100-degree temperatures to roast southern Plains

  • last year
The southern United States will be the focus of the persistent heat dome through the weekend with unrelenting heat and humidity.
00:00 the storm. Well, one of th
00:07 this intense heat. It's b
00:11 suffocating for even a fe
00:14 temperature as well. You
00:16 The numbers don't lie. We
00:19 Oklahoma City at 103 103
00:23 Houston at 102 San Antoni
00:27 digits across the Lone Sta
00:30 the southern plains 106 i
00:33 very hot day yesterday an
00:37 it's going to continue th
00:39 are in record territory a
00:42 Houston texas comes in wi
00:44 We are planning on blowin
00:46 that old record that is o
00:49 in 2011. Now Lake Charles
00:52 high of 104. We are going
00:55 record of 103 similar sto
00:58 with the high of 105. So
01:01 I'm listening here are fo
01:04 their record daily record
01:07 is baton rouge comes in w
01:10 in New Orleans 101. So it
01:13 be quite toasty. Make sur
01:15 care of yourself in this
01:17 nothing to play around wi
01:20 drinking plenty of water
01:23 of cooling breaks because
01:26 into account humidity, wi
01:30 to kind of go into what i
01:32 be feeling like outside a
01:34 it for you with your accu
01:36 temperatures going to be
01:38 see this dark red bullseye
01:42 corridor. You're acting w
01:44 temperatures are running
01:47 Yes, I kid you not make s
01:49 you are taking care of yo
01:52 seriously. Even in the su
01:54 from eastern texas down t
01:57 states through even the f
02:00 you're actually the real
02:02 still going to be running
02:04 1 15. So in the surroundi
02:07 too much better. It's sti
02:09 hot, hot, hot to make sur
02:11 care of yourself. But as
02:13 week, well, things are go
02:15 change a little bit drier
02:18 cooler as temperatures do
02:21 a few storms. But overall
