Honours students studying the communication of crocodiles

  • last year
Crocodiles are the most vocal of all reptiles but we don't know much about their communication. Now, an honours student at the university of the Sunshine Coast is trying to find out what the grunts, booms and growls all mean.
00:00 What we're starting with is some captive individuals that are located actually at Australia Zoo.
00:10 We have been recording their calls on an acoustic recorder within their enclosure and also capturing
00:18 some video that will show their behaviours that are happening and the postures that they're
00:23 making at the same time as those vocalisations.
00:28 So we're hoping that that data will help us to untangle the unknowns about some of the
00:36 vocalisations that those animals are making and allow us to, in the future, do a study
00:45 with the wild crocodiles as well.
