ECOP confident PH GDP will continue to grow

  • last year
ECOP confident PH GDP will continue to grow
00:00 The Employers' Confederation of the Philippines, or ECOP, is confident the country's gross
00:05 domestic product, or GDP, will continue to grow.
00:10 ECOP President Sergio Ortiz Luis says this is mainly because the Philippine economy is
00:15 steadily recovering from the effects of the pandemic.
00:19 Also, the ECOP president believes it is not far-fetched for the country to actually achieve
00:25 its target of a 6.6 percent GDP growth in the remaining months of 2023, especially since
00:33 many businesses are opening up and the government is continuing to attract more investments.
00:39 "The construction, agriculture, administrative services, and food services are the main targets
00:53 of the government.
00:55 The government is helping the public administration and defense and their agriculture."
01:04 luck.
