• 2 years ago


00:00 Get your pillow.
00:00 There's your pillow, get it.
00:04 He has a lot of traits that are not a donkey trait.
00:18 Like he wags his tail like a dog.
00:21 He'll lick dishes out of the dishwasher
00:23 when you're loading it.
00:24 He'll drink out of the toilet.
00:25 He fetches.
00:26 He's very confused little man.
00:29 He doesn't know what he is.
00:30 When I found Tiny Tim in the barn,
00:36 I thought it was actually a rabbit.
00:38 He was so small.
00:39 To give you an idea how small he was,
00:42 this was the size he was,
00:44 like the size of a little stuffed animal.
00:46 Tiny Tim should have weighed probably 50 to 60 pounds
00:49 at birth, and he weighed less than 10.
00:52 When I had taken him to the vet,
00:54 they had found out that his liver
00:56 wasn't functioning properly.
00:57 The vet didn't know whether Tiny Tim would even survive.
01:00 I decided that I would give him the best chance I could
01:04 by bringing Tiny in the house
01:05 and nursing him, feeding him by bottle.
01:08 We started out feeding him every 20 minutes
01:10 with a syringe, 24 hours a day.
01:13 Did that for a week, and then it went from that
01:15 to every 40 minutes and then every hour.
01:19 What are you doing?
01:20 Yes, yes, yes, you are a good boy.
01:27 I initially hoped that we could reintroduce him outside,
01:31 but because of his size, he would definitely be killed
01:34 even by a real small donkey or a very small horse.
01:37 What are you doing?
01:40 I started to house train him,
01:47 just kind of let him outside when the dogs were going out.
01:51 And from then on, as soon as you said, "Outside go pee-pee,"
01:55 he would go to the door with the dogs.
01:57 He's wanting to go outside, go pee-pee.
01:59 Okay, come on guys, let's go go pee-pee.
02:04 He was so much easier than a dog to train.
02:08 We'll take you outside here and show you where he is.
02:11 Hi, Tiny. (laughs)
02:14 Hi, Tiny, how are you?
02:18 Spin, spin.
02:20 Good job, good job.
02:25 Tiny, can you say yes?
02:27 Yes, good boy.
02:30 He's been with us 24/7 for over eight months.
02:33 He's like a little child.
02:34 When I was away a couple of days,
02:36 come home and he greeted me and he was circling me
02:38 and honking and going on, like really excited.
02:41 (baby laughing)
02:42 That's my baby.
02:43 (baby laughing)
02:46 Did you miss mommy?
02:49 Did you miss mommy?
02:52 Did you?
02:53 With my husband, he seems to be his pillow fight partner.
02:58 Pillows have definitely been his passion.
03:01 It started last summer, he would grab the pillows
03:03 off the lawn furniture and throw them in the pool.
03:05 I know who got those cushions off.
03:08 Did you do it?
03:11 Yes?
03:12 Don't do that.
03:14 I think his best days total was 22 pillows
03:17 in the pool in one day. (laughs)
03:19 He's crazy.
03:20 The more you laugh at him, the more he shows off.
03:23 He's quite the performer.
03:26 (upbeat music)
03:28 (upbeat music)
03:32 (upbeat music)
03:34 (upbeat music)
