• 2 years ago


00:31David, the girls will be home soon.
00:33Stop fussing with the soup.
00:34Jake, please.
00:35Now it's only soup.
00:37I'll fix it a little.
00:38Then it'll be soup.
00:40Don't make such a masterpiece.
00:42When my Molly and your Dora and our Rosie get home,
00:44they'll be tired and hungry.
00:46They won't notice the artistic touches.
00:48It's not every day a mother goes shopping for furniture
00:51with her future daughter-in-law.
00:53Dora isn't buying, Pa.
00:54She's only looking.
00:55When it comes to women, Sammy,
00:56looking is the secret.
00:58When it comes to women, Sammy,
00:59looking is the same as buying.
01:01What they don't get today,
01:02they'll remember to buy tomorrow.
01:04Let them buy.
01:05Let them enjoy themselves.
01:07This is the day your mama lived for.
01:09You and Molly are lucky parents
01:11to have Sammy and Dora settle themselves
01:13with a good job right here in Haverville.
01:19A little salt.
01:22Ah, David, there couldn't be a happier man than me.
01:25These are the pleasures a man lives for and hopes for,
01:28to be surrounded by our children
01:29at the twilight of our years.
01:31That's pretty strong talk for a young man.
01:34It's not twilight yet.
01:38Oh, come.
01:39Here they are, the ladies.
01:43How are you, ladies?
01:45Hi, Ma.
01:46Hello, sweetheart.
01:47Hello, darling.
01:49James, darling, Sammy,
01:51what we saw today, unbelievable.
01:54We saw the whole living room.
01:55No, Dora, darling?
01:56We saw green carpet,
01:58raw lulaby, wall to wall.
02:00Dora saw white, but green is more sensible, darling.
02:03And then we saw chintz.
02:06Chintz, glazed.
02:07Glazed chintz, Jake, darling.
02:10I'm telling you, roses and cabbages.
02:13Oh, yeah, I loved it.
02:14And, Sammy, darling,
02:15then we looked at chairs, modern.
02:18All modern, because Dora liked the modern.
02:21The legs were very straight,
02:23and the back was straight.
02:24It didn't look very comfy.
02:25But, listen, after all,
02:26am I going to live in your house?
02:28Listen, Jake, darling,
02:29let them buy what they want to buy.
02:31But, Dora, darling,
02:32Dora, darling,
02:33think very well,
02:34think very well of that table.
02:36I don't think you're going to be satisfied.
02:38I think the table that I saw, Dora, darling...
02:40Well, I was thinking that...
02:41But, sweetheart,
02:42you have to be a little,
02:43a little practical, darling.
02:45So forget that table
02:46and forget also the drapes.
02:48Dora wanted stripes,
02:49Dora wanted stripes.
02:50But, you know,
02:51you get very tired of stripes, darling.
02:53We'll look at them tomorrow.
02:55And, Dora, darling,
02:56don't forget to show Sammy the lamps.
02:58We saw lamps
02:59because Sammy likes light in all the rooms.
03:01We saw a lamp, family,
03:03with branches.
03:04They call it a branch lamp.
03:06Ma, it's a tree lamp.
03:09Tree lamp.
03:10No, it will not be a tree lamp,
03:11but it was beautiful.
03:12Jake, darling,
03:13is that going to be beautiful?
03:15Is their place going to be
03:16like a magazine, only prettier?
03:17Because I saw already in my mind
03:19how I'm going to fix it.
03:20Molly, supper's ready.
03:22If you ladies care to get fresh and wash up.
03:24The three butlers will serve.
03:26Oh, thank you.
03:27I'm ready.
03:28Thanks for making supper,
03:29David, darling.
03:40You see, darling,
03:41you see this color brown of the gravy?
03:44That's the brown the drapes should be.
03:46Because that brown with the beige on the couch
03:50and the green broad loom don't add.
03:52Dora liked the white rug, Ma.
03:54But white gets dirty so fast.
03:57We'll have it cleaned, Ma.
03:58Listen, cleaning costs money, family.
04:00And with a pitter patter of little feet
04:02coming and going,
04:03how long will white stay white?
04:05Well, of course, it's up to you and Dora.
04:07I wouldn't mix it.
04:08Uh, second helping anybody?
04:11We spend on cleaning the rug, Ma.
04:13We'll always save with the washing machine.
04:15Oh, but a washing machine's a big investment, family dear.
04:19Not if we buy it on the installment plan.
04:22Installment plan?
04:24Listen, I know Papa and me never bought anything
04:27unless we had the money to pay for it.
04:29Family, don't start living above your means.
04:32Listen, Ma,
04:33most everybody in this country lives above their means.
04:36And everybody enjoys it.
04:37The washing machine would save Dora a lot of work
04:39and it's worth it.
04:40Listen, if it's so easy to buy a washing machine that way,
04:44then it'll be easy to buy everything else that way.
04:47And you'll be paying and you'll be paying.
04:49Molly, Sammy and Dora know what they want.
04:51They know what they can afford.
04:53Times have changed, Ma.
04:55Sammy and Dora are only doing
04:56what every other young couple is doing.
04:59I'm just saying, darling,
05:00that they shouldn't burden themselves
05:01with unnecessary burdens.
05:03We'll think about it, Ma.
05:04All right.
05:05I'm just talking out of experience, that's all.
05:08Sit, darling.
05:09I'll bring the next.
05:10Sit there.
05:12And I...
05:18Why don't you let the children decide for themselves?
05:20Why do you have to interfere?
05:22I interfere?
05:23Maybe they don't want a green rug wall to wall.
05:25Maybe they want something else.
05:27Shanks, what did I do?
05:28I gave a little advice.
05:30All right.
05:31After all, experience should have a voice.
05:34Ma, please, why don't you stop giving advice?
05:38I gave advice.
05:39Darling, I was there.
05:40I heard you.
05:41If they want advice, they'll ask.
05:43I don't think Dora liked that lamp at all.
05:45She didn't like it.
05:46How could you not like it?
05:47That's exactly what I mean.
05:49All right, Rosalie, please go inside and clear, please.
05:51I'm a member of this family, too, Ma.
05:53I have a right to speak.
05:54Rosalie, your mother spoke.
05:58Wrong she's not.
05:59All right, so what did I do, Sammy?
06:01I gave a little advice.
06:03All right.
06:04So I wouldn't give advice.
06:05We went shopping.
06:06We looked.
06:07We saw.
06:08I tried to help.
06:09Molly, take my advice.
06:10Don't say and don't volunteer.
06:12Whatever mistakes they'll make, let them make.
06:15Can't be a tragedy.
06:16All right.
06:17So I'll be silent.
06:25Where's Sammy and Dora?
06:28Don't go up, Ma.
06:29She's crying.
06:32Learn a lesson, Molly dear.
06:34You can't put your head on their shoulders.
06:37What did I say, dear?
06:38Molly, when my mother gave us advice, did you like it?
06:42I know exactly how Dora feels.
06:44And I say.
06:45In your opinions, I'm well acquainted with her.
06:47Children grow into people.
06:49And if they're people, they have opinions,
06:51which they're entitled to.
06:55Have opinions.
06:58What did I say?
06:59What did I say that was so terrible?
07:06Dora, I'm sorry if I said something.
07:09I mean, whatever I said to you, I would have said to Rosalie too.
07:13So excuse me.
07:16That's all right, Ma.
07:17I know how you feel.
07:18Sit down, darling.
07:19We'll have dessert.
07:21Clean off the table.
07:24I'm not going to take that job here in Haverville.
07:28Why not, Sammy?
07:30Just because I said that?
07:33We just think that Haverville's a little too close to home.
07:47Don't mention it.
07:49Molly, you can't undo what's done.
07:52That's all you have to say?
07:54You don't mind that Sammy won't be living in Haverville?
07:57What do you think?
07:59It would have been my pleasure and joy.
08:02But I can understand the way they feel.
08:05I drove my children away.
08:08Molly, you didn't drive.
08:11I did.
08:12All right, Molly, you did.
08:14I did.
08:15Whatever you want it to be, let it be.
08:18The fact remains that Sammy and Dora are starting their life elsewhere.
08:22Whatever the reason.
08:24So resign yourself.
08:27Good night.
08:29Good night.
08:35Are you sleeping?
08:38I can't say that I'm not pleased with the way things are turning out.
08:42Haverville is no place for a girl like Dora.
08:45Nothing wrong with Haverville.
08:47Nice little town.
08:49Well, it's not good for a young bride to have her mother-in-law living too close for comfort.
08:54Dora's just a little touchy.
08:56So were you, Carrie, remember?
08:58I'd rather not remember, if you don't mind.
09:01My mother was crazy about you, Carrie, and you know it.
09:04She had an odd way of showing it.
09:06I was an only child.
09:08Well, so is Dora.
09:10But you can be sure that I won't be a mother-in-law.
09:13Mother, may I come in?
09:15Yes, of course.
09:19Sammy has some wonderful news. Come inside.
09:21What is it?
09:22I want Sammy to tell you.
09:23Come on, Dad.
09:28They're coming.
09:29You could have told them in the morning, Dora.
09:31Oh, it's not very late.
09:32Do you think it's too late to call your folks in, Kevin?
09:35Will you talk with my mother?
09:36Of course I will.
09:37Sammy, I don't want you to think that I'm angry at your mother.
09:41You're the two people I love most in the world, Dora.
09:43It'd be a pretty unhappy situation if you two didn't hit it off.
09:46We will.
09:47Well, this must be pretty world-shaking news to get us up out of bed.
09:51Tell them, Sammy.
09:52Well, it's just that I've been offered a pretty nice job with a New York engineering firm.
09:55New York?
09:57Oh, I think you'll be living in New York.
09:59Oh, I'm so happy.
10:01I'm very impressed of you, Sammy.
10:03Oh, darling.
10:04Sammy, does your mother know?
10:06No, not yet.
10:07Well, then call her up and tell her.
10:10Oh, Dora.
10:11Dora, I can't believe it.
10:14Abbeville 4861, please.
10:16Darling, you know, there's a brand-new apartment building that's just opened up.
10:20And it's only two blocks from here.
10:23Darling, is this hour of the PM?
10:32Yes, Hamlet.
10:33What happened?
10:37Oh, I have news for me.
10:42All right.
10:43Why not?
10:44Well, Dora can tell me.
10:49Hello, Dora?
10:50Hello, Dora?
11:00Dora, let me talk to Molly.
11:02Hello, dear.
11:03Isn't it wonderful?
11:06Oh, wonderful.
11:08Here, Sammy.
11:10Bye, Ma.
11:12Well, Sammy, your mother seemed as pleased as punch.
11:16And now, Dora, the first thing you have to do is go over and look at those rooms.
11:20They're simply out of this world.
11:22Of course, the rentals are high.
11:24How high?
11:25I didn't ask, but they're not cheap.
11:27You see, they have a doorman.
11:29Now, I don't want my Dora moving into an old and ugly building.
11:33A bride should have everything shiny and new.
11:37Start right.
11:38That's what my mother always used to say.
11:40Uh, Carrie, I think...
11:42Jerome, this is not your department.
11:44Oh, darling.
11:45What fun we're going to have furnishing that apartment.
11:48Look, Mother.
11:49Dora, please.
11:50Not modern.
11:51It's ugly.
11:53Now, there's nothing like Regency or early American for comfort.
11:57It's kind of late, Carrie.
11:58Tomorrow's another day.
11:59Come on.
12:01Dora, you won't have a thing to think about.
12:04And I expect you for dinner here at least four nights a week.
12:07You can afford higher rentals.
12:09Your food bills will cost you practically nothing.
12:12Good night.
12:13Good night.
12:14Good night, darling.
12:15Good night.
12:16Good night.
12:17Come along.
12:18Oh, I'm so happy I'm walking in sunshine.
12:23Are you coming?
12:36Sammy, if you say that you don't want to take that job in New York,
12:40Dora, I say so.
12:42If we have to go to the ends of the earth for a job,
12:45that's what we'll have to do.
12:47Lady, I love you for those words.
12:54All I want to know is why.
12:56Why did Sammy suddenly decide not to take the job in New York?
13:01Because he wanted to investigate a few other possibilities.
13:04But he said the job in New York was so wonderful
13:07and meant why.
13:08I didn't ask.
13:09Whatever Sammy wants to do is all right with me.
13:12A man should make up his own mind about these things.
13:14That's the attitude, Dora.
13:16I don't know where you got it from, but it didn't come from your mother.
13:19Oh, why don't you go and shave?
13:21Molly will be here any minute.
13:23And stop being funny.
13:25Do you know what it would have meant to me to have Dora living
13:28where I could see her every day?
13:30A bride needs her mother.
13:32And I had everything all planned.
13:35And I had everything all planned in my mind.
13:38Maybe that's why Sammy changed his mind.
13:41Jerome, are you her father or not?
13:46I'm going to shave.
13:48Mother, I don't want to hurt your feelings,
13:51but I told Sammy not to take that job in New York.
13:53You told him?
13:56For the same reason we didn't want to live in Haverville.
13:59We don't want people planning our lives.
14:02I don't want to come here four nights a week.
14:05I don't want that expensive apartment with a doorman.
14:08We want to do things our own way, right or wrong.
14:11All my sacrifice for one.
14:14Oh, Mother, if that's Mrs. Gober, please stop crying.
14:18I don't have to hide my tears from Molly.
14:21Hello, darling.
14:23How are you, sweetheart?
14:24I'm all right.
14:25That's good.
14:30Who's she?
14:31Oh, Molly.
14:32Why do we have children?
14:35Oh, Ma.
14:36What's happened to her?
14:37She's upset because we won't live in New York.
14:41All right.
14:42Let's leave this.
14:48Carrie, what happened?
14:51Sammy isn't taking the job in New York.
14:55I know.
14:56He called me this morning to tell me
14:58for the same reason he didn't take the job in Hadley.
15:01Would I interfere in their lives?
15:03Carrie, darling, what we consider as life,
15:06they consider interference.
15:08I had to learn the hard way, too.
15:10But we've lived longer.
15:11We've had more experience.
15:13Carrie, darling, dry your eyes.
15:16If we don't want to lose our children,
15:19we have to be very smart, you and I.
15:21I'm older and wiser than you in this matter
15:24by one little week.
15:26I found them such a beautiful apartment.
15:29Let them find their own apartment.
15:31Let them go where they want to go.
15:33We have to be actresses, Carrie.
15:35It's not easy.
15:37Don't I know that?
15:39I guess I'll just have to cut the silver cord.
15:44Cut it?
15:47We'll have to melt the silver cord with our tears.
15:53Ring the bell, Carrie.
15:55Oh, that must be Sammy.
15:57Hi, Dora.
15:58How are you?
15:59Hello, Sammy.
16:00Hi, Uncle David.
16:01How are you?
16:02Hello, Sammy.
16:03Hello, Mr. Barnett.
16:04Thank you for the flowers, Sammy.
16:06Very thoughtful.
16:07I hope it won't wear off.
16:09Oh, now, don't spoil all my illusions.
16:11Hello, Sammy.
16:12Hi, Ma.
16:13Hello, Mrs. Barnett.
16:14Hello, Sammy.
16:15Sit down, everybody.
16:16Make yourselves comfortable.
16:18Sammy, Dora tells me you had a few appointments today.
16:21Oh, you get a kick out of this, Dora.
16:23I got a job today at the College Placement Bureau.
16:25Wonderful, Sammy.
16:28What's the difference?
16:30In the Belgian Congo.
16:31Isn't that great?
16:32Belgian Congo?
16:35Where is that on the map?
16:37In Africa.
16:38They're opening up a new mining development.
16:43Well, what's the matter?
16:46That's pretty wild, isn't it?
16:48Three-year contract with a lot of money,
16:49and they pay all the expenses.
16:51But there's one thing, Dora.
16:52You'd have to live in the city, in Leopoldville.
16:54But I could get back to town two or three times a month,
16:56and we'd...
16:57Are you serious?
16:58That wouldn't be any good.
17:00Dora, will you let me finish, please?
17:01But I never get to see you.
17:03Sammy, I'm not going to the Belgian Congo.
17:06Why not?
17:07I thought you wanted to be independent.
17:08But Sammy, that...
17:09Suppose it was good for me.
17:10Suppose it'll do big things for my career.
17:12Sammy, I'm not going to start my married life
17:15in the Belgian Congo.
17:16You're not going to go and that's that, huh?
17:19It only proves one thing.
17:20If you loved me, you'd go.
17:21You'd go anywhere if you really loved me.
17:23Come on, Ma.
17:24Uncle David, get your coat.
17:25But Sammy!
17:26We're going.
17:27Now, now.
17:28Now, now.
17:29Now, wait a minute.
17:30Wait a minute.
17:38Family, a father's temper you don't have to have.
17:42Your father's heart you can have, not the temper.
17:46Family, acting in haste is never a stitch in time.
17:52She wouldn't even let me finish, Ma.
17:54She said no before she heard the whole story.
17:56Family, you'll be sorry for the rest of your life.
17:59I'm glad I found out.
18:01Family, I can't blame Dora.
18:03A newly-bride, married, to leave all the funny things
18:07of her life, that's not easy.
18:09But, Ma, she'd only let me finish.
18:11I wouldn't have gone to the Belgian Congo anyway.
18:13I turned it down.
18:14You couldn't go?
18:15You wouldn't go?
18:16Just a minute.
18:17Then go back and tell Dora.
18:19It's too late, Ma.
18:22She doesn't love me enough to even consider
18:23going to the Belgian Congo.
18:24She doesn't love me.
18:25Sammy, take an advice from an old man.
18:27Explain it to Dora.
18:29Make up.
18:30Don't be a foolish boy.
18:32Please, Uncle David.
18:35Look, Ma, this is my decision, and I've made it.
18:39That's about time.
18:41We were beginning to worry.
18:43What is there to worry, Rosalie?
18:44You know how long it takes to come from New York.
18:46The phone has been ringing for an hour.
18:48Who was it?
18:49New York, person to person, for Sammy.
18:52Oh, for Sammy?
18:54What happened?
18:55I drank it for something.
18:57What, Ma?
18:58Dora wouldn't go to the Congo.
19:00Who's going to the Congo?
19:02Nobody, but she wouldn't go.
19:04The talk sense, Molly.
19:06Dora and Sammy quarreled.
19:07She wouldn't go to Africa.
19:10The engagement is broken.
19:12No wedding.
19:15Telephone ringing.
19:19It's a telephone, Sammy.
19:24Yes, it is.
19:26All right, operator.
19:28It's long distance.
19:31It's what the operator said.
19:35Oh, Sammy, I'm sorry.
19:38Oh, you're right.
19:39I had to tell you.
19:41Oh, I'll go anywhere, you say, to the ends of the earth.
19:43And this time, I mean it.
19:45Oh, I don't care where it is, so long as we're together.
19:49Darling, I was going to call you.
19:52I know.
19:54Well, it's just that you wouldn't let me tell you the whole story.
19:57No, I was stubborn, just as stubborn as you.
20:00Oh, Mother, please stop crying.
20:02We're not going to Africa.
20:04You're not?
20:05Well, then speak to Sammy about taking the job in New York.
20:10Sammy, tell Dora maybe the job in Haverville.
20:16Well, it's our first fight, dear.
20:19I'll know better next time.
20:22Well, it's our first fight, dear.
20:24I'll know better next time.
20:30You think Sammy will maybe take the job in Haverville?
20:33Ma, can I say a word?
20:35Don't say.
20:36You said already enough.
20:37Please, set the table.
20:38Dora and her mother will be here momentarily.
20:40The child wants to give a little advice.
20:42Advice can come from young or old.
20:45Sammy and Dora have a big enough adjustment to make
20:47without having to worry about parents, too.
20:50So what am I saying?
20:51I'm saying I hope maybe he'll change his mind
20:53and take the job in Haverville.
20:54The job in New York is also still open.
20:57All right, so I'm sure Dora's mother is hoping
20:59it'll take the job in New York.
21:01Should a boy, should a boy give up two jobs
21:03just because he thinks...
21:05Ma, why don't you let Sammy and Dora decide that?
21:07You wise about most things.
21:08Why can't you understand this?
21:10Should a boy be without a job just because...
21:12You're not worried about that.
21:14You want to keep him right here in Haverville.
21:16Well, Ma, if he takes the job in New York,
21:18don't take it as a personal insult.
21:20All right, Professor, please.
21:27Hello, Carrie.
21:28Oh, hello, Jake.
21:29How are you?
21:30How are you?
21:31How are you?
21:32Where's Sammy and Dora?
21:34Oh, they're driving up in Jerome's car.
21:36Oh, hello.
21:37How are you?
21:38How are you?
21:39Sit down, darling.
21:40Sit down.
21:41Was it a nice day?
21:43Oh, nice.
21:44Beautiful day, isn't it?
21:45Pretty good trip.
21:46Well, you made the slow train at this time of day.
21:48Tell me, how is it the children didn't come with you?
21:50Oh, the kids had a decision to make.
21:52They needed a little time together to talk it over.
21:56Well, Carrie, what are we going to do?
21:58I'll just say one word to you ladies,
22:00and then I'll forever hold my peace.
22:02Don't interfere.
22:04On the walls in golden letters it should be written.
22:07I still say there are two sides of the coin,
22:10and a little advice, well meant,
22:12should not be dismissed lightly.
22:14A little advice almost led to Africa.
22:16Who knows where another way to lead?
22:19Molly, you're an intelligent woman.
22:21Do you think that a boy should live close to his mother?
22:24A mother loves also a mother.
22:26So why should a girl live close to her mother?
22:28It's not the same thing.
22:30We've been through all that, Carrie.
22:32It's up to the kids.
22:34Let's put an end to this.
22:36There they are.
22:38Molly, do I have to repeat myself?
22:41Carrie, remember.
22:43You don't have to talk to me as if I were a child.
22:47Hi, Dora.
22:48Hi, Dora dear.
22:50How are you?
22:51Dora, I'm glad to see you.
22:52Hello, Dora darling.
22:53Was it a nice trip?
22:54Hello, darling.
22:55How was the traffic?
22:56Have you known?
22:57No, not yet.
22:58Sit down, darling.
22:59Sit down, dear.
23:02Oh, well.
23:03It's a long drive, isn't it?
23:05It didn't seem very long.
23:06Well, of course, when you have a lot to talk about.
23:09We didn't do much talking, Ma.
23:12By what route did you come, family?
23:1417 or 19?
23:1519, Ma.
23:16Oh, then you saw the ranch houses.
23:18Beautiful ranch houses.
23:20They're about, I would say about five miles from here.
23:24Not within walking distance.
23:26I would hate to have to live in the country without two cars.
23:30No, but you get two cars.
23:32Two little ones instead of one big one.
23:35And you live above your means.
23:37You enjoy it.
23:38That's the American way, family.
23:40Molly, you were busy all day making hors d'oeuvres.
23:43What are they?
23:45Rosalie, bring in the hors d'oeuvres.
23:47Wait a minute, Rosie.
23:48Before anything else, we might as well say what we have to say.
23:51By all means.
23:52It'll clear the atmosphere.
23:53If you've made a decision, let's hear what it is.
23:56Well, the job in Haverville looks pretty good,
23:58and so does the one in New York.
23:59But I have still another offer.
24:01Another offer?
24:02Not in India, I hope.
24:03No, Pa.
24:04In Oklahoma.
24:05In Oklahoma.
24:06In Oklahoma.
24:07Well, honey.
24:09Sammy, we want you to be happy.
24:12I'm sorry I acted the way I did.
24:14I don't mind Haverville.
24:15If Dora will be happy living in New York, we'll work it out.
24:18Sammy Lisa, which job is it?
24:20New York or Haverville?
24:22Oklahoma by plane is exactly only four hours.
24:28Beautiful climate.
24:30How often can we fly there?
24:33When parents live far away, they become angels.
24:37And angels have wings, so you can fly anytime.
24:41Ha, ha, ha.
24:42Ha, ha, ha.
24:43Ha, ha, ha.
24:44Ha, ha, ha.
24:45Ha, ha, ha.
24:46Ha, ha, ha.
24:47Ha, ha, ha.
24:48Ha, ha, ha.
24:49Ha, ha, ha.
24:50Ha, ha, ha.
24:51Ha, ha, ha.
24:52Ha, ha, ha.
24:53Ha, ha, ha.
24:54Ha, ha, ha.
24:55Ha, ha, ha.
24:56Ha, ha, ha.
24:57Ha, ha, ha.
24:58Ha, ha, ha.
24:59Ha, ha, ha.
25:00Ha, ha, ha.
25:01Ha, ha, ha.
25:02Ha, ha, ha.
25:03Ha, ha, ha.
25:04Ha, ha, ha.
25:05Ha, ha, ha.
25:06Ha, ha, ha.
25:07Ha, ha, ha.
25:08Ha, ha, ha.
25:09Ha, ha, ha.
25:10Ha, ha, ha.
25:11Ha, ha, ha.
25:12Ha, ha, ha.
25:13Ha, ha, ha.
25:14Ha, ha, ha.
25:15Ha, ha, ha.
25:16Ha, ha, ha.
25:17Ha, ha, ha.
25:18Ha, ha, ha.
25:19Ha, ha, ha.
25:20Ha, ha, ha.
25:21Ha, ha, ha.
25:22Ha, ha, ha.
25:23Ha, ha, ha.
25:24Ha, ha, ha.
25:25Ha, ha, ha.
25:26Ha, ha, ha.
25:27Ha, ha, ha.
25:28Ha, ha, ha.
25:29Ha, ha, ha.
25:30Ha, ha, ha.
25:31Ha, ha, ha.
25:32Ha, ha, ha.
25:33Ha, ha, ha.
25:34Ha, ha, ha.
25:35Ha, ha, ha.