百格街访|网络时代 实体Ceramah还能预测支持率?

  • last year

00:00 For me, this is a bonus, whether the attendance is large or not.
00:04 It also gives us the spirit that the support is always there.
00:09 But I believe, whether it's large or not, it's not important.
00:14 What's important is that the turnout is high, that's what's important.
00:19 At the time of the 15th PRU, the speeches we had compared to the time of the General Election this time,
00:27 it showed the attendance, the crowd, every time we had speeches,
00:32 it showed that the turnout was the vote and support that would be received by the state election.
00:41 Political speeches are a traditional way of voting.
00:44 In the past, we could predict from the crowd on site how much support the parties had.
00:49 But now, many speeches can be watched online.
00:52 So, is the number of people on site related to the support rate?
00:57 The parties are doing their best to vote.
01:00 How attractive is it to the voters?
01:03 It's easier this way, we can see clearly what we are talking about.
01:14 If we watch it on YouTube, we are afraid it's not true.
01:17 As I told you before, it's exciting.
01:21 We can see how the candidates deliver their speeches,
01:29 what they offer to us as the people.
01:32 So, the physical part is also important,
01:36 because we call it 'Rapat Umum'.
01:41 Now, everyone has a phone, right?
01:44 So, I think people can watch it on their phones.
01:47 It's hard to find parking now.
01:49 I think we can still do it,
01:53 but it's not good for the public.
01:57 I prefer to come and stay at home.
02:00 So, we don't have to come here with a lot of people.
02:03 Sometimes, you hear it on Facebook or wherever,
02:06 it's just a few clicks, right?
02:08 So, this one, I watch it in full.
02:10 From the beginning to the end.
02:12 That's where we can evaluate it.
02:14 I want to see who the candidates are.
02:20 I want to see if the manifesto is relevant to the needs of the people here,
02:27 or is it just a rhetoric.
02:30 If you come here,
02:37 will you vote for the candidates?
02:39 Of course.
02:43 Because,
02:45 if I can be a Selangor citizen,
02:48 who has a lot of benefits from Selangor,
02:51 why would I want to vote for someone else?
02:53 It still depends.
02:55 Because both of the contestants,
02:58 I mean, not both, there are three, right?
03:00 Three of them will be selling off their manifesto, right?
03:03 So, we'll see whether all of their manifesto is relevant.
03:07 So, we have to compare.
03:08 I'm not a party member, and I'm not a leader.
03:11 I want to see my children's future.
03:14 Priority is my children.
03:15 But not a PM's speech?
03:21 No. I don't want to.
03:23 Why?
03:24 I can't accept PM's speech.
03:26 Because we don't know yet.
03:28 If he wins, we don't know where he'll go,
03:30 where he'll be.
03:31 How do you choose?
03:33 I still choose this.
03:34 I will only come to one side's speech,
03:38 because I support this one.
03:41 From the beginning until now,
03:43 I've never gone to a speech from another party.
03:46 I don't need to listen to others,
03:48 because I know that others are not leading the right path.
03:52 So, we want to listen, we want to see,
03:54 not what they say, not what we want.
03:56 For me, I prefer to see both.
03:59 See what they offer,
04:01 and then we can see which one is better.
04:04 What about other parties' speeches?
04:06 Of course, we have to be fair.
04:08 As the people here, we have to be fair.
04:10 I've been to both sides.
04:13 In the end, we will judge on 12 August.
04:16 I will listen to this side, I will listen to that side.
04:19 So, from both sides, I will make a comparison.
04:24 I'm not the type of...
04:26 what we call as the "Taksok Party", no.
04:29 I make a comparison.
04:31 Which one will give a better future for my children?
04:34 I'm not a "Taksok". I've been to all parties.
04:37 I've been to all parties.
04:40 Including the National Assembly, I've been there.
04:43 So, for me, which one prepares for a better future,
04:48 and doesn't play any ruse, doesn't have any religious beliefs,
04:51 I will choose that side.
04:52 Yes, the other side too.
04:53 So, I will see which one...
04:56 because the people are good at judging, right?
04:58 But mostly, I will tell you honestly,
05:00 mostly, every place like this,
05:05 condemn each other.
05:07 Meaning, you condemn you, you condemn you.
05:09 For me, I don't like that.
05:13 You should add on when you have a party.
05:17 You don't need to condemn each other.
05:18 What's important is that there's no benefit for the people.
05:20 One day, the people will have to work on their own.
05:24 Going there, I always see people in trouble.
05:27 Because every week, I will give them food.
05:32 So, I see that every week, the people are getting more and more in trouble.
05:34 It doesn't matter if it's Chinese, Indian, Malaysian, all of them are in trouble.
05:38 So, when I observe this party,
05:41 I think it's the same thing.
05:43 It's the same thing.
05:44 So, the people are good at judging.
05:48 (Music)
