هل يمكن لأسد أن يقتل فرس النهر البالغ؟

  • last year
00:00 The lion is not known as the king of beasts for nothing.
00:04 He is one of the strongest wolves in the world, and he is a very strong fighter in any battle.
00:10 But if the lion is a strong hunter, can he kill one of the largest animals in the world?
00:18 Can one lion kill a fire rat?
00:21 Well, this is a question that is in the minds of many people who love lions and the kingdom of wild African.
00:29 When lions are presented to the public in documentary films, they are portrayed as if they eat everything,
00:36 starting with wild bears and wild animals, reaching the big crocodiles.
00:43 It may seem like they are not being oppressed, but this is not the case.
00:49 When lions are gathered in large groups with many females and lions,
00:55 their chances of defeating large animals increase significantly.
01:00 This large group is witnessed as it tries to prey on even large giraffes.
01:06 After hours of trying, it was able to catch it.
01:10 However, this will be impossible from the practical point of view for a single lion.
01:17 The same thing happens when we move to other animals, such as river lions.
01:22 Lions are the only predator of large river lions, but this only happens in certain situations.
01:30 It is easy to overcome large river lions at a young age, or the sick or the little one.
01:36 One hit from a healthy river lion can end the life of the lion easily.
01:42 This is a very dangerous lion, even for a group of lions.
01:48 For a single lion, it will be more dangerous.
01:52 In the end, the answer to the question we asked at the beginning is no.
01:57 A single lion cannot defeat a large river lion alone,
02:02 and even in a group it will be very difficult.
02:07 My friends, if you liked this video, don't forget to click on the like button,
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02:18 See you in the protection and care of Allah.
02:21 [Music]
