PNG 2007 ¦ In signing of the covenant, was PNG positioned for blessing or curse?

  • 11 months ago
PNG on the Pathway to rebuilding of the Third Temple. It all began in 2007 at the All Pacific Prayer Assembly (APPA) hosted in Port Moresby. During the assembly, the organisers of the event produced a covenant for the PNG Government to sign on behalf of its people and God of Israel.

In signing of the covenant, was PNG positioned for blessing or curse? Many may have seen it as a blessing and one can only imagine the jubilation of many of the Papua New Guineans attending the assembly and for masses following through media outlets.
The covenant-signing event raised the hopes and expectations of many Christians to new heights. Did they understand the significance of such rite? If so, why has Covenant Day metamorphosed into National Repentance Day?
Up till now, there is divided opinion about the so-called covenant among the PNG Christian community at large. The covenant which the then Prime Minister of PNG, Sir Michael Somare signed was an idea that originated from without and imported to PNG during the All Pacific Prayer Arise in Port Morebey.

After The signing of the covenant PNG was hard hit economically. With the Somare government in charge, the country began to see some signs of economic turnaround.

In one of the recent UN meetings, when PNG did not vote to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, there was an outburst of condemnation from a section of Christian community against the Government. I wonder if those who were disappointed with the Government’s position know the Church’s mandate clearly as stipulated in the Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-18) and expanded in Acts 1:8. The Church should not let the dispensationalist view define its mission to be the ambassador of Christ to everyone (2 Cor 5:18-21).

Christians in PNG should recognise that they have role to the Rebuilding of the Third Temple. Support the current state of Israel and her institutions, Temple Institute and Temple Heritage Foundation. Temple Mount in their quest to make Jerusalem house of Prayer for All Nations.

The covenant signing by the PNG Government was brought in connection to the Rebuilding of the Third Temple in alliance with the current state of Israel.

The covenant is about relationship, promise and expectation between two covenanting parties. We read from scripture that biblical covenants between God and human beings were initiated by God, with God declaring “I will establish my covenant” (Gen 6:18; Exo 6:4-5). This statement reveals that God initiated covenants were one-sided and unconditional where God promised to keep the covenant (Lev 26:44-45; Duet 4:31).
