• 2 years ago
Destaque defensivo do Cruzeiro na Série A do Campeonato Brasileiro, o lateral-esquerdo Marlon, do Cruzeiro, tem colhido os frutos da boa fase. Em entrevista exclusiva ao portal No Ataque, do Estado de Minas, ele falou sobre o momento, sondagens do exterior e chance de Seleção Brasileira.

Também comentou as primeiras impressões no clube – chegou quando o time atravessava período de turbulência, ainda sob o comando de Paulo Pezzolano. Depois, a Raposa retomou a boa fase e fez grandes partidas nas primeiras rodadas do Nacional. Contudo, tem oscilado nos últimos jogos, principalmente como mandante.

Leia mais: https://www.em.com.br/app/noticia/esportes/2023/08/13/interna-esportes,1545166/minha-selecao-e-o-cruzeiro-diz-marlon-em-entrevista-ao-no-ataque.shtml

São boas partidas contra os candidatos ao título, mas dificuldades contra os times de menor expressão. Esse foi um dos temas abordados por Marlon, que comparou o desempenho do Cruzeiro ao personagem Robin Hood, um “fora da lei” que roubava da nobreza para dar aos pobres.

Acesse o site: https://noataque.com.br / https://uai.com.br


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#cruzeiro #lateral #marlon


00:00 You said your goal is the designer. Do you think you were the designer king in the first Brazilian tournament?
00:08 I'm a player that likes to fight head on. I'm comfortable in that situation.
00:16 If you compare me to the other players, I'm not as offensive as the others.
00:22 But I think I'm the best in terms of scoring.
00:27 I can't say I'm better because I'm not the one to say that.
00:30 But there are numbers that prove that.
00:35 I like the nickname "King of Disarm", but I'm happy with it because it's a reward for my hard work.
00:43 When I first heard about Brazilian football, I was a side that didn't score well, which was more aggressive.
00:48 In European football, I learned this discipline, because I played as a third defender.
00:52 And it helped me to sharpen my 1v1.
00:56 We know that the opponents we face end up studying us in the way we score.
01:01 I've had opponents in the field who said they analyzed the way I scored.
01:05 So, just like I analyze the players I score, the players who attack me also analyze me.
01:09 We always look for the week-by-week, along with the analysis department of Cruzeiro, which is very good.
01:14 It provides us with a lot of content.
01:16 It's to improve this defensive aspect, because it's a strong point and I like to explore it a lot.
01:21 (mouse clicks)
