• 2 years ago
Filmed in the autumn of 1975 prior to and during Bob Dylan's Rolling Thunder Revue tour – featuring appearances and pe | dG1fZFRZeWlab3otWXc
00:00 Of the two sisters, I love the young
00:07 Oh no, she was the greedy one
00:16 Oh no, she was the greedy one
00:21 Beneath the bare light bulb, the plaster did pound
00:41 Her sister and I in a screaming, desperate crowd
00:46 And she in between, the victim of the sun
00:53 Soon shattered like a child to the shining, yellow metal
01:00 The wind knocks my window, the room it is wet
01:11 No words to say I'm sorry, I never thought
01:16 I hope wherever she is gone and whoever she's met
01:22 Will be fully aware of how precious she is
01:29 [Music]
01:36 You have to try, and hope is not there for nothing
01:41 Keep trying
01:44 Keep trying, I'm sure she will answer you
01:49 I may be talking like a missionary, but I really think that
01:56 When there is nothing, when you have to, when you love a woman
02:02 When you have the impression that you've done everything for her, you know
02:05 And it comes to the point where you have the impression that you're being used also
02:08 Because she is so sure that whatever she does, you're going to be beside her
02:14 Well, you must ask yourself certain questions
02:17 Say, well listen, unless I want to do that trip until the end, I'm suicidal
02:22 Have you ever tasted lamb on you? No, smell it
02:29 [Laughter]
02:31 We did a deal together, stayed good friends, see each other
02:36 And I enjoy so much to see her again, I see her again, we're good friends
02:41 I still have love this way, I have her present, that's enough
02:45 She lives with another guy, come and have dinner together
02:49 I still have dinner for me now, because I found that there was no hope anyway
02:56 I mean, I thought I was going to die, just the idea that I was going to lose the person I love
03:02 But I thought of all means, tricks, you know, all sorts of things
03:11 To keep, to have the presence of the person besides you
03:16 And sometimes yourself, you have the impression you look like a fool
03:19 You do things that honestly you shouldn't do, you know
03:21 You should say, well, why should I go that far for a person?
03:25 But the answer is always the same, that's the way it is
03:29 [Laughter]
03:32 Looks like every time you look at me you turn away
03:35 I believe the gods like Jack Daniels
03:46 There are particular Irish gods who like Jack Daniels
03:49 What's the matter with it, it's good whiskey
03:53 Are they going to help you?
03:55 There's a god called Finn McCool who's addicted to this particular sour match
04:00 And if you don't take it, I'm going to give it to him
04:02 Well, then you're not going to have me and you're not going to have nothing to drink either
04:06 It's all right here, you have to explain nothing to me
04:09 There's nowhere to go, there's nowhere to go
04:14 Stand and bare yourself like the cross, and I'll just receive you
04:20 [Laughter]
04:24 [Music]
04:31 Black girl, black girl, don't you lie to me
04:39 Tell me where did you spend the last time
04:46 In the pines, in the pines, in the pines where the sun never shines
04:57 And the shiver where the cold never blows
05:03 It was a Monday at the Fat Black Pussycat in the afternoon
05:07 By then, you know, I'd known Bob, you know, just around the village
05:11 And I could play three chords, I could play C, G and F on the guitar
05:15 I couldn't go like strum it, but I could go C, and then G
05:20 And we were sitting there, man, having a cup of coffee
05:23 On a Monday night hoots at Rudy's Folk City, that was incredible
05:27 And there was, oh, a man now who's dead, who was a wonderful man
05:32 And, Gil Turner, and Bob came in and he had the guitar, so we got a guitar
05:38 And he sat there writing and he said, "Can you play a C chord?"
05:41 And I'd play a C chord, I'd go C
05:43 And then he said, "No, go to G," and I'd go to G
05:45 And then he'd go to F and he'd sit there and write
05:47 And that was "Blowing in the Wind"
05:48 And when it was finished, it must have been about 8 o'clock
05:51 That night we went over to Gertie's, you know, Folk City, where everybody was there playing
05:57 In the hootenanny, we went downstairs where the musicians went and signed up for their shot
06:01 And he went to Gil Turner and he took this piece of paper and he took out his guitar
06:05 And he sang "Blowing in the Wind" and this guy said, "Jesus Christ, I've never heard anything like that in my entire life"
06:10 You know, that's the most incredible song
06:12 And he ran up and pinned it on the microphone, got on the stage at Gertie's and said, you know
06:16 "This is a songwriter, Bob Dylan," you know
06:18 And at that time nobody wrote songs
06:20 And I'd like to sing this song because this song says a lot, you know, it has something to say
06:25 And he pinned it up with a piece of scotch tape on the microphone
06:28 And it was really easy to play and then he sang the song
06:31 Bob didn't sing it, he sang it
06:33 And the place went nuts, you know, it was bullshit
06:35 Great song and Bob was like by the bar, you know, he said, "Aww"
06:38 You know, it was really wonderful, it was an amazing experience
06:41 I guess the first time anybody, to my knowledge, ever heard "Blowing in the Wind."
