About 90% of Sports Supplements Have Inaccurate Labels

  • 11 months ago

That’s the bad news just published by researchers at Boston’s Cambridge Health Alliance and Harvard Medical School, the University of Mississippi, and Michigan’s National Sanitation Foundation. Their studies analyzed 57 dietary supplements touted online to improve your sports performance.

Forty percent failed to contain detectable amounts of the labeled ingredient. Of the 60% that did, the actual quantity of the ingredient varied from 0.023% to 334% of the quantity on the label. Only 11% of these products contained a quantity within 10% of that listed on the label. Then too, a full 12% of these sports supplements contained FDA-PROHIBITED ingredients.

This study is a warning that food supplements claiming stimulate or build up your body may not be what they say and could well be dangerous to your health.


#sports #supplements #anabolic #stimulants #mislabelling
