“先付钱后用餐”防吃霸王餐? 霹雳饮食业者看法不一

  • last year
新闻报报看 | 霹雳怡保早前有餐厅抓到顾客逃单60令吉事件引发热议,“先付费,后用餐”模式也成城中话题之一。《东方日报》记者走访怡保市区访问饮食业者,有人认为该模式不适于用在各类餐厅,并举例火锅店若实现这模式,就会造成食客需要多次边吃边掏钱的扫兴状况。(主播:梁宝仪、郑萱荟)


00:00 Generally speaking, when you eat at a coffee shop, you pay first before you start eating.
00:07 In the restaurant, most of the customers are new to the business.
00:11 They let the customers enjoy the food first, and pay before they leave.
00:15 According to the Chinese newspaper, a few days ago,
00:17 a coffee shop owner came out to complain that
00:20 there was a person in his shop who only ate the king's dinner.
00:24 He ate 60 yuan and then left without paying.
00:27 He even caught two ladies pretending to go to the bathroom
00:32 after having dinner at his coffee shop, and then left.
00:36 The shop owner said that if the customer really forgot to pay after eating,
00:40 he could forgive him.
00:41 But he would never tolerate those who only ate the king's dinner.
00:47 The report said that this coffee shop in Yibao
00:50 caught four customers who only ate the king's dinner two days ago.
00:54 After the news spread, a kind person texted him and said,
00:57 "Those who were caught eating the king's dinner are all old people.
01:01 They may have forgotten to pay for a while,
01:03 so he is willing to help pay to calm the storm."
01:06 But the shop owner's position is very tough.
01:08 He thinks that if someone helps these people who only ate the king's dinner to pay,
01:13 it is just allowing them to continue committing crimes and supporting the crooked way of eating the king's dinner.
01:19 He reminded the kind person,
01:20 "The kind person should use the right place. Don't do bad things on purpose."
01:25 The fact that Yibao has ten customers who only ate the king's dinner also caused a discussion.
01:29 It even aroused the discussion of whether to pay after eating or pay before eating.
01:35 When the East China Daily interviewed the owners of Yibao,
01:38 some hot pot shop owners thought that
01:40 the mode of eating before paying is not suitable for hot pot shops.
01:45 Suppose when the customers are eating very well,
01:48 the waiter will come to collect the bill and give them a receipt.
01:52 He said that this would ruin the customers' mood of eating,
01:55 and indirectly would make them feel bad for the hot pot shop.
01:58 So the owners said that hot pot shops are more suitable for paying after eating.
02:02 He also believes that most customers do not come to eat the king's dinner on purpose.
02:07 Sometimes they just forget to pay.
02:09 Customers will go back to the shop to pay for the new bill.
02:13 When I interviewed the owners of the Vietnamese restaurant,
02:19 they said that letting the customers eat first and then paying is the trust and warmth between Malaysians.
02:24 Of course, although the shop has never met anyone who ate the king's dinner,
02:28 in order to avoid real incidents,
02:30 the restaurant will install CCTV cameras to help them track down the scene of the incident.
02:36 But the owners also believe that
02:38 they accidentally forget to pay when they leave the restaurant.
02:42 On the other hand, the president of the Pili Coffee Tea Merchant Association,
02:46 Jiang Jianlong, said that
02:48 since the traditional tea ceremony is performed on the table,
02:51 the payment mode has been eliminated.
02:56 The coffee shop he runs does not face similar incidents.
03:01 He pointed out that the payment mode of paying first and then eating
03:06 can not only make customers feel at ease,
03:09 but also make it easier for the waiter to fulfill his duties.
03:11 He also believes that the reason why customers do not pay at all
03:14 is because the overall diet of the restaurant is not unified.
03:19 This leads to a different payment habit.
03:22 For example, some customers are already used to paying first.
03:27 When they go to a restaurant that pays after eating,
03:30 they may not be able to react in time,
03:32 so they will leave directly after eating,
03:34 not deliberately not paying.
03:36 [Music]
