World Central Kitchen on the ground in Hawaii to provide meals amid wildfire aftermath

  • last year
AccuWeather spoke live with World Central Kitchen on Aug. 14 about their efforts to feed evacuees and emergency workers in the hardest-hit areas of Maui.
00:00 We want to take you to Hawaii to check on the continuing situation there after the Maui wildfires.
00:06 Yeah, this has been a horrible, horrible week here going back to Wednesday of last week
00:10 with the wildfires that have ravaged portions of especially Maui County.
00:14 And the wildfires, of course, they've done a lot of damage, clearly mean more than 90 lives.
00:20 Whenever there's a natural disaster or a humanitarian crisis, sometimes even a political need,
00:25 World Central Kitchen is always among the first responders.
00:28 And right now in Hawaii, it's obviously a huge need, no different.
00:33 Yeah, the nonprofit was founded by Chef Jose Andres,
00:36 and they are on the ground providing thousands of meals to people that are in need.
00:42 Thank you so much for joining us.
00:43 Yeah, this is John Torpy joining us here from World Central Kitchen.
00:48 So, John, thank you for making time for us.
00:50 We understand that World Central Kitchen has seen disasters around the world.
00:53 You've even been in Ukraine lately.
00:56 How would you describe the wildfire situation there on the ground in Hawaii?
01:01 Yeah, thanks. Thanks for having me. It's a terrible situation here.
01:05 It's amazing the amount of destruction.
01:09 I'm just so glad we were here to get here. We were able to get here as quickly as possible.
01:13 We've been on the ground now since Wednesday.
01:16 At the end of the day today, we'll have served over 22,000 meals.
01:21 Not to mention we'll have water. We have trucks of ice.
01:24 We have insurer, whatever the people need here.
01:26 We have 14 to 15 vans, trucks, caravan, caravanning into the affected areas every day.
01:35 And we're doing whatever we can to help the people here in Maui.
01:39 What are some of the greatest challenges in getting food to the Hawaiian Islands?
01:43 I mean, it's a long way to travel when it's trying to come from the U.S. mainland, for example.
01:49 No, that's great. And we have some great partnerships here.
01:53 I'm just outside of the University of Hawaii, the Maui campus.
01:57 We have a group called Chef Hui that's been helping us.
02:00 It's 30 chefs. It's volunteers.
02:03 It's an amazing operation to be able to put these meals together, to get these meals to where they're going.
02:10 The meals have been delicious.
02:13 Today, they have pork, emo style. So it's culturally appropriate.
02:19 It's what the people here want to eat. And we're just glad to be part of this and working with the community to serve people.
02:26 John, where are you finding the people in need of the greatest help?
02:30 Are we talking about displaced families who lost their homes or people who are physically in shelters?
02:35 It's a little bit all the above. So we've set up distribution sites in three to four different areas.
02:42 But we also have people going into the communities.
02:45 We have vans. We have trucks. We have, again, the ice.
02:49 We have water going into these communities. And sometimes it's just it's just going door to door.
02:54 It's it's it's it's working with local people that know the area, that have family there, that know people.
03:01 And really just following them into finding these these pockets of need,
03:05 people that can't make it out to the main distribution sites, that may not be able to make it to the shelters.
03:10 You know, we're going out and finding them and making sure that they're taken care of.
03:15 And how can people help your work in Hawaii?
03:19 Yes. So World Central Kitchen is funded primarily by individuals.
03:24 Most of our most of our donations come from individuals.
03:28 If anybody wants to help out, please go to WCK dot o r g and donate.
03:34 Know that your money is going to helping the people here.
03:38 Again, we're going to ramp up. We're going to be here until the until the until the need is satisfied here.
03:44 We're going to be helping the people of Maui. We're working with the people of Maui.
03:48 We're supporting we're supporting the chefs. We're buying locally.
03:51 We're we're giving the people what they what they want here.
03:54 And it's it's really with the help of the community here in Maui.
03:57 They've been fantastic. All right. John Torpy there for World Central Kitchen.
04:02 John, you fight a tremendous fight, the whole team there. So thank you for your heart for people in a time of need.
04:08 Thank you so much. Appreciate.
