EastEnders 24th August 2023 Part 2 - n

  • last year


00:03 [Music]
00:26 [Music]
00:28 [Meow]
00:30 [Meow]
00:32 Shards of heart.
00:34 Peter?
00:36 Sorry, not you, not you. Jasper.
00:38 Who's Jasper?
00:40 He's um...
00:42 It's still really early.
00:44 Yeah, but you didn't call last night.
00:46 Is everything alright?
00:48 Is everything alright?
00:50 Well, what do you think?
00:54 Your uncle hates you, the landlord of the Vicks barge you,
00:57 and his daughters think you're a psychopath.
01:00 [Footsteps]
01:02 Sorry, sorry I lost you there for a minute, yeah?
01:06 Everything's fine.
01:08 You don't sound fine.
01:10 Well, you know what I'm like when I first wake up.
01:12 Bare with a sore head.
01:14 Look, you haven't said anything, have you?
01:15 Anything that could get you into trouble?
01:17 Peter?
01:19 No, of course not.
01:21 And?
01:22 Wait, look, I'll call you later.
01:23 I'll call you later.
01:24 [Phone rings]
01:26 I haven't even helped out in the chippy yet.
01:29 Do you realise that Anna will probably never speak to me again
01:31 after you assaulted her sister?
01:33 Oh, I didn't.
01:35 Anything else?
01:37 Yeah.
01:39 Nan called, finally.
01:41 She hasn't changed her mind about selling the chippy.
01:44 Oh, and er, Rocky's got the all clear.
01:48 They're on their way back, so
01:50 I think you should leave before they get here.
01:52 You're worried about Peter, aren't you?
01:56 No.
01:57 I am too.
01:58 I just called him.
02:00 What'd he say?
02:03 It's what he didn't say.
02:06 I just know there's something wrong.
02:09 Like what?
02:11 I don't know.
02:13 Look, why don't you ring him, see if he can get to the bottom of it.
02:16 [Door slams]
02:20 Stace!
02:21 Alright.
02:24 How was Bulgaria?
02:26 Yeah, yeah, I didn't see much of it.
02:28 The, er, 12 hour shifts and overtime.
02:30 Real time, yeah.
02:31 It's like seeing.
02:32 But it meant I, er, I couldn't spend nothing.
02:35 So, um, yeah.
02:37 Yeah.
02:38 Thank you.
02:40 Thanks for that.
02:41 The kids all love that you're back.
02:43 Everything alright here?
02:46 Stace?
02:48 Yeah, fine, yeah.
02:50 They're all sleeping.
02:51 She needs a lot of rest right now and, er,
02:53 hope and Arthur at holiday club.
02:55 You can pick them up later if you want.
02:57 Yeah, yeah, will do.
02:59 Alright.
03:00 Thanks.
03:02 I'll see you later.
03:03 Oi!
03:08 Why don't you tell him about the break-in?
03:11 What, listen to him go on and say,
03:13 "Oh, I told you so, I told you a secret plan was a bad idea, blah, blah, blah."
03:17 Look, you're going to have to phone your mum and give her the heads up too.
03:20 Well, no, let's just wait and see what the police say first.
03:23 That might be them.
03:26 Stacey, just relax.
03:29 It's not going to be him, is it?
03:31 Because lowlifes like that, they don't knock on doors, they break them down.
03:34 Oh, hi.
03:38 How's she doing?
03:42 Yeah.
03:44 As well as can be expected with a mad slasher on the loose.
03:47 Still can't believe someone would do something like that.
03:49 Even puts you and your antics to shame.
03:51 Excuse me?
03:52 Anyway, that's why I'm here. You can cover the back van this morning, can't you?
03:55 No, no, no, no. She needs to be out there with people, not in here.
03:58 Oh, I'll be with her.
03:59 I've got my next session with Lily this morning.
04:02 I know I'm a bit early, but I've got some prep to do. Is that alright?
04:05 Yeah, of course, yeah, of course.
04:07 Erm...
04:10 I thought you wasn't tutoring Lily anymore.
04:15 Yeah, well, it's nice to have another person in the house, isn't it?
04:19 You've changed your tune. Has he changed it for you?
04:23 Well, no, it's a good idea, alright? Whatever.
04:25 Yeah, he's full of them, isn't he? Good ideas.
04:29 I told you to look back.
04:44 I came to apologise.
04:45 You're still Bart.
04:46 To Gina.
04:47 In your dreams.
04:49 Al?
05:07 Mm-hm?
05:08 Alf, you're busy this morning.
05:11 Bob texted me, he said he's got a few things on his mind,
05:14 so he wants me to set up the chip you're mine.
05:16 Oh, bit tricky today, Fred.
05:19 Something on?
05:20 Sammy?
05:22 Yeah?
05:23 What are you being mysterious for?
05:26 Is it a lady?
05:28 What?
05:29 It is, isn't it? You got a date?
05:30 No, no, no, not exactly, no.
05:33 Not exactly a date or not exactly a lady?
05:35 No, just somewhere I need to be, that's all.
05:38 Of course I get it.
05:39 If I had a date, I wouldn't want to be covered in batten either.
05:42 Oh, Fred, how many times have I got to tell you, OK?
05:44 It's not a date.
05:45 There is something, though, in there, I can tell.
05:49 What's wrong?
05:50 I can read you like a book, mate.
05:52 OK, well...
05:53 Yeah, yeah, yeah, come on.
06:00 Is this her?
06:02 What?
06:03 I cannot wait to see this.
06:05 Oh, that's definitely not a lady.
06:08 You want a slap?
06:09 You ready?
06:11 Yeah, yeah.
06:12 Where are you going?
06:13 Fishing.
06:14 Ah, you pair of cuties. Have fun.
06:17 Cute.
06:18 Hey, why didn't you tell me there'd been a break-in?
06:22 Lil just texted me.
06:23 Yeah, I just think Stacey wanted to sort it herself.
06:26 No, Eve, but my kids live there.
06:27 I know, but she don't want to rely on you all the time.
06:30 Right, so what happened then?
06:32 What was it?
06:33 Right, so what happened then? What got taken?
06:35 Erm, nothing. It was just damage.
06:39 She's come in and smashed the place up?
06:41 It was Stacey's things, dresses and stuff.
06:43 I mean, the police are on it, so I think just leave it to them
06:47 and they'll get in touch with us when they want.
06:49 Hey, you want a wishy-slap?
06:55 Hey, who's that upstairs? Are you in?
06:57 Yeah, Janet's GCSEs.
06:58 Paul's already taken her down for school.
07:00 Yeah, well, good luck.
07:01 Yeah, yeah, you know, fingers and toes, everything crossed.
07:04 We've been up all night, haven't we? Worrying.
07:06 Janet, she slept like a log, so...
07:08 Well, whatever she's got, she can't change it now, can she?
07:11 Anyway, OK?
07:13 Yeah, see you later.
07:14 See you later.
07:15 Hey.
07:21 Hi.
07:22 I thought you were keeping Stacey company.
07:25 Just getting some breakfast for her and Lily.
07:27 I was going to leave this,
07:29 but seeing as you seem to be hanging around,
07:32 can I ask you what your problem is?
07:34 Why did you ask Kaz to shop me to the police?
07:36 And don't say you didn't because Stukie heard you.
07:39 Because you scared me.
07:44 I've never seen you like that before and I panicked.
07:47 It was wrong. I was wrong.
07:51 I kept thinking, "What if you got like that
07:54 "when Stacey and Lily were there by themselves?"
07:56 I know he wouldn't.
07:58 I knew it the minute I said it, but it was too late by then.
08:01 I'm sorry.
08:05 OK.
08:06 OK.
08:09 It's Freddie, yeah?
08:15 Er, yes. I'm, er... I'm Peter. Right.
08:18 Yeah. Saw you coming out of Bob's.
08:20 Yeah. Right.
08:22 Yeah.
08:23 Look, erm...
08:25 Look, I've messed up.
08:27 I've messed up, me and Bobby.
08:29 Well, not just me and Bobby. And...
08:31 I wonder if you...
08:34 You want me to talk to him?
08:36 Right, yeah. He listens to you, I know.
08:39 Look, Peter, I don't know what to say to you.
08:44 I know that he wants you both to work out.
08:46 I want that too, but...
08:48 I think it's best you just leave him for now.
08:54 Erm, Anna...
08:56 About yesterday, it was...
08:59 To thank... Thanks.
09:02 I'm really sorry for what Peter did.
09:09 It was completely out of order and I just...
09:12 I wanted to check, like...
09:14 Are we OK?
09:16 Of course we are.
09:21 Of course we are.
09:23 Cor, get a room, you two.
09:26 Right.
09:28 Stay.
09:29 Yeah, right.
09:30 Hi, Benny.
09:32 Hey.
09:34 I thought we had sorted this all out.
09:38 Hmm?
09:39 I packed Anton off with a tail between his legs.
09:44 You saw that yourself.
09:46 Reverend Seacole.
09:49 From the church in Birmingham.
09:51 Hmm.
09:52 He's been calling me.
09:55 But what does he want?
09:57 I don't know.
09:59 I didn't answer.
10:01 You lied to him.
10:02 He left a message.
10:04 He said he needs to speak to me urgently.
10:09 Anton has got to him, hasn't he?
10:13 You better told him what would happen if he did.
10:16 If he tried bringing you down,
10:18 behind you he going down too, you know.
10:21 He might just do that.
10:24 He's always had that streak in him.
10:28 There's only one way to find out, isn't there?
10:34 [HORN HONKS]
10:52 Sorry.
10:53 Morning.
10:59 Whatever you do, make up for it.
11:02 Thank you, man!
11:04 [LAUGHTER]
11:05 [BELL RINGS]
11:21 [BELL RINGS]
11:22 Stacey?
11:37 Stace?
11:40 Stace!
11:41 What's wrong?
11:42 What are you doing?
11:43 What's wrong?
11:44 It's OK.
11:45 There could be anyone, anyone around here.
11:49 They could be watching me now.
11:51 It's OK. It's OK.
11:53 You're OK.
11:54 [BELL RINGS]
12:03 Before you say anything,
12:09 or do anything,
12:12 I'm leaving, OK?
12:14 OK.
12:15 Look, I did also want to say how sorry I was
12:30 to hear about Lola.
12:32 There's something you need to know.
12:37 I know that you're angry at my mum because
12:40 she didn't tell the police it was me who attacked you,
12:42 and you gave her a false alibi, right?
12:44 Yeah, but you're her son.
12:46 She was never going to shop you as a mortal.
12:48 Things happened
12:52 before
12:53 and after.
12:55 Then something really bad happened.
13:01 [BELL RINGS]
13:02 I spent a night with a bloke who went wrong.
13:08 About as wrong as he possibly could.
13:11 Mum knew
13:13 and was trying to protect me at all costs.
13:16 She didn't tell you because I made her promise
13:19 not to.
13:20 What's the matter?
13:35 The key doesn't work.
13:38 What do you mean the key doesn't work?
13:40 Sorry.
13:44 I've been checking the deadbolt.
13:46 What?
13:47 What just occurred to me.
13:48 We don't know how long that character was in it for.
13:50 We don't know where he went.
13:52 He could have gone into Jean's room, into Lily's room.
13:55 He could have found one of their spare keys.
13:56 We just don't know.
13:58 So it occurred to me
14:00 I wanted to know what we'd need to do
14:02 if you wanted to change the locks.
14:03 Yes, that's a great idea.
14:05 And I've done a temporary repair on the back door too, Stacey.
14:08 Thanks, Leo.
14:10 Stace, about Martin.
14:13 No.
14:14 No, he knows about the breaking.
14:16 As Lily's told him.
14:18 Well, he doesn't need to know about everything else, does he?
14:21 OK, OK, right, ready?
14:23 Right, here's one.
14:24 Would you rather have a grey mullet or have no...
14:28 Right, forget that one, forget that one.
14:31 Let me see, let me see that one.
14:32 Oh, OK.
14:33 Here's a good one.
14:34 Would you rather go without toothpaste or shampoo...
14:38 Oh, no, forget that, forget that.
14:41 What are you doing?
14:42 Oh, it's a game I play with the boys when they stay overnight.
14:45 It's the Would You Rather game.
14:46 Come on, you have a go.
14:48 Would you rather...
14:51 Here you go, that's it.
14:52 ..shut up or have me shut you up?
14:54 OK, that's not quite keeping in with the spirit of the game, is it?
14:59 50 blood testers and all this.
15:03 Mr Moon?
15:04 Do I look like an umptee, is it?
15:08 Hi, I'm Alex, I'm one of the radiographers.
15:11 We're ready for you now.
15:12 Yeah, I've got one for you.
15:17 Would you rather go with this gentleman
15:21 or have my mate Meagher carry out an internal?
15:24 For information.
15:28 For we don't do internals any more.
15:30 Hmm.
15:31 Well, he's old school.
15:33 Right, I'll move you now.
15:38 Right this way, please.
15:40 Gina.
15:59 Look, look, look.
16:01 I tried to say this earlier on.
16:03 I'm so sorry, OK?
16:07 Yesterday I messed up.
16:11 Big time.
16:12 Anyway, I'm sorry.
16:17 Well, maybe I should be apologising to you.
16:20 I misread the signals, yes, that's my fault, not yours.
16:24 I just...
16:28 I thought there was a connection, that's all.
16:31 There is, there...
16:34 There was, there is.
16:36 Now I'm even more confused.
16:40 Well...
16:41 Look, I have...
16:45 I have a little boy, Louis.
16:47 He's seven.
16:48 I see him as much as I can,
16:50 but not as much as I want to.
16:54 Same as his mum, I see her as much as I can.
16:57 Not as much as you want to either.
17:00 OK.
17:01 I messed up there.
17:02 There as well.
17:03 Like a dip of me and you.
17:05 And a chippy.
17:07 And Bobby and Anna.
17:10 I seem to be making a bit of a habit of it these days.
17:13 You didn't with me, cos there was nothing to mess up.
17:16 And I've just seen Bobby and Anna in the cafe all loved up, so...
17:19 It was disgusting.
17:21 Well...
17:23 I'll just see you around, yeah?
17:25 Or not.
17:28 That would be a shame.
17:32 It's like there's unfinished business.
17:50 What are you doing?
17:52 I've failed all of them.
17:54 Not being there for them when they needed me.
17:57 Love.
17:58 Steve and Lucy, Cindy.
18:01 Peter was really weird this morning.
18:03 What if something has happened and I'm not there for him either?
18:06 Look, maybe I was overreacting.
18:09 Do you really want to risk it?
18:11 Let's go and find out.
18:12 What?
18:13 I have had 25 years of it.
18:15 25 years of being without my kids.
18:17 I cannot lose Peter.
18:18 All right, all right, all right. I'll call him, OK?
18:21 You're supposed to be up this morning.
18:23 All right, I'll do it now. I'll call him.
18:25 I'll say that he's got to stop this fool's errand that he's on
18:28 and he's got to come back.
18:30 OK?
18:31 Look, he'll be back tomorrow.
18:37 Promise you.
18:40 Bobby.
18:45 What part of "get out of here" did you not understand?
18:48 I understood every word, but you didn't let me have my say.
18:52 What could you possibly say after yesterday?
18:55 What I just said to Gina.
18:58 Sorry.
19:02 I just didn't want to go without saying it to her.
19:05 And I don't want to go without saying it to you, neither.
19:08 Look, this is no excuse, I know, but these last few months...
19:14 me and Lauren and...
19:16 and other things...
19:19 There's really no way back for you two, then?
19:22 No. Last I checked, that ship hadn't just sailed.
19:25 It was way over the horizon.
19:27 Look, and I just... I don't want it to sail for me and you two.
19:32 Look, I let myself down in the Vic, I know.
19:39 But, mate, being back here...
19:41 it isn't as easy as I thought.
19:44 It's brought a lot of things back, things I ain't wanted to think about.
19:48 That's no excuse.
19:51 I made up with Ben.
19:53 And Gina don't seem to be holding yesterday against me, neither.
19:57 Look, I just really don't want to go and leave some cloud
20:01 hanging over me and you two.
20:03 Because I've got Vanna.
20:11 She seems special.
20:13 Yes, I understand.
20:23 Thank you.
20:26 Well?
20:33 Anton has confessed to the theft.
20:39 He told Reverend Seacole that it was all his fault.
20:42 And as he has repaid the money,
20:46 and as the Reverend believes that all repentant sinners
20:50 should be welcome back into the fold,
20:52 the Church isn't taking any further action.
20:56 It's over.
20:58 Isn't it?
21:02 Yeah.
21:04 Why? I mean...
21:08 Why you didn't tell me about all this sooner?
21:12 Randy, from now on we just...
21:19 we just have to be honest with each other about everything.
21:23 I think the both of us need a strong drink.
21:36 (Laughs)
21:38 There you go, Billy.
22:00 Thank you.
22:01 Hey, hey, it worked.
22:04 What worked?
22:05 The old fingers and toes. Janet passed.
22:07 Oh, that's brilliant.
22:08 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
22:09 She wants to know everyone's now, so what was yours?
22:12 My what?
22:13 Your results.
22:14 Yeah, well, we don't know yet.
22:17 Well, see, the thing is, Billy, right,
22:20 I was never really into that sort of stuff.
22:22 I was more school of life, you know what I'm saying?
22:24 Yeah, yeah, you never went, mate.
22:25 Yeah.
22:26 See you later.
22:27 See you later.
22:28 Thanks for the appreciation.
22:30 Yeah, you gave yourself away there, didn't you?
22:32 Yeah, I don't mean to...
22:33 I mean, you come along today as well, you know.
22:35 Told you. Had me blood test, didn't I?
22:37 Yeah, well, I know what you told me,
22:38 and I know you told me stuff to stop me bailing out.
22:41 So, have you ever do fancy spot a fish?
22:44 Hey, hey, hey.
22:45 (Laughs)
22:46 Don't push it.
22:47 What's this all about, then?
22:48 I'm meant to be picking your kids up from morning.
22:50 Yeah, erm, I think there's something you should know.
22:53 Hmm?
22:56 Some law life has been stalking Stacey.
23:02 It's a client that she kept going from secret cam.
23:05 This break-in, I think, is down to him.
23:10 Why didn't you tell me this before?
23:14 I'm telling you now.
23:16 She doesn't know, so don't be dubbing me in.
23:18 So, we're going to be keeping a lookout for anyone hanging around the place.
23:23 So, if you could do the same...
23:25 I didn't want to keep a lookout if I see anyone.
23:27 Hmm.
23:28 Theo's spreading the word, too.
23:30 Theo?
23:31 What?
23:32 Well, what if it's him?
23:36 What if he's the one who's been doing all this?
23:38 Come on, Eve, you know I've had a bad feeling about him from the off.
23:41 (Sighs) Yes.
23:43 So, whatever happens, you're always going to put him in the frame.
23:46 He can't go around making wild accusations with nothing to back it up.
23:52 Look what happened last time.
23:54 Do you trust him?
23:55 There is something wrong with him, Eve.
23:59 And I'm going to find out what.
24:01 Right, that's the locks done.
24:04 Let me just get the new key for Lily and I'll be on my way.
24:07 Oh, OK.
24:09 And you have to go, do you?
24:11 Well...
24:12 Oh, yeah, cool, yeah, cool.
24:13 You've got somewhere to be. Just ignore me.
24:16 It's just, um...
24:19 Well, I haven't thanked you properly for the locks and everything you've done.
24:25 I don't suppose you can stay for a cuppa and a biscuit?
24:28 That'd be lovely.
24:30 Oh, good. All right, we'll just leave Lily's key on the side.
24:34 All right.
25:01 Yeah. Yeah, a cab from Albert Square. Asap.
25:05 Do you want a break, will you?
25:14 I'll break you if he comes near you again.
25:16 Gina's right, Maggie does deserve a second chance.
25:19 Listen, he's bad news.
25:21 Don't I know?
25:23 I don't know why.
25:25 Who he is.
25:28 (City sounds)
25:30 You left this. I found it under the sofa.
25:39 So you have been working on ideas for the chippy, then?
25:42 It was just a couple of thoughts.
25:44 Yeah.
25:45 Meet the Hungry Punters when they come up from the tube.
25:48 Give them a free sample and then tell them to come along to the chippy if they want any more.
25:52 Yeah. Yeah, this cafe in France was doing it.
25:55 I'll be there with packing in the pump.
25:57 Yeah, well, seems to be working all right here too.
26:00 Hey, stop being greedy. Stop being greedy.
26:02 Let's start over, shall we? Me and you.
26:08 Peter, I really want you to stay.
26:12 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'd like that too.
26:19 Great.
26:22 Right, that is the baguette delivery sorted.
26:24 I know you told me to take it easy, but it won't be a problem anymore.
26:28 And I called Peter, I left a message and I told him to call me back.
26:31 Oh, and I went into Lavender's and that wine you like?
26:34 They've got a special on it, two for one.
26:37 Cindy?
26:40 Cindy?
27:09 Peter.
27:10 Hi, this is Peter. Sorry I can't get to the phone. Leave a message and I'll get back to you.
27:13 Listen, your mum's on the way over.
27:16 Right? You have got to stop her.
27:18 Do not, do not let her set foot in the square. Do you understand?
27:22 The 1908 Eurostar service from Paris has just arrived on platform five.
27:29 Eurostar welcomes all passengers to London.
27:37 So a big week to come. EastEnders back on Monday, a taster in just a tick.
27:42 Can Roman Kemp and his team get young footballers back in the game?
27:46 It's now or never with Boot Dreams on iPlayer.
27:49 And tough calls to make an ambulance back on BBC One tonight, the new series here at nine.
27:55 After live athletics next, the World Championship.
27:58 [Music]