Newbie's Perspective The Jetsons 70s Issues 1-2 Review

  • l’année dernière


00:00 The Jetsons, Charlton, Issue 1.
00:03 George can't read his newspaper with all of the noise Rosie's making because she's not feeling well.
00:09 It's kind of boring to have this plot with Rosie again.
00:13 It's a cliche of the series.
00:16 The fact that she needs the robot doctors so much makes it look like having a robot made wouldn't be worth it.
00:22 I wonder why this newspaper would ever be called a "space paper".
00:29 And Jane sticks up for it.
00:30 George tells Jane to bring him the oil can because he thinks she's rusty.
00:35 And for some reason, she tells him to stay away from her.
00:39 Even though he's good at fixing the Voodo-Matic and car.
00:43 Sometimes.
00:44 Elroy being smart is taken advantage of because he knows he won't solve the problem that way.
00:50 Because she's still making noise,
00:53 For no reason, George thinks the only thing he should do is send her back and get a new robot made.
00:59 Even though his family has grown attached to her.
01:02 When I thought he'd think to send her to the robot doctor because he usually does.
01:07 I guess he's just sick of having to do that all the time.
01:11 But it's hard to believe he'd only think of her as a machine when the rest of the family doesn't because they've spent a lot of time at home with her.
01:18 Elroy bites him,
01:20 And despite being George's wife, Jane says he deserves it.
01:24 As Rosie is spelled wrong again.
01:27 Unless TV Tropes got it wrong the whole time.
01:29 I'm literally looking at the Jetsons episode's box set,
01:34 And it spells Rosie exactly like it does the Sonic's At I Am character.
01:40 I was right.
01:41 With an I and an E at the end.
01:43 Jane tells Rosie not to clean,
01:46 And she seems to ignore her because her gears are shot.
01:50 George says he telescreens the robot supply center who told him to send her back.
01:55 Telescreen sounds silly.
01:57 It's no wonder we still say "call" when it comes to Skype and stuff.
02:01 With her somehow making no attempt to resist,
02:06 He carries her and throws her away.
02:08 And surprisingly, he ends up crying and missing her already.
02:13 So he was just trying to look smart by pretending to not care about her.
02:18 Jane says she talked to the repairman who said they could have Rosie repaired.
02:23 Why is she smiling when she should still be mad at him?
02:27 She should have always been under the assumption that she could have been repaired.
02:30 She should have assumed George knew that too,
02:34 And been mad at him for trying to jump at the chance to get rid of her.
02:37 So to humor his family,
02:39 George drives to the robot replacement center,
02:44 And they end up standing in front of a huge amount of Rosie units.
02:47 It's about time we see that she's not the only one.
02:50 Eventually, Elroy ends up completely convinced that he's found Rosie.
02:56 Just because this one looks a little like her.
02:59 And Jane just assumes he's right and they take Rosie home.
03:04 Elroy assumes that Rosie's the only robot in the world who's human enough to cry.
03:09 That only makes sense in terms of metalogic,
03:13 Because we've only seen her cry.
03:17 But there's no way that's true in-universe.
03:19 If she was built with tear ducts in the first place for a reason,
03:24 And since there's tons of other Rosie units,
03:26 There's no reason she'd be the only one with tear ducts.
03:30 George explains that he thinks he squirted too much oil in the cranial sensory circuits,
03:37 Which explains the tear.
03:38 Sadly, Jane doesn't believe him,
03:41 Just as I was about to compliment the story on having an explanation that makes way more sense.
03:47 As it stands here, they only picked the right robot because they got insanely lucky.
03:52 And that was the whole story.
03:55 That sucked.
03:57 It was nothing special.
03:59 In the next story, some toys fly around George and he naturally hates it and Jane dials dinner.
04:07 George kicks one of Elroy's toys, insulting it.
04:11 And Elroy tells him not to insult some toy.
04:14 Elroy says some isn't a toy.
04:16 And George doesn't believe him about what he says,
04:21 Until some fires a freeze ray at the turkey.
04:23 Why on earth would Jane call him marvelous when he had no excuse for freezing his turkey?
04:29 Thankfully, some used a heat ray on the turkey,
04:32 And with how annoying it was earlier,
04:34 I'm satisfied that George says kids are spoiled with too many toys.
04:39 George says multi-sensory TV is great because he can smell the perfume being advertised.
04:45 And he screams when some jumps onto him.
04:49 After George trips on one of the toys,
04:52 It makes sense that he gets mad.
04:54 And it'd be annoying if Elroy never got any comeuppance.
04:57 But locking his toy chest with the toys and some in it seems harsh.
05:02 Only because it's not referenced that Elroy could just watch TV,
05:06 So he doesn't need any toys.
05:09 Elroy says some will suffocate because he's not a toy,
05:12 He's a Martian.
05:13 Which George should have known instantly just by looking at him.
05:17 George says he can't unlock the chest because of the time lock that won't open until later.
05:23 So some uses witchcraft powers to escape,
05:27 Which he should have done right away,
05:29 And freeze George for a panel.
05:31 I really wish it was explained that he's a warlock.
05:35 Because clearly just being from Mars wouldn't explain those powers.
05:39 The story ends with George really not looking forward to a kid from terraformed Neptune,
05:46 Because it has tons of arms and stinks.
05:49 He'd be expected to use deodorant so that wouldn't be a problem.
05:52 There's a pinup where Rosie thinks she's allowed to iron George's shirt when he's wearing it.
05:58 Which has to be because she's new on the job.
06:02 In the next story, a teacher asks Elroy a question as he has his finger pointed upwards.
06:09 Which looks unrealistic.
06:11 And the text box says that in this comic, they're in the 2070s.
06:15 It turns out it's the anniversary of the day man stepped on the moon for the first time.
06:20 Elroy goes home from the floating bus that's called Space Bus for no reason.
06:25 He's home as early as lunchtime because teaching is super fast in this comic too.
06:31 Why is Judy's car called a mini cruiser when it doesn't have a different shape or size from the other cars?
06:37 Also, why is her car such an ugly color?
06:41 I have to assume that no matter how much she whines,
06:44 George not only forced her to pick that car because it was the cheapest,
06:48 But it's also too cheap to buy a new paint job.
06:51 Elroy asks Judy to let him look at her car, which I'm pretty glad she has.
06:56 And I'm expected to believe he can drive it.
07:00 Even though his feet won't be able to reach the pedals.
07:02 It has to be that every car in the future can be driven without feet,
07:06 just to accommodate certain people.
07:09 But that doesn't seem likely because that'd be more expensive unless there's actually no pedals at all.
07:15 Judy warns her parents that he made the reckless decision of driving all the way to the moon.
07:21 Landing perfectly fine because he really is a great driver.
07:26 Apparently assumed Judy wouldn't go check on him.
07:29 Which she could have easily not done.
07:31 But did because the plot demanded it and apparently she didn't trust him.
07:36 While George wastes time checking the wrong places,
07:40 Elroy lands on the moon and there's no explanation for why he and some people
07:43 who kidnap him with a force field shaped like a pillar can breathe on the moon.
07:48 It's lazy writing where I have to assume there's a magic terraforming machine
07:53 keeping a breathable atmosphere and magnetosphere on the moon.
07:56 This could have easily not happened to Elroy.
08:00 So it feels so arbitrary.
08:02 But it's good to teach kids the lesson that this could happen to them if they wander off.
08:06 The kidnappers have a plan to ransom the parents of a dozen more kids.
08:11 And George tells Jane to call the police so that a space patrol could get sent out.
08:16 George hears a faint signal from Elroy's radio beacon
08:20 when he's driving over the light side of the moon.
08:22 George lets Astro lead him into a cave.
08:26 One of the criminals says someone's coming and heads for the entrance.
08:29 And George knows someone's coming and gets an idea based on a western movie
08:34 because he sees some rope.
08:35 Which I assume is meant for the criminals to use to tie people up if they come here.
08:40 Only for him to trip them in the pitch darkness
08:42 after George put out his magic axe and have them tied up to be arrested.
08:48 They just so happen to already be escaped prisoners.
08:51 I point out when the criminals are already wanted, man, because it's never as likely.
08:56 Why does the comic ever have the sentence "continuing after previous page"
09:01 as if we're idiots?
09:02 Jane of course tells Elroy she's glad he's safe because she was worried.
09:08 And George is also just happy he's okay instead of his parents wanting to punish him and being mad.
09:13 Surprisingly, George finds out the space patrol's out of control and about to crash
09:19 because the rope from the prisoners is jammed in their stabilizer.
09:23 That could have easily not happened.
09:25 George tells Astro to bite the rope to save everyone
09:29 and gets awarded a medal along with Astro in front of people
09:32 and put on the front pages of all the newspapers.
09:36 The Jetsons, Charlton, Issue 2
09:39 I like that Judy can tell George of some big news because he's driving in a silly way.
09:45 He says they're gonna get rich.
09:47 I guess they won't.
09:48 Even though it wouldn't kill the writer to have them at least actually get rich
09:52 and then spend all the money one day.
09:54 Plus, a comic without continuity doesn't have to end on the status quo.
09:59 George says the mining engineer from the terraformed Jupiter
10:03 sold them a half-interest in a platinum mine.
10:06 Jane guesses what happened before being told
10:10 and Rosie says it was a gold mine without being told.
10:14 And shows him a ridiculously colorless photo of a guy who conned him out of rent money.
10:19 There's no reason the guy would have people calling him a name like that
10:23 because it looks impossible to pronounce.
10:26 It's disappointing that he got his hopes up for nothing
10:30 but at least the story is speeding up revealing that he won't get rich
10:33 instead of dragging it out to the ending.
10:36 So it's harmless instead of a cliche motivator.
10:39 Rosie says Danislaus is a fugitive from Jupiter
10:43 who's been selling people worthless stock.
10:45 And the cops say they can't even touch him
10:48 because there really is a gold mine that he sold real stock on.
10:52 And it's just that it's been free of gold for years.
10:56 Naturally, he advised them to consult someone else before buying stock from now on.
11:01 I don't blame George for the mistake he made.
11:04 He just heard the word gold and got excited
11:07 and was idealistic enough to assume that all he wanted to do
11:10 was help someone by getting them rich.
11:13 But if he was smarter, he would have asked himself
11:15 why he would sell him stock if it was actually valuable instead of keeping it.
11:20 When the first thing everyone knows about stocks
11:23 is that you sell it if you have no faith in it to stay up.
11:26 He should have known that even if he was the altruistic type,
11:29 he would have kept his stock to have its value rise as much as possible
11:33 until it started becoming less valuable
11:35 and then sold it and given him the money from it.
11:39 The cop wastes his time calling George an idiot and laughing at him
11:43 because his job is stressful and at least George apologizes.
11:47 Again, a character says they lost their vacation money.
11:51 I'm glad they say this because it's less depressing than him losing money they need.
11:56 Astro tries to get George's attention.
11:58 This annoys him into telling Jane to get away from him
12:02 instead of simply walking away from him like a normal person.
12:06 Jane says Astro isn't dumb or a mutt, which is true, so I'm glad she's being smart here.
12:12 But it's yet another instance of her never being on his side for his supposed wife.
12:17 I'm glad he's at least skinny to avoid one of the cartoon husband stereotypes
12:22 because she isn't constantly making fun of his weight like Archie's mom.
12:26 It's stilted that she tells Astro, "Let George alone now."
12:30 Then Astro tries to get Elray's attention.
12:33 Clearly, he's got a good idea.
12:36 There's still no explanation for why a dog has human intelligence,
12:39 so I still have to assume he's an alien or a witch dog or a genetically engineered breed.
12:44 But at least he doesn't talk.
12:46 Never mind, he whispers to Rosie.
12:49 Oh, but George says Rosie's pretending to understand him.
12:52 And then it turns out she does understand him completely.
12:55 Why did he whisper then and refuse to talk otherwise?
12:59 That's out of character.
13:01 Rosie points out what I already thought of the second the cop first explained things.
13:06 That George was only sold the stock because there obviously isn't any gold in the mine.
13:11 She says if Stan heard they'd found gold, he'd want his stock back.
13:16 Elray says all they have to do is convince him of that fact.
13:20 And he and Jane suggested George the idea of asking for more stock in the mine right away.
13:27 George is naturally confused about this because this doesn't guarantee that he'd assume he found
13:32 gold when he was completely confident that there wasn't any before.
13:36 So he might just assume George was really stupid.
13:39 Jane watches TV when Stan's next to George, which gives out news on the stock market saying that
13:46 gold mining stock prices are soaring as a result of a recent discovery in Jupiter.
13:52 This is either a pre-recorded news broadcast from years ago or very convenient timing.
13:58 It's interesting that Stan still smiles when George says he'll pay him for the stock.
14:03 As if he assumes that this good news about the stock is really temporary.
14:07 Then Judy in a wig offers to double whatever he offers for his stock.
14:13 Why does she have a spy disguise kit?
14:16 It's more confusing than her having just bought a wig.
14:20 He didn't know what Judy looked like, so she could have not disguised herself.
14:26 Stan tells George that the stock is worthless and expects him to believe that when he'd know
14:32 he would have heard that news broadcast.
14:34 And offers him a check saying that he'll return his money.
14:38 But it's just a check when actual cash would be easier to trust.
14:44 He would have already cashed George's original check.
14:49 How can a fugitive cash a check?
14:51 George tries to return the stock to him.
14:54 Rosie tells him to hold it and whispers to him.
14:57 And George tells Stan he'll let him have the stock for twice what he paid for it.
15:02 I love that Rosie had a smart idea.
15:05 It's especially good that George gets handed actual cash this time and not a bouncable check.
15:11 Jane holds her hand out and ends up with the money saying responsibly that she'll hold it
15:16 for their vacation.
15:18 George thankfully smiles and calls her dear to humor her on this instead of being stubborn.
15:23 I'm glad she's gonna save it for the vacation instead of planning to waste it on clothes.
15:28 The story ends by making fun of George's intelligence by having him think stock
15:33 that's down six points is a good buy.
15:36 I guess the entire Jetsons family was always assuming that the gold mine was only gonna
15:42 have new gold very temporarily.
15:45 Because otherwise George wouldn't want to sell the stock anymore.
15:48 But instead everyone acts like that news broadcast didn't happen.
15:52 And it was only used to make Stan think he should buy the stock back when Judy did that
15:57 anyways.
15:58 It's annoying that George thinks Elroy is playing make-believe with his video phone
16:02 because he's asking his friend a scientific question about Mars.
16:06 When obviously if this is a world where the average kid can befriend a Martian like it's
16:11 nothing, then George would see aliens as the normal proven part of life instead of seeing
16:16 Martians as make-believe.
16:18 It's really annoying awful writing that he asks George to be pretending he's got a
16:22 Martian friend again.
16:24 When it's blatantly obvious that some's on the video phone right in front of his eyes.
16:28 And I don't know why the writer is making George not remember the previous story he
16:32 appeared in for the sake of this line.
16:34 If he does this because he hates George, he should be writing it to suffer slapstick
16:39 instead so there could at least be a chance of people enjoying it.
16:43 Speaking of someone who read ahead in the comic, he barely ever doesn't believe in
16:48 some.
16:48 Elroy's being helped with his homework about Mars.
16:52 I don't see why George wouldn't believe him especially since all Elroy would have
16:56 to do is shove the schoolwork paper from school in his face about him needing to answer
17:01 questions about Mars to prove their existence.
17:04 It's nice of Elroy to give some the answers he needs about Earth.
17:08 It's really bad that George is written to tell Elroy to stop fooling.
17:12 Why on Earth would George think Martians are make-believe?
17:15 He's met aliens from a billion other planets throughout the series and the series never
17:20 portrays Mars as being like the real one.
17:22 George doesn't waste time describing what he has to do for work either.
17:26 And Jane's remark that it sounds like one of his golfing buddies is pathetically forced
17:32 too.
17:32 I wonder if the comic has a consistent "bad writer" who is responsible for the bad
17:38 stories of last issue too.
17:40 Jane calls George "dear" and offers to dial him some warm milk and says he always
17:45 gets upset when he tries to think.
17:47 I assume he only married her because of her looks with lines like this.
17:51 And because she was the only girl who gave him a chance.
17:54 And she only married him because she's got bad taste.
17:57 It certainly doesn't look like she loves him.
18:00 I'm somehow expected to believe Elroy's got quantum theory homework at his age.
18:06 Even with his genius putting him in advanced class, he'd still be too young to be at
18:10 this level.
18:11 It's annoying that some talks in a stuck-up, big-words kind of way when he's supposed
18:16 to be a kid.
18:17 It means he doesn't come off like a kid.
18:20 Elroy tells him he's got some problems and finally explains that one of them is some
18:25 being upside down.
18:26 So he thinks there's something wrong with his video phone.
18:29 Or there could be something wrong with some's.
18:32 Some tells him to stand on his hands and explains that he's been standing on his head to
18:36 stimulate the blood supply to make himself smarter.
18:40 But clearly we don't see a floor that his head's against or his arms being raised.
18:45 So while he's not lying here, it's obvious there really does have to be something wrong
18:50 with one of the video phones to make him look upside down.
18:52 At least him explaining that the blood rushing to his head having just a positive effect
18:58 for his species tries to explain why he even told Elroy to stand upside down in the first
19:02 place.
19:03 I always wondered if fans hated some toy for being a weird, new, recurring character.
19:09 He's got a boring way of talking, but at least he's interesting, even if not likable.
19:14 He wonders where some went and some ends up sitting on his head when he should know that
19:19 just annoy him.
19:20 But apparently he's got no social skills at all.
19:23 I don't think he should be the entire focus of every single story he's in just because
19:28 it can be interesting.
19:30 That can definitely make him off-putting if he's used too much, because he takes over
19:34 the story and makes it feel like it's not the Jetsons anymore.
19:37 It's not like the show to have a character use witchcraft to warp to someone's house
19:42 with no explanation and talk in a precociously smart way when I'm expected to think he's
19:48 a kid.
19:49 Elroy asks him to help George with his problem and he tries.
19:53 George wonders where his papers are and threatens to paddle Elroy if he says "march" in
19:59 front of him again.
20:00 I don't understand why the writer writes him like this in the story, because there's
20:04 no possible appeal.
20:05 Even if someone's always called a warlock instead of a martian and referred to as being
20:10 from Mars, then he still wants to be justified in thinking he's imaginary.
20:14 It cuts ahead in time, and some asks if George is gone yet.
20:18 Why did he want to wait until George wasn't in the room first?
20:22 Aliens are never trying to keep their existence a secret from humans in this series, and it's
20:27 obvious that he should care about his friend enough to reveal himself to George because
20:31 he's just stressing him out, making him think he's not real by intentionally hiding.
20:35 An apology from getting abused isn't good enough.
20:39 He at least tells him he solved the problem.
20:41 Then he's smart enough to tell Elroy that if he tells George that some gave him the
20:46 answer to his work problem, he'll tear it apart.
20:49 It looks like the story could've easily been rewritten by an editor doing his job, so that
20:54 George's problem with some is that he hates that he's a martian.
20:57 That'd be better because it'd be believable.
21:01 What's not believable is some getting another new power as the plot demands to make George
21:06 think he came up with the idea with a magic beam.
21:09 I hope this is the last time I say this, but it'd be justified and cool for him to have
21:13 all these powers if he was called a warlock instead, when it's blatant that just being
21:18 an alien wouldn't give him these powers.
21:21 And him being a warlock would be believable because Judy's boyfriend in an earlier comic
21:26 teleported away.
21:27 I'm tolerating his powers because I'm a Sabrina fan who's just thinking of him as
21:32 a witch and substitutes Sabrina.
21:34 But I can imagine they'd be infuriating to other fans for being out of place deus ex
21:39 machinas that aren't truly justified because the writers were too lazy to and just wanted
21:45 to write an omnipotent character.
21:48 I only say the appeal and the idea because I want more Sabrina stories.
21:51 But if it can alter George's mind, well I guess it can only alter people's minds by
21:57 beaming information to them.
21:59 So no potential for George to abuse his power there, except he could tell some to make him
22:03 as much of a genius as he is.
22:05 It's too bad the story doesn't end with George getting hurt after all of that.
22:09 I'm impressed by some's powers and I appreciate him using them to be helpful.
22:14 So I'm going to appreciate him as making a story into a spiritual successor of the
22:18 real Sabrina stories, just to make him not believed in ever again.
22:22 Because he's so weird and powerful, he can't help but take over the story unfortunately,
22:27 which can make him off-putting.
22:28 Luckily, he's about being a fantasy character with infinite creative possibilities for what
22:33 his power can do, so he almost makes up for that over-focus because he understands what
22:38 he's being used to want.
22:39 If he didn't have any focus, he'd just feel like a deus ex machina because he'd only
22:44 show up at the end of a story to be used to solve a problem out of nowhere.
22:48 So he has to be in more than one page and still feel like he doesn't belong as a recurring
22:53 character either way.
22:54 Partly because he's comic exclusive when no other comic character reoccurs and the
23:00 fact that he has an adult face for a kid is a better reason to find him off-putting.
23:05 I picture him as having an adult voice because of that.
23:09 In the next story, George can't stand the ugly alien moaning on TV and tells Judy to
23:14 turn it off and go listen to it in her room.
23:17 She reveals that alien's a guy and somehow is supposed to believe that smell-o-vision
23:22 for the TV is activated even when bad smells are a thing, which could be believable because
23:28 maybe not everyone would hate a smell.
23:30 Except there'd definitely be a way to turn smell-o-vision off at will besides turning
23:35 the TV off.
23:36 He says he hates the smell because the moon duster needs a bath and Judy runs away crying.
23:42 Jane sides with Judy and wishes George could try to like what she likes.
23:46 It's obvious that it's kinda just choose to like something, especially if it's only
23:51 associated with the younger generation.
23:53 Once again, she's right but also not siding with her husband.
23:58 I miss when she was nothing but a surprisingly optimistic wife.
24:01 But now she's just the women are wiser cliche who doesn't have to be good to him because
24:06 she's not the guy.
24:07 It's too bad George is always the stupid one so that he needs Jane around to give him
24:12 smart advice and try to reel him in so that he should have her around.
24:16 And that's the only reason as they usually don't see them kissing anyways.
24:19 George should have a like-minded friend so that he can get away from it all, but they
24:24 just steer him wrong for an idiot plot.
24:26 George tells Judy she can watch the moon duster in the living room and she gets offended at
24:31 the fact that he's got nose plugs and ear plugs.
24:34 She runs to the exit tube and drives away.
24:36 And there's a sign saying Venus is over there that's bigger than the planet itself.
24:41 It's too bad the horribly written next page that has nothing to do with the story exists
24:46 for no reason.
24:47 At least draw him to get hit if he's talking like that.
24:49 Jane complains that Judy's not home when it's nearly midnight.
24:53 This comic makes it look like Judy having her own car was a terrible mistake because
24:59 she can't be trusted not to run away with it.
25:02 George assumes that a girl Judy's age won't stay away from her parents for long.
25:06 And it turns out Judy's been praising the music of the moon duster in person.
25:10 She's also written to call him "Dad" which only makes sense if you're familiar enough
25:15 with old 60s Archie comics.
25:18 Where very occasionally a character will call someone unrelated to him "Dad" because
25:22 that's the slang.
25:24 And it's actually more common than "Daddio".
25:26 I think that slang would have died by 1970 when this was published.
25:31 The moon duster praises Judy a lot and puts his hand on her shoulder.
25:35 I should appreciate this because she does.
25:38 But he's not only ugly but I assume he's an adult because he has a job.
25:43 So he has no business saying he's gonna date her.
25:45 She sniffs again and he wonders if she has a cold.
25:48 She says people don't get colds anymore.
25:51 So I have to wonder how his knowledge of earthlings was so out of date.
25:56 He only thinks that's good because he doesn't want anything to happen to his voice.
26:01 I wonder if something will.
26:03 He says he wrote a new song about her and she cries.
26:05 And I wonder if she's allergic to him because of her sniffling.
26:09 George drives to where Moon Duster lives with Jane happening to be the one who thought she
26:15 went here.
26:15 I know George is the idiot character but this was the most predictable place she could have
26:21 gone to.
26:21 Somehow Judy wonders if the reason she breaks into tears around Moon Duster all the time
26:27 is because of love.
26:29 George says he breaks into tears around him too.
26:31 It's amusing that he says "Don't tell me I'm falling in love too."
26:36 And Jane just cheerfully reassures him.
26:39 The story ends with Jane telling Judy that she gets over a cold that she was allergic
26:44 to Moon Duster.
26:45 And so that's why she was always moved to tears by his singing.
26:49 After a page where Rosie tells George to meet her mother as she points to some Rosie units
26:55 getting out of a machine producing them.
26:58 The next story starts with Rosie being approached by a robotic doctor who somehow agreed to
27:04 take a house call for Jane in the future.
27:07 She called him because the Jetsons' doctor is on vacation even though he could be needed
27:12 any minute.
27:13 The robot doctor approaches Jane who has back pain and too many panels are wasted.
27:19 The fact that a robot has a hard boiled egg his wife put in his toolbox implies that robots
27:27 can eat too.
27:28 Jane's made to stand up and finds out the pain in her back was caused by a loose spring
27:33 in her bed.
27:33 Rosie tells him to stop laughing.
27:36 Jane thanks him and he plans to help Rosie with their own problem.
27:40 The story ends with it being revealed that George got given castor oil.
27:44 The first story was the cliche for the series with barely any plot.
27:49 Every other story tries to make an interesting plot of what's wrong with Rosie but this
27:54 time it's completely vague.
27:57 It's just an excuse for the scene where they try to pick Rosie out of a crowd and
28:02 somehow luck out and get the right one because somehow only she's crying.
28:06 I doubt she's been with the family longer than the rest of the robots around her.
28:11 So that's not it.
28:12 For Rosie to be the only one who knows how to cry, it'd have to be that she's been
28:17 with the family longest and why would that be the case?
28:21 The second story had Elroy's toy turn out to be a warlock kid who just does stuff that
28:27 bothers George in the house because he's evil.
28:30 Well somehow nobody sides with George and just praises him when people would be afraid
28:37 of witches.
28:38 So that was annoying.
28:40 You'd think Elroy would have told George right away that he's gonna have a friend
28:44 over at his house so he never would have been locked in the toy chest.
28:48 Which there was no excuse for anyways because he was told he wasn't a toy.
28:51 The third story is about Elroy driving to the moon with no explanation for why he can
28:56 reach the gas pedal and land safely because he wanted to celebrate the anniversary of
29:01 when man landed on the moon.
29:03 And there's an extremely unlikely event where he gets kidnapped there.
29:06 But it's worth it to see George trip up the criminals and get Astro to make sure
29:11 the police in them would survive.
29:13 It's too bad it's the only good story in the issue.
29:17 This was a 70s Jetson comic but I'm calling it Child-Tin because that's what it's
29:21 called on where I found it.
29:24 The first story is about George and Judy manipulating a guy who sold him worthless
29:30 stock into returning his money and buying the stock back because George tried to buy
29:36 more stock from him.
29:37 And Judy offers him double the amount of money for it.
29:41 Making him think there is gold in the mine now.
29:44 It seems like a satisfying ending because the characters all win because of their brains.
29:49 But there was a news broadcast about gold prices soaring from a recent discovery on
29:54 Jupiter so you'd think they'd want to keep the stock now.
29:57 But they don't and none of them think they're gonna miss out on money by selling it.
30:02 There should have been a line from Jane saying to George that she doesn't trust there to
30:07 still be gold in the stock for very long.
30:09 It's not stated that they recorded a news broadcast and played it back because this
30:16 was written before TiVo.
30:18 The second story has horrible writing where George somehow doesn't believe Sumtoy exists
30:24 because he's an alien in a world where he interacts with aliens like it's nothing.
30:29 Even though he's right there in a video phone with Elroy in front of his eyes.
30:33 And that garbage writing overshadows any positive feelings you'd have about the plot.
30:39 Which overall is about Sum being a socially awkward weirdo until he helps Elroy and George.
30:44 It would normally make his existence worth it but George ruins the story because of him.
30:49 You'd think that the writer would write George to get punished for wrongfully punishing Elroy.
30:55 But that'd be talented writing that wasn't clueless.
30:58 The third story seems like a mundane plot at first because George doesn't like the
31:03 rock music Judy likes.
31:05 But when they make her run away to the rockstar's planet to spend time with him,
31:09 it's impressive that the fact that she was moved to tears by his music at the start
31:14 was given a special explanation that takes advantage of him being an alien.
31:18 Which she gets told about when her mother takes her home.
31:20 I like that we don't see her parents getting mad at her and planning to punish her for
31:25 running away.
31:25 After all, characters always get as if amnesia.
31:28 So them being mad at them wouldn't make them any less likely to do it again.
31:34 The final story is an overly padded out one where Jane has back pain and the doctor reveals
31:39 that she was lying on a bedspring the whole time.
31:42 Not only did this not need to take place in the future,
31:46 but his time period makes it impossible because a doctor took a house call.
31:50 Most of this issue is good.
