Silver Jacob & Klooster Farms, Chennai

  • last year
Here’s the winner of the silver award for Sustainable Leadership: Small Local Stays: Homestays - Jacob And Klooster Farms

Built entirely on rewilded land, Jacob And Klooster Farms is an attempt to live life as one with nature and to give back to the local community, whether it be through rejuvenating a 100-acre lake close by or raising awareness amongst schools in the neighbourhood.

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00:03 I'm Shamir Jacob, and this is my wife, Shalota von Kloster.
00:14 And together, we've created Jacob and Kloster Lifestyle
00:18 Farm in the south of Chennai.
00:20 It's a lifestyle farm, and we've done this for our kids.
00:25 We believe it's the best investment
00:26 we can do for the next generation on how
00:28 to live one with nature.
00:30 And over the last couple of years,
00:32 it has been a place to inspire people,
00:36 because many people from Chennai come,
00:37 people from other parts of India,
00:39 people from actually all over the world
00:41 come down to visit our farm.
00:42 And I think it's one of the most important things for people
00:45 to be out in nature and to learn from nature.
00:48 So we really like to keep the traditional knowledge alive
00:51 and also contribute to biocultural conservation
00:54 in this area.
00:56 We don't look at this farm as a business.
00:59 For us, it's very clearly a lifestyle.
01:01 And we truly believe that's the future of living.
01:10 (upbeat music)
