise.
09:07 And it has been said up to here,
09:09 in the blessed Hadiths,
09:10 that whoever will construct a mosque for the pleasure of Allah,
09:15 Allah (swt) will build for him in Paradise,
09:18 the gardens of the jewels,
09:20 the gardens of the jewels,
09:22 the gardens of the jewels,
09:24 for him,
09:25 and in Paradise,
09:26 such gardens and such gardens of jewels,
09:30 how fortunate will it be for a person.
09:33 So at this time,
09:34 many such areas,
09:35 as you just said,
09:36 where there are no mosques,
09:38 and when there are no mosques,
09:40 then certainly the main and fundamental means of propagation of Islam
09:43 is not there.
09:44 People do not learn Islamic teachings there.
09:47 You must know the people there,
09:49 they do not know how to read the Kalima-e-Paq properly.
09:53 The reason is that there is no such place far away
09:57 where they can go and learn Islam.
10:00 So the mosque is not only a means of worship,
10:03 but also a means of spreading the religion of Islam.
10:06 [Hassan] It is the fort of Islam.
10:08 [Ghamidi] It is the fort of Islam.
10:10 That people will learn religion from here.
10:12 And teaching religion to someone,
10:14 if the children sit there and read the Holy Quran,
10:16 you see, everyone knows the blessed Hadith,
10:18 "Khairukum man ta'allamal Quran wa 'allama"
10:20 It is said that the best among you is the one
10:23 who himself learns the Quran and teaches it to others.
10:26 So if someone has built a small mosque,
10:28 or has taken part in the construction of the mosque,
10:31 then the number of prayers that will be offered there,
10:33 the children will read the Holy Quran,
10:35 will worship, will prostrate,
10:37 people will stand up and ask for prayers.
10:40 As long as worship will continue in the house of Allah,
10:43 Allah will continue to write good deeds in the name of the one who built it.
10:48 So this is a very big way,
10:50 that the houses of Allah be built.
10:52 And the mosque is such a thing that
10:54 if you see, this is also going to be rewarded.
10:56 Because when the mosque is built once,
10:58 then that place is a mosque till the Day of Judgment.
11:00 It becomes a Waqf.
11:02 It is called the house of Allah and it becomes a Waqf.
11:05 When it becomes a Waqf,
11:06 then all the people who will be praying in it till the Day of Judgment,
11:09 the ones who built it, the ones who built it,
11:12 and now that it has been built,
11:13 the ones who will take care of its arrangement,
11:15 the ones who will take part in it in any way,
11:18 Allah will reward them.
11:20 [Hassan] Certainly.
11:21 And it is seen in the society that
11:23 there has always been a tradition of Muslims,
11:26 that no matter how the population is,
11:28 I mean, my observation is that
11:30 even if the population is small,
11:32 the houses are small,
11:33 but the mosque of that area, that neighborhood is fixed.
11:36 And it looks better in terms of decoration,
11:38 it looks beautiful.
11:40 I mean, you keep increasing it,
11:42 that if any other neighborhood is better than that,
11:44 the houses are a little better there,
11:46 then the mosque will be better than that.
11:48 I mean, the different levels of buildings,
11:50 so this is also a big beauty of our society,
11:52 a beautiful aspect,
11:54 but now these areas where there are no resources,
11:58 so they are helpless,
12:00 they have not even built their houses,
12:02 they have just built them,
12:03 they have put bricks somewhere,
12:05 they have put mud and its pits somewhere,
12:07 they have tied cloth somewhere,
12:08 they have put tilphals somewhere,
12:09 whatever they got,
12:11 they made that house somehow,
12:13 and then tried to establish a mosque in the same way,
12:16 and in many areas,
12:18 from the side of the Mukhiyar Hazrat,
12:20 from the side of different institutions,
12:22 mosques have been built,
12:24 so what is your view,
12:26 that the areas where mosques are present,
12:28 and the areas where they are not present,
12:30 are these two areas equal,
12:32 or is there a clear difference?
12:34 On this,
12:36 in Pakistan,
12:38 many of our provinces,
12:40 have many such areas,
12:42 even today,
12:44 like if you go to Balochistan,
12:46 if you go to KPK,
12:48 these areas of Sindh,
12:50 where a large population,
12:52 lives like a Juggia,
12:54 even today,
12:56 the mosque is far away,
12:58 when they get married,
13:00 their dreams of marriage,
13:02 let me say a small thing,
13:04 they do not have that there,
13:06 as a Muslim,
13:08 when a person gets married,
13:10 and when a person comes to this land,
13:12 for that,
13:14 there is a universal religion,
13:16 and it is very important,
13:18 that the person gets married,
13:20 they go far away,
13:22 to a mosque,
13:24 and find a preacher,
13:26 and find a person,
13:28 who will get them married,
13:30 the reason for that,
13:32 is that,
13:34 the place of Allah,
13:36 the place of home,
13:38 the mosque is not built there,
13:40 and when they live,
13:42 in the Juggia,
13:44 they do not have a place to live,
13:46 and they wish,
13:48 that they build a house of Allah,
13:50 that they build a mosque,
13:52 but they are not able to build it,
13:54 because their economic situation,
13:56 is not like that,
13:58 and wherever,
14:00 the mosque is not available,
14:02 and there are many areas,
14:04 there tell me,
14:06 where will we get the Quran,
14:08 and where will we get the Quran,
14:10 and where will we get the Quran,
14:12 and where will we get the Quran,
14:14 and where will we get the people,
14:16 who will lead us to the funeral,
14:18 and this is wrong,
14:20 as Allama Sahab said,
14:22 that even today,
14:24 if there were no schools,
14:26 if there were no mosques,
14:28 if they would not be taught here,
14:30 then it is a pity,
14:32 that even today,
14:34 our educated people,
14:36 if they do not know the religion,
14:38 then they see the funeral prayer,
14:40 as if they are praying Eid,
14:42 they are not able to pray,
14:44 they are not able to pray,
14:46 they are not able to perform ablution,
14:48 then how will they learn,
14:50 from such mosques,
14:52 or from such schools,
14:54 where the Quran,
14:56 and religious teachings,
14:58 are taught,
15:00 a very large part of Pakistan,
15:02 there are no mosques,
15:04 and if they do not have,
15:06 they will not be able to,
15:08 get the Islamic teachings,
15:10 in the correct meaning,
15:12 whether it is for our women,
15:14 or for men,
15:16 they are not able to get it,
15:18 in the correct meaning,
15:20 and it is a great need,
15:22 for the worldly teachings,
15:24 we have schools,
15:26 and everything is available there,
15:28 and we try,
15:30 that for the worldly teachings,
15:32 we go to far off places,
15:34 but the five times,
15:36 if we do not perform,
15:38 the five times of prayer,
15:40 in congregation,
15:42 then we go out of that obligation,
15:44 so whoever helps them,
15:46 as our Allama Sahab said,
15:48 the reward for that,
15:50 I say that he has bought,
15:52 the paradise,
15:54 the person who,
15:56 gets a share in the construction,
15:58 of the mosque,
16:00 or the whole mosque,
16:02 Allah gives him,
16:04 a chance,
16:06 so he has bought,
16:08 the paradise from Allah,
16:10 so there are many,
16:12 good people,
16:14 who are doing this,
16:16 now there is the Ihsaas Foundation,
16:18 it is the last institution,
16:20 which is giving people the chance,
16:22 that they get the reward,
16:24 they get the reward,
16:26 because,
16:28 the biggest task is,
16:30 to give someone,
16:32 with full trust,
16:34 there are many,
16:36 good people,
16:38 who are helping,
16:40 in the ration,
16:42 we said about water,
16:44 Alhamdulillah,
16:46 we have such people,
16:48 who are helping,
16:50 and Alhamdulillah,
16:52 we have such people,
16:54 if they build,
16:56 in such places,
16:58 they have made their life,
17:00 so beautiful,
17:02 the people,
17:04 the people who are building,
17:06 and the people who are,
17:08 managing it,
17:10 in such limited resources,
17:12 they are giving a good result,
17:14 I have two situations,
17:16 I say to you,
17:18 these are some kids,
17:20 who have passed,
17:22 the matriculation exam,
17:24 and I say to you,
17:26 these are some kids,
17:28 can you believe,
17:30 that the Hafiz-e-Quran kids,
17:32 they have taken Sanad,
17:34 that they do not know,
17:36 the Quran at all,
17:38 they do not know to read it,
17:40 and they do not know,
17:42 to read it,
17:44 so you cannot imagine,
17:46 that this cannot happen,
17:48 when they are Hafiz-e-Quran,
17:50 and they are Sanad-e-Yafta,
17:52 so if they do not know,
17:54 the Quran,
17:56 and they do not know,
17:58 to read it,
18:00 but if I ask you,
18:02 that these are Matric kids,
18:04 they do not know anything,
18:06 but they have done the Matric,
18:08 so you will say,
18:10 it is possible,
18:12 and our budget is in these departments,
18:14 and our expenses are in these departments,
18:16 so why should we not praise,
18:18 this department,
18:20 where they are giving such a good result,
18:22 in such limited resources,
18:24 so you say,
18:26 that Allah-O-Akbar is sitting,
18:28 and says,
18:30 that in whichever family,
18:32 in whichever neighborhood,
18:34 if there is a Hafiz-e-Quran,
18:36 then I think,
18:38 that whole area would be happy,
18:40 that house would be happy,
18:42 so I think,
18:44 that when they are about to die,
18:46 then their questions and answers,
18:48 are more than that,
18:50 if there is a Hafiz-e-Quran,
18:52 in this house,
18:54 so tell me,
18:56 what more can be there,
18:58 so if we,
19:00 in our areas,
19:02 create a movement,
19:04 and if we teach religion,
19:06 we will give proper education,
19:08 to the Muslims,
19:10 and a good society,
19:12 a Muslim society,
19:14 for a good humanity,
19:16 where the world is also being taught,
19:18 if you give it,
19:20 if you want to be a true Muslim,
19:22 then for you,
19:24 the religious lessons,
19:26 that you have to build,
19:28 is necessary.
19:30 This discussion will continue,
19:32 but here we will request,
19:34 Ali Haidar Bhai,
19:36 that with respect to Imam Hussain,
19:38 as the month is also Muharram-ul-Haram,
19:40 please present a Manqabat.
19:42 [Hussain]
19:44 [Hussain]
19:46 [Hussain]
19:48 [Hussain]
19:50 [Hussain]
19:52 [Hussain]
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29:43 (speaking in foreign language)
29:47 (speaking in foreign language)
29:51 (speaking in foreign language)
29:55 (speaking in foreign language)
29:59 (speaking in foreign language)
30:02 (speaking in foreign language)
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41:04 (speaking in foreign language)
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42:58 (speaking in foreign language)
43:02 (speaking in foreign language)
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43:30 (speaking in foreign language)
43:57 (speaking in foreign language)
44:01 (speaking in foreign language)
44:05 (speaking in foreign language)
44:10 (speaking in foreign language)
44:15 (speaking in foreign language)
44:19 (speaking in foreign language)
44:23 (speaking in foreign language)
44:28 (speaking in foreign language)
44:33 (speaking in foreign language)
45:01 (speaking in foreign language)
45:06 (speaking in foreign language)
45:33 (singing in foreign language)
45:37 (singing in foreign language)
45:41 (singing in foreign language)
45:45 (singing in foreign language)
45:49 (singing in foreign language)
45:53 (singing in foreign language)
45:58 (singing in foreign language)
46:03 (singing in foreign language)
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46:13 (singing in foreign language)
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47:22 (singing in foreign language)
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47:46 (singing in foreign language)
47:50 (singing in foreign language)
47:54 (singing in foreign language)
47:58 (singing in foreign language)
48:03 (singing in foreign language)
48:07 (singing in foreign language)
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48:16 (singing in foreign language)
48:21 (singing in foreign language)
48:26 (singing in foreign language)
48:30 (singing in foreign language)
48:34 (singing in foreign language)
48:39 (singing in foreign language)
48:44 (singing in foreign language)
48:48 (singing in foreign language)
48:52 (singing in foreign language)
48:57 (singing in foreign language)
49:00 (singing in foreign language)
49:05 (singing in foreign language)
49:09 Chandi, Chandi, Chandi, Chandi...
