South Australian 2023 young auctioneer competition winners | Stock Journal

  • last year
00:00 And we're here after a really successful Alpha South Australian Young Auctioneers competition.
00:05 Our second year in a row, Jack Guy, New Turn Border Town, you've come up with the win and runner up is Josh Poole from Southern Australian Livestock in Narracoote.
00:15 Congratulations to you both.
00:17 Best of all to you Jack, you've been here before but how did you feel about winning again today?
00:23 Ah nah, good, good. This shield's full so first name and the other shield will be pretty cool.
00:30 And Josh, you're both getting to represent South Australia at the Senior Relations Show next year. How do you feel about doing that?
00:39 Yeah, it's going to be a little bit daunting but with the skills that I've learned at the school and obviously the competition today and going forward I should be able to control my nerves and keep performing to the best of my ability.
00:51 So nah, it should be good fun.
00:53 Excellent. Well I thought you both did a great job. So last question to you both. Jack, what is it that you love about auctioneering?
01:02 You've been auctioneering a few ram sales obviously here at Narracoote and a bit of practicing at Down Camu. What do you love about auctioneering?
01:09 To be honest I love just controlling the crowd and that feeling when everyone walks up and says "Oh thanks for selling my stock" it's just a good feeling to know that you're doing a good job for people.
01:22 It's a talent that a lot of young people aren't chasing too hard so especially in South Australia anyway so it's worth a go.
01:30 Excellent. And Josh, you've really come up through the ranks. What do you love about being an auctioneer?
01:36 I love getting the best results for the company and the vendor and I love creating an atmosphere and being a part of something special when you're on top of the rail and doing your very best. So nah, it's good fun.
01:47 Excellent. Well congratulations to you both and go SA in Sydney next year. Thanks.
