Iran forces women who defy hijab laws to clean morgues or get psychiatric treatment | Oneindia News

  • last year
Iran's government has adopted extreme measures to suppress women who defy the strict hijab laws. In response to the increasing number of women flouting the stringent restrictions, including public figures like actress Afsaneh Bayegan, who boldly posted photos of her unveiled hair on social media and attended events without a hijab, the authorities have escalated their crackdown on dissent. Iran's government is sending women who defy the strict hijab law for counselling as healthcare organisations warned that the country's judiciary is using mental medicine for this purpose.

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00:00 Iran's government has adopted extreme measures to suppress women who defy the strict hijab
00:07 laws.
00:08 In response to the increasing number of women flouting these stringent restrictions, including
00:12 public figures like actress Afsaneh Baigan, who boldly posted photos of her unwieldy hair
00:17 on social media and attended events without a hijab, the authorities have escalated their
00:21 crackdown on dissent.
00:23 Iran's government is sending women who defy the strict hijab law for counselling as healthcare
00:27 organisations warn that the country's judiciary is using mental medicine for this purpose.
00:33 Afsaneh Baigan, 61, was handed a two-year suspended prison sentence and told to go to
00:38 a psychological centre once a week to treat her anti-family personality disorder.
00:44 It was reported after a court in Tehran province sentenced another woman to spend a month cleaning
00:48 corpses in a morgue when she was caught driving without a hijab.
00:53 This wave of repression has intensified since the custodial death of Masa Amini in September
00:57 2022 after she was detained by Iran's morality police for not properly wearing her headscarf.
01:03 Many women in the country have since chosen to abandon wearing hijab, and numerous Iranian
01:07 celebrities, athletes and actresses have shown solidarity by doing the same.
01:12 Actress Asadeh Samadi faced a similar fate when she was diagnosed with an anti-social
01:16 personality disorder for wearing a hat instead of a hijab at a funeral.
01:20 She too was ordered to attend therapy sessions weekly at a psychological centre.
01:24 The abuse of psychiatry by the Iran judiciary has raised concerns among mental health organisations
01:28 in the country.
01:29 In an open letter to the head of judiciary, four mental health organisations accused the
01:33 authorities of exploiting psychiatry for non-medical purposes and emphasised that the responsibility
01:39 of diagnosing mental health disorders lies within psychiatrists, not judges.
01:44 Aside from psychological coercion, authorities have implemented other measures to enforce
01:48 the hijab law.
01:50 These include issuing hefty fines, sending text messages to identify women driving without
01:54 a hijab, confiscating vehicles, pressurising employers to terminate the employment of non-compliant
01:59 women, refusing hospital treatment to those not wearing a hijab, and even forcing shops
02:04 catering to them to shut down.
02:06 The situation reflects the government's determination to enforce a strict dress code and suppress
02:10 any form of dissent among women.
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