The Dick Tracy show - ep. 068 - The gold grabbers

  • l’année dernière
Production : UPA
April 15. 1962


00:00 [musique]
00:08 The Dick Tracy Show!
00:11 [musique]
00:25 [musique]
00:28 [musique]
00:57 [musique]
01:05 Buenos dias, Senor Tracy.
01:07 Hello, Go-Go. Glad you got here so soon.
01:10 We've got to hurry to Pirate's Cove before anything happens to the Captain.
01:14 [musique]
01:17 Well, Prune Face, that just about takes care of everybody.
01:20 The crew, the Captain, and now the treasure is all ours.
01:24 [musique]
01:26 Oh, oh, isn't that cute?
01:28 Oh, look at that.
01:30 Oh, Cuddles is still hungry.
01:32 Does she want another Captain?
01:35 Hmm?
01:36 Oh, she's not hungry. She just wants her nose scratched.
01:39 Come on, Cuddles. Itchy and Uncle Prune Face are going swimming with you.
01:43 We're going to haul a treasure, and you can be the lookout.
01:47 Won't that be fun?
01:49 First one in is a millionaire.
01:51 [musique]
01:54 Hey, look, Prune Face. Gold is busting out all over.
01:58 Oh, yes. Just look at that.
02:01 Why, there must be billions here.
02:04 Oh, strange.
02:06 This treasure-hunting ship looks pretty deserted.
02:09 [musique]
02:12 Senor Tracy, look.
02:14 [explosion]
02:16 Wow, look at all the clams.
02:19 They're clams, all right. Gold clams.
02:22 Quick, Go-Go, get down to the bottom.
02:24 Si, I'll see what's up.
02:27 Or my name is not Manuel Tijuana Guadalajara Tempico Gomez,
02:30 Junior...
02:32 [splash]
02:34 Caramba, Itchy and Prune Face,
02:37 two of the most wanted crooks in the world.
02:40 Those two are killers.
02:42 I got to be careful. I don't dare turn my back on them.
02:46 [screams]
02:48 [splash]
02:50 [musique]
02:53 [musique]
02:56 [musique]
02:58 Dick Tracy calling Go-Go Gomez. Can you hear me?
03:02 I hear you, Senor Tracy.
03:04 How does it look, Go-Go?
03:06 I think this case is about to be nipped in the bud.
03:10 Good work, Go-Go. Over.
03:13 Great underwater man, that Gomez.
03:16 [splash]
03:18 Hey, Shark!
03:21 Hey, Shark!
03:23 [sirène]
03:25 [sirène]
03:27 [sirène]
03:29 [sirène]
03:31 [splash]
03:33 [gobbling]
03:35 It's Go-Go Gomez and his clobbered cuttles.
03:39 Let's let them have it.
03:41 [gobbling]
03:43 Ay, chihuahua.
03:45 [gobbling]
03:49 [gobbling]
03:51 [sirène]
03:53 Hey! This way, please.
03:57 Hey!
03:59 [gobbling]
04:02 You didn't come up empty-handed, did you, Go-Go?
04:05 No, Senor. Two crooks coming up. Look.
04:09 [gobbling]
04:11 Number one, number two.
04:15 On land, air or sea, I have to hand it to you, Gomez.
04:21 Oh, it was nothing, Senor.
04:24 Anyone could do it if he was out of his mind, too.
04:29 [gobbling]
04:31 [sirène]
04:34 Not a bad day's catch, Go-Go.
04:36 Yeah, except for one thing.
04:38 What's that?
04:39 I got no fishing license.
04:43 [gobbling]
04:45 [sirène]
04:47 [gobbling]
04:49 [sirène]
04:51 [gobbling]
04:53 [sirène]
04:55 [gobbling]
04:57 *Bruit de l'animal*
