Raiders Insider Podcast What To Expect vs 49ers

  • last year
On this episode of the Las Vegas Raiders Insider Podcast, we give you more analysis from joint practice and what to expect vs. the 49ers.
00:00 Hi everybody, this is Hondo Carpenter from Sports Illustrated's Fan Nation Las Vegas
00:06 Raiders Insider Podcast.
00:10 The Raiders have just completed two days of joint practices.
00:14 If you did not see my recap of those, I highly encourage you to go back and watch them.
00:21 Today's podcast is going to be a little bit different than those.
00:26 We're certainly going to talk about those practices a little bit more, but I'm going
00:30 to talk about what you should be looking for in the preseason game.
00:35 Now that game kicks off on Sunday at Allegiant Stadium at 4 Eastern, 1 Pacific out here in
00:40 the West.
00:41 We're going to talk about that game, what you should expect, what are some things that
00:47 I'm going to be looking for that may resonate with you, and some things for you to watch.
00:56 But also, obviously you could have different things you're looking for.
01:00 But there are two players that I didn't have time to get into yesterday.
01:05 I guess that probably isn't fair.
01:07 I did have time, but I didn't get into, and I want to talk a little bit today about, especially
01:14 for tomorrow.
01:16 Now yesterday, Zemir White looked really good.
01:21 He had a very good day at camp.
01:24 He had a really long touchdown from our vantage point because of where the players were standing.
01:29 Harry Ruiz, who is the voice of the Spanish version of the play-by-play, my good buddy
01:36 who's been on my podcast, was sitting next to me.
01:39 We couldn't tell, but he had a touchdown that was either a 30 or 35-yard touchdown, which
01:44 was a really good touchdown for him against that San Francisco defense.
01:52 He had a really good day.
01:56 The previous day, I thought he was okay.
01:58 I didn't think he was great.
02:00 I didn't think he was bad.
02:01 I just thought he was okay.
02:03 But yesterday was a very good day for Zemir White.
02:08 He's a guy we'll be talking about here in a minute on what to watch for.
02:11 But I wanted to give him that credit.
02:12 I could have added it yesterday.
02:13 I didn't because I thought it was going longer than it was.
02:18 I had tweeted about it, but I wanted to address it.
02:22 Another guy, and I'm going to give you this analysis.
02:26 If you've ever been to an NFL game or if you've ever watched an NFL game on television, don't
02:33 judge college because college is different because of the different sizes.
02:37 When a ball goes through the goalposts, picture the goalposts in quarters.
02:43 If a ball goes through the top quarter of the uprights, then you figure that ball probably
02:52 could have gone another 15 to 20 yards and still been good.
02:58 If it goes through the third quarter, which is one below the top, you figure it could
03:04 have gone 10 or 15 more yards.
03:08 Again, the second quarter, one from the bottom, you figure five to 10 more yards.
03:14 In the bottom quarter, five or less.
03:18 Now that's really important because when you're watching guys kick, you just want to
03:22 get a feel.
03:25 Yesterday Daniel Carlson was booming 50-yard field goals going through the upper quarter.
03:34 Not just at the bottom of the top quarter, but at the top two or three yards of the goalposts.
03:42 He looked amazing.
03:45 I have often said, in my opinion, he's the best kicker in the National Football League.
03:51 Yesterday he was putting on a show.
03:54 Now you have to understand that the outside of the Raiders facility, there's three outdoor
03:58 fields.
03:59 So we're sitting, picture three fields aligned, not like this, but stacked this way going
04:07 away from you.
04:11 So we're sitting or standing along the sidelines of the first field, and that's where Daniel
04:18 was kicking.
04:19 The second field is where the scrimmage was going on, and then there's a third field.
04:23 If you go to my Twitter @HondoCarpenter, you can see a lot of the video I put up from practice.
04:34 That'll kind of show you how the fields are laid out.
04:38 He was booming them through the top part of the top quarter.
04:40 He was right on the money.
04:43 He really just looked, him and A.J.
04:46 Cole, I didn't see A.J. kicking yesterday or the day before, but he still has had a
04:51 very, very good camp.
04:53 But Daniel Carlson is just, I mean, he's looked amazing.
04:58 And I think it's important to point out.
05:01 So let's talk about what we're going to be looking for tomorrow.
05:03 I got several players I want to talk about and some things I want to see.
05:08 Let me tell you what you probably shouldn't be looking for because you're not going to
05:13 see it.
05:14 Number one, this is not a scheme game.
05:18 What I mean by that is they're not putting together a big playbook.
05:22 They're not watching the Niners on film and trying to scheme to win it.
05:28 Do they want to win it?
05:29 Of course they do.
05:30 They want to win every time they get on the field.
05:32 But this is more on the Raiders and the Niners working on things that they think they need
05:37 to work on.
05:39 So you may see them go for on a fourth down that doesn't make sense just because they
05:46 want to get some fourth down practices if they don't feel like they've done enough in
05:49 practice, whatever.
05:51 So don't look at it as a scheme.
05:53 I remember one time I was covering an NFL game and Steve Mariucci made a decision that
06:03 people just roasted him for.
06:05 Well, the problem was, is he would have never made it in a regular season game is he wanted
06:11 to work on a particular part of his team's game.
06:14 And that was the only opportunity that was afforded to him.
06:18 So I wouldn't look at that.
06:19 You can't really judge a team's, you know, and how their scheme is because that's not
06:24 what this is about.
06:26 But there's one thing that I want to see, and that's any player whose position is settled,
06:34 meaning listen, there's nobody's going to unseat this guy, a Max Crosby, a Colton Miller,
06:40 a Dylan Parham, a Marcus Epps, a Marcus Peters.
06:45 I want to see those guys just not even play.
06:48 Now I understand if you're a fan buying tickets, that's really frustrating and I respect that.
06:55 But as a guy who's just covering the team and you saw with Devontae Adams, I mean first
07:01 hit yesterday, you know, he went down.
07:04 Now again, go back and watch yesterday's video.
07:06 I gave you a recap of what I've heard about Devontae.
07:12 Again, fully expect him back for the regular season opener.
07:16 I don't expect to see him in any more games.
07:18 I don't expect to see him in any more joint practices.
07:24 It doesn't mean he's not going to be thrown with Jimmy and other things after a little
07:27 bit.
07:28 Again, I'm not saying today, but I have no expectations that he won't get more reps at
07:37 all.
07:39 It's just not going to be participating in joint practices or preseason games.
07:46 Now, and I don't think you would have seen him in preseason games anyways.
07:50 I mean, I don't want to see a Jacoby Myers out there.
07:53 He settled at the two.
07:54 You know what he is.
07:56 You know what you have.
07:57 Why?
07:58 I don't even want to see Hunter Renfro.
07:59 Just keep Hunter Renfro out.
08:03 Those are the type of players, you know, you don't want to see, like I said, Max, you don't
08:06 want to see a Chandler.
08:07 There's no reason for Chandler to be out there.
08:11 I don't want to see Jimmy.
08:13 If you want to run, you know, one series just for some of the ones with Brian Hoyer, great,
08:18 but you don't want to see much of Brian either.
08:20 He's a 15 year vet.
08:21 You know what he got.
08:22 He's had a great camp.
08:23 Leave him out of it.
08:25 Now it's important to understand, I say that because of these joint practices, because
08:32 they're getting so many reps and they're game reps.
08:35 I mean, they're live reps.
08:37 And so if you're a Raider fan, okay, and you go when you buy your tickets, because you
08:43 want to go to a preseason game, of course you want to see these guys.
08:45 That's why you pay.
08:47 But at the same time, you get one of them with a Tay Adams injury, and it's a little
08:53 bit more serious and you're like, why we just saw a lot of them in live reps.
08:59 So I think for the interest of the team, you make that decision.
09:04 Also I wanted to let you know, when we tell you about a lot of plays in practice, we have
09:09 a very short window and I think it's probably, I'm going to guess eight minutes, seven minutes,
09:15 maybe, maybe sometimes up to nine or 10, but it's a very short window that we're allowed
09:20 to shoot video.
09:22 So when we tell you about something and don't have video, it's not that I'm not trying to
09:27 show you, it's literally, it's not a window in which we're allowed to shoot.
09:31 Just wanted you to be aware of that.
09:33 So let's talk about some guys that I want to see.
09:40 And I got my notes right here, so bear with me if you would.
09:42 But one guy that I really want to see a lot of tomorrow, and I really, it's important
09:51 to me because he's had a great camp, but I want, he needs more reps, is Nesta Jade Silvera.
09:58 This guy is out there and he's banging and he's playing so well.
10:03 In fact, I don't want to see any defensive tackle of the young ones.
10:09 I don't want to see, I want to see a lot from Adam Plant.
10:14 I want to see Adam Butler, who's not young.
10:17 I'm not saying he's a rookie, but I want to see him out there.
10:20 To me, every defensive tackle, Butler, Farrell, York, I mean Young, excuse me, not York, Young,
10:28 Jade, I want to see all those guys out there.
10:30 I don't need to see Jenkins.
10:32 I know what Jenkins brings.
10:34 I don't need to see Balal Nichols, but I want to see those young guys.
10:39 Tons of reps.
10:41 If you're a agrarian person, if you like horses like I do, the great Will Rogers used to say
10:50 the best thing for a young horse is a wet saddle blanket.
10:53 It just means a lot of sweat.
10:55 I've heard a lot of coaches use that same analogy.
10:59 Some guys just got to get a lot of reps, get sweaty and get dirty and get out there and
11:04 play.
11:05 I want to see that.
11:06 I'm going to be putting almost all of my focus on the offensive and defensive lines.
11:11 Now, I do that personally because I understand that's where games are won and that's where
11:15 games are lost.
11:16 Quite frankly, if you look back over the recent history of the Raiders, that's where they've
11:23 struggled.
11:24 I'm going to be watching that very close.
11:26 I want to see a lot of Zemir White.
11:29 I'd like to see the whole first quarter of Zemir if they keep their twos in that long.
11:36 However long they keep the twos, I want them with ones and twos and nobody else.
11:40 Then I think you've got to ... There are a lot of guys that are injured, banged up a
11:43 little bit.
11:44 Then you throw Damien Williams out there and do a lot with him, but he just got here.
11:49 I'm not looking for a lot from him, but I do want to see some Zemir, a lot from Zemir.
11:53 Next, I want to talk about ... Yeah, I am really interested to see how Trey Tucker does.
12:10 I think he needs as many reps as he can get.
12:14 He's a good player.
12:15 Obviously, when I say this, I don't mean you play him a whole game, but maybe the whole
12:19 first half, maybe even the whole first half into the third quarter.
12:25 I want Trey Tucker to get a lot of reps.
12:26 He's been super impressive.
12:28 He's going to play a lot for the Raiders this year.
12:30 He is going to play a lot for them.
12:33 I want to see him.
12:34 He just, again, just gets sweaty and run routes, run routes.
12:40 You have to understand, as the game goes on, they're playing against a lot of guys who
12:45 may not be playing next year for the Rams or guys fighting to make a squad, but they're
12:51 still NFL players.
12:54 Sometimes I've heard people say, "Oh, they're putting in scrubs."
12:56 Okay, if scrub means guys that are close enough to be in the NFL that they're playing in preseason
13:03 with a chance to make a team, but let's not pretend like these still aren't good players.
13:09 They need reps.
13:10 They need to be used to that, and they need to get used to that environment.
13:15 You know, a lot of players come from an Ohio State, from a Notre Dame, from a Clemson,
13:22 from an Alabama, from a Texas.
13:25 They come from big schools with big stadiums and big on-campus presence.
13:31 The jump to the NFL is really not a big deal to them.
13:34 In fact, if you're coming from a much larger school, it would say you're sitting 100,000
13:42 plus.
13:43 Well, okay, Allegiant seats under 70, so it's almost a smaller crowd.
13:50 But not all these guys come from those places.
13:54 Most of them don't, and so you want to get them out there and let them get used to the
14:01 environment.
14:02 But again, I really want to see Trey Tucker.
14:04 Another guy I want to see a lot of is Aiden O'Connell.
14:07 I really like him.
14:09 He just needs a lot of reps.
14:11 If it were me, I wouldn't even play Brian Hoyer.
14:15 I'd start Aiden O'Connell and just tell him, "You're playing the entire first half.
14:20 Get out there and do it, and maybe into the third, maybe, and then let Chase Garbers play
14:26 the, you know, if he doesn't play the entire second half, you know, a quarter and a half
14:32 from Chase."
14:33 But I want to see a lot of reps with Aiden.
14:35 Now, another thing you've got to remember is the longer Aiden O'Connell is out there,
14:41 he's going to be throwing the guys that probably aren't going to make the team or have a longer
14:46 shot.
14:48 So when you watch the game, if you watch, if you don't watch, you just can't read the
14:53 stats.
14:54 You got to go back and see who was he playing with?
14:58 Where was ball delivery?
15:01 Was he holding the ball a little bit long against another team's three and fours where
15:05 he could get away with that like he did at Purdue?
15:08 You know, those are so many little nuances.
15:10 These are all things I encourage you to, to what to look for as you watch the game.
15:16 Next, I want to talk about Amari.
15:19 I'm not, excuse me.
15:22 I've said Amari, excuse me.
15:24 I want to talk about Chris Smith.
15:27 This is a guy that has had a good camp.
15:34 He was drafted.
15:35 He's super smart.
15:36 He's a young Marcus Epps.
15:39 But I want to see this guy get out there and get some reps.
15:43 I want to see him play.
15:46 And I want to see him just get a lot of reps.
15:50 I want to watch how he's moving guys.
15:53 Watch how he's quarterbacking.
15:55 Watch what he's learned from Marcus Epps.
15:57 Again, this guy's going to be a star.
15:59 He's going to make the team.
16:02 But with Marcus Epps, there's not going to be a ton of opportunities for him to do that.
16:07 And I want to see him earn those.
16:10 I would love for Marcus Epps in the regular season to just, you know, every once in a
16:15 while be able to sit a series out because you're letting Chris Smith get some reps.
16:19 I'm going to be watching Chris really close.
16:20 I don't expect to see Michael Merritt at all.
16:23 The tight end.
16:24 Amik Robinson is a guy that, man, he's battling, he's competing.
16:29 I told you he's had a good camp.
16:32 I don't want to see him a long time.
16:34 Maybe the whole first half.
16:36 Maybe a half or maybe just a quarter.
16:40 But I want to see him out there.
16:42 He's had a good camp.
16:43 I want to see him to be able to consistently build on that.
16:46 It'll build his confidence getting more reps.
16:49 And as the game goes on and he's playing against guys who maybe aren't ones and he still plays
16:55 really well, I think it just builds his confidence.
16:57 I think it's good for Amik.
17:00 Again, I already mentioned Farrell and Butler, but I just want to see a lot of reps from
17:06 those guys.
17:07 I want to see a lot.
17:08 I would like it to be like a hockey game.
17:10 Let's just watch them rotate those guys in and out like lines and get plenty of reps.
17:16 Again, no reason to play Max.
17:19 There's no reason to play Chandler.
17:23 Just let those young guys get a ton of reps.
17:25 Now I want to reiterate, because I think this is super important, no settled players.
17:38 Now I think Jacorian is a one.
17:41 I still want to see him out there getting a few reps.
17:43 Yes, he's had a good camp.
17:45 Yes, he's taken a lot of extras.
17:46 I told you how he jumped in and took reps against Devontae.
17:50 But again, he's young, so I don't want him to see him play as long as I want to see some
17:53 others.
17:55 But I do want to see it.
17:56 I want to see an Amari Burney.
17:59 I want him to get out there.
18:00 I want to see something from him.
18:01 I want him to show me a little bit of flash.
18:07 I want to see a Drake Thomas.
18:09 I want to see a lot of McClendon Curtis, Dalton Wagner.
18:16 These are all guys that when a lot of people quit watching the game, and then it becomes
18:22 more of a just, "Hey, sit around your buddies and watch and laugh," and the announcers are
18:25 laughing and watching.
18:27 That's important football.
18:29 McClendon Curtis, Dalton, these are guys that may be a year away, maybe two in one of those
18:36 cases.
18:37 But these are guys that are potentially be future important Raiders.
18:41 Those are reps that you're going to want to see.
18:43 Those are things you're going to look at.
18:45 Maybe it's not another team's ones, but how's their technique?
18:49 For example, the other night I was watching a preseason game, and it was the Hall of Fame
18:53 game.
18:54 DeJuan, who's one of the guys from Omaha State that the Raiders really liked, was picked
19:01 in the fourth round play.
19:03 He played obviously against lesser competition.
19:06 But he looked really good.
19:07 His technique was good.
19:10 There's a couple of things they needed to work on.
19:12 But that's a guy that, okay, you can see it's coming.
19:15 I want to see that from the young guys.
19:18 I just want to see it.
19:19 Now, if Zemir comes out and blows it up, and the first quarter gets 45 yards rushing
19:26 and 35 yards in pass reception, and he's blocking, looks really good, and you're really happy
19:32 with it, then you don't have to play him as long.
19:35 But if he's struggling in that passing game, or maybe struggling a little bit running,
19:39 which I don't think he would in the run game, you keep him in there a little bit longer.
19:44 But these are all things.
19:46 You know, the Raiders have a very deep roster this year, and extremely deep.
19:51 I'm going to tell you how deep it is, is that they're going to be cutting good players.
19:56 Now, last year we talked about they were going to be cutting some players who were going
20:01 to be picked up on other teams' rosters.
20:04 And they were.
20:06 This year they're going to be cutting players who very well could end up at other teams'
20:10 rosters and not just make a roster, but be players.
20:15 I mean, guys who are going to get a lot of reps playing immediately.
20:19 Some of them, some positions, if they only carry five receivers, whoever that sixth one
20:25 is that gets cut is going to get picked up by somebody and be a starter.
20:28 So I think that's very vital to know what you're looking for.
20:31 Now, maybe you're just a casual fan, and you're like, "I just like to watch the games, have
20:35 fun."
20:36 Okay, great.
20:37 Then none of this is stuff that you're going to want to look for.
20:40 But in baseball, St. Louis Cardinals fans are known as some of the smartest baseball
20:45 fans in baseball.
20:47 In fact, they'll applaud when a player on another team just makes a really good baseball
20:53 play.
20:54 Still want you to lose.
20:55 I'll never forget the first time I was at Indiana to watch a basketball game, and a
21:00 player on another team just made an unbelievable pass, and there was a layup score.
21:05 Well, in Indiana, basketball's king.
21:08 And those fans all gave him a standing ovation.
21:12 I've seen it at Nebraska with the Cornhuskers, where the other team comes in and plays really
21:17 well, and they'll give the other team a standing ovation because they're smart football fans.
21:26 Same way Raider fans are that way.
21:28 Now, I don't think they're going to cheer another team that makes a good play.
21:31 They're a little bit different than Cardinals and the Hoosiers and the Huskers, but they
21:37 know good football, and so I'm just giving you some things to look for.
21:41 Sometimes I've heard people that'll say, "Hey, why didn't the coach play this guy?
21:44 Was he injured?"
21:45 No, it's just the guys before them, they were looking to see things, and it took them longer
21:49 to see it.
21:50 So the longer it takes for maybe a one to come out or a guy who's a borderline one,
21:54 then you get the two.
21:55 Well, what if the two doesn't flash?
21:57 Then you got to leave them in a little bit longer, then you go to a three, and then all
22:01 of a sudden your four is wanting reps, and there just isn't a whole lot of reps left.
22:06 So that's what to be looking for.
22:09 I want to see the outside of the ones and twos.
22:15 Are the threes and fours being as aggressive as the ones and twos?
22:19 Is that message only permeating the ones and twos?
22:23 Because the Raiders have been extremely physical, ball hawking.
22:27 And Amari Birney, I'd like to see him pick up a fumble or get an interception.
22:32 That guy's a turnover machine.
22:34 In college, he's super fast.
22:35 I want him to show it.
22:37 I'm just looking for those types of things.
22:39 So when the game, when the announcers start to make you feel like the game is irrelevant,
22:45 and here's how you know when they, this is their key, when they start talking a lot and
22:50 doing a lot of stories and not talking about the on-field game, when they're bringing in
22:54 guests for interviews, that's when you know, okay, this is probably getting away.
22:59 In fact, if you're watching a Monday night game and they're talking about, "Oh yeah,
23:04 this week we were with the coach and we were playing checkers," turn it off.
23:07 It's over.
23:08 It's just, watch for those things.
23:09 But when that's going on, just zero in and pay attention to these young guys.
23:15 You're going to learn a lot about your future Raiders.
23:17 And they're Raiders now, but you're going to learn a lot these young guys now.
23:20 What if, what if Amarcus Epps comes down in week 12 and Chris Smith has to step in?
23:27 Now that allows you to say, "Hey, I remember watching this in the preseason.
23:30 This is something he did really well and the team will probably scheme towards his strength."
23:36 And those are all things that you're going to want to see.
23:39 So again, a lot of stuff there for you.
23:41 I'm going to be watching special teams very closely.
23:43 Now I shared this with you earlier in camp about how Daniel Carlson talked about he loves
23:51 preseason because that's what gets the work on it the most.
23:54 So of course I'm going to watch him and AJ Cole.
23:55 I want to watch Jacob Bobenmore, the new long snapper, how him and AJ Cole, he snaps to
24:01 AJ and gets, excuse me, gets the ball down.
24:06 I want to watch that kind of stuff.
24:07 I want to watch kick returns and punt returns.
24:11 Who's doing them?
24:12 How are they doing?
24:13 I'm going to watch the blocking.
24:14 I'm going to watch a lot of those of the offensive and defense lines.
24:17 So a lot of good stuff there for you.
24:19 Those are some scheme things I want you to look for.
24:21 Excuse me, not scheme because they're not game planning, but just technique things and
24:26 ways that they're going to do it that aren't revealing secrets.
24:30 You're not going to learn secrets about your Raiders, but you're going to learn a lot and
24:35 it should be a good one.
24:36 So again, I'm Hondo Carpenter from Sports Illustrated's Fan Nation, Las Vegas Raiders
24:40 Insider Podcast, part of the Fans First Sports Network.
24:44 Thanks for listening, everybody.
24:45 Have a great day.
24:46 Can you believe it?
24:48 We're just 24 hours away from some real game football.
24:53 Football's back.
24:54 Our long national wait is over.
24:55 Bye, everybody.
24:56 [ Silence ]
