• 2 years ago


00:00Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
00:30Jerry, hold my hand.
00:58I want to remember Mexico City just like this.
01:00I'm sure the tourist bureau would be more flattered if you remembered it with your eyes
01:05The garden, the music, the lovely dinner.
01:06Mmm, a lovely chick.
01:07How long can anybody think of money in such a heavenly place?
01:08I don't know.
01:09I suppose we asked the head waiter.
01:10Seriously, though, I'd be harking the family silver to pay for this same meal in New York.
01:23Oh, señor.
01:24Señor North, my humblest apologies for intruding at your dinner table.
01:25Oh, hey, Paco, remember us?
01:26We knew you when you were playing Frank Brown, detective sergeant, New York's finest.
01:27You can save that routine for the touristas.
01:28Jerry North, I'm a tourist and I love it.
01:29It's all part of the service, Jerry.
01:30No extra charge.
01:31Now, wait like this.
01:32I'll be back.
01:33I'll be back.
01:34I'll be back.
01:35I'll be back.
01:36I'll be back.
01:37I'll be back.
01:38I'll be back.
01:39I'll be back.
01:40I'll be back.
01:41I'll be back.
01:42I'll be back.
01:43I'll be back.
01:44I'll be back.
01:45I'll be back.
01:46I'll be back.
01:47I'll be back.
01:48It's all part of the service, Jerry.
01:49No extra charge.
01:50Now, wait till I tell Bill Wagonel a certain protege of his is cutting it down here in
01:57Mexico City as a private investigator.
01:59Frankly, Jerry, I wish you could give him a better report on what I've been able to do
02:04for you.
02:05How long?
02:06Now, I've talked to everyone in Mexico City who's even on speaking terms with your genius
02:12It's a dead end, chum.
02:15Mr. Arthur Douglas just walked out of his hotel one morning.
02:18No one has seen or heard from him since.
02:21You don't suppose he...
02:23Somebody could have kidnapped him.
02:25With all due respects, Pam, there'd be more chance of that happening in my old precinct
02:29in New York.
02:30Now, this isn't the first time Douglas has pulled a disappearing act.
02:33Once he gets hot on a book, there's no telling what hole he'll crawl in to write it.
02:37Unfortunately, this gets a little rugged on his publisher.
02:42Well, I have to fly home tonight, so I might as well settle our account with you.
02:46Oh, not a thing, Jerry.
02:48Our motto is resultados garantizados, which translates results guaranteed.
02:53I didn't find your Mr. Douglas.
02:55Yeah, but you will.
02:56I'll give you this check.
02:58You can call it a retainer.
03:00And when you do locate Douglas, crate him and ship him home.
03:03Air mail.
03:05I'm sorry that you return home empty-handed, my friend.
03:08Flight 217 to Miami is flying two sections tonight.
03:11One just to carry Pam's shopping loot.
03:15Which reminds me, I'm supposed to confirm these reservations.
03:18Excuse me.
03:39Hello, Interterrestrial Airlines?
03:42Si, yes, Senor North.
03:44One moment, please.
03:46Senor North, your reservations have been validated for flight 217.
03:50This is correct, Senor.
03:52At eight o'clock, Senor.
03:54This is the takeoff time, but you will be at the airport in time to load your baggage.
03:59Thank you, Senor.
04:01I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.
04:03Never mind the apologies.
04:04Can you get me on that plane?
04:07Flight 217 to Miami.
04:12You are very fortunate, Senor.
04:13We do have a space open on that flight.
04:15Look, congratulate me some other time.
04:17Go ahead and write up the ticket and tell me how much it costs.
04:19Si, Senor.
04:32What are you doing here? I thought we...
04:34You thought Roy had shot his bolt?
04:36There'd be no more arguments, no more angry words?
04:39That it'd be just you and that glorified truck driver?
04:42It doesn't matter, but Alan owns his trucking firm.
04:45It's one of the biggest in New York.
04:49Doesn't it matter?
04:51I suppose it never occurred to you that at least a portion of Alan's great attraction
04:55was that he could set you up in a penthouse in New York?
04:58Shall we now join in singing one chorus of Just a Bird in a Gilded Cage?
05:02Really, you're being pretty corny, Roy.
05:04Of course it occurred to me, and may I add it's a very pleasant prospect?
05:08That's what I figured.
05:09And it may be corny of me, as you say,
05:12but isn't there something just a little degrading about marrying a man for his money?
05:16Go ahead.
05:17Justify your smug little world where it's so very important to be a failure.
05:21Frankly, I've had enough of it.
05:22And you, and this conversation.
05:24Will you kindly leave now?
05:27I'm meeting Alan at the church in less than an hour.
05:32All right.
05:45I assume you're abandoning these playthings now?
05:50They'll be shipped to me.
05:52Then you plan to continue painting?
05:54Why not?
05:55But of course.
05:56You'll be the darling of the society editors.
05:59A prominent young matron pursues art career.
06:02It's too bad our art course did not include instruction in painting with a martini shaker in one hand.
06:07I think I can safely make the switch from tequila.
06:16There's no point in talking anymore, is there?
06:19You know all the answers.
06:23I suppose I should follow custom and say I hope you're very happy with Alan.
06:27Are you asking me what you should say?
06:29What difference does it make what I say?
06:31There's one thing you forgot to say.
06:34A long time ago, it might have made all the difference.
06:40That you loved me.
06:42Goodbye, Roy.
06:44Bon voyage, darling.
06:47And many happy returns of the day.
06:55Didn't say I loved you, eh, baby?
06:58Is that all it took?
07:01What do you want to be when you grow up?
07:04I don't know.
07:05I don't know.
07:06I don't know.
07:07I don't know.
07:08I don't know.
07:09I don't know.
07:10Is that all it took?
07:12What do you want to bet it sounds better coming from a guy with a million bucks?
07:20Remember how it was with us, baby?
07:23Two years.
07:25We could communicate.
07:26That was our big deal.
07:29We talked about everything.
07:37And sometimes we didn't talk because we knew.
07:40We knew.
07:41We didn't have to confuse what we were feeling with words.
07:47Didn't say I loved you.
07:50How about that?
07:52When do you think that was all about, those two years?
07:55A high school dance?
07:58Bon voyage, darling.
08:05Bon voyage.
08:22If it's all the same to you, you don't have to drive so fast.
08:26I say, you don't have to drive so fast.
08:28Look out!
08:32Hey, can't you slow this thing down?
08:36Hey, slow down a little, will you?
08:40Never mind.
08:41Just forget I said anything.
08:42Watch the traffic.
08:50It's all right, dear.
08:51You can open your eyes now.
08:52We made it.
08:54And no broken bones.
08:56Yeah, unless you crushed my arm.
08:59I'm sorry, Jerry.
09:01It's all right.
09:02You have to hold on to something.
09:03It's all right.
09:04You have to hold on to something.
09:16Jerry, why is it every cab driver in Mexico City drives like that?
09:20I don't know.
09:21Unless it's because they're all frustrated bullfighters.
09:23Oh, no, senor.
09:24They are not frustrated bullfighters.
09:26They are frustrated bulls.
09:28It's all right.
09:32Attention, please.
09:34Flight 201 of the Midway Airlines from Rio de Janeiro is now landing at gate 7.
09:47Attention, please.
09:48The Midway Airlines flight 201 from Rio de Janeiro and intermediate points now arriving at gate 7.
10:01Check your bag, senor.
10:02Don't touch that bag.
10:04I mean, I don't need a porter now, thanks.
10:06Flight 217 to Miami.
10:08That will leave from gate 5 on schedule, sir.
10:11Eight o'clock.
10:12Thirty minutes.
10:14Yes, sir.
10:18Could I help you, senor?
10:20No, no.
10:21Nobody can help me.
10:22I beg your pardon.
10:26I was just waiting.
10:28I'll be right back.
10:35Maybe I better go help Jerry.
10:36They might not find the mother.
10:37No, you're staying right here, young lady.
10:39This sort of thing goes on all the time.
10:41There will be $52.20 overweight, senor.
10:44What did you do?
10:45Buy the Chapultepec Monument while you were at it?
10:47No, dear.
10:48Was it for sale?
10:51Thank you, sir.
10:59I've never flown before.
11:01Can you tell me what part of the plane they put this in?
11:04The baggage compartment, senor.
11:05In the belly of the plane.
11:13Look out!
11:17Am I wrong, senor?
11:22Passengers for Interterrestrial Flight 217.
11:27There will be a 30-minute delay in the departure of this flight.
11:31Yes, sir?
11:33Give me the bag.
11:39I'll bring it back.
11:41Right now, I need it.
11:43Come on.
11:45What a way to run an airline, a 30-minute delay.
11:49The agent just told me we were leaving on schedule.
12:1330 minutes to go.
12:17I wonder how many martinis I could drink in 30 minutes.
12:21That's something you're never going to find out.
12:29Oh, isn't this exciting, Jerry?
12:31Look out there.
12:43It would be even more exciting
12:45if we were returning with a certain elusive writing gentleman
12:48named Douglas under our wing.
12:50Oh, you and that Mr. Douglas.
12:52Can't you forget him?
12:54Look, darling, on principle, I'd love to forget Mr. Douglas.
12:57It just happens that his last book for me
12:59has been on the bestseller list for over a month.
13:01Isn't that good?
13:02Yes, dear, good.
13:03But I have to be able to produce Mr. Douglas in the flesh.
13:06Critics want to meet him.
13:08The deal's involving thousands of dollars that he must approve.
13:11Well, he's bound to turn up.
13:13True, but I want him to turn up
13:14while his book is still on the bestseller list.
13:16I can't be...
13:17There is a telephone call for a Mr. Gerald North.
13:21Will he step to the information desk?
13:23Well, how in the world would...
13:24That's easy, Paco Brown.
13:26He must have some word on the whereabouts of our friend Douglas.
13:29He'll be right back.
13:33Excuse me.
13:35Let's sit here, Alan.
13:36All right.
13:41I thought people stopped that when they were married.
13:43You were misinformed.
13:44That's when they really start.
13:46I hope you don't mind my being too obvious, sweet,
13:48but I find I like being a bridegroom.
13:50Why should I mind?
13:52I don't know.
13:53Sometimes I'm afraid you'll get tired of hearing me say I love you.
13:56Darling, I have good news for you.
13:58I love hearing you say I love you.
14:01Yeah, thanks, Paco.
14:02I'll break it gently to Pam and meet you right here.
14:11Flight 217 to Miami.
14:13Here you are, sir.
14:20I'm sorry.
14:21I'm sorry.
14:22I'm sorry.
14:23I'm sorry.
14:24I'm sorry.
14:25I'm sorry.
14:26I'm sorry.
14:27I'm sorry.
14:28I'm sorry.
14:29I'm sorry.
14:30I'm sorry.
14:56Well, that was the longest telephone conversation I've ever heard of.
14:59Oh, I'm sorry, dear, but the connection was bad.
15:01Was it?
15:02Was it Paco?
15:03Has he located Mr. Douglas?
15:05I'm afraid you're not going to like this,
15:07but I'm going to have to send you on home alone.
15:10But Jerry!
15:11According to Paco, Douglas is holed up in a native village,
15:13accessible only to burros and mountain goats,
15:15and there's no place for a woman.
15:17Pardon me if I sound skeptical,
15:19but this has all the earmarks of an elaborate brush-off, Jerry North.
15:23You're an amazing wife.
15:25Do you think for one moment if I had a choice,
15:27I would deliberately run out on you,
15:29and of all places, here in Mexico City?
15:32I'm sorry.
15:34You see, I kind of love you, and we always do everything together.
15:38It's funny, I feel the same way,
15:40but it takes a certain amount of money to stay happy,
15:43and to get money, I have to work with weird characters like Douglas.
15:47Come on.
15:48I'll get my bag and stay with you till the plane leaves.
15:54I'll have to reclaim my bag.
15:56I'm on flight 217 to Miami.
15:58Oh, there, there.
15:59That's the one right there, the black one.
16:01You were just in time, we're loading.
16:04Oh, Jerry, I want to get a magazine, darling.
16:09Yes, I'll have this one, please.
16:11And that one.
16:13And that one.
16:15Wait a minute, you're just going to New York, you know,
16:17not around the world.
16:19Never mind, I'll save them and you can read them.
16:21Oh, Jerry, there's Paco.
16:23Hi, amigo, you got here fast.
16:25In Mexico City, a taxi cab ride is always fast,
16:28and so we've discovered.
16:30Well, Paco, I'm glad you're here.
16:32Perhaps now you can convince Jerry
16:34that it would be perfectly all right for me to go to that native village
16:36within where you've located Mr. Douglas.
16:38Stop throwing your weight around, Mrs. North.
16:41You're on that plane bound for Miami in just about four minutes.
16:44217 for Miami.
16:46Now loading at gate five.
16:50Come along, dear.
16:56There it is, honey.
16:58Our magic carpet to Miami.
17:00A honeymoon that will never end.
17:09Wait a minute.
17:11I just want to see if you had my bag.
17:13That's it. Go ahead.
17:19I'm sorry.
17:21Go ahead.
17:30Jerry, I don't want to go.
17:32Why can't I stay here in Mexico City
17:34while you and Paco are chasing Mr. Douglas?
17:36Because I'd rather have you waiting in New York
17:38where you know some people.
17:39But, Jerry...
17:40Look, darling, they're loading your bags on the plane.
17:43Now, you better get with it or you'll be left here in Mexico City
17:45without even a change of lipstick.
17:47Come on.
17:49Goodbye, Paco.
17:50Have a nice trip, ma'am.
18:15Nights are going to be awfully cold here in Mexico City.
18:20Come on, I'll buy you one for the road.
18:39Roy! Roy!
18:41Oh, I can't believe it.
18:44You saw me.
18:45Through the window of the plane.
18:46Why did you have to?
18:47Oh, don't spoil it, Roy.
18:48I thought you'd done a nice thing.
18:50What do you mean?
18:51Oh, coming here to see me off.
18:53I... I thought you hated me,
18:55and after what I said to you, perhaps you should.
18:58But just coming here proves what a big guy you really are.
19:01I'm... I'm truly sorry if I hurt you this afternoon, Roy.
19:05But now that I've seen you here,
19:08you'll always be in my life in a...
19:10a certain nice way.
19:12Goodbye, Roy.
19:15Well, won't you say goodbye?
19:19Attention, please.
19:21Flight 217, last call.
19:49You've got to listen to me.
19:51I'm no crackpot,
19:52but I'm going to be a murderer in another five minutes
19:54if you don't listen to me.
19:56I'm telling you, there's a bomb in that suitcase.
20:03Hold flight 217.
20:06Flight 217 has cleared the field.
20:08Bring it back.
20:09There's a time bomb aboard in a black suitcase.
20:12Baggage ticket 4720.
20:14Rooted Miami.
20:16Rush fire trucks and ambulances to flight 217.
20:19Runway two.
20:21Advise crew and passengers to abandon flight 217
20:23as soon as it is down.
20:25Control tower calling flight 217.
20:27Control tower calling flight 217.
20:30Flight 217 is in control.
20:32Emergency order.
20:33Turn back and make an immediate landing.
20:35A demolition truck will remove a bag
20:37containing a bomb from your luggage compartment.
20:39The bag is black leather.
20:41Claim check number 4720.
20:44Repeat, claim check number 4720.
20:56Be right back.
20:57Attention, everyone.
20:59This is an emergency.
21:01All personnel is oiled off the runways and field.
21:05All others please remain within administration building.
21:09I repeat, this is an emergency.
21:13What's going on?
21:14Come on, I know the manager. Let's find out.
21:19Alfredo, what's happened?
21:21That idiot smuggled a time bomb aboard a plane.
21:23Which plane?
21:24Flight 217.
21:25Flight 217?
21:27Boy, you...
21:28Hold it, Jerry. Hold it.
21:30If anything happens to Pam...
21:47Three minutes, 20 seconds.
21:50Can they make it?
21:51They have to make it.
21:57Take off the hatch.
22:14Passengers are getting off, Jerry.
22:16Let's get out there.
22:43All right.
23:01Attencion, por favor.
23:03El peligro ha pasado.
23:06Atención, por favor.
23:08El peligro ha pasado.
23:12Atención, por favor.
23:14El peligro ha pasado.
23:17Todo claro.
23:18Atención, por favor.
23:20Todo claro.
23:21Well, I guess I better get back to my plane.
23:24Oh, nothing doing. You're staying with me.
23:27Believe me, one thing while I was waiting for that plane to come down.
23:30Anything I can do, we can do better.
23:33Jerry, you're sweet.
23:35All right.
23:37Shall we look for the taxi driver?
23:41All right.
23:49He's all yours, officer.
23:53Let's see what blew up.
24:02Oh, no.
24:03That bomb. They must have given me the wrong suitcase.
24:11That's a tough break, amigo.
24:18What's so funny? What's he saying?
24:20Maybe it isn't for mixed company, Jerry.
24:22Oh, no.
24:23This may surprise you, though.
24:25The driver is very happy. He's very proud.
24:28Yes, he says that for just one little moment,
24:30he owned the fastest moving taxi cab in all of Mexico City.
24:34Oh, that's wonderful!
24:41© BF-WATCH TV 2021
25:11This has been a film presentation.