When Animals Messed With The Wrong Opponent (2)

  • last year


00:00 Usually, elephants behave calmly and move slowly across the savannah in search of food.
00:09 These predators decided that this behavior is a sign of weakness.
00:13 Huge mistake.
00:17 The elephant shows that he is alone is like a whole army.
00:22 Now we are going to show you other amazing cases when animals have shown that it is better
00:28 not to mess with them.
00:35 Elephants behave especially brutally in order to protect loved ones.
00:39 Yes, they have very developed family ties.
00:42 Therefore, when a whole pride of lions, despite the numerical advantage, bravery and strength,
00:49 attacked the baby elephant, it was a big mistake.
00:53 They messed with the wrong elephant.
00:56 The female went on the attack and literally scattered a whole group of lions.
01:01 They fought desperately to save the cub and managed to recapture it from the enemies.
01:06 But if you think this is the end of the story, that is where you are wrong.
01:11 It turns out that elephants amazing memory can be a problem.
01:15 The female remembered the stress of the experience.
01:19 And when the lions were quietly eating their lunch, she attacked them first.
01:25 It's hard to say whether it was purposeful revenge or the elephant just wanted to drive
01:29 the pride from her pasture.
01:32 But in any case, she achieved her goal.
01:35 The lions had to run in different directions just not to get hit by this live, battering
01:40 ram weighing several tons.
01:43 So to run over an elephant means not only to get a serious beating right on the spot,
01:48 but also to obtain a dangerous enemy.
01:53 Those lions definitely regretted that they once got involved with this elephant.
01:59 The tiger is used to dangerous challenges.
02:02 He often hunts buffaloes, which are three times heavier than him.
02:06 But here the striped predator clearly did not calculate the strength when he attacked
02:11 the elephant.
02:12 Although the Indian species of these huge animals is slightly smaller than the African,
02:17 they are still the largest land animals on the planet.
02:22 The tiger's attack made no impression on the elephant.
02:25 He does not even think of running away or going on the defensive.
02:29 What for?
02:30 With a mass of more than three tons, an elephant is 12 times heavier than the tiger.
02:35 Therefore, the herbivore immediately turns 180 degrees and with lightning speed goes
02:41 on the attack as soon as it notices the enemy.
02:45 The tiger is shocked by such a meeting.
02:47 He has to run away.
02:53 The wild boar is a relative of the domestic pig.
02:56 But in a fight between them, we know who you're betting on.
03:00 Of course, the boar, with its powerful fangs, almost impenetrable skin and ferocious temper.
03:06 He can put a larger horse to flight and withstand a shot from a gun almost at point-blank range.
03:11 However, that would be a mistake.
03:15 Here the boar decided to take out his evil temper on the pig, but did not take into account
03:20 that there is a very thick layer of adipose tissue under its smooth skin.
03:26 It acts as no less effective protection than a hard hide and does not miss a single blow.
03:33 It seems that a pink pig with floppy ears and short legs is defenseless against the
03:37 rage of a boar.
03:39 All the blows of a wild beast slip off the skin of a pig.
03:44 And then the pig goes into a counterattack and makes the wild boar run.
03:52 Mass advantage is a great argument for winning.
03:55 You don't expect such a fury from a domestic pig, do you?
03:59 The boar doesn't either, and he paid for it.
04:04 Each of these dogs is larger than a monitor lizard and is better armed with fangs and
04:09 claws.
04:10 There are four dogs.
04:12 It seems that the fate of the reptile is predetermined, but the dogs contacted the wrong opponent.
04:18 The monitor lizard takes off from its place, literally like a miniature projectile.
04:23 He does not allow himself to be completely surrounded and is the first to rush into the
04:27 attack.
04:28 He chose one of the dogs and pounces on it with incredible malice.
04:33 It is difficult to make out something behind the cloud of dust that two animals raised
04:37 during the battle.
04:39 But it turned out that the monitor lizard survived, and his brave maneuver allowed him
04:43 to knock down the attacking rush of the dogs and escape from their surroundings.
04:49 Usually, the zebra's only chance to survive an attack by a large predator is escape.
04:58 But these striped ungulates clearly went to self-defense courses.
05:03 Just look at how cool they defend themselves.
05:06 There is everything here, a back kick, a throw over the shoulder, and suppression of the
05:12 opponent on the ground.
05:15 Martial arts experts, how do you like these techniques performed by the zebra?
05:19 Share your opinion in the comments.
05:23 A crocodile can drag a wildebeest, which weighs like a small motorcycle, under the water.
05:28 What is some kind of macaque for this reptile?
05:31 A pack of chips?
05:33 Not even.
05:34 The crocodile made a mistake in choosing an opponent.
05:37 He did not know that these primates have really indomitable courage and at the same time try
05:43 to take care of each other to the last moment.
05:46 The crocodile grabbed one monkey.
05:48 However, not only the pack did not run away, but attacked the reptile to repel a relative.
05:55 A hail of hits fell on the crocodile.
05:59 Maybe two or three macaques could not hurt him, but there were too many of them.
06:05 The crocodile had to let go of the prey.
06:07 Such dedication and loyalty to the family deserves your like, doesn't it?
06:15 This leopard cub was completely defenseless against an adult cruel hyena.
06:22 The kid was waiting for his mother to return from hunting and could only hope that the
06:26 enemy would not notice him in the thicket.
06:29 Unfortunately, the disguise did not help.
06:33 The hyena noticed the prey and rushed to the baby.
06:36 Only she underestimated this kitten.
06:39 Of course, he couldn't fight the hyena, but he could run away.
06:44 Although leopards are not known for endurance, if their life is at stake, they will run for
06:49 as long as necessary.
06:53 At the very last moment, when the hyena's jaws almost closed on the leopard's paws,
06:58 the kitten managed to jump up a tree and escape.
07:02 The people who were watching this scene couldn't help but applaud.
07:10 And how would you behave in their place?
07:13 Would you root for a hyena or vice versa?
07:15 Would you try to save the kitten?
07:17 Let me know in the comments.
07:19 We are very interested in your opinion.
07:24 Compared to a domestic cat, a tiger is a real titan.
07:28 A cat could fit entirely in the mouth of its distant relative.
07:32 It seems that the striped cat understands this and looks at the cat with disdain.
07:38 In vain, the cat immediately reminds the giant which of them is in the cage.
07:46 Most likely, this is another red cat, but he behaves no less cool.
07:52 Instead of escaping, he takes a defensive stance to be able to fight with all four limbs.
08:00 And this despite the fact that his opponents are a pair of tigers.
08:04 And this time the cat is not protected by the bars of the cage.
08:08 The tiger makes a tentative light strike.
08:10 Of course, he could crush the cat, but he acts carefully.
08:14 Why hurry?
08:16 And when the tiger meets just a furious rebuff, the striped cat retreats.
08:22 And the kid celebrates his victory.
08:25 If he decided to lie here, then no giants would drive him away.
08:30 It seems that he comes to the edge of the enclosure with a mute question in his eyes.
08:35 Did you see that?
08:37 Get this scumbag out of here.
08:43 Giants are generally fine with assessing their own fighting qualities.
08:47 They are often underestimated because of their relatively small size.
08:53 But the camera lens gets phenomenal cases when cats showed who was the coolest fighter
08:58 here.
08:59 Of course, they don't have any special protection.
09:02 They are small and vulnerable to the jaws and claws of a larger enemy.
09:08 But the cat still needs to be caught.
09:11 These animals are incredibly quirky and cunning.
09:15 They can often lower the vigilance of a possible opponent to deliver an unexpected and insidious
09:21 blow.
09:23 And the clawed paws of a cat causes a lot of pain, even if they are not able to break
09:28 large vessels in animals several times larger.
09:31 And cats also know the weaknesses of their opponents and often aim at the eyes and other
09:37 vulnerable points.
09:39 In general, do not anger the seals, do not make this mistake.
09:47 Gibbons with their cute faces, vegetarian diet, and long thin arms seem so cute.
09:55 But it turns out to be a territorial animal that is trying to drive away any potentially
10:00 dangerous creature from its land.
10:04 And if we are talking about an adult tiger, and it looks pretty impressive.
10:10 Gibbons can't really threaten tigers, but primates can annoy, pull, irritate.
10:16 It goes down, beats the tiger, and immediately returns back to the thin branches for where
10:22 it was.
10:23 At the same time, the monkey seriously risks himself because the reaction of the striped
10:28 predator is lightning fast.
10:30 But the tiger made a mistake in choosing a resting place.
10:33 The gibbon is too agile.
10:36 It touched the tiger and immediately soared up on the thin branches where a heavy cat
10:40 could neither jump nor climb.
10:44 At the same time, the scene looks as funny as it is cool.
10:47 Chasing away a tiger with light slaps is an enviable skill.
10:51 It seems that the gibbon is playing with the tiger, and the predator is against it and
10:56 wants to rest in peace.
10:58 So he leaves when he realizes that he will not be left alone here.
11:04 But most likely the reason for this behavior of the primate is precisely his desire to
11:08 force a dangerous predator to leave.
11:11 However, it looks nice, especially because no one was really hurt.
11:21 This lion did not try to attack the lioness.
11:24 It apparently decided to play a joke on it and crept up to the sleeping female to make
11:28 a gentle bite.
11:30 But it did not appreciate the humor.
11:33 An angry female who has been prevented from sleeping is an opponent who should not be
11:38 underestimated.
11:39 Poor lion.
11:42 Let his fate be a lesson for all of us.
11:47 Probably kangaroos seem cute to us because they are at the same time very different from
11:52 us and at the same time, thanks to the habit of standing straight and grabbing objects
11:57 with their front paws hands, they are somewhat similar to us.
12:02 Here too, although a dog is a friend of a person, you involuntarily begin to worry about
12:07 the kangaroo.
12:08 After all, the duck has already driven him into the water.
12:11 So what will happen to the boar marsupial?
12:13 It turns out that there is nothing wrong.
12:15 He is not as defenseless as it may seem at first glance.
12:20 It seems that going into the water is a part of his insidious plan.
12:24 With one sharp movement, the kangaroo grabs the dog and begins to drown him.
12:30 It seems as if an ordinary hunting scene has turned into a thriller.
12:34 The kangaroo lifts his head away from the water, but its grip does not weaken, so the
12:39 animal really resembles some kind of negative character who revealed his true nature at
12:45 the very last moment.
12:49 The dog, however, manages to escape, but it isn't likely that he will hunt kangaroos
12:54 now.
12:58 Probably this cobra was expecting an easy hunt when it got into the yard to people.
13:02 Well, there are no mongooses nearby, nor is there a man with a gun.
13:08 This means that both the chickens and their mother hen will become easy prey.
13:13 Perhaps the snake thought so too.
13:16 But he was wrong.
13:18 The chicken decided that this yard needed a new hero.
13:23 Some of them don't wear capes.
13:25 They cackle and fuss, but at the right moment they are the first to attack a dangerous enemy.
13:32 It was this feat that was accomplished by the simplest chicken, which did not even try
13:36 to take its offspring away from the yard.
13:40 Instead, the self-confident bird calmly approaches the cobra, which could have stopped the heart
13:46 of an adult elephant with just one bite.
13:51 The snake is already shocked by this impudence.
13:54 But this is just the beginning.
13:56 Now the chicken will give such a beating to the reptile that the cobra will forever forget
14:01 the way to this yard.
14:03 Let the bird cannot resist the snake's venom, it still needs to be bitten.
14:08 The chicken acts unexpectedly nimbly and leaves the cobra no chance to inflict a dangerous
14:14 bite.
14:18 Lions and tigers are different species, but they belong to the same family, the panthers.
14:24 And although the structure of the skull and skeleton are almost the same, tigers are much
14:29 larger, by about 10-15%.
14:33 It's like the difference between boxers in different weight categories.
14:38 Only when these tigers decided that the territory of the enclosure belonged to them completely,
14:43 they were in for an unpleasant surprise.
14:46 There is one lion and two tigers, but the mighty king of beasts does not care about
14:53 it.
14:54 Striped predators can be incredibly strong, but fighting skills and courage turned out
14:58 to be the lion's trump cards.
15:00 However, in the wild, the same lions and tigers cannot create married couples.
15:06 Once their habitat coincided over a fairly large area in India, now there is only one
15:11 reserve where they can theoretically meet each other.
15:16 This is the Girsky Forest.
15:18 There will be no particularly tender feelings between them due to the differences in lifestyle
15:23 and competition for food.
15:26 But since tigers prefer dense thickets and lions like plains, they have to fight in exceptional
15:31 cases.
15:33 Therefore, it is usually those predators that are kept in captivity that will sort out the
15:39 relationship.
15:42 Here big cats do not compete for food and share a rather cramped space.
15:49 Tigers have a huge impact force and are able to break a horse's spine.
15:54 Although the mane gives the lions a more impressive appearance, if we compare only muscle mass,
16:00 they are inferior to tigers by much.
16:03 But still the striped predator is forced to give up and retreat.
16:08 He really shouldn't have attacked that lion.
16:12 It was a big mistake to mess with such an incredible opponent.
16:17 What is the secret of the victory of the king of beasts?
16:20 In combat skills, the lion strikes more accurately, his mane plays the role of natural armor,
16:26 and in addition, this lion is more stable.
16:29 The tiger tries to dominate, rises on its hind legs and attacks from above.
16:35 It would have made another opponent run away in a panic, but the lion is too brave.
16:40 And the fact that he retains at least three points of support and hits with one paw more
16:45 than often than the other two, this allows him to throw opponents off balance during
16:50 the offensive and force them to retreat and fall.
16:55 And who are you rooting for in this fight?
16:57 Answer in the comments.
17:03 Mountain eagles are incredibly cool predators that are able to lift a mountain goat several
17:08 times heavier than themselves, then drop their prey from a mountain ledge.
17:14 And only then enjoy lunch.
17:18 But something has gone wrong here.
17:21 This ungulate turned out to be too cool of prey, and the eagle is very clearly surprised.
17:28 He did not expect such a rebuff.
17:30 Yes, the goat falls, but the bird also falls with it.
17:35 Their fight at a great height is exciting.
17:38 A little more and you might start to feel dizzy.
17:42 Opponents fall again and again, but the goat does not lose its balance.
17:48 Now he uses gravity as his ally.
17:50 The ungulate with acceleration falls directly on the eagle, pinning it to the rock.
17:56 I think something cracked.
17:58 But we must give this bird its due.
18:00 It does not let go of its grip and tries to continue the fight.
18:05 Another mistake.
18:06 The goat understands that the victim did not have enough cuffs, so he still throws off
18:11 the predator and then runs away.
18:14 And even tramples into the bargain.
18:18 At the same time, the goat was gladly supported by a relative who also walked on the bird
18:22 with sharp hooves.
18:24 Today the eagle will be left without lunch.
18:30 Hippos are said to be the most dangerous animals in Africa.
18:34 Although they seem pretty cute with their big noses, they are actually incredibly vicious
18:40 critters.
18:43 This is one of the few territorial herbivore species that fiercely defends their land,
18:48 like some kind of saber-toothed tiger.
18:51 A very thick layer of adipose tissue under a strong, smooth, and firm skin plays the
18:56 role of an almost insurmountable armor.
18:59 The fangs and claws of many predators just slip off of it.
19:04 At the same time, the hippopotamus competes with the rhinoceros for the title of the second
19:08 largest, strongest, and most massive land mammal on the planet after the elephant.
19:14 To this set of advantages, you need to add huge fangs, each as long as a pirate saber.
19:21 With them, a hippopotamus can crush bones.
19:24 In general, as you understand, these animals are doing well with self-confidence.
19:34 Hippos just are not afraid of anyone.
19:36 They dictate the conditions on their own territory.
19:41 Hippos can attack a predator simply because it annoys them.
19:46 This giant is absolutely not afraid of fighting and seems to be only happy about the opportunity
19:53 to show his character.
19:54 But at the same time, the hippopotamus fights very cruelly.
19:57 He goes to ram, tries to trample, but first of all it bites, crushes with its jaws, and
20:02 pierces with its fangs.
20:04 There are a lot of cases of attacks even on motorboats.
20:08 The hippopotamus easily destroys the wooden hull of a small vessel.
20:12 And he can also unexpectedly attack a herbivore, which certainly does not threaten him in any
20:17 way.
20:20 In general, this bully behaves like a real scumbag.
20:29 As you understand, such self-confidence could not end well for him.
20:34 Usually a hippo is not afraid of lions and does not try to escape.
20:38 Instead, the giant goes on the attack himself.
20:41 Well, we must admit, the beginning of the fight really took place according to the rules
20:46 of the hippopotamus.
20:49 Just look at the monstrous force with which he squeezed the lioness's head in his jaws.
20:55 It seems like he could swallow her completely.
20:58 But the strength of the lions is not really in the huge power of the blow or the jaws.
21:03 By the way, their bite force is not so great.
21:05 The jaguar bites better.
21:07 No, the strength of the lions is in the pride.
21:11 These lionesses can't handle a hippo?
21:14 Well, seven predatory cats will take up the case then.
21:19 Seven can't finish the job either?
21:21 No problem, a male comes to their aid.
21:25 There is a stereotype that male lions do not hunt.
21:28 That's not the case.
21:29 They simply do not sit in ambush as their mane immediately betrays a predator in any
21:34 environment.
21:36 But if the lionesses have surrounded too strong a prey, the male will definitely come to the
21:40 rescue.
21:42 Joint efforts have turned a giant ferocious hippopotamus from a horror movie for all the
21:47 surrounding swamps into a hearty breakfast for the entire pride.
21:57 Sometimes it happens that animal encounters with an unexpected ending do not look cruel
22:02 at all, but rather cute.
22:05 In general, otters should not be underestimated.
22:08 They are pretty cool guys, especially if they attack in a pack.
22:12 But this orangutan should not have been underestimated.
22:17 At first he retreats.
22:19 The peaceful monkey does not want to fight.
22:21 But when he realizes that the otters are not calming down, this primate picks up a stick.
22:28 Orangutans not only belong to one of the most intelligent primates that can use tools, but
22:33 also have strength.
22:36 Get away from me, you impudence!
22:38 The monkey doesn't seem particularly angry.
22:40 Rather, she is annoyed by the audacity of the otters.
22:48 In general, an orangutan is such a cute retired special forces soldier.
22:52 Yeah, he has already grown a small belly, looks lazy, and is always polite to his neighbors.
22:58 But if you make him angry, he will immediately remember the past and break the legs of someone
23:04 who allows himself too much.
23:06 Like this.
23:07 At first, the orangutan treats the monkey's pranks with patience and understanding.
23:14 But when she abuses these advantages, the larger beast remembers that it can literally
23:19 swat the insolent.
23:27 But still this story is much more touching and amazing.
23:32 These loggers are destroying an ancient rainforest.
23:36 Maybe for the sake of increasing the area or the territory for crops.
23:41 Maybe for the sake of mining.
23:42 It doesn't matter.
23:45 But what really matters is the feelings of the inhabitants of the ancient thicket.
23:50 Yes, these animals have feelings too.
23:55 Like the hero of a blockbuster on an environmental theme, the most ordinary lone orangutan stands
24:01 against a huge bulldozer.
24:04 The colossal size, relative to the primate, of a car with a metal bucket and a noisy engine
24:10 should have caused an orangutan to have a real panic attack and drive him away from
24:15 here.
24:16 But this monkey is too smart for that.
24:20 She shows everyone, "You messed with the wrong lady."
24:24 This resident of the jungle is not so easy to intimidate.
24:27 And the orangutan goes out to fight against the bulldozer.
24:33 Without hope or possibility of victory.
24:36 Just because that's her position.
24:38 Yes, my friend, this red monkey has a public position formulated more clearly than most
24:45 of those you see in your own hometown.
24:49 But if you have experience fighting for wildlife conservation and ego activism, then share
24:54 it into the comments below this video.
24:57 We would really love to hear your story.
25:01 At the same time, the orangutan got as close as possible to the bucket to fight with him,
25:07 like a knight with a terrible dragon.
25:09 Although the primate cannot destroy metal, its very presence on this branch does not
25:13 allow the builders to move on.
25:15 Therefore, in a sense, the animal won.
25:19 Well, or at least something that made you think about what is happening in the distant
25:23 forests and jungles.
25:28 The courage of this monkey motivates and inspires to join this fight, does it not?
25:34 No, we are not calling to attack construction equipment.
25:38 But you must admit, wildlife deserves to take care of it and protect its mysteries and unexplored
25:43 corners from destruction.
25:49 It seems that even the builders who worked in this place also felt the grief of the orangutan
25:53 for the destroyed thicket, which was his home.
25:59 It remains to be hoped that this brave animal is now alive, healthy, and has found a new
26:05 home.
26:06 At least neither the bulldozer driver nor the other people did any harm to the primate.
26:14 Interestingly enough, when an orangutan went out to fight against the bulldozer, he thought
26:18 that he was facing a huge monster that was uprooting his forest.
26:23 Or did the animal understand the role of man in this terrible destruction of the jungle
26:28 and was just trying to show the bipeds that they would not be able to destroy everything
26:33 here just like that?
26:35 We can only guess.
26:37 What do you think?
26:42 When the mayor realized that the stallion did not understand and did not accept a rejection,
26:47 she decided on a more explicit way to show that she did not like him.
26:51 Namely, with the help of a knockout blow directly to the head.
26:56 The stallion simply turned off from the impact of powerful hooves on the skull.
27:02 Well now, perhaps he will behave more like a gentleman with women.
27:09 The relationship between badgers and foxes is an example of an amazing interspecies friendship.
27:16 Usually.
27:17 But not this time.
27:19 Two animals entered the territory of human habitation with the explicit purpose of finding
27:25 something tasty.
27:26 Well, the badger clearly understands he's not as cute as the fox, and there are not
27:31 enough treats for everyone.
27:32 So, we'll have to show the redhead that we'll have to leave.
27:36 Of course, it turned out to be brutal, but in fact the fox simply underestimated the
27:41 power of the badger.
27:42 Their grip will surprise many.
27:47 Remember in the film Guardians, there was a cool moment.
27:50 The prisoners approached the arrested superhero to settle old scores.
27:55 It all ended with an epic phrase.
27:57 It wasn't me who was locked up with you, and it's you who are locked up with me.
28:03 It wasn't me who was locked up with you.
28:07 And it's you who are locked up with me.
28:11 Well these hyena-like dogs made the same mistake as the bandits in the movie.
28:15 They underestimated the enemy and decided that he was trapped.
28:21 In fact, the gazelle that you see now is one of the few artyodactyls that are distinguished
28:26 by a very determined character and a love of fighting.
28:32 Perhaps these dogs thought that the gazelle had gone to the depths because of panic trying
28:36 to escape.
28:37 In fact, the ungulate lured predators to a place where they would have neither the opportunity
28:42 to surround nor the advantage of a flat surface.
28:47 And when the horned creature realized that the dog was carried away and believed in his
28:52 victory, he turned into a crushing counterattack.
28:57 The gazelle literally trampled the predator and almost drowned him.
29:01 An object lesson for fellow humans who understood the essence of the situation in time and did
29:07 not dare to pursue a higher animal at depth.
29:16 The behavior of this gang of macaques does not cause any involvement.
29:20 They really fancy themselves too strong and invulnerable to smaller otters.
29:27 It seems that primates treat otters like toys.
29:30 They shake the kids from side to side, sometimes even bang their heads on the rocks.
29:35 Why would an animal that doesn't try to hunt do that?
29:39 Out of curiosity or because of a violent nature?
29:44 To be honest, it is extremely difficult to perceive all kinds of animals equally objectively
29:50 and with equal sympathy.
29:51 And it's not because some animals seem more beautiful.
29:56 It's just that the habits of certain species are really associated with meanness and cruelty.
30:04 Whereas surprisingly other animals behave nobly, at least by our human standards.
30:13 Or do you think that it is unacceptable and irrational to evaluate the behavior of animals
30:18 from the point of view of human views on ethics?
30:22 Or vice versa, do you believe that animals can also be guided by good intentions, which
30:27 means that there are also villains among them?
30:30 Answer in the comments.
30:32 Maybe you are equally more for hyenas and lions.
30:38 If you are outraged by the behavior of these vile macaques, then now you will see that
30:43 they underestimated their enemy.
30:46 Every one otter is weaker than a primate, but all together they represent a formidable
30:51 force.
30:52 Otters caught a macaque and threw it into the water, and then surrounded from all sides.
30:58 From the sides, from below, from above.
31:01 Their sharp teeth were constantly wounded, bitten, looking for a gap in the defense.
31:05 The macaque tries to fight back, but the otters in the water are too strong.
31:09 It is much more convenient for them to act there.
31:12 And the otters fight too harmoniously to be resisted.
31:19 Although the macaque is trying to fight off a relative, he has no chance.
31:23 The otters have dealt with the enemy and have shown that contacting them is the biggest
31:27 mistake a monkey can make.
31:34 Do you see a shark?
31:36 Ah, there she is.
31:38 An invisible predator that plows the waters of the ocean, like her ancestors millions
31:43 of years before.
31:44 Are you scared?
31:46 She knows you're scared.
31:48 But this sea lion is not the enemy on whose fear you can count.
31:54 This mammal is not just not afraid of the shark, it attacks first and literally bites
31:59 the huge fish, throwing it out of the water.
32:04 For a sea lion, this shark with all its size and powerful jaws is just a hearty lunch.
32:13 When a bully does not get rebuffed for a long time, he may believe in his own strength too
32:18 much.
32:20 This dog really thinks he can scare a bull weighing almost a ton.
32:25 This ungulate endured the stupidity of the opponent for a while, but then decided to
32:29 teach it a lesson.
32:31 And it did it in the most convincing way.
32:35 With a kick that threw the dogs away and slammed it into the doorjamb.
32:40 Now the little impudent dog will think several times on whom it is possible and on whom it
32:45 is not possible to bark and rush.
32:49 Archimedes said, "Give me a fulcrum and I will move the earth."
32:55 It is not known whether the bull of the work studied the biography of an ancient physicist,
33:00 but the concept of Archimedes was embodied 100% here.
33:07 During the enemy's attack, the bull went into defense, found a foothold, and took a crushing
33:12 blow from the enemy with such fortitude that the bull literally did a somersault in the
33:17 air and landed on his back.
33:19 He himself is shocked by the acrobatic trick that he has just performed.
33:28 And it must be admitted, he does not take stubbornness.
33:31 The bull jumped up and continued the duel.
33:33 Apparently, they didn't share something important.
33:41 You know about the reputation of honey badgers, right?
33:44 So these hyenas were clearly unaware and underestimated this kid.
33:49 Of course, even against one hyena, the honey badger is like a gnome against a troll.
33:54 And here hyenas are generally three against one.
33:57 But neither the size of the enemy nor the numerical superiority does not bother our
34:01 furious hero at all.
34:03 He goes into battle and shows the hyenas where they belong.
34:07 In a pile of garbage.
34:09 Although the jaws of spotted predators can shatter bones, the honey badger not only has
34:14 a strong hide, but also reacts to attacks with the speed of a bullet.
34:22 As soon as the hyena tries to grab him, the honey badger immediately turns to her for
34:26 a counterattack.
34:29 The hyenas thought they had surrounded the enemy.
34:32 But for the honey badger, this is not a problem.
34:35 He easily spins around his axis and distributes such heavy blows that the hyenas can only
34:40 run away from this little ball of rage.
34:46 In addition to the fact that the skin of the honey badger is very durable, it also easily
34:50 departs from the muscle tissue.
34:52 Therefore, even if the hyenas teeth dig into the skin, it does not lead to any serious
34:57 internal damage.
35:00 The honey badger is just getting a little bit angrier.
35:04 And he uses not only jaws with needle sharp teeth, but also his paws.
35:11 With his claws, it seems he could dig a tunnel connecting New York with Los Angeles.
35:17 And the hyenas skin, moreover, will not withstand too close of an acquaintance with these claws.
35:22 The giraffe is the tallest animal on the planet.
35:31 An adult can easily look into the window of a third floor story building, standing near
35:35 it.
35:37 These ungulates became so tall in order to have access to the crown of savannah trees,
35:43 which have juicy foliage only up at the highest altitude.
35:48 But giraffes paid for such a growth with dexterity.
35:52 They can run well, but a lion can easily catch up with a giraffe, especially if it is attacked
35:57 from an ambush.
35:59 That's exactly what happened here.
36:02 Lionesses surrounded the giraffe and one of the cats has already jumped on the back of
36:06 his neck.
36:07 An incredibly tense situation, it seems that the poor ungulate will not last even a few
36:12 minutes under such a frenzied pressure.
36:17 Professional lionesses hold the giraffe by the hind legs, do not allow you to drop the
36:21 burden while the bravest predator gets to the throat.
36:25 An example of almost perfect teamwork.
36:29 But the giraffe doesn't seem to care.
36:32 He saves his strength and doesn't even seem to be trying to escape.
36:36 The lionesses made a mistake with the victim.
36:39 After some time, the cat, which was trying to get to the throat of the prey, just fell
36:43 to the ground.
36:45 The target was too high.
36:48 And then the giraffe dispersed the opponents with powerful hooves.
36:53 He may not be the most agile animal in the savannah, but one hoof strike is enough to
36:58 crack a lion's skull.
37:01 So the cats can only swallow the dust and go home disappointed, in search of easier
37:06 prey.
37:09 And they were lucky enough to stay whole themselves after such an exhausting battle.
37:17 Picture this.
37:18 You are a solid and powerful lion who hunts bulls and protects his pride from a whole
37:23 pack of hyenas.
37:25 And then, as if out of nowhere, the most ordinary dog appears and chases you off like a yard
37:30 cat.
37:31 An offensive situation?
37:33 Of course.
37:34 No wonder the lions are trying to fight back and even deliver crushing blows.
37:40 But the dog has caught the adrenaline rush and does not back down.
37:45 Interestingly, the cases when a dog alone attacks a lion, or even a couple of lions,
37:51 are not so rare.
37:53 Big cats should not underestimate these toothy babies and calmly tolerate their approach.
38:00 Even one dog can be a serious opponent.
38:04 However, who knows, maybe the lion is just afraid of catching something from such an
38:09 opponent.
38:10 He is obviously behaving like a madman.
38:13 However, there is another version of why lions often retreat.
38:18 The fact is that dogs know their opponent well.
38:21 Therefore, they attack a vulnerable, that is a sensitive area, the nose.
38:26 Yes, a lion or a lioness can deal with an annoying dog in less than a minute.
38:32 But at the same time, they will definitely get a few sensitive bites.
38:36 And why do they need it?
38:37 It is better to retreat.
38:43 Let's clarify one moment.
38:45 This is not an adult strong kangaroo deciding to teach a teenager a lesson.
38:50 These are representatives of two different species.
38:53 The one that is larger is a real red kangaroo, a powerful beast whose mass is approaching
38:58 the weight of an adult.
39:02 And this grey animal of more miniature dimensions is a wallaby.
39:06 It is more than four times lighter and about half the size of a kangaroo.
39:10 Although, of course, they are quite close relatives, as it is easy to understand due
39:15 to the external similarity.
39:17 At the same time, the kangaroo thinks that if it is bigger, then the wallaby will have
39:21 to leave.
39:22 But the grey kid doesn't agree.
39:25 And he is ready to demonstrate this disagreement in a fight.
39:29 This fighter will give a lot of surprises to the kangaroo.
39:32 The brazen marsupial underestimated its enemy and received a decisive rebuff.
39:41 When a creature that is literally 200 times heavier than you approaches you, you involuntarily
39:46 tense up.
39:48 Especially if there are several giants behind him.
39:51 But this feathered fellow does not follow such obvious logic.
39:58 This bird is not afraid.
40:00 She scares the others.
40:01 One sharp movement and the cows are almost in a panic.
40:06 It's amazing how much they underestimated this little opponent.
40:14 Wolves are considered one of the most successful predators on the planet for a reason.
40:20 Even now, when cities have grown and forests have shrunk, they remain numerous and successful.
40:27 Including thanks to a combination of intelligence and desperate courage.
40:32 Here several wolves become so bold that they enter the territory of a city in search of
40:37 food.
40:39 But the proud animals did not look for food in landfills.
40:42 They found an adult kengal.
40:46 This is a special breed of dog, one of the strongest, bravest and coolest in the world.
40:52 One on one, kengal may well, if he does not crack down, then at least stand up against
40:57 a wolf.
40:58 But there are several wild animals here.
41:02 And they understand that in front of them is an enemy who may be hunting them.
41:07 Therefore the smart wolves decided to eliminate him.
41:11 The kengal desperately fights back.
41:14 The scene of this fight is incredibly tense.
41:17 Powerful jaws and long fangs make the wolves cautious.
41:22 The dog is also smart.
41:23 He presses his back against the wall, finds a corridor in which to hide.
41:28 This is not fear or panic.
41:30 It's just that the kengal protects himself from the rear from encirclement.
41:34 If at least one wolf could attack him from behind, the others would grab him by the paws,
41:39 stretch the dog and easily finish him off.
41:43 Even so, they have to slowly push him and look for cracks in the defense.
41:48 If the kengal loses concentration even for a moment and succumbs to fear, the enemy's
41:54 fangs will immediately go into his throat.
41:58 It seems that the situation is hopeless and everything will be resolved in a few minutes.
42:03 Wolves are slow for only one reason.
42:06 If the kengal manages to injure at least one of them, the pack will become less effective
42:12 at hunting.
42:13 Therefore, wild predators try to minimize the risks.
42:17 But the excitement will prevail sooner or later.
42:20 The kengal is more massive than some wolves, but loses to this gang.
42:28 If you think that this was followed by a scene of brutal violence, then you're mistaken.
42:33 The wolves underestimated the kengal.
42:36 He didn't just protect his back, he was stalling.
42:41 Other dogs came running to the sound of barking.
42:44 There are very few breeds in the world that will dare to fight wolves without a numerical
42:48 advantage of at least one to three.
42:51 The kengals are just an exception.
42:54 They are so brave and loyal to each other that they agree to an equal battle, three
42:59 on three.
43:01 The alignment changed when the reinforcements literally broke into the fight and attacked
43:06 the wolves from the flank.
43:09 Of course, the predators did not run without looking back.
43:12 They also fought back and did not allow themselves to be seriously injured.
43:16 But in this fight, they definitely lost.
43:19 Now they need to flee the city, and all the kengals survived.
43:24 And in case of injury, they have a host who will take care of them and cure them.
43:31 For a seal, a killer whale is a real monster from the depths.
43:36 With a huge difference in size and strength, the chances in battle are zero.
43:41 But the seal still has one advantage.
43:44 Millions of years ago, the ancestors of killer whales completely went into the ocean and
43:49 lost the opportunity to return to land.
43:53 But pinnipeds do not.
43:54 The seal feels this, so it escapes from the black and white hunters on the ice floe.
44:00 That's it, he's saved.
44:02 Or is he?
44:03 Unfortunately, at least for the seal, the pinniped underestimated its pursuers.
44:09 Killer whales are incredibly intelligent and seem to be well-versed in physics.
44:15 And thanks to echolocation, they not only know exactly where their prey is on the ice
44:19 floe, but also how strong the barrier is in front of them.
44:25 Thanks to the coordinated actions of killer whales, they send a wave to the ice floe and
44:29 literally wash the victim back into the water.
44:34 Jaws is already finishing the job here.
44:41 Which case of unexpected denouement of animal battles struck you more than others?
44:46 Reply in the comments and don't forget to subscribe to see Impressible Animal videos
44:50 more often.
44:51 (upbeat music)
