• 2 years ago
Rod Sansom Oakfield Ranch Camel Rides
00:00 Yeah, we raced at Badooey, Bullio and then Winton.
00:02 At Badooey we got the cup and the plate
00:06 and lots of other races as well.
00:08 But then Bullio, we got two seconds
00:10 in the two big cups there, which was really good.
00:13 That's the Melbourne Cup of Camel Racing,
00:16 we got second in both cups there.
00:18 Then we went down to Winton and we got the cup
00:20 and the plate down at Winton as well.
00:22 So that was really good, yeah.
00:24 - And Rod, how long have you been in the caval business
00:27 but also the animals?
00:30 - Yeah, well about 30 years with the camels, roughly.
00:33 I grew up with animals all my life.
00:35 My dad started a zoo when I was about 12
00:37 and that's what got me interested in animals.
00:39 Then I got learning to train animals.
00:42 I just love training animals and getting them
00:44 to do what you wanna do and work with them.
00:46 It's not, it's work beside them, with them is the thing.
00:50 And yeah, I just love working and training
00:52 and seeing the animals work.
00:53 - And your camels, you've got 12 down at the beach now.
00:58 - Yeah, 12 down at the beach today.
01:00 We got about 90 camels all together.
01:03 You can see them all here in the yard here,
01:04 the ones that's having a spell today.
01:06 They work six days a week down at the beach.
01:09 Weekends and school holidays and that,
01:10 they're really busy as well.
01:12 Every day's during the school holidays.
01:14 Yeah, and we take lots of tourists for rides.
01:17 - All right, and some have been stars in TV programs
01:21 and TV ads and movies.
01:23 - People ring up for TV ads and movies
01:25 and we use our camels and things like that.
01:29 There's one just coming to say hello to you
01:30 at the back there, that's fine.
01:31 (laughing)
01:32 Yeah, so they're very lovable creatures, they are.
