CoVid Triggers New High Blood Pressure Problems

  • last year

Those contracting a CoVid infection are 1.5 to 2 times more likely than flu patients to develop a new case of persisting hypertension. Investigators at New York’s Albert Einstein College of Medicine studied 45,398 CoVid patients and 13,864 influenza patients infected between 2020 and 2022.

The analysis revealed that a CoVid infection requiring hospitalization made it 31% more likely that high blood pressure would develop in comparison to an influenza infection also requiring hospital care. Outpatients with CoVid were 4 times more likely than flu patients to become hypertensive. Development of CoVid-related hypertension was more common in those over 40, in black adults, and in those with pre-existing lung, heart, or kidney disease.

So…..If you develop CoVid, be certain to keep an eye on your blood pressure and seek treatment if it is elevated. Timely intervention could prevent a heart attack or a stroke.

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