A Blood Pressure Monitor For Your Smartphone

  • last year

UC-San Diego bioengineers have created a 3D printed fingertip blood pressure monitoring device that attaches to your smartphone’s camera and flash. As you press your finger against the clip-on device with an internal spring and a pinhole, it creates a red dot with a size proportional to press on the clip and the intensity proportional to blood flow as it pulses over time. An app then interprets the data to deliver quantitative measures of your systolic and diastolic pressures. The best news: these phone clip-ons cost only 80 cents each to produce and do not require individual calibration with conventional blood pressure cuffs. The researchers predict that cost could drop to only 10 cents with mass production allowing everyone to check. V. determine their blood pressures frequently, easily, and cheaply.


#bloodpressure #smartphone #hypertension
