FTS 20:30 15-08: Pres. Nicolas Maduro condemned the attacks of western media, full of lies and manipulations

  • last year
In Venezuela, President Nicolas Maduro condemned the political violence seeking to disrupt peace and security in the country//In Russia, President Vladimir Putin took part in the international security conference stating that a new multipolar world is emerging//In Sudan, the deadly conflict between the army and the rapid support forces entered its fourth month. teleSUR


00:00 In Venezuela, President Nicolas Maduro condemned the political violence seeking to disrupt
00:15 peace and security in the country.
00:20 In Russia, President Vladimir Putin took part in the International Security Conference,
00:24 stating that a new multi-power world is emerging.
00:30 An incidental deadly conflict between the army and the rapid support forces entered
00:34 its fourth month.
00:39 Hello and welcome to From the South, I'm Luis Alberto Matos from Medellin Studios in
00:44 Havana, Cuba.
00:45 We begin with the news.
00:47 In Venezuela, President Nicolas Maduro condemned the political violence seeking to disrupt
00:51 peace and security in the country.
00:53 Maduro condemned the attacks of Western media, which want to establish fascism in the country
00:59 by means of lies, manipulation and violence.
01:03 The big media wants to disrupt the social and economic life of Venezuela.
01:07 They want to disrupt the political life of Venezuela.
01:10 They want to spread fascism in Venezuela through hatred, lies and violence.
01:16 They want to spread fascism in Venezuela through lies, hatred and violence.
01:21 A person of perverse Machiavellian culture, they want to do it, but we will not allow
01:26 them to do it.
01:27 The Venezuelan head of state also assured that the United States is not a safe country
01:33 for investments and demanded the immediate return of the national oil company Zipco,
01:38 together with the $4 billion of debt for the years of seizure.
01:44 What is being carried out against Zipco, against Venezuela, is simply something that can't
01:48 be done to any country in the world at any time.
01:52 The United States is not a safe country to make investments, to buy companies, to have
01:56 economic activity.
01:57 But the United States gave Zipco to the Semisride win opposition and they all applauded and
02:03 they are simply stealing a company that costs more than $12 billion and that belongs to
02:10 Venezuelans.
02:11 This company gives at least $1 billion of net annual profits.
02:15 This company has $4 billion from these years of kidnapping.
02:22 In Colombia, citizens and the government prepare for the upcoming regional elections.
02:26 On October 29th, Colombians will go to the polls to elect new provincial and municipal
02:30 authorities.
02:31 This election day is of utmost importance for Petro's government, since it will assess
02:36 the influence of a series of reforms on the second census arrival to power.
02:40 Several social and religious movements will take part in the process of providing information.
02:49 In Peru, the Association of Relatives of the Dead and Injured in the Ayacucho region has
02:54 called for a speedy investigation into the 49 deaths registered during protests in this
02:59 and other regions.
03:00 In this regard, the vice president of the organization, Giovanna Mendoza, denied a recent
03:05 statement by Attorney General Patricia Menendez, who was rejected during a visit to Ayacucho
03:12 by demonstrators who accused her of being an accomplice in the massacre.
03:16 She also added that the organization has presented clear evidence of how at least 10 civilians
03:20 were killed in Ayacucho during the protests against the appointment of President Dina
03:25 Boluarte.
03:26 Human rights groups also demanded justice in the investigation opened against President
03:31 Boluarte and several of her ministers and former ministers.
03:39 In Brazil's capital, women from all over the country hold the 7th Margarida March to
03:43 demand that the government restores all the laws and policies for small farmers that were
03:47 eradicated after the 2016 coup against Dilma Rousseff.
03:51 Our correspondent Brian Meir with details.
03:54 From all 26 Brazilian states, women small farmers and renewable rainforest product harvesters
03:59 are arriving at Brasilia's city park, where they're camping out in preparation for the
04:03 August 15th Margarida March.
04:07 All women's struggles are important, and the March of the Margaridas, with its focus on
04:13 women from the rivers and the forests, shows the importance of the struggle of women from
04:19 the countryside, which is part of the collective struggle of women who are fighting for our
04:24 rights every day.
04:26 This year marks the 7th Margarida March, which was founded by the National Rural Workers'
04:31 Union, CONTAG, in 2000, and the first one since the US-supported coup against Dilma
04:36 Rousseff in 2015.
04:38 With an estimated crowd of 100,000, it promises to be one of the largest women's marches in
04:43 Brazil's history.
04:45 We were raised by these palm trees.
04:49 They are like our mother, but they are not our free mother.
04:53 They are a privatized mother.
04:55 So we who live off of the baboos and cogonuts don't have access to the territory where we
04:59 can work and raise our children.
05:04 On August 15th, the women are marching on Brazil's Congress to demand that the government
05:08 restores all the laws and policies for small farmers that were eradicated after the 2016
05:14 coup, and more programs for the Bem Viver, or Good Living Movement.
05:20 Margaridas have come here to make the biggest women's march in the history of our nation.
05:29 They have come from every corner of the country to say we are determined.
05:36 Brian Meir, Telus Sur, Brasilia.
05:40 Mexican President Andres Manuel López Obrador, during his bordering conference, said he will
05:44 hold talks with his US counterpart Joe Biden on Latin America.
05:48 We are going to have a meeting with President Biden in November.
06:00 That will be during a meeting of Pacific and Asian countries.
06:07 And he invited me.
06:12 And we're going to have a bilateral meeting.
06:17 The Mexican head of state also pointed out that the International Monetary Fund is partly
06:21 responsible for Argentina's debt, which exceeded the country's ability to pay during Mauricio
06:26 Macri's government.
06:30 In the case of Argentina, they have been greatly affected by the economic crisis, because the
06:40 right-wing conservative government of Macri completely indebted the country with the complicity
06:48 of the International Monetary Fund, because they gave him money when Argentina's ability
06:58 to pay was exceeded, and because they gave him more than the bill, because the elections
07:10 were in the middle, and they wanted the right-wing conservative Macri to continue as president.
07:22 However, Macri did not win.
07:29 Alberto Fernandez won, and a huge debt remained, and the International Monetary Fund turned
07:42 its back on them when they were jointly responsible for it.
08:04 Welcome back to From the South.
08:14 On Tuesday at the International Security Conference, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that
08:18 a new multiple world is emerging.
08:20 At the 11th International Security Congress, Russia's head of state said that this reality
08:24 was a key basis for the consideration of stable and progressive world development, with countries
08:29 ready to defend their sovereignty and national interests.
08:32 Vladimir Putin stressed that the governments of some nations create and promote conflicts,
08:38 divide brotherly countries, and seek to maintain neocolonial and domination systems in order
08:43 to exploit the resources of sovereign nations.
08:52 Today it is obvious that it is possible to reduce confrontation at the global and regional
08:56 level, neutralize challenges and risks, strengthen trust between states, and open up broad opportunities
09:02 for their development only by joining the efforts of the world community.
09:07 We have been and remain firm supporters of a multipolar world order based on the priority
09:12 of the norms and principles of international law, the sovereignty and equality of states,
09:17 constructive cooperation and trust.
09:19 During the International Security Event, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accused the
09:24 United States of undermining the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty by its support to Ukrainian forces.
09:31 A number of key arms control and non-proliferation agreements have been derailed by the United
09:35 States.
09:37 They are not ready, they are even such fierce, to encroach on one of the cornerstone elements
09:42 of the global security architecture, the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.
09:49 Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoi will say that the Ukrainian regime does not achieve
09:53 results in the conflict with Russia, despite the comprehensive assistance of the United
09:57 States and NATO.
10:00 Despite the comprehensive assistance of the West, the armed forces of Ukraine fail to
10:04 achieve results.
10:06 An example of this is the publicised Strategic Counter-Offensive.
10:09 The skilful actions of the personnel of the Russian Armed Forces, their coherence and
10:13 the high level of training make it possible to respond flexibly to the implementation
10:18 by Kiev of the plans of Western curators.
10:21 Preliminary results of combat actions show that Ukraine's military resources are almost
10:25 exhausted.
10:27 Belarusian Defence Minister Viktor Krenin accused the West of investing heavily to prepare
10:33 the ground for a possible direct confrontation with NATO.
10:39 In the West, intensive military preparations are underway.
10:43 A lot of money is being invested in this.
10:45 It must be understood that in the capitalist world, no one will freeze their assets in
10:49 weapons and a bloated army without a reason.
10:52 Therefore, the conclusion can be drawn unequivocally.
10:55 The possibility of a direct military clash with NATO in the future becomes quite obvious.
11:02 On Tuesday, Syrian Defence Minister Ali Mahmoud Abbas accused the United States and Western
11:06 countries of provoking conflicts and supporting terrorist organisations to destroy Middle
11:10 Eastern countries.
11:13 In the name of colourful revolutions, creative chaos and others, many countries have suffered
11:19 from the evils of the colonial West as America and those allies with it have worked to provoke
11:25 conflicts and support terrorist organisations to destroy countries such as Iraq, Libya,
11:31 Lebanon and my country, Syria, which still suffers from the aggressions of those countries
11:36 and terrorism.
11:37 For more than 12 years, after the success of our armed forces with the help of friends
11:42 led by the Russian Federation in defeating the aggression and eliminating a large part
11:47 of the terrorism, these countries resorted to waging an economic war and a deadly siege
11:53 against the Syrian people and to preventing the people from access to all means of development.
12:00 The Syrian Defence Minister Ali said that US and Western hostile policies remain the
12:04 main threat to security and stability in the Middle East region.
12:08 Abbas also called on the international community to stop turning a blind eye to the massacres
12:12 committed against the Palestinian people.
12:16 The Zionist entity, with its aggressive practices, its expansionist policy in support of terrorism
12:22 and the hostile American and Western policies, continues to be the most predominant factor
12:28 threatening the security and stability of the Middle Eastern region.
12:31 If we want to be at least reasonably fair, the international community must today put
12:37 an end to the practices of this entity.
12:39 Stop turning a blind eye to the massacres committed by its authorities inside Palestine,
12:45 its continued policy of land grabbing, expansion, building settlements, as well as attacking
12:51 sanctities and violating the freedom and humanity of the Palestinian people.
12:56 This entity must be held accountable for the ongoing attack it continues to launch, especially
13:02 on Syrian territory, which would undermine any real effort to establish security and
13:07 stability.
13:08 Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shogun met on Tuesday with his Chinese counterpart Li
13:14 Xiangfu on the sidelines of a security forum near Moscow.
13:17 Shogun expressed his hope that the meeting would deepen the ties between the two countries,
13:22 militaries, and improve global and regional security.
13:25 According to Russian government sources, representatives from about 100 countries and 8 international
13:30 organizations were invited to the Moscow conference on international security.
13:34 The attendance of the Chinese Defence Minister further underscored the drive by China and
13:38 Russia to align their foreign policies in a bid to counteract the Western-led unipolar
13:43 world order.
13:44 In the meeting, the Chinese Defence Minister reiterated on Tuesday Beijing's position
13:54 on Taiwan and said reunification is a historical trend.
13:59 The Taiwan issue is China's internal affairs that allows no external interference.
14:05 China's reunification is a historical trend.
14:08 Playing with fire and attempting to control China with Taiwan will inevitably end in failure.
14:15 Xiangfu also called for unity to resist the global military hegemony.
14:22 For the sake of a fairer world, we need to unite to resist the power politics of acting
14:27 willfully.
14:29 For the sake of a safer world, we need to stand by each other and help each other to
14:34 resist the global military hegemony.
14:37 For the sake of a more inclusive world, we need to work together to resist enemies of
14:43 containment.
14:44 On Tuesday, about 2,000 soldiers, 200 military vehicles and almost 100 aircraft took part
14:51 in Poland's first military parade since 2019 to mark the Polish Army Day in Warsaw.
14:56 The parade was organized during the slogan "Strong White and Red" and is the culminating
15:03 event of the celebrations.
15:05 Poland said in January that it plans to increase defense spending to 4% of its gross domestic
15:09 product this year, the highest level in NATO.
15:12 According to NATO estimates, in 2022, the alliance spent 2.57% of its combined GDP on
15:18 defense.
15:19 The biggest spenders were Greece and the US, with Poland third on 2.42%.
15:26 According to the Global Firepower Ranking, the Polish Army is ranked 20th among 145 classified
15:32 armies from around the world, and in terms of military power, Poland is ahead of Germany,
15:37 Spain and Canada.
15:52 The Russian Defense Ministry said on Tuesday that it had launched overnight airstrikes
15:56 on key military targets in Ukraine.
15:59 "Russian Armed Forces launched a group strike with sea and air-based long-range precision
16:05 weapons on key enterprises of the Kiev regime's military industry.
16:09 The aim of the strike was reached.
16:11 All assigned objects were hit.
16:13 The military-industrial complex of Ukraine suffered significant damage."
16:18 We have a second short break coming up, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube
16:22 channel at TeleZone English, where there you will be able to re-watch our interviews, top
16:27 stories, special broadcastings and more.
16:29 Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date on the
16:33 world's most recent events.
16:35 To find a short break, don't go away.
16:37 See you soon.
16:38 It is our duty to reverse the damage we caused to the planet.
17:00 Let's recover our natural ecosystems with actions in defense of the environment.
17:06 Let's keep fighting for a greener world.
17:17 Welcome back from the South.
17:19 This Tuesday, at least 13 banks in Russia started testing real transactions with the
17:23 digital robot.
17:24 The experiment tests a number of basic digital robot transactions, such as opening and reloading
17:29 e-wallets, citizen-to-citizen transfers and payments for goods and services.
17:34 Because during the first phase, the average number of participants in the project will
17:37 be 600 individuals, 30 trade and service companies from 11 cities.
17:43 With the introduction of the digital robot, Russia will have three new payment instruments
17:48 – cash, digital and national cryptocurrency.
17:50 Among the advantages of the new payment method are its security and the absence of commission
17:55 fees for transactions.
18:01 On Tuesday, the struggle in Sudan entered its fourth month, and thousands of people
18:05 have died.
18:06 Since Sudan's conflict erupted on April 15, the country has been plunged into a dire
18:11 humanitarian crisis.
18:12 In a joint appeal, the heads of 20 global organizations pointed out that more than 6
18:16 million Sudanese people are one step away from famine and that the situation is periling
18:21 out of control.
18:22 In addition, they added that more than 14 million children need humanitarian aid and
18:27 over 4 million people have fled fighting either within war-ravaged countries or as refugees
18:33 to neighboring states.
18:34 Meanwhile, the country has seen increasing risks of large-scale outbreaks of infectious
18:39 diseases such as malaria, dengue fever and cholera.
18:46 The northeastern region of Syria has seen a notable increase in the military activities
18:51 of Washington and its Daesh, mercenaries and Kurdish separatist militias.
18:55 An escalation of war, which, according to Syrians, could lead to an unprecedented war
19:01 between Damascus and its allies on the one hand and Washington and its agents on the
19:06 other.
19:07 Let's see the following report on the subject from our Damascus correspondent Hisham Wanous.
19:16 Syrians warn that the invading troops of Washington plan to control the entire Syrian-Iraqi borderline
19:21 and block the path of contact between the two neighboring nations and the resistance-blocked
19:26 ally Iran.
19:27 Warnings based on local and regional media reports of the mobilization of military reinforcements
19:32 to the illegal U.S. military base of Al-Tanf on Syrian soil from the Ain al-Assad enclave
19:38 in Iraqi territory and the deployment of additional naval forces in the Red Sea and the Gulf area.
19:48 The United States' war move in the area seeks to cut this line of contact that benefits
19:53 both neighboring countries, both economically and socially, as well as in the military and
19:57 security fields, that consolidates and strengthens the entire axis of resistance.
20:01 Also, what the United States seeks is to create a state of shock with the Russian forces deployed
20:05 in Syria to extort Russia and pressure Moscow to enter into an agreement that preserves
20:10 Washington's interest in these and other areas of the world in the shadow of the Ukrainian
20:14 conflict that is still underway.
20:21 Local sources affirm the deployment of more than 2,500 armed agents of Washington in the
20:26 area between the Al-Tanf base in the southeast of Syria and the city of Bukamal in the province
20:32 of Deir ez-Zor in the northeast of the country.
20:35 At the same time, the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria records continuous violations by
20:40 the U.S. fighter jets of the Russian-U.S. protocol for preventing clashes in the Syrian
20:45 sky.
20:49 Joint Syrian-Russian military exercises and Russian long-range missile strikes against
20:53 Daesh terrorists' strongholds in the area, as well as the Syrian Arab Army's war action
20:58 against extremists who recently attacked a Syrian military bus in the northeastern province
21:03 of Deir ez-Zor, all indicate that Syria and its allies are ready to face any U.S. military
21:09 escalation, even if neither side is interested in a full-scale war that could involve regional
21:15 and international forces.
21:19 While joint Syrian-Russian military exercises were announced in the northeastern region
21:24 of the country, troops and military reinforcements of both allied nations were mobilized in this
21:29 Syrian region, where attacks by Daesh terrorists have also increased on orders from Washington,
21:35 according to Damasco and Moscow.
21:37 Additionally, according to Syrians, an intense movement of troops and combat equipment foretells
21:42 a possible large-scale war in the northeastern region of their country.
21:53 We have come to the end of this news briefing.
21:55 You can find this and many other stories on our website, www.tesorenglish.net.
21:59 Also join us on social media, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram and TikTok.
22:04 For TESOR English, I'm Luis Alberto Matos.
22:07 Thanks for watching.
22:11 [Music]
