Alliance putschistes-Tchad: Mahamat Deby trahit la CEDAO

  • last year
Lors de sa première visite diplomatique au Tchad, le nouveau Premier ministre nigérien, Ali Mahamane Lamine Zeine, a établi des liens solides avec le Président de la Transition Mahamat Idriss Déby. Cette initiative vise à renforcer les relations bilatérales entre les deux pays voisins, caractérisés par des liens historiques et culturels profonds. La visite du Premier ministre, en quête de légitimité internationale, a été marquée par l'engagement affiché du Tchad à soutenir activement le Niger dans cette période de transition politique délicate, visant à éviter une résolution militaire à la crise.
L'échange entre les deux dirigeants a souligné l'importance d'une solution diplomatique pour résoudre les défis politiques et sécuritaires auxquels le Niger fait face. Cette visite stratégique, bien accueillie par les deux nations, témoigne de l'aspiration du Premier ministre à consolider sa légitimité à l'échelle internationale tout en recherchant des réponses concertées pour les enjeux régionaux. L'avenir politique du Niger se dessine au fil de ces relations renforcées, soulignant l'urgence d'une diplomatie collaborative dans une période de changements politiques majeurs en Afrique subsaharienne.
#PremierMinistre #Niger #Tchad #Diplomatie #Légitimité #Crise #Coopération #Transition #Soutien #Politique #Solution #Intervention #Sécurité #Reconnaissance #Dirigeants #Président #NDjamena #ScènePolitique

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00:00 On the way to Chad, his first diplomatic visit, the new Nigerian Prime Minister, Ali
00:14 Mahamad Lamine Zeyne, immersed himself in a series of meetings and discussions, thus
00:18 marking a significant turn in relations between the two neighboring countries.
00:22 This diplomatic initiative, reported by the Senegalese-Senegal portal, was widely interpreted
00:28 as a crucial step for Prime Minister Zeyne, recently appointed by the military
00:33 in power in Nigeria.
00:34 The announcement of his appointment, on August 7, had aroused great interest in the direction
00:40 that the Nigerian government would take, in particular in view of the ongoing political transition
00:44 in the region.
00:45 Since then, his visit to N'Djamena, the Chadian capital, for his first international trip,
00:51 clearly indicated the Prime Minister's intention to strengthen bilateral ties between
00:55 Nigeria and Chad, as well as to establish his legitimacy within the international political
00:59 scene.
01:00 The strategic choice of the destination did not fail to attract the attention of observers.
01:05 The Chadian President of the transition, Mahama Idris Deby, distinguished himself by being
01:11 the only head of state to have met the Nigerian Prime Minister since his accession to power.
01:16 This meeting between the two leaders was of particular importance in a context of political
01:21 transition and consolidation of regional relations.
01:25 For Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeyne, the trip to Chad was of profound significance.
01:29 "We share a lot of things together, we share borders, the same history, the same
01:35 peoples," he said, emphasizing the depth of the historical and cultural ties between
01:40 the two nations.
01:41 This speech was well received by the Chadian government, which expressed a strong commitment
01:46 to supporting Nigeria in this delicate period of political transition.
01:49 The Senegal report highlights the positive tone of the interviews between the delegations
01:55 of the two countries.
01:56 Prime Minister Zeyne expressed his satisfaction with the warm welcome he was given and the
02:01 advice he received.
02:03 More importantly, he stressed the strong commitment of Chad to actively support Nigeria in this
02:08 critical phase.
02:09 This statement only increases the credibility of the diplomatic mission of the Nigerian
02:14 Prime Minister and suggests a potential cooperation to resolve the challenges that
02:18 Nigeria is facing.
02:20 However, beyond the optimism displayed, it is important to note the underlying issues.
02:26 The visit of the Nigerian Prime Minister to Chad was clearly motivated by the desire to
02:30 gain international recognition and legitimacy.
02:43 (air whooshing)
