Sindh becomes the center of epidemic diseases

  • last year
#deadlydisease #healthnews #bakhabarsavera
00:00 The problem is that there is a lot of work to be done on the health of the children.
00:03 And obviously, that work is not done here.
00:07 The health of the Sindh region is becoming a place of epidemic.
00:09 I will not talk only about the health of the region.
00:11 The situation in the urban areas is also not good.
00:14 If we talk about sugar, the measles has taken the form of epidemic.
00:19 And another child has lost his life, after which the number of deaths has increased.
00:24 Millions of children are still affected by this disease.
00:28 The DHU's district health officer said that teams are working in the affected areas.
00:35 More than 100 children have been given a protective vaccine.
00:38 But once it is on, it is not effective.
00:44 Then samples of children's blood have also been sent to the laboratories.
00:49 Why is this disease spreading?
00:51 I will talk about measles.
00:53 And the second thing is that vaccination is very important.
00:58 And I have personally observed that the Sindh government is working on this.
01:04 The vaccination is being traced and the numbers are being provided.
01:09 And you are also given messages for memory.
01:12 And the card is also provided by the government so that you can get vaccinated.
01:16 Still, people do not pay attention to this.
01:19 Dr. Ibrahim Yusuf, a medical expert is with us.
01:22 Thank you so much for being with us.
01:24 And a very good morning to you.
01:26 I have not had much knowledge about this before.
01:30 But I have recently seen that the government is also working on this.
01:35 You are also provided with a number.
01:39 You are given a card.
01:41 And when you get a date, you are also informed by phone.
01:45 There are many instances where people are given a free balance.
01:49 And when you get vaccinated, you are given an incentive.
01:52 Despite this, I see that these diseases take on different forms.
01:57 These are the diseases that are preventable.
02:00 What is the reason for this?
02:02 First of all, I will tell you that the most dangerous disease in the world,
02:08 if there is any highly contagious disease,
02:11 in fact, in infection, it is a disease called measles.
02:15 The second name is red measles, bleeding measles, rubella.
02:21 These are all the alternative names.
02:24 And the most fatal and infective cause is measles.
02:30 And if there is even a little negligence and a little delay in the process,
02:38 then the child will die.
02:42 And it becomes very difficult to save him.
02:45 In highly contagious, it is very specific that you have to keep the child very segregated.
02:53 If there is an infection.
02:55 And it has to be treated with a lot of high equipment.
03:02 Can it be treated at home?
03:04 Of course not.
03:05 No?
03:06 One is that there is a simple measles, there is no further complication,
03:10 it is mild, it will be settled.
03:13 But if there is even a little pneumonia or diarrhea,
03:17 the high symptoms of measles, it becomes very difficult to save him.
03:23 Until the patient goes to your high-independence unit.
03:27 The biggest drawback of Pakistan is that we do not have a measles ward everywhere.
03:33 Not in the private sector at all.
03:35 Because you cannot keep a separate ward.
03:38 Because it is a very big cost.
03:40 Making a ward for a patient is totally different.
03:45 Why is it so?
03:46 The most dangerous reason is that no doubt our entire national government
03:53 is doing a lot of work on vaccines.
03:55 Which is called the Extended Program of Immunization.
03:57 It is doing a very good job, no doubt.
03:59 But we have so many myths and facts that the parents are not ready.
04:06 At some time, one does not get the measles vaccine.
04:10 If one does not get it, it can make 15,000-20,000 children.
04:15 It can make a whole cluster.
04:16 It can make both epidemic and endemic.
04:18 Now, the one who has the measles vaccine and the one who has not,
04:23 suppose 5 children have not been vaccinated and 50 children have been vaccinated.
04:27 50 children will be infected but some will survive,
04:32 some will get mild symptoms and will recover.
04:34 The children who did not get the measles vaccine,
04:36 they will go to the school for highly infective causes.
04:39 Tell me one thing, is there an age group for this?
04:43 For example, you said that the child is isolated and treated.
04:49 Can the parents be affected by the child in case of measles?
04:53 Of course, mothers are there.
04:54 And anyone can get measles at any age.
04:57 But the age factor is 1 year to 5 years.
04:59 All the infective causes are 1 year to 5 years.
05:02 I have seen many people, like the mother got measles.
05:08 Then the child got it.
05:09 It happens.
05:10 So, it's a very common problem in our society that anyone can get it.
05:14 And the ways of spreading it are the same.
05:16 Is it a virus?
05:17 It's a virus.
05:18 It's a highly contagious virus.
05:20 I say that Covid is still a life-threatening situation.
05:26 Measles is a 100% life-threatening situation.
05:30 And there is no such treatment if the child is in complications.
05:34 Because with the virus, you treat the symptoms.
05:37 Tell me one thing, the news that was coming out,
05:40 that more than 100 children have been given a 5-year protection vaccine.
05:44 Now, on one side, the disease is spreading.
05:48 Now, the disease is spreading.
05:50 On the other side, it may be that I am in the incubation period and you have given me the vaccine.
05:54 Does it work?
05:55 In 72 hours, if a child has it,
05:59 72 hours, if the child,
06:01 I will tell you how long the infectivity period is.
06:05 The infectivity period of any virus is 2 days before and 5 days after the rash.
06:12 If a child has measles,
06:14 before that, 4 things will come.
06:16 One is high-grade fever.
06:18 In the mouth, there will be complex spots, white spots will be formed.
06:22 There will be 3 C's, cough, coryza, and conjunctivitis.
06:26 Cough means a very severe type of cough.
06:28 A child turns red.
06:30 It is such a dangerous flu.
06:32 It is not common flu.
06:33 The second is that the eyes turn completely red.
06:35 There are 3 C's, one is complex spots and the other is high-grade fever.
06:38 First, this high-grade fever will come.
06:40 Complex spots will come 24 to 48 hours before measles.
06:44 If you get measles vaccine to other children in the same period,
06:49 before that period,
06:51 the children at home will be safe to a large extent.
06:54 But if it is not given,
06:56 the children will also become infected if they do not get the vaccine.
06:59 If the children are infected at home,
07:02 what should be the way to isolate them?
07:06 We say that we have closed the room.
07:09 But if there are measles and chicken pox in the world,
07:13 they are segregated to a room.
07:16 Is there a possibility here?
07:18 Yes, of course, there is no possibility.
07:19 There are small houses and flats.
07:21 That is why it is endemic first and then it becomes epidemic.
07:26 To save it, the most important thing is that you have to separate the kids.
07:30 The first and most important thing is vaccines.
07:34 The protection of vaccines is very important.
07:39 Are they covered in the EPI?
07:41 Yes, they are 100% free of cost.
07:44 Are the vaccines of NMR private?
07:47 Yes, the vaccines of NMR are private.
07:49 The vaccines of measles are only available in the government.
07:52 Along with that, the government always provides vitamin A with the measles vaccine.
07:56 That is the main protection of measles.
07:59 So, it is also very important to give vitamin A.
08:01 Because the first side effect of measles is on the eyes.
08:05 And the second side effect is on the whole body,
08:07 like diarrhea or pneumonia.
08:09 So, vitamin A also controls the infection.
08:12 So, it is very important that when the measles vaccine is given,
08:15 you have to give vitamin A to the child every 6 months.
08:18 Okay, thank you so much Dr. Ibrahim Yusuf.
08:21 You have explained it very well in your own words.
08:24 And I hope people got a lot of help from this.
