00:00 Can we just get your perspective on the case today?
00:07 Her Honour has reserved her judgement until October and in October we'll find out the
00:12 result then.
00:13 Could you explain what happened in court as to your stance?
00:17 Well the evidence came out and the evidence was dealt with by Her Honour and she'll come
00:21 to a resolution when she considers all that evidence.
00:24 Did you say that Junior was not the man on the roof with the hammer?
00:28 That was the position that was put forward, yes absolutely.
00:30 We maintain that position.
00:31 Our client is innocent.
00:32 How damaging have these allegations been to his career?
00:35 No he's still playing and he'll continue to play until that decision comes down.
00:41 But any kind of allegation is damaging to anyone's reputation and that's always very
00:44 difficult for anyone to deal with.