KHABAR Meher Bokhari Kay Saath | ARY News | 16th August 2023

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#Khabar #Jaranwala #Faisalabad #AnwarUlHaqKakar #Report #election2023 #ElectionCommission

(Current Affairs)

- Meher Bokhari

- Rauf Klasra (Analyst)
- Omar Ayub Khan PTI

Khabar | Jaranwala Incident | PM Kakar gutted over Jaranwala incident | Top Story

Will the elections be held this year?

Rauf Klasra gives inside news regarding elections
00:00 Assalamu alaikum and good evening everybody.
00:07 I am Meher Bukhari.
00:12 We will start with a very heart-wrenching news.
00:19 In Janamala, the public, who were protesting against the clear and unbinding Quran,
00:24 set fire to 15 houses and 6 churches in the name of the Christian population.
00:30 The residence of the church in-charge, Father Khalid Mukhtar, was also set on fire.
00:34 Many protesters also attacked the office of the AC Jadawala.
00:38 The city was in a state of chaos when the rangers were called.
00:41 The protest began this morning when, in the area of Eesan Nagri,
00:46 the news of the clear and unbinding Quran and ash from a few youths started circulating on social media.
00:53 According to the non-believers, the youths wrote pamphlets in the name of the Christian community
01:00 which were clearly against the religion.
01:02 They also clearly disrespected the clear and unbinding Quran.
01:07 The non-believers gathered in Cinema Chowk.
01:11 This crowd first targeted a church in the area of Eesan Nagri.
01:16 Then, a kilometer away, they targeted another church near the telephone exchange.
01:22 The crowd surrounded the church in-charge.
01:25 He stayed in the house for two hours with his family.
01:29 Two hours later, when the crowd turned to the other area,
01:32 he managed to escape by saving his life.
01:35 But his house was set on fire.
01:38 In various areas of the city of Jadawala,
01:40 the situation is tense in Christian colony, Nasir colony, Eesan Nagri, Maharawala and check number 120.
01:48 The population of the Christian colony has left the houses.
01:51 Bishop of Pakistan, Bishop Azad Marshall wrote in his Twitter message
01:56 that when I am writing this, the words are lessening.
01:59 We, the Bishop, the priest and the common people are in deep sorrow and grief over the incident of Jadawala.
02:04 When I am writing this message, the church building is being burnt.
02:09 And the Bible has been violated.
02:12 And the Christians have been tortured.
02:14 And they have been accused of violating the Quran.
02:18 We demand justice and we demand immediate action from the institutions that implement the law.
02:24 So that we can be assured that our people's lives and wealth are precious for our country,
02:30 which has just celebrated its independence.
02:33 The viewers are saying that the crowd did not let a single police officer walk.
02:37 The police failed to control the protesters despite the heavy hatred.
02:41 However, a case was filed against two Christian youths by the police.
02:45 And in this case, two youths of the Christian community have been accused of violating the Quran and of insulting the Prophet.
02:52 In the FIR, it has been said that when the complainant reached the site,
02:56 he found the Holy Quran in the Quran.
02:59 And on these holy pages, there were insulting words written in red pencil.
03:03 And a calendar was also made.
03:05 Despite the filing of the FIR, both the accused fled the site.
03:09 The police also tweeted that a case has been filed against those who disrespect the Quran in Jadamala City.
03:18 So, the protesters should be stopped from using violence and violence.
03:22 The Minister of Justice, Anwar ul Haq, has also said that he is "I am gutted" by his reaction to the violations of the Quran.
03:28 I am worried to see the scenes coming from Jadamala.
03:31 A strict action will be taken against those who violate the law and those who target minorities.
03:36 All the law enforcers have been told to arrest the criminals and bring them to justice.
03:41 The Minister of Justice has assured that the government of Pakistan is standing with our citizens on the basis of equality.
03:47 This is not the first time that the discrimination of religion has been made a target of minorities.
03:54 In 2013, hundreds of Christians were displaced from Badami Bagh, Lahore,
03:59 in the Jozab colony due to the attacks and fire.
04:04 You may remember that in 2009, in Gojra,
04:07 six Christians lost their lives in the same kind of riots and 40 houses were burnt.
04:14 The arrest of the accused for this sensitive case of the discrimination of religion has become a big challenge for the state.
04:22 The attacks on minorities by the citizens without any investigation or legal grip on the case have proved that the state has weakened itself.
04:33 The act of violating the law in the name of discrimination of religion or the Prophethood
04:39 is not in the interest of the state of Pakistan or the religion of Islam.
04:47 Islam is the religion we follow.
04:50 It is the religion that protects the rights of minorities.
04:53 When the companions arrested Hazrat Sumama, he was tied to the pillar of Masjid-e-Nawwi.
04:59 Hazrat Sumama had not accepted Islam until then.
05:03 He used very vulgar words when he saw the Prophet.
05:08 But the Prophet had freed him.
05:12 Our founder, Qaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, said on 11 August 1947,
05:18 "You are free to go to your temples, to your mosques,
05:23 and to go to any of your places of worship in Pakistan,
05:27 whether you belong to any religion, caste or creed,
05:30 the state has nothing to do with it."
05:34 Think about it.
05:35 A small waqfah will be back after the waqfah.
05:37 The decision to accept the new Mardam Shomari is a challenge in the Supreme Court.
05:49 Shah Mahmood Qureshi also demanded an election from the government.
05:53 The election commission's hearing on the Mardam Shomari ended without any result.
05:58 The tension has increased as there are no elections in the coming time.
06:02 The Supreme Court Bar Association has challenged the decision of the Joint Inquiry Council.
06:07 It has adopted the concept that the Chief Executive of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab
06:11 were present in the Joint Inquiry Council hearing.
06:13 The formation of the Joint Inquiry Council was not permanent.
06:16 The Council was not immediately ready to hold elections for the Mardam Shomari.
06:20 Therefore, the notification of the Joint Inquiry Council on 5th August should be declared illegal.
06:26 The Supreme Court has declared the decision of the Joint Inquiry Council as invalid
06:30 and has ordered the election commission to immediately give the date of the elections.
06:34 The Bar Association has also challenged the decision of the Joint Inquiry Council.
06:39 In the letter written to the Chief Executive, Shah Mahmood Qureshi has expressed his intention
06:43 to challenge the decision of the Joint Inquiry Council in the Supreme Court.
06:47 In the letter, Shah Mahmood Qureshi has asked the Chief Executive to make sure
06:53 that the country is on the verge of total destruction.
06:57 The former government has used one way or the other to make its place and to save itself from the accountability.
07:07 This type of action of the ruling group has caused immense damage to the foundations of the state.
07:12 The former rulers have used the state institutions to get rid of the movement of justice.
07:19 Shah Mahmood Qureshi has written that the time has come to run the country on the path of justice.
07:25 The foundation of democracy is based on the right of the citizens to vote.
07:29 The constitution of the assembly has ordered the elections to be held on the 90th day before the time of the inquiry.
07:34 Therefore, we strongly demand that you make sure that the elections are held on time.
07:40 The Chief Executive has written in the letter that the issue of new restrictions cannot be used as an excuse for the elections.
07:47 Shah Mahmood Qureshi has asked the Chief Executive to make sure that the elections are held on time
07:54 and that the parties are given equal ground for the election.
07:58 In the current situation, your fair style of action will be a source of strength and strength in the trust of the people on the democratic agenda.
08:05 Despite the demands to hold the elections on time, the election commission could not achieve anything from today's meeting.
08:13 The legal team has suggested that the election commission should be restricted.
08:16 The election commission has again suspended the matter by refusing to call for a meeting.
08:21 The assembly has been in the assembly for 7 days.
08:23 The election commission has 83 days left on the time of the inquiry.
08:26 But the election commission has not yet been able to start working on the restrictions.
08:30 The Chief Executive has been appealing to the election commission to meet the requirements of the elections.
08:36 But the Chief Executive has shown great clarity on this issue before handling the Uzma.
08:41 I am not the Chief Election Commissioner. How do I know?
08:49 The heavy responsibility of the elections is being told on the shoulders of the election commission.
08:54 Before the Migrant Prime Minister, the elected Prime Minister Shabash Ali was also not accepting the joint referendum of the Human Rights Council.
09:00 This responsibility was being put on the election commission.
09:03 I believe that the elections will be held under the new census.
09:09 The election commission will make all the decisions on this.
09:11 We have no responsibility now.
09:12 Even if the government has to hold the elections, the election commission has to hold the elections.
09:16 I think they should be responsible for this.
09:18 We have no responsibility.
09:20 But Article 48.5 of the Pakistan Constitution says that if the President of the country makes an assembly review,
09:27 then the President will also give the date of the election.
09:29 And this date will not be more than 90 days after the assembly review.
09:33 But the PDM government has taken the right to give the date of the President's election through amendment in the Election Act.
09:39 The PDM government has amended the Election Act of 2017 to Section 57 and 58.
09:44 According to this amendment, the election commission will now announce the date of the general election.
09:48 Here, the amendment to the Act is being given to the Act.
09:51 And the elders are being given preference over both.
09:54 In yesterday's interview, the opposition leader admitted that the decision to hold the elections in February has been made by the elders.
10:00 The elections will be held in February.
10:02 The elections are being held two to four days before or after February 15.
10:08 Our elders have decided that the elections will be held in February.
10:12 The decision was made 15 days before the elections were held.
10:18 The decision to hold the elections in February is made by the elders.
10:21 But the men who are being taken to the elections in the next year by making the numbers and the restrictions a excuse,
10:28 or there are attempts, these attempts have been challenged in the Supreme Court.
10:31 If the Supreme Court's request for a general assembly is denied,
10:34 the decision to hold the elections once again will unfortunately come from the courts instead of politicians and legislators.
10:40 Let's talk to senior journalist, Mr. Raoul Klasra.
10:43 Mr. Raoul, thank you for giving preference to the Act over the laws.
10:48 You gave preference to the elders over both.
10:51 Who will call? When will the elections be held?
10:53 If I am not wrong, you must remember, when the issue of General Musharraf's uniform was so big,
10:58 that elections are being held with the uniform, I am not a legal mind, but correct me if I am wrong,
11:03 even then, such a big decision was made through the Act of Parliament instead of the amendment to the Act.
11:08 These wizards who are sitting here, the magicians of the law,
11:12 they have found only one solution, that you don't have a two-thirds majority, you don't have a lot of votes,
11:16 you have done big things like the Act of Parliament,
11:19 it is not just this that you are telling, if you tell your researchers,
11:23 they will find many of you, that in the last 15-20 years, the parliaments that have come...
11:27 Sir, let's go back to 15 months, why do you go back to 15-20 years?
11:30 Samiullah Bilauj's decision was made, the Supreme Court has decided,
11:33 again, it was amended in the Election Act and made it 5 years, that will also be a challenge.
11:37 I mean, they have done everything to make their way out, or to appease powers that be, I think.
11:43 The importance of the Parliament, when they want to become a Prime Minister,
11:46 to get amendments made in their favour, to get their cases dropped,
11:49 to clip the powers of other institutions, the state,
11:53 to say that they are rich, to slough away the basic human rights,
11:59 at that time, they remember the Parliament, they remember the vote,
12:03 they remember the authority, they remember the Supremacy of Parliament.
12:07 If you look at the performance of the last 18 months of the Parliament,
12:10 all the personal specifications they have done,
12:14 whether it is the cases of politicians, the issues of the Naib, overseas voters,
12:18 the issues of machines, or the powers they have clipped,
12:22 the relief they have received in these 18 months,
12:25 the Nawaz League and PDM say, look, we have given a lot of political costs,
12:28 they have not given political costs to us, they are not so small,
12:32 they have done everything, putting their cases in front of the court,
12:39 billions of rupees, the cases in which you had to be punished,
12:43 you have clipped the Naib, you have finished all the powers,
12:47 you have made appointments of your choice, and you have rubber stamped the Parliament.
12:51 You don't be so critical, we have come to save the state, sir.
12:54 Tell me, Shah Mehmood Qureshi, who is appealing to the Minister of Finance,
12:58 and is writing letters, is there any possibility of an appeal?
13:04 I think I had come to your show earlier,
13:06 I don't want to say the word 'Karma' in English,
13:10 but what Karma is, this is Shah Mehmood Qureshi,
13:13 and you remember our friend Fawad Chaudhary,
13:16 who was being followed by governments,
13:18 who had made appeals, Chairman Sajjadani was sitting with him,
13:21 and he was getting his case filed, and he was not agreeing,
13:24 and he said, 'Sir, accept the election in July.'
13:26 He said, 'No, sir, there is an order from the Chairman,
13:29 we want it right now.'
13:30 It doesn't take long for the time to change.
13:32 There was a time, there was a whole establishment behind you,
13:35 the whole media was telling you, your party was telling you,
13:37 the government was telling you, the PDM was telling you,
13:39 that we are ready to give you a date, let's talk,
13:41 let's do it in a month or two.
13:42 They said, 'No way.'
13:43 Your party has not only one, but many tricks,
13:46 in the way of justice.
13:47 The time is very important, just like cricket in politics.
13:51 You missed the time, now you go to the Constitution,
13:54 to the Supreme Court, to the cover,
13:56 when the whole establishment was powerful,
13:58 you were also in a cloud, you were also in a panic.
14:00 Why are all these appeals being made to the Prime Minister,
14:02 to the Chief Minister, to get the election done on time?
14:04 There is no need for that.
14:05 You are absolutely right, when it is written in the Constitution,
14:07 that it is not there.
14:08 Okay, one more thing, you are very sensible,
14:09 look at what he is saying, I was listening to your clip.
14:11 Why are you asking?
14:12 No, you are telling me his sensibility, I am going.
14:15 He said, I think it was Mr. Shabashri,
14:17 why are you asking us, ask the Election Commission.
14:19 You don't want to fight the election,
14:21 your party doesn't want to fight the election,
14:22 they have no interest, they are interested in what we want to do.
14:25 In fact, you must remember Mr. Shabashri,
14:27 last time in 2018, he gave a speech,
14:31 he said, we do our work,
14:33 if there is no electricity, we will not be at fault.
14:35 Do you remember?
14:36 He said, now the load will be shattered,
14:37 I am not responsible.
14:38 So, he said, I was playing, I am going from the chair,
14:40 now whether there is an election or not,
14:41 ask the Election Commission.
14:42 You are the former Prime Minister of this country,
14:44 why are you not saying this and going?
14:46 You say, absolutely, we don't need to say this to the Election Commission,
14:49 they have to get elected in 90 days,
14:51 why should we see,
14:52 why should we appeal to them?
14:54 Why are you appealing?
14:55 So, the whole burden, I think,
14:57 was put on Sikandar Sultan Raja Sahib,
14:59 on his shoulders,
15:00 now everyone says the same.
15:01 The shoulders that are being lifted,
15:02 the burden is on those shoulders,
15:03 who are lifting the shoulders.
15:04 He himself was not there,
15:05 I think he was not there,
15:06 he had a director,
15:07 but the matter is on him.
15:08 Raja Sahib is calling for a meeting,
15:10 the seventh day has come,
15:11 no final decision is being given from him,
15:13 that what to do,
15:14 what is he doing?
15:15 There is a news,
15:16 let's share the news with you.
15:17 So, he will give news on news.
15:18 Yes, he will give news,
15:19 absolutely,
15:20 that is,
15:21 I think,
15:22 let's put it this way,
15:23 that the election,
15:24 this thing has been conveyed to Raja Sahib,
15:26 the Election Commission,
15:27 that they have notified that
15:29 there will be a men's vote,
15:30 the constitution is also telling,
15:32 some act of 2017,
15:34 that your new elections will be,
15:36 your men's vote,
15:37 your delimitations,
15:39 your delimitations,
15:40 there will be a slight restriction,
15:41 they will be updated,
15:43 that there is one provision in the constitution,
15:45 which can be made a base,
15:46 and it can be delayed for 3-4 months,
15:48 3 months have passed,
15:50 you have 90 days,
15:51 3 more,
15:52 next news is,
15:53 you can take this election,
15:55 under the constitution,
15:56 let's say you can take it for 3 months,
15:58 in the name of men's vote,
16:00 you can't take it beyond March,
16:02 then you can't work under the constitution,
16:04 leave the senate,
16:05 then you have to go through this monitoring setup,
16:08 then this country,
16:09 already many people are asking,
16:10 Sir, the news is that,
16:11 it matters on his performance,
16:12 as you can see,
16:13 the cabinet is being formed,
16:14 if he performs,
16:15 then there will be a delay,
16:16 it will be a long delay,
16:17 till March,
16:18 the election commission will do it,
16:19 it will take the burden,
16:20 and there will be criticism,
16:21 but till March,
16:22 they will say,
16:23 if I have access to some information,
16:25 till March,
16:26 they will say,
16:27 we are compelled,
16:28 the constitution is saying this,
16:29 after March,
16:30 the election commission,
16:31 will raise their hands,
16:32 that either you come directly,
16:34 handle the matter yourself,
16:35 the country will not go under the constitution,
16:37 then you will have to make big decisions,
16:39 then you will have to do extra constitution things,
16:41 you have taken the burden for a year,
16:43 in January,
16:44 you and I were in the show of Kashif Abbasi,
16:45 and we were talking,
16:46 that the elections will be held for KPK and Punjab,
16:47 I was saying,
16:48 they will not be held,
16:49 will they be held?
16:50 No, they will not be held.
16:51 They will not be held,
16:52 they take the burden,
16:53 when the screams come out,
16:54 everyone takes the burden,
16:55 now the problem is that,
16:56 Mardham Shumari has been challenged in the Supreme Court,
16:58 so now you feel that,
16:59 the Supreme Court will hold him tight,
17:01 the next Chief Justice is also coming,
17:03 I think,
17:04 there are bigger expectations than this,
17:05 those who are there,
17:06 they say that,
17:07 you have to show some bravery,
17:08 on the first day itself,
17:09 I think he is late,
17:10 now he has lost his hair from the court,
17:11 the power he had to use,
17:12 his clout,
17:13 where he had to show muscles,
17:14 where he had to come and take the stand,
17:15 he has gone back,
17:16 now when he comes and retreats,
17:17 he gives the space to someone,
17:18 that space you cannot retrieve again,
17:19 now what is the regret,
17:20 when the bird has been seen?
17:21 Now,
17:22 that is why,
17:23 our Chief Justice,
17:24 2-3,
17:25 his weak side,
17:26 which the government exploited,
17:27 and it was exploited,
17:28 that was his full court,
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23:00 he did not have a full court,
23:01 he did not have a full court,
23:02 he did not have a full court,
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23:04 he did not have a full court,
23:05 he did not have a full court,
23:06 he did not have a full court,
23:07 he did not have a full court,
23:08 he did not have a full court,
23:09 he did not have a full court,
23:10 he did not have a full court,
23:11 he did not have a full court,
23:12 he did not have a full court,
23:13 he did not have a full court,
23:14 he did not have a full court,
23:15 he did not have a full court,
23:16 he did not have a full court,
23:17 he did not have a full court,
23:18 he did not have a full court,
23:19 he did not have a full court,
23:20 he did not have a full court,
23:21 he did not have a full court,
23:22 he did not have a full court,
23:23 he did not have a full court,
23:24 he did not have a full court,
23:25 he did not have a full court,
23:26 he did not have a full court,
23:27 he did not have a full court,
23:28 he did not have a full court,
23:30 DC Islamabad reported that
23:31 the IB report states that
23:32 Shariah Rafidi District Court
23:33 can attack.
23:34 Justice Babar Sattar
23:35 said that you did not ask
23:36 the person who reported
23:37 that how were they
23:38 provoking people
23:39 from the jail?
23:40 DC Islamabad replied
23:41 that my eyes and ears
23:42 are the intelligence institutions.
23:43 Special Branch also reported.
23:44 Justice Babar Sattar
23:45 said that do you know
23:46 what you are saying?
23:47 A criminal is in jail
23:48 and you are saying
23:49 that he is provoking people.
23:50 The person who reported
23:51 that he is provoking people
23:52 is not a criminal.
23:53 The person who reported
23:54 that he is provoking people
23:55 is not a criminal.
23:56 The person who reported
23:57 that he is provoking people
23:58 is not a criminal.
23:59 The person who reported
24:00 that he is provoking people
24:01 is not a criminal.
24:02 The person who reported
24:03 that he is provoking people
24:04 is not a criminal.
24:05 The person who reported
24:06 that he is provoking people
24:07 is not a criminal.
24:08 The person who reported
24:09 that he is provoking people
24:10 is not a criminal.
24:11 The person who reported
24:12 that he is provoking people
24:13 is not a criminal.
24:14 The person who reported
24:15 that he is provoking people
24:16 is not a criminal.
24:17 The person who reported
24:18 that he is provoking people
24:19 is not a criminal.
24:20 The person who reported
24:21 that he is provoking people
24:22 is not a criminal.
24:23 The person who reported
24:24 that he is provoking people
24:25 is not a criminal.
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24:27 that he is provoking people
24:28 is not a criminal.
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24:31 is not a criminal.
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24:34 is not a criminal.
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24:37 is not a criminal.
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24:40 is not a criminal.
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24:43 is not a criminal.
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24:46 is not a criminal.
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24:49 is not a criminal.
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24:52 is not a criminal.
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24:55 is not a criminal.
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33:02 The person who reported
33:03 that he is provoking people
33:04 is not a criminal.
33:05 The person who reported
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33:07 is not a criminal.
33:08 The person who reported
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33:10 is not a criminal.
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33:13 is not a criminal.
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33:16 is not a criminal.
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33:19 is not a criminal.
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33:22 is not a criminal.
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33:25 is not a criminal.
33:26 The person who reported
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33:28 is not a criminal.
33:29 The person who reported
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33:31 is not a criminal.
33:32 The person who reported
33:33 that he is provoking people
33:34 is not a criminal.
33:35 The person who reported
33:36 that he is provoking people
33:37 is not a criminal.
33:38 The person who reported
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33:40 is not a criminal.
33:41 The person who reported
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33:43 is not a criminal.
33:44 The person who reported
33:45 that he is provoking people
33:46 is not a criminal.
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33:49 is not a criminal.
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33:52 is not a criminal.
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33:55 is not a criminal.
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33:58 is not a criminal.
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34:01 is not a criminal.
34:02 The person who reported
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34:04 is not a criminal.
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34:07 is not a criminal.
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34:10 is not a criminal.
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34:13 is not a criminal.
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34:16 is not a criminal.
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34:28 is not a criminal.
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34:34 is not a criminal.
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34:37 is not a criminal.
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34:40 is not a criminal.
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34:43 is not a criminal.
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35:01 is not a criminal.
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37:22 is not a criminal.
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37:25 is not a criminal.
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37:28 is not a criminal.
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37:31 is not a criminal.
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37:34 is not a criminal.
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37:37 is not a criminal.
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37:40 is not a criminal.
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37:43 is not a criminal.
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37:46 is not a criminal.
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37:49 is not a criminal.
37:50 The person who reported
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37:52 is not a criminal.
37:53 The person who reported
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37:55 is not a criminal.
37:56 The person who reported
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37:58 is not a criminal.
37:59 The person who reported
38:00 that he is provoking people
38:01 is not a criminal.
38:02 The person who reported
38:03 that he is provoking people
38:04 is not a criminal.
38:05 The person who reported
38:06 that he is provoking people
38:07 is not a criminal.
38:08 The person who reported
38:09 that he is provoking people
38:10 is not a criminal.
38:11 The person who reported
38:12 that he is provoking people
38:13 is not a criminal.
38:14 The person who reported
