US scientists implant engineered pig kidney

  • last year
Scientists in the US have successfully implanted a genetically engineered pig kidney into a brain-dead patient. The kidney has functioned for more than a month now and the experiment has given scientists hope that they may be on the right track to solving the organ shortage crisis.
00:00 The experiment absolutely was a success.
00:03 We're at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
00:05 And so our study actually occurred back in February
00:09 of this year and our paper,
00:11 our peer reviewed published paper came out today.
00:15 And we demonstrated excellent kidney function.
00:18 I think it would be amazing, you know, without question,
00:20 no matter where you live in the world,
00:22 the organ shortage crisis is real and it is lethal.
00:25 We all have more individuals who need an organ
00:27 than we have a supply.
00:29 And I think Xeno transplantation really offers the promise
00:32 of being able to meet that need and eliminate that gap.
