DOE explains implementation of oil price hike this week

  • last year
DOE explains implementation of oil price hike this week
00:00 The Department of Energy explained the reason for the implementation of the big-time oil
00:04 price hike this week.
00:05 Lawyer Rino Abad of the DOE said that the increase in prices of petroleum products was
00:11 mainly due to the decision of Saudi Arabia to cut down on production, consequently affecting
00:16 the supply chain.
00:17 Currently Abad said global demand for fuel is at 101 million barrels per day.
00:23 Another factor will also affect the supply chain of oil as Russia also intends to cut
00:28 down on production.
00:29 "What aggravated the situation is that in August, Saudi continued with its commitment
00:40 and probably in September, it will be directed.
00:44 But Russia has already joined.
00:46 It has already added 500,000 barrels, as he said, for this month and 300,000 barrels for
00:55 September.
00:56 So, that is the situation.
00:59 The result of what happened this month of August, is that it will be reduced to 1.5.
01:07 We will have a shortage in daily production."
