Las Vegas Raiders DL Coach Rob Leonard

  • last year
We sat down with the Las Vegas Raiders DL Coach Rob Leonard for this long-form must-see interview from training camp.
00:00 Rob, I want to, first of all, Hondo Carpenter.
00:02 How you doing?
00:03 What's your name?
00:03 Hondo Carpenter.
00:04 Hondo.
00:05 Rob.
00:05 I want to talk to you about an Adam Butler, just guys
00:12 that are competing.
00:13 You've got a lot of talent there, a lot of guys.
00:16 You're going to be cutting some guys who are good players.
00:20 Can you ask for more as a coach?
00:21 I'm trying not to think about it right now.
00:22 No, but can you ask for any more as a coach?
00:25 Hey, is these Zigglers giving me enough guys
00:28 that I'm going to have to be cutting some good-- a lot
00:30 better than, gee, I guess I have to keep this guy, right?
00:33 Yeah, no question.
00:34 I mean, competition.
00:35 You get the best version of everybody in competition,
00:37 right?
00:38 They know everybody's fighting for their job.
00:41 But I mean, it's a great-- especially
00:43 at the D-tackle spot, it's very competitive.
00:46 It's been a lot of fun.
00:48 The best ability is availability.
00:50 If a guy just can't be available,
00:53 no matter how much you like him, can't do anything about it,
00:56 is that something you've got to stress to a lot of young
00:59 players when they get to the NFL?
01:01 You've got to know the difference between being hurt
01:02 and being injured.
01:04 Without availability, your ability doesn't matter.
01:06 Yeah, Josh does a great job of that.
01:08 I think that line you just said is posted in the training room.
01:11 So you can't compete if you're not on the field.
01:15 It's always a process for these rookies
01:17 to learn how to become a pro.
01:19 It's not a 12-game college season.
01:22 I say this is a marathon, not a sprint.
01:24 So what you're doing pre and post-practice,
01:27 what you're doing in the off-season,
01:29 all that stuff comes into play, especially playing D-line.
01:32 How does Max make everybody else on the D-line better?
01:35 His consistency, I would say, would be the first word.
01:40 Obviously, it's him as a person, but he's the same guy
01:43 day in and day out, not just emotionally, but his routine.
01:47 I mean, he walks the walk.
01:49 He shows everybody how to do it.
01:50 And it's awesome.
01:52 It's awesome.
01:53 Even in practice, he's nonstop.
01:54 He always has to come with a slow down a little bit
01:57 and not always be so amped up.
01:59 Especially not in pads.
02:00 There's definitely an element of that.
02:04 Yeah, I mean, he's full throttle all the time.
02:06 He wants to be the best.
02:07 And it's awesome.
02:08 Can you see young players feed off that?
02:10 How's he doing?
02:12 No question.
02:13 If I'm being honest, I think it can be overwhelming sometimes
02:15 for a young player of like, wow, because he's
02:18 at such a high level from a routine.
02:20 I'm talking mainly on the field, off the field.
02:23 That's just another step in the process for him
02:26 once he takes the field.
02:27 But he's the same guy all the time.
02:29 So younger guys find their own way, their own routine,
02:33 that fits them and who they are with regard to watching him,
02:39 if that makes sense.
02:41 Max keeps talking about improving and finding
02:43 ways to get better.
02:44 Where do you think he can still go?
02:47 His level of detail, the conversations
02:49 you can have with him, you can see where he can improve.
02:52 Like I said, not all players--
02:54 that may be overwhelming to a rookie player,
02:57 like the high level conversation of technique, fundamentals,
02:59 eye discipline.
03:00 You can counter here.
03:03 Young players may not see.
03:04 And he's able to handle that because he knows himself
03:07 so well.
03:07 He knows his technique, his fundamentals, what he's good at.
03:11 So there is always area for improvement.
03:13 Tom Izzo, the Michigan State Hall of Fame basketball coach,
03:17 has said to me as a friend and has said numerous times,
03:19 when your best players are your hardest workers,
03:23 then you have a championship potential team.
03:26 Because they set the standard, not the coach.
03:28 Do you agree with that?
03:29 And so how does--
03:30 I mean, even Devontae, when he first got here,
03:32 talked about Max winning sprints.
03:35 Can we talk about how he impacts the team that way
03:37 by being that hard worker?
03:39 Yeah, I think--
03:40 I wasn't here in the past years or whatever it may be.
03:43 But for a guy that walks the walk, once you hit that,
03:47 it's now in my mind what we talk about.
03:49 How many guys can we bring with you?
03:51 What you're alluding to is like ownership.
03:53 The players take an ownership of it.
03:54 I encourage that all the time.
03:56 I said the moment it's not coming from me,
03:58 it comes from you guys.
03:59 We're hitting the level where we want to be.
04:00 They play, I don't.
04:01 So their ability to fix things on the field,
04:04 get the energy back right on the field,
04:07 reset if we had a negative play, the moment
04:10 that that comes from them, which we're seeing elements of that,
04:15 that's what championship teams do.
04:18 Players run it.
04:19 You got Byron Young back there.
04:20 What does he bring to the mix?
04:23 Technique, fundamentals.
04:26 He's smart.
04:28 He's disciplined with his run technique.
04:30 We're talking eye control, hand placement.
04:35 He's been coached at a high level coming from Alabama.
04:37 I mean, it was the first day out there the other day.
04:40 We just got to keep building.
04:43 >> Looking back, when you reviewed last season,
04:45 it seemed like Jerry Taylor had a big impact on Chandler.
04:48 I mean, it seemed like he played a lot better when he played next to him.
04:50 Did you see that at all?
04:51 Or can you understand, maybe looking back, of how that could happen,
04:55 how a guy could play off a guy better?
04:58 >> Are you asking, is Jerry better when he's lined up next to Chandler?
05:01 >> I think Chandler's better when Jerry's lined up next to him.
05:03 It seemed like it, watching him play back on the film.
05:04 I mean, is that possible for a guy to just play better,
05:06 play off a guy that's next to him, maybe play better?
05:09 >> Absolutely, absolutely, especially, I'd say, in rush situations,
05:13 knowing what the guy inside likes to do, what the guy outside likes to do.
05:17 Cuz that affects your rushing lane.
05:19 That's a good point.
05:21 We're always looking for the best four out there that work together.
05:25 And the continuity with the rush, not just four guys lining up,
05:28 thinking about my individual rush, but how it all ties together.
05:32 But yeah, I mean, that's something you're always looking for.
05:37 >> What does Jerry bring?
05:40 >> Jerry's long, powerful.
05:42 I mean, if he walked in this room, I mean,
05:44 he'd stick out like a basketball player, right?
05:46 So trying to get him to use his God-given skill set more.
05:50 That would be it, really.
05:55 Use his length, use his power, use his God-given ability more,
05:59 both in the run and the pass game.
06:01 >> He's a really different kind of guy.
06:04 I mean, I'm sure you know that.
06:05 >> Jerry? >> Yeah, I mean-
06:07 >> He's hilarious.
06:07 >> Is there like an art to kind of getting to know somebody and
06:11 kind of learning how to coach them in particular?
06:14 >> Always, I think it's, each person in the room is different.
06:18 It's my job, it's not only my job, but I'd say each player in the room's job
06:23 to create that brotherhood to get to know each other like that.
06:27 Jerry has a great personality.
06:29 He's arguably one of the funnier guys in the room.
06:34 So yeah, I mean, you have to coach everybody differently.
06:39 Consistently, fundamentally, but everybody differently to get the message on.
06:43 Absolutely.
06:45 >> Matthew Butler is a guy that needed to take a step in his sophomore year.
06:49 Are you seeing that?
06:50 Are you happy with what you've seen so far in camp from him?
06:54 >> Yeah, Matt's a powerful, strong guy, and he works his butt off.
06:58 So anything you ask Matt to do, he'll go out there and
07:02 do a pre-practice, post-practice.
07:04 Another guy that's modeled Max's routine.
07:07 He's doing all the right things, controlling what he can.
07:10 What do we have, four or five days of pads?
07:14 He's done pretty well.
07:15 I think this would be a big week for him as well as everybody else going against
07:19 another team, so Matt's doing good.
07:21 >> Are there things that jumped out of cameras posted last year,
07:23 being year two?
07:24 Things you can tell that have definitely gotten better or
07:26 are just things you want to do?
07:27 >> Yeah, I think so.
07:29 I think so.
07:29 I think the word just consistency, consistency is flashing.
07:33 And that's like a lot of players in this league.
07:36 You look at it like batting percentage, how many plays you're in there,
07:39 how many times you're actually executing your job.
07:42 And he's doing a good job.
07:43 I think he's been flashed a few plays.
07:47 He just needs to be continuing to be more consistent.
07:50 >> You also added that Josh Henke is kind of a different guy than other guys.
07:54 What's he gonna be the next talent?
07:57 >> He's a very consistent player.
08:01 He's played a long time, knows his roles,
08:06 understands what he can and can't do.
08:10 And for what we ask him to do, he understands it at a high level,
08:15 technique and fundamentally, what blocks he's getting,
08:18 change ups off of that, and he's done a really good job.
08:22 >> Jenkins is also the kind of guy that takes those young players under his wing.
08:26 >> Yeah. >> And mentors them.
08:28 He understands, okay, at this stage in my career,
08:30 I'm not just gonna be here to play, I gotta be here to lead.
08:33 >> No question. >> Can you talk about what he has lent
08:35 in his short time here, leading that?
08:37 Cuz you got four rookies or sophomores.
08:39 >> Mm-hm, cool, outside of the free agents?
08:44 >> Right, outside of the free agents.
08:45 >> Yeah, we got, there is- >> I mean, the four draftees and then-
08:47 >> Yeah, the veterans overall have
08:50 done a great job.
08:51 Specifically, your question with John, I've been with John,
08:54 I was with John at the Giants and with him at the Dolphins.
08:58 And as he's gone, his maturity, the longer his career has gone on, and
09:04 like you said, helping develop young guys,
09:06 understanding that's part of his job description, has been amazing.
09:10 It's been amazing, him out there pre-practice taking guys on the sled,
09:14 talking about why we're doing the drills we're doing and
09:16 how it affects them in a game.
09:17 To me, he's only gotten better.
09:21 He may or may not have physically, in my opinion,
09:25 he's still executing at a high level, but I mean, he's sharp and he's a pro.
09:29 He's a pro.
09:31 >> Outside of this building, there were some people shocked when you took Nesta.
09:35 But inside this building, there was a lot of excitement just because of you guys'
09:40 outside connections and some things you knew.
09:42 What do you see from him so far in camp?
09:45 >> He's competitive.
09:47 He wants to be physical.
09:50 He cares.
09:54 Like rookies, he needs to clean up some mistakes and everything like that, but
09:59 he's responding.
10:00 You know what I mean?
10:00 He's taking the coaching to the field, competing his butt off, and
10:04 it kind of goes like this.
10:08 Good day, down, responds.
10:09 A rookie keeps responding to adversity, which is what you want to see.
10:12 >> Chandler looks different.
10:15 The only city that changed the body a little bit.
10:17 Have you seen different kind of levels from a different kind of person, maybe?
10:21 >> Compared to- >> Maybe from where he was last year,
10:24 especially early in the game?
10:26 >> Yeah, I mean, I think Chandler looks good.
10:30 He's rushing the passer.
10:31 He's gaining ground off the ball.
10:33 I think he looks good.
10:35 I don't really want to speculate on last year, just not being here.
10:39 You know what I'm saying?
10:40 But of watching him over the years, he looks good.
10:45 He looks good.
10:46 It's fun to talk to Chandler and get inside his mind as a pass rusher
10:49 of things I've watched from a distance over the years, why he does what he does,
10:55 what he sees, how he's trying to set guys up.
10:58 I've really enjoyed that, and I think the other young players here enjoyed that as
11:04 well.
11:05 >> What can Tyree kind of do and learn without being able to be out there?
11:09 How much can he really get done?
11:12 >> A lot from a playbook standpoint, a routine standpoint.
11:17 I'll give you another comparison cuz I kind of knew this was coming up.
11:22 Just not a comparison as a player, but same situation.
11:25 When I had Jalen Phillips in Miami, he hurt his hamstring on the first round end,
11:30 and it's the same thing.
11:31 In training camp, he came back, and whenever it was,
11:35 it's the same message, take a day at a time, control what you can control.
11:40 And really, that's the message, it'll be fine.
11:44 >> It seems like every coach will say I got a real deep room.
11:49 You actually do have a real deep room this year.
11:51 I think the finals are coming, is there one more challenge before you?
11:53 Kind of make sure everyone gets their chance.
11:56 >> Yeah, that's what you want, in my opinion.
12:00 I love competition.
12:01 I believe in it.
12:02 I know Josh and Dave try to set it up that way.
12:05 You're gonna get the best version of everybody.
12:06 I couldn't ask for a better situation.
12:11 >> I would rather, I mean, it's kind of obvious, but
12:16 how beneficial is it for Tyreta, and Chandler, and Max around?
12:19 >> It's been awesome.
12:21 It's been fantastic.
12:22 Especially, you can have rookies come in, and sometimes they'll walk in,
12:28 and hey, I'm the best player in this room, and I'm a rookie.
12:32 This guy is gonna learn the process the right way.
12:36 He has two, not just those two, you mentioned John Jenkins.
12:40 A lot of guys that have a routine that are true pros to watch,
12:44 they're walking the walk.
12:45 And Tyree sees that every day, and it gives him a chance to,
12:49 well, the objective is to develop into your potential, right, every player.
12:53 And it's a good platform for that, so.
12:57 >> We don't know you cuz you're new, just so you don't know us.
13:00 But talking to the guys about you, what their impressions were of you.
13:05 They said that you were a terrific listener.
13:08 I'm curious, how does that make you a good coach?
13:11 Cuz that's what they- >> I hope my wife's watching this.
13:12 >> [LAUGH] >> I hope my wife heard that.
13:16 >> Your wife's probably pissed.
13:17 >> No doubt.
13:18 >> [LAUGH] >> It's a tremendous
13:25 compliment coming from them.
13:26 I rely a lot on how I wanted to be coached.
13:31 I see it as a partnership, not a dictatorship.
13:35 I don't have all the answers.
13:36 I work my butt off to be the best at my job, I always tell them.
13:42 But especially when it comes to, I wanna know what they're thinking,
13:47 each down, not just me telling them.
13:49 I'll be very specific, fundamentally, technique-wise.
13:52 But understanding the why, if something's not being executed correctly,
13:55 what are you seeing, what are you thinking here?
13:58 Especially with regard, probably, more to pass rush.
14:00 I think it's an art to it.
14:02 I think guys, I don't think you can necessarily put people in a box.
14:07 So I'd be dumb not to come into my room with two Chandler Jones,
14:13 Max Crosby, and not get insight into their mindset and the pass rush.
14:20 But I always tell them to tell me the truth,
14:24 cuz it's my job to tell you, so I see it interactively.
14:30 >> Malcolm Koontz, can you give us your observation?
14:32 This is a guy that has flashed a lot of physicality, but
14:36 you mentioned consistency earlier.
14:38 Is that kinda his story, where he's at this year?
14:40 >> Yeah, Malcolm is, I love Malcolm.
14:42 I love Malcolm, he is talented.
14:44 I absolutely love Malcolm.
14:49 I love the progress Malcolm's making.
14:51 Just wanna, again, consistency, you stole the word.
14:55 But he's a unique individual.
15:00 He's a different personality, quiet, but
15:02 has a lot more personality than people may give him credit for.
15:07 And he has a lot more power than I probably first thought when I got here.
15:12 He's doing good.
15:13 >> Thanks for talking to me.
15:15 >> Yeah. >> Appreciate it.
