• 2 years ago
The Prime Minister has touted a "better deal for renters" and a blueprint to boost housing supply after national cabinet in Brisbane. The nation's housing crisis was prioritised by state and territory leaders but the outcome has been met by a mixed reaction.


00:00 State and territory leaders have agreed to set a target of 1.2 million new homes to be
00:08 built over five years.
00:10 That's starting from July next year.
00:12 We already knew about 1 million of those homes.
00:15 That was a target set by those state and territory leaders last year.
00:19 So we know that there is 200,000 more homes that have now been committed to.
00:26 The new homes are backed in by a $3 billion incentive package that has been put up by
00:32 the Prime Minister.
00:33 Essentially, the states and territories will be paid out $15,000 per home they build over
00:39 the original allocation that they were given in that 1 million homes.
00:44 The leaders also agreed to reform planning and zoning laws to enable more high-density
00:49 living in cities.
00:51 But the question is being asked, does the country have the capacity to build these homes?
00:56 We asked Master Builders Australia whether they think they do.
01:01 Here's what they had to say.
01:04 We think it's achievable.
01:05 There is now a capacity in the industry to achieve those million homes and the infrastructure
01:10 around it.
01:12 1.2, while ambitious, is something we actually need to aspire to.
01:17 We have massive shortage of homes in this country, whether it's regional or city, whether
01:23 it's social housing or owner-occupier housing.
01:27 We need to resolve those issues.
01:30 So Master Builders Australia has backed in what National Cabinet came up with yesterday.
01:37 But the other thing that National Cabinet was talking about was rents and not everyone
01:41 is happy about that.
01:42 So we know that the jurisdictions decided to move towards national consistency around
01:48 no-grounds evictions as well as only limiting rent increases to once a year.
01:53 But the Greens aren't happy.
01:55 They've been calling, of course, for National Cabinet to consider a rent freeze in return
02:00 for their support for the government's signature housing bill in federal parliament.
02:06 Of course, National Cabinet didn't go anywhere near a rent freeze.
02:12 So now the Greens say that they will have to consider their position.
02:16 Obviously, this housing bill comes back to parliament later this year.
02:20 They'll have a conversation in their party room and then consider their position.
02:25 So we'll have to wait and see when this vote comes to parliament what exactly happens.
