Day Of Miracles

  • last year


00:00 [ Silence ]
00:28 [ Music ]
00:38 [ Screaming ]
00:44 >> The plane has crashed into one of the towers of the World Trade Center.
00:48 [ Screaming ]
00:50 >> You're talking about a large passenger commercial jet.
00:52 >> A large passenger commercial jet.
00:53 >> The plane was slightly on its side.
00:55 >> It came in like a spear. It just speared through the building.
00:58 >> Holy smoke. The building I'm supposed to be in is on fire.
01:01 >> Suddenly, there was a second warmth that came out of the sky and another plane barreled into the other tower.
01:09 [ Screaming ]
01:12 >> Today, we've had a national tragedy.
01:15 Two airplanes have crashed into the World Trade Center.
01:21 >> There was smoke everywhere and people are jumping out the windows. Over there, they're jumping out the windows, I guess, because they're trying to save themselves. I don't know.
01:29 >> There has just been a huge explosion, a cascade of sparks and fire. And I can't, I'll tell you that I can't see that second tower.
01:38 >> September 11, 2001 changed the world forever.
01:43 As we watched in horror, the terrorists attacked the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon.
01:50 United Flight 93 was headed for Washington, D.C. Its target was the White House.
01:57 If it were not for the heroic actions of a few men, such as Tom Burnett, 36, who gave his life, hundreds more would have died.
02:08 [ Applause ]
02:13 >> The first person to get word that that plane was in trouble is my guest this morning when she got a telephone call from her husband.
02:23 Nina Burnett, the widow, his mother with their three children, two twin girls and a younger child.
02:32 Welcome her now, please, with me.
02:36 [ Applause ]
02:47 >> Tell us about Tom. What kind of a man was he, Dina?
02:52 >> He was a remarkable man. He had heartfelt compassion. He was funny. He was an intelligent man who was intuitive and analytical. He was a leader. He loved his family and he had great faith in God.
03:13 >> You okay? Can I get you anything?
03:18 >> I don't want to take this flight. It just doesn't feel right leaving town right now with you not feeling well and the baby.
03:24 >> You know what? I am going to be just fine. Wait and see. I love you, sir.
03:36 >> I love you.
03:38 >> 60, even 100 times more.
03:46 >> I understand he was probably one of the first to make an outside telephone call from the plane. Can you tell us about that?
03:53 >> Yes. The children and I began our morning very early that day. It was about 6 o'clock when we woke up.
03:59 And I immediately turned on the television to check the weather and saw that the World Trade Center had been hit by an airplane.
04:07 And I was very concerned about Tom knowing he was in New York City. At 6.27 that morning, a phone call came in from Tom's cell phone.
04:15 >> Hello?
04:17 >> And because it was on his cell phone, I thought that he was fine. And my first words to him were...
04:21 >> It's so good to hear your voice.
04:23 >> Dina, our plane's been hijacked. Listen to me, Dina. There's no time.
04:26 >> And he began going into detail about what was taking place on the plane.
04:30 >> Something's wrong.
04:33 >> What the hell is going on back there?
04:36 >> I'm telling you, this happened right now.
04:37 >> Oh, my God.
04:39 >> Oh, my God.
04:41 >> Tell the boys I love them.
04:43 >> They told me they had knifed a guy, that there was a bomb on board.
04:46 >> You've got to let the authorities know. I'll call you back as soon as I can.
04:51 >> Tom?
04:59 >> He hung up, and I called 911 and was connected to the FBI. He called three other times that morning.
05:07 >> Tom?
05:09 >> Each phone call lasting about one minute or less.
05:11 >> The news is saying that two planes just crashed into the Twin Towers.
05:13 >> And he shared that information with the people around him. He began asking questions, analyzing the situation, assessing the problem and trying to solve it.
05:22 >> Looks like my husband's on the... Hold on, hold on. Tom?
05:25 >> Did you get hold of anybody?
05:28 >> Yes, I'm on the other line with them right now.
05:29 >> Let them know these jerks are planning to crash this plane, too. They're trying to make a plan.
05:34 >> Baby, are you okay?
05:36 >> We're going to have to do something soon. We're heading towards the White House, as far as we can tell.
05:40 >> Tom! Tom!
05:44 >> Oh, they're going to crash the plane! You've got to do something!
05:51 >> And on the fourth phone call, he let me know that they were waiting until they were over a rural area before they were going to act.
05:58 >> The three of us are about to make our move. You've got to know and prepare yourself. It looks like we're going to die.
06:06 >> Don't say that.
06:09 >> Just know that no matter what happens, I love you.
06:12 >> Tom!
06:14 >> I asked him if there was anything else I could do.
06:17 >> Tom, what can I do?
06:20 >> He said pray, Dina. Just pray.
06:28 >> Pray, Dina. Pray.
06:32 >> Tom!
06:34 >> Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
06:40 >> God!
06:42 >> Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
06:46 >> Let's go.
06:47 >> Okay, let's roll.
06:49 >> Ah! Ah! Ah!
06:52 >> It's her! It's her!
06:55 >> Ah! Ah!
06:58 >> When you heard about the plane crash, how did you hear that?
07:10 >> The police were there. The fire department was there. The FBI was there. They were reporting another plane crash.
07:17 >> Mr. Burnett, I have bad news. Your husband was on a plane and he died.
07:35 >> And I turned to the policeman and asked if that was Tom's flight. And he said yes.
07:41 >> It was a kid.
07:43 >> No. No!
07:49 >> How did you break the news to your twin girl, six years old?
07:59 >> A friend picked them up from school, brought them to the hospital, and they were in the hospital.
08:04 >> I picked them up from school, brought them home about 5 o'clock that evening. I sat them down on the bed.
08:09 >> What's wrong, Mommy? Where is Daddy?
08:13 >> And we prayed that God would give us strength and allow me to answer their questions.
08:23 >> They were some bad guys on Daddy's plane.
08:26 >> Yeah.
08:29 >> They crashed it. And everybody, everybody died, honey.
08:35 >> And Daddy, too?
08:37 >> Yeah.
08:39 >> And they began to cry. They knew what death meant. And they began to ask questions. They wanted to know where he was.
08:52 >> Daddy's in heaven.
08:55 >> And he was in heaven with Jesus, and that that was a good place to be.
08:59 >> Daddy wants to be with Jesus instead of us.
09:02 >> They asked if they could send him a letter. They asked if they could talk to him on his cell phone.
09:07 >> I love you.
09:09 >> And I explained to them that he was helping God now, and that his work was very important, and that we were here on earth to carry on God's plan for us, and that someday we would see him again.
09:24 >> What a beautiful, perfect faith. Thank you, Jesus Christ, for being his Savior and yours.
09:35 >> Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why the building escort who had never missed a day of work in his entire career suddenly comes down with a fever.
09:52 [ Music ]
09:54 >> What do you think you're doing?
09:56 >> I have not missed a day of work in ten years. I'm not about to, just because of a little fever. And besides, I have to be there when the dignitaries arrive.
10:08 >> What do you think you're doing? Get back up here. You're in no condition to go anywhere. You can't be around others. You might be infectious. Just stay here.
10:21 [ Music ]
10:23 [ Music ]
10:26 [ Music ]
10:29 >> You had been doing a Bible study now for several years at the World Trade Center.
10:36 >> At the Bible study, a week before the tragedy, the Bible teacher was Dick Arthur. There was eight men there, and they said, "What's the Bible study about, Dick?" And he said, "The rapture."
10:49 And four of the men that were young said, "I'm ready to go." And the other four were like older, my age, and had grandchildren. The four that said they were ready to go died. He got them, gathered them together, and he told them, "If you accept Jesus as your Savior, you'll be in heaven in a few minutes."
11:07 >> How do you know this?
11:09 >> Because after they accepted Christ, he told them to call their families.
11:14 >> In the moments remaining, go to the phones, call your dear ones, and be not afraid. And tell your dear ones, "Be not afraid." And not to sorrow, for we go to a glorious reunion with our Creator.
11:25 >> The timing of these prayers is particularly important and dear to God, because this morning will be remembered by millions to the entire United States as one of the disasters of all time.
11:38 [ Music ]
11:41 >> Hi, I'm Cal Bramer. For many people, prayer is a personal conversation with God. A plea for God's help in making something they're desperately wishing for come true.
11:51 And for many of those same people, prayer is often a last resort when tragedy strikes. Few of us know what it is to cry to God from the depths of our hearts when all else has failed, and to hear God answer.
12:04 And often, it takes a terrible tragedy to bring people to a belief in the power of prayer. One person who lived through tragedy and cried out to God in prayer is Janelle Guzman.
12:15 [ Music ]
12:18 >> My whole life just flashed right before me.
12:22 [ Music ]
12:26 >> I knew to myself, I honestly felt that I wasn't going to get out alive.
12:33 [ Explosion ]
12:36 >> I knew exactly where I was going, and I was, you know, going to hell, because I knew I wasn't right with God at that time.
12:45 >> Janelle Guzman lived life on the wild side. She would be the first to admit it.
12:52 >> I love to party, love dancing, love dressing up sexy, going out there, you know, being the center of attraction.
13:00 >> In fact, the morning of September 11, little did she know, her life was about to change forever.
13:07 >> Without any warning, the building just started to shake. And I wasn't really scared at that time, because I thought probably it was an earthquake, you know, so I just stood there, not moving.
13:20 >> I just stood there and waited until it finally stopped. And when it did stop, I just went over to the window, and I saw bits of debris and stuff, you know, falling down.
13:30 >> Once she found out that Tower One had been hit by a plane, she started running down the 64 flights of stairs.
13:38 >> I stopped on the 13th floor, and without a warning or a sign or anything at all, I just felt an explosion, and the place went completely dark and dusty.
13:52 >> I was feeling so helpless. I couldn't move, so I just stood there, face down, with the thought that I'm going to die, this is it, this is it for me.
14:06 >> She was trapped and buried alive under the rubble of the collapsed tower.
14:09 >> I thought I was dreaming when I woke up. I was like spitting out dust, and I said, "Oh my gosh, this is not a dream, this is really happening, this is real." And still, I didn't breathe.
14:24 >> Unable to move, and hardly able to breathe, she knew she was dying, and there was only one place for her to turn.
14:33 >> And then my whole denouement just changed right there and then, and I said, "God, I don't want to die, you know, give me that second chance, you know, save my life, I need to be with my family."
14:45 >> Under the fallen building, alone and exhausted, Janelle began talking to God in a way that was entirely new to her.
14:57 >> I just take a deep breath, and I said to myself, "Oh God, give me the strength to pull my head out from the concrete pillar."
15:04 >> I just pulled it with all my might, and I just yank it out, and I could feel it here, and my head is ripped out.
15:14 >> But I was feeling this burning sensation in my heart, and I was like really wanting for Him to hear me.
15:23 >> Janelle wondered if she would get out alive, and she turned to God in desperation.
15:27 >> I was asking Him for a miracle, you know, I was there, and I was just giving my all to Him, and I was saying, "You know, God, you can do miracles. I heard that you'd done it before, you know, why can't you show me a miracle today? Show me a sign, show me that you hear me. You know, I'm calling all out to you, and you know, just answer me."
15:51 >> Sometimes we underestimate the power of prayer.
15:54 >> Give me meaning in my life.
15:57 >> On this particular morning, there were hundreds of prayers heard and answered, and hundreds of prayers since then.
16:05 >> Janelle was caught in the middle of the crashing towers and prayed for God to help her. The next day, she was the only one found alive. When they rescued her, she was found standing up, asleep.
16:18 >> Janelle didn't know who was with her, but his presence was calming.
16:24 >> I felt a person said, "Janelle, I got you. My name is Paul." I had a smile on my face, and I just said, "Oh, thank God." And I kind of drifted out of sleep, and then I wake up, you know, very fast, and I tried to look at the person to see his face, because he was still holding my hand, and he said, "You're all right, you know, they're going to get you. You're going to be all right."
16:46 >> He said, "You know, they're going to get you out of here. You know, hold on. I'm going to hold your hand through it all until the guys get here."
16:52 >> After being buried for 27 hours, Janelle Guzman was conscious when she was pulled from the rubble. She was the last survivor rescued, taken to the hospital. Her first request was to meet and to thank Paul.
17:06 >> "Paul, how did you hold my hand?" They said, "They didn't hold my hand. No one was holding my hand, talking with me." They said, "No, no one on the team was named Paul that day."
17:18 >> Even the firemen that rescued Janelle said there was no Paul on their team. Convinced that she saw an angel, Janelle knew she had to change her life.
17:30 >> When I saw Roger and he came to my bedside, I said, "Honey, we have to change. We have to get control of our life and be right with God. I can't go back to live with you, you know, not being married."
17:42 >> Roger agreed, knowing in his heart that only God could have saved Janelle's life. He was more than willing to live differently, and they were married in June of 2002.
17:53 Now, instead of looking forward to weekends of wild partying, their first priority is their relationship with God.
18:00 >> I really believe that there's no way anything or anybody is going to come between my family, as far as Janelle, my wife, and I are concerned, because of that center foundation that we have that is so strong, which is God.
18:16 >> Today, Janelle is able to walk along the streets of Ground Zero and realize she doesn't need a tragedy to motivate her to pray. Instead, she relies on daily prayer to help her in all areas of her life.
18:27 >> I know prayer is the answer to all things. When we think it's impossible for things to happen, prayer beats it all.
18:37 >> Janelle Guzman-McMillan believes it was prayer that kept her alive through the worst terrorist attack the U.S. has ever seen, and she knows now that God hears and answers our prayers.
18:48 [Music]
18:52 >> She is lucky to be alive. She is one of the survivors of the Twin Towers. What were you doing in the Twin Towers on September 11th?
19:01 >> Well, it was my first time actually there. I was visiting one of my really good friends from college, and she had just gotten a job as a trader at Canter Fitzgerald.
19:10 >> And we had breakfast at Wild Blue, you know, the attached to windows of the world. And really moments before, I had said my goodbyes to Stacy and headed down the elevator.
19:26 >> I just started shaking a lot. There was really, the sound was unbearable, and I didn't really have any concept of what was happening.
19:36 >> It just happened so fast, I really didn't get a chance to analyze it too much at that moment.
19:42 >> When did you first realize there was an airplane that had crashed into the building?
19:47 >> Not until after, later after I was revived. There was a lot of debris and it kind of scratched and clawed my way out. You know, it was covered in soot.
20:02 >> There was a man in the elevator with me, and he didn't make it out.
20:10 [Music]
20:15 >> I don't understand. I'm only going to be gone for the day, and what's bothering you?
20:19 >> I just really don't have a good feeling about this trip. Besides, you promised me that you'd never travel without me again.
20:27 >> I know I promised, but I can't help it. They have an emergency meeting, and I've got to be there, so I can't help that.
20:34 >> How are you?
20:37 >> I'm better. And the heart, I haven't had any problems with it for a long time. And if I need it, I've got medicine I can take with me, which I am. And I've got the little, you know, the little phone.
20:49 >> Cell phone?
20:51 >> Can you hear me? Yes. So it's important that you know that I'm there, and I will always be with you.
20:57 >> All right. Well, you promised me a really big wedding.
21:00 >> I promise you a big wedding.
21:02 >> Will you get a tux while you're in New York?
21:04 >> And I promise I'll get a tux.
21:06 >> So...
21:07 >> Come here.
21:10 >> That should keep you safe.
21:18 >> You know, I love you very much. You're my whole world. I don't know what I'd do without you.
21:25 >> You just wouldn't.
21:27 >> Go, you've got a plane to catch.
21:33 >> I'll call you. Bye-bye.
21:36 >> Bye, baby.
21:38 >> I see a light!
22:01 >> With the help of some paramedics and real heroes, as far as it goes, I remember kind of looking down, and the paramedics were trying to resuscitate me, and I could see myself.
22:17 And I'm thinking, "Why are they working so hard? I feel fine." You know, I was watching it all happening, and I didn't feel any physical pain at that time.
22:29 I know I was in pain as I was trying to get out, but I was just praying. I was a silent observer, and I remember hearing them pronouncing, "Me dead." You know, "She's gone."
22:38 I didn't feel much of anything other than just kind of peace, and as I kind of felt my, I guess, more ethereal, or my spirit, going and watching this all happen, and them working so hard, and me not being in pain.
22:54 And I felt a lot of light and love around me. Also, you know, my grandparents, who had passed when I was young. I saw them, and it was almost like I was coming home.
23:11 And there was an angel, and I felt very small next to him.
23:16 You know, it seemed I had no sense of time or real space. It was really strange and beautiful. You know, it was a real feeling of peace and universal love. It was just warm.
23:34 I remember saying, "Lord, I'm here. If you want me, take me." And it was seen as if no sooner than that, he was sending me back and, you know, leading me into service there.
23:51 I remember the room I was surrounded by spirits of those that I love, and I felt so safe. And when I came back into my body, it was, how can I say, it was like I was plunged into a pool of ice.
24:08 [Gasp]
24:10 "Oh my God. She's back! It's a miracle!"
24:18 I didn't, for moments, know where I was or really how I got there. And it was, I didn't necessarily want to be back at that moment.
24:29 I'm really blessed and fortunate, and I think that, you know, I'm just trying to share that with others and see how I can help. I know that it wasn't my time. And I know that now. I'm not afraid of death at all anymore.
24:52 I was thinking about it before and seeing others that had gone before me, but now I have a sense of peace and knowing, you know, or at least getting a glimpse of the feeling of, you know, what they're experiencing.
25:04 But there's so much to do here. So many women lost their husbands, and so many children lost their parents.
25:14 And, well, that's, you know, everybody needs some comfort. The people who survived, we have a lot to be thankful for.
25:26 And I hope that, you know, I feel good about being able to help those that did survive. Because there's so much, there's so much grief.
25:36 You know, but there were so many miracles that happened that day, too.
25:41 Amber, the young businesswoman, was trapped in the elevator when power went out of the tower.
25:46 Somehow, she escaped the elevator only to find herself on a terrifying long journey to safety.
25:56 I see a light.
26:06 [Music]
26:09 [Sirens]
26:12 [Music]
26:14 [Sirens]
26:41 [Horn]
26:43 [Sirens]
26:46 Nuclear reflex.
26:56 Nuclear reflex.
27:08 When she was taken to the ambulance, she died. She left her body and found herself in heaven.
27:30 God told her to go back to earth to help those still in need. She was guided by a beautiful, angelic being.
27:37 [Gasp]
27:45 Oh my God. She's back! It's a miracle!
27:54 [Music]
27:56 We have assembled in this room the leaders of the armed forces. All of the armed forces.
28:15 And before us we see four beautiful windows, developed and designed by a gifted artist from Fredericksburg, Texas.
28:27 Windows that symbolize what our country is all about.
28:32 Countrymen who had read the Psalms as they gathered together in their houses of worship from the 13 colonies.
28:41 Embracend on these windows are the words that every uniformed member and every Department of Defense civilian says as an oath of office.
28:52 I will support and defend. How can I support and defend the Constitution of the United States?
29:02 By the help of God.
29:09 It's fitting that this flag will serve as a powerful reminder of the bond between freedom and those who are willing to fight for freedom.
29:19 We shall not forget the sacrifices of those Americans who died in the service of their country.
29:25 Whether it was here in this very place, or in New York City, or in Afghanistan, or in Iraq.
29:35 All the other sacrifices that people have made in the name of freedom of this nation.
29:41 Mr. Speaker, we thank you for the gift of this very special flag.
29:45 We thank the gifted designer, and I might add most generous donor of these magnificent windows.
29:54 Mr. Dennis Roberts for helping to create a place of beauty and a place of peace.
30:02 Thank you very much, and may God bless all of you. Thank you.
30:06 Psalm 147 verses 1 through 6.
30:11 Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to our God.
30:16 How pleasant and fitting to praise Him.
30:19 The Lord builds up Jerusalem, gathers the exiles of Israel.
30:23 He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
30:28 He determines the number of the stars and calls each of them by name.
30:32 Great is our Lord and mighty in power. His understanding has no limit.
30:36 The Lord sustains the humble, but casts wicked to the ground.
30:42 And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.
30:46 No longer will there be any curse.
30:49 The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and His servants will serve Him.
30:53 They will see His face and His name will be on their foreheads.
30:57 There will be no more nights.
31:01 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
31:12 Because this morning will be remembered by millions to the entire United States as one of the disasters of all time.
31:25 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
31:32 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
31:36 Because this morning will be remembered by millions to the entire United States as one of the disasters of all time.
31:42 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
31:48 Because this morning will be remembered by millions to the entire United States as one of the disasters of all time.
31:55 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
32:01 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
32:06 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
32:11 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
32:16 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
32:22 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
32:26 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
32:31 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
32:36 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
32:41 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
32:46 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
32:51 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
32:55 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
33:00 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
33:05 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
33:10 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
33:15 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
33:20 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
33:24 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
33:29 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
33:34 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
33:39 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
33:44 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
33:49 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
33:53 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
33:58 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
34:03 The heroes at the Pentagon were members of the military, emergency civilians, and others at the scene, including Defense Minister Donald Rumsfeld.
34:15 They all reacted so rapidly that many were saved who might otherwise have died.
34:21 One of the burned victims has miraculously recovered after enduring over 30 surgeries.
34:28 The Pentagon is the personified symbol of the nation's commitment and determination to defend the highest principles of the United States Constitution.
34:39 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
34:45 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
34:50 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
34:55 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
35:00 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
35:06 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
35:10 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
35:15 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
35:20 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
35:25 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
35:30 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
35:35 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
35:39 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
35:44 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
35:49 Day of Miracles is not only about those who miraculously survived this horrific event, but why?
35:54 Today we've had a national tragedy.
35:57 Two airplanes have crashed into the World Trade Center.
36:03 There was smoke everywhere and people are jumping out the windows.
36:06 Oh, they're jumping out the windows, I guess because they're trying to save themselves. I don't know.
36:11 There has just been a huge explosion, a cascade of sparks and fire.
36:17 There was nobody left alive after that first day. It was pretty unbelievable.
36:23 We really did expect to find some people alive.
36:26 You know, it was just chance that I was at that spot.
36:31 And we happened to really find him there.
36:34 I came down from the precinct as soon as we heard.
36:39 It was just a mess.
36:42 Like I said, I almost didn't think we'd find anybody alive.
36:45 I could never express the feeling of that day.
36:50 It's just being down there.
36:53 I was going in and out of consciousness.
36:56 I would hear voices and then I wouldn't hear anything.
37:00 And it's just amazing.
37:03 Then all of a sudden I heard Red's voice and he's talking to me.
37:09 I thought I was gone. I really thought I was gone.
37:14 When I heard his voice, for some reason I knew he was going to be the one that was going to get me out.
37:20 To me at least it was a relief to know there was someone alive down there.
37:25 But you feel so helpless.
37:29 I mean, this is your job, to go out and try and protect people.
37:32 But against this kind of destruction, there's nothing you can do.
37:37 No way you can go through this and not have a tremendous amount of love and respect.
37:43 I really didn't think I was going to be able to get him out.
37:47 So thinking back about it now, it's pretty amazing.
37:56 The hole that I was talking to him through was only maybe 8 or 10 inches to begin with.
38:02 And we really had to bust it open quite a bit.
38:05 I had no idea. I just kept talking to him and trying to encourage him.
38:09 Here we are a week later and it was jagged sharp all the way through the rubble field.
38:22 And there was bits of steel and you couldn't make your way one way or the other.
38:28 And I saw one area that looked like a little bit of a pyramid of a shape.
38:35 And I thought it looked like there might be something there.
38:39 And I got closer and I realized that there was an air pocket.
38:42 There was a hole, again maybe 8 or 10 inches.
38:46 And I called down there. As soon as I found it I thought there's got to be someone down there.
38:52 And suddenly he called back and I said, "Who are you?"
38:56 He said, "What's your name?" I was just trying to find out who it was.
39:01 And he said he was a cop. And I was like, "Boy, that just really made me feel good."
39:08 [Music]
39:27 Within that first few hours it was hectic there.
39:32 And there was really no resources at the time but I did see one fireman probably 100 yards away.
39:40 And he had a sledgehammer. And I asked him if he could come over.
39:46 I said I thought I had someone trapped. And we weren't really finding that many people.
39:50 So we came over with a sledgehammer and we started busting open this hole from about 8 to 10 inches.
39:55 And we got it up to about maybe 15 inches, maybe 17 inches.
40:00 And just start making an effort to get him out.
40:03 [Music]
40:18 Before we did we asked if he was okay. Did he have any broken bones or anything?
40:22 Apparently his legs were hurting.
40:26 So, you know, it was just, I didn't know if we were even going to be able to get him out.
40:30 I didn't know if he was trapped or anything because he kept saying he couldn't feel his legs too well.
40:37 I didn't know if it was, you know, was he just losing his circulation or was his legs crushed?
40:42 [Music]
40:46 I can't understand why that out of all this death and destruction I was able to come out.
40:56 That I can't, I can't understand why I lived and so many other people didn't.
41:04 The only thing I can say is for some reason I think the Lord has something he wants me to do.
41:11 And I'm on a quest to find out what that is.
41:15 I want to know.
41:17 [Sound of car crashing]
41:29 The two police officers were trapped in a pyramid like cave that had very little air.
41:34 We've got two people down here.
41:37 One of them had his legs crushed underneath a huge piece of cement.
41:42 [Sound of car crashing]
42:09 Because of the lack of air, they both experienced surreal feelings.
42:12 The officer had a vision of Christ bringing him water.
42:17 [Music]
42:46 [Music]
43:14 I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.
43:17 [Music]
43:21 Then there was the newlywed.
43:23 Sujo John of Teaneck, New Jersey started his new position in April 2001 with high expectations.
43:31 He had an excellent sales job with a firm in the World Trade Center.
43:35 I work at the World Trade Center on the 81st floor of World Trade 1.
43:41 I just barely got on my seat when this loud explosion goes off.
43:45 [Sound of explosion]
43:49 One part of our office caught on flames and there were small flames all through.
43:53 There were shrieks and a manager asked us to calm down and said we should all head to the stairwell.
43:58 [Sound of explosion]
44:01 We thought that the worst was over and everyone was saying stay calm.
44:06 From every floor people were rushing into the stairwell and I began the descent with a very heavy heart.
44:11 Very heavy because my wife works in World Trade 2.
44:15 Sujo made frantic cell phone calls to his wife without success.
44:20 About the 40th floor that's when I saw all these firemen and cops coming up.
44:25 There were hundreds of them climbing up and we all said God be with you, our prayers are with you.
44:30 At some point during Sujo's 40 minute descent from the 81st floor another explosion rocked the building.
44:36 Sujo had no idea a second plane had just flown into World Trade Center number 2.
44:43 Because Mary's subway train arrived just moments after the second jet had crashed into the World Trade Center number 2,
44:51 she was never allowed to enter the building.
44:54 She spent all of that morning calling out to God to protect her husband Sujo.
45:00 When Sujo and thousands of others finally reached the lowest level of Tower 1,
45:04 rescue workers directed them across the mall that connects the two buildings
45:09 and pointed them to the exit at World Trade Center number 2.
45:12 I had a few people in front of me and around me and there were thousands behind me or hundreds I'm not sure.
45:18 That's when the whole World Trade 2 collapses.
45:21 I'm sure the Holy Spirit led me to the wall of World Trade 2, the wall on the lower level.
45:28 And we were huddled, men and women, I think there were 12, 13 of us, we were huddled together.
45:32 We fell on the ground, we were huddled in a group.
45:34 I had no faint of hope that I was going to live.
45:38 So I knew that if I was going to die I'm going to heaven.
45:41 But like I wanted the others to make it to heaven so I said, "Only Jesus can save, start saying Jesus."
45:47 Start, start, you know, start taking the name of Jesus, all of them, I told them, each one of them,
45:52 start taking the name of Jesus, start taking the name of Jesus.
45:54 It's only the name of Jesus that can save us.
45:57 And by saving us I didn't mean we were going to get out of that situation and then eternity, heaven or hell.
46:03 We just faced everyone there.
46:05 And I could hear them cry Jesus behind me, you know, repeating the name of Jesus.
46:10 You know, I could hear that for at least three, four minutes.
46:13 Surrounded in darkness, he thought he had been buried alive as he pulled himself up out of two feet of gritty dust.
46:20 Choking on the ash and flying debris, Sujo was walking blind.
46:25 [Music]
46:35 It's not your time yet. Don't give up.
46:39 [Music]
46:48 So I picked him up and said, I said, "Do you know Jesus? Do you know Jesus?"
46:54 He said, "Yes, Jesus, Jesus." I said, "Start saying Jesus."
46:56 A flashing red light from a crushed ambulance directed the two men to safety.
47:01 They walked out of the debris field together, saying the name of Jesus through the darkness.
47:07 They found one other man alive as they stumbled out of that cloud of death.
47:12 [Music]
47:17 Here's your phone.
47:20 My wife, she's on the 71st floor. It's not possible she's going to make it.
47:24 Well, let's try your phone.
47:26 I think I've got something here.
47:29 Oh my God, is that you, honey?
47:33 I've been trying you all day.
47:35 I've called so many times, I couldn't get through.
47:38 I'm so glad that you're alive.
47:41 You know, I tried to go in to search for you, but this kind woman pulled me out
47:49 and said I needed to think about the baby.
47:51 Hours later, his cell phone rang and he ran as fast as he could to the New Jersey ferry.
47:59 I saw my wife next to Jacob Javits and I was standing there just waiting for him.
48:06 And we couldn't believe it because both of us had given hope that we would ever see each other.
48:11 I had absolutely no hope that I would be alive in the first place.
48:14 The second place that I would ever see my wife, same with her.
48:18 And then we see each other. We hug each other as if this is not real.
48:22 This story is not just about those who died, but also about those whose lives will be changed forever.
48:30 It's given me a wonderful opportunity to share my faith and the faith that Tom had.
48:38 And I think if anything positive and wonderful can come from a tragic and horrid situation,
48:47 then it is the fact that we can, in the midst of a tragedy, find God and the strength that He can give us.
48:57 And know that if we trust in Him, then we'll be just fine.
49:04 I know prayer is the answer to all things.
49:07 When we think it's impossible for things to happen, prayer beats it all.
49:14 If you know Jesus, that's all the name you need to take. That name is so powerful.
49:18 It's more powerful. It's like I can't compare it to any other name.
49:22 It's like if the enemy thought that the bomb was powerful, or that plane was powerful,
49:26 oh my God, just this name, Jesus, that's more powerful than any scheme of the evil one.
49:31 At this hour, Sujo and Mary are so grateful to the Lord for life, for their love,
49:38 for the simple joy of having each other and a baby on the way.
49:43 But in their joy is a deep sense of loss.
49:46 I'm happy in a way that my wife and I are alive, and my family and our families are not going through what thousands upon thousands of families are going through in this country.
49:55 But the only thing that keeps coming to mind day in and day out, like the last two days,
50:00 has been like those innocent firemen, those policemen, all the volunteers, they had no reason to be in that building.
50:08 They just came up through the doors of the building just to save people like us.
50:13 And today, they are not in their homes. Their loved ones have no clue where they are.
50:18 They're frantically running all over the hospitals in Manhattan, trying to reach, trying to reach, trying to see the face of their loved one.
50:27 And some of them are never even going to get their bodies. That thought just breaks my heart.
50:33 As we look over the landscape of Lower Manhattan, we're torn between the incredible stories of God's deliverance and the tragic stories of unimaginable grief.
50:43 The Word of God tells us to rejoice with those who are rejoicing and weep with those who are weeping.
50:49 This is an hour when we will certainly do both.
50:54 What is also certain but unseen is the rejoicing voices in heaven of those 12 people who huddled with Sujo John as the World Trade Center Tower No. 2 collapsed.
51:07 Their names are unknown to us, but not to Jesus the Christ.
51:12 With their last breath, they called upon His name, the only name under heaven that has the power over eternity.
51:23 Nearly 90% of the Tabernacle Choir were miraculously absent from their offices in the World Trade Center on 9/11.
51:30 [Music]
51:48 If you believe, you'll always have tomorrow.
51:55 If you believe, dreams can all come true.
52:02 Deep in your heart you know, it's faith that you must show.
52:09 If you believe, there's nothing you can't do.
52:17 And in this world of ours, the hero will be you.
52:25 All my life, all my life, I've always known, always,
52:40 that the man upstairs is watching over us and it's faith that he wants you to show.
52:53 If you believe, you'll always have tomorrow.
53:00 If you believe, dreams can all come true.
53:08 Deep in your heart you know, it's faith that you must show.
53:15 If you believe, there's nothing you can't do.
53:22 And in this world of ours, the hero will be you.
53:32 The hero will be you.
53:42 [Music]
53:49 You're my glory and the lifter of my head.
54:05 You're my glory, Lord, and the lifter of my head.
54:20 For Thou alone art shield for me,
54:33 my glory and the lifter of my head.
54:48 You're my glory and the lifter of my head.
55:03 [Music]
55:05 [Music]