Paigham e Quran - Surah e Fatah Ayat 18 To Surah Al-Hujurat Ayat 10 - 27th Aug 2023 - ARY Qtv

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Paigham e Quran

Recitation (Tilawat) Of Quran By Qari Noman Naeemi

Recitation (Tarjuma) By Muhammad Raees Ahmed

Details (Tafseer) Mufti Muhammad Ismail Hussain Noorani

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00:00 [Arabic]
00:11 This Quran is only an advice for the people of the whole world.
00:17 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful.
00:21 Respected viewers, Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
00:24 I am your host, Muhammad Rais Ahmed.
00:26 We are here with a unique program in which we present the translation of the Holy Quran.
00:35 You see, daily, from 7 to 8 pm, Alhamdulillah, this program continues.
00:42 The third chapter of Surah Al-Fatah will be recited today.
00:49 We will also move to Surah Al-Hujurat, which will be part of the recitation.
00:56 The translation and commentary will be presented.
00:58 For the recitation of the Holy Quran, we have with us the renowned Qari, Qari Nouman Naeemi.
01:04 Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
01:06 Waalaikumussalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
01:08 And for the commentary of these verses, we have with us the renowned scholar of religion,
01:13 Allama Mufti Muhammad Ismail Noorani.
01:16 Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
01:17 Waalaikumussalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
01:19 Ladies and gentlemen, the recitation of the Holy Quran is about to begin.
01:22 And we are blessed to hear the recitation of the Holy Quran, which illuminates our inner and outer selves.
01:29 And we will be recited by Qari Nouman Naeemi.
01:33 Bismillah.
01:34 Bismillah.
01:36 Bismillah.
01:37 Bismillah.
01:38 I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the accursed.
02:05 I begin in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
02:12 Allah was pleased with the believers when they were making the pledge of allegiance to Him under a tree.
02:21 So Allah knew what was in their hearts.
02:25 So Allah bestowed comfort and comfort upon their hearts and gave them the reward of the near victory.
02:34 And He gave them many spoils, which they will acquire.
02:48 And Allah is the Overcomer, the Wise.
02:53 Allah has promised you many spoils, which you will acquire. So He has hastened for you this, and has kept the hands of the people away from you, so that you may be a sign for the believers and He will guide you to a straight path.
03:20 And Allah has promised you many spoils, which you will acquire. So He has hastened for you this, and has kept the hands of the people away from you, so that you may be a sign for the believers and He will guide you to a straight path.
03:43 And other spoils you will not be able to acquire, Allah has surrounded you with them, and Allah is Powerful over all things.
03:57 And other spoils you will not be able to acquire, Allah has surrounded you with them, and Allah is Powerful over all things.
04:08 And if the disbelievers had fought you, they would have turned their backs, and then they would not have found a guardian or a helper.
04:31 This is the law of Allah, which has been in place from the beginning, and you will not find any change in the law of Allah.
04:55 And He is the One who has kept their hands away from you and your hands away from them in the belly of Mecca after He has forgiven you for them. And Allah is Seer of what you do.
05:16 This is the law of Allah, which has been in place from the beginning, and you will not find any change in the law of Allah.
05:32 They are the ones who disbelieved and turned you away from the Sacred Mosque and the guidance, for fear that they might reach their destination.
05:45 And if there were no believing men and believing women whom you did not know to obey them, a whip would have struck you from among them without knowledge.
06:06 So that Allah may admit in His mercy whom He wills. If they had disguised themselves, we might have made the disbelievers a painful punishment from them.
06:25 They are the ones who disbelieved and turned you away from the Sacred Mosque and the guidance, for fear that they might reach their destination.
06:36 And if there were no believing men and believing women whom you did not know to obey them, a whip would have struck you from among them without knowledge.
06:53 So that Allah may admit in His mercy whom He wills. If they had disguised themselves, we might have made the disbelievers a painful punishment from them.
07:08 When those who disbelieved placed the burning fire in their hearts, the fire of ignorance, Allah sent down His tranquility upon His Messenger and upon the believers.
07:25 And He made them firm in the word of righteousness, and they were the most just of them and their family. And Allah is Knowing of all things.
07:40 When those who disbelieved placed the burning fire in their hearts, the fire of ignorance, Allah sent down His tranquility upon His Messenger and upon the believers.
07:52 And Allah made them firm in the word of righteousness, and they were the most just of them and their family. And Allah is Knowing of all things.
08:05 Allah has spoken the truth about the vision of His Messenger. You will enter the Sacred Mosque if Allah wills, safe, with your heads raised high and your heads low. Do not fear.
08:28 He knows what you do not know, and He has made a victory near.
08:39 Allah has spoken the truth about the vision of His Messenger. You will enter the Sacred Mosque if Allah wills, safe, with your heads raised high and your heads low. Do not fear.
08:59 Allah knows what you do not know, and He has made a victory near.
09:09 He is the One who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth, to make it prevail over all religion. And Allah is sufficient as a Witness.
09:25 He is the One who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth, to make it prevail over all religion. And Allah is sufficient as a Witness.
09:39 Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. And those with him and his followers are protected against the disbelievers. Between them you see them kneeling and prostrating, seeking before Allah and His pleasure.
10:07 Their mark on their faces is the mark of prostration. That is their likeness in the Torah and their likeness in the Gospel.
10:24 Like a seed that has been sown, and it has been harvested, and it has been harvested, and it has been harvested on its own, and the seeder makes the disbelievers enraged.
10:40 And those who believe and do good works are enemies of him, from whom is forgiveness and a great reward.
10:55 Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. And those with him and his followers are protected against the disbelievers. Between them you see them kneeling and prostrating, seeking before Allah and His pleasure.
11:12 Their mark on their faces is the mark of prostration. That is their likeness in the Torah and their likeness in the Gospel.
11:22 Like a seed that has been sown, and it has been harvested, and it has been harvested on its own, and the seeder makes the disbelievers enraged.
11:40 Allah has promised forgiveness and a great reward to those who believe and do good works.
11:50 In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
11:56 O you who have believed, do not put yourself before Allah and His Messenger, but fear Allah. Indeed, Allah is Hearing and Knowing.
12:18 In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
12:38 O you who have believed, do not raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet, and do not speak to him in a way that you are like enemies to each other, lest your deeds be in vain and you do not understand.
13:04 O you who have believed, do not raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet, and do not speak to him in a way that you are like enemies to each other, lest your deeds be in vain and you do not understand.
13:24 Indeed, those who lower their voices in the presence of the Messenger of Allah are those whose hearts Allah has tested for righteousness. For them is forgiveness and a great reward.
13:49 Indeed, those who lower their voices in the presence of the Messenger of Allah are those whose hearts Allah has tested for righteousness. For them is forgiveness and a great reward.
14:05 Indeed, those who call you from behind the chambers are most of them not of understanding.
14:29 If they were patient until you came out to them, it would have been better for them. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
14:57 O you who have believed, when a defiant comes to you with a prophecy, then make it clear that you will cause an ignorant people to be misled.
15:26 And you will be blamed for what you did to the disbelievers.
15:35 O you who have believed, when a defiant comes to you with a prophecy, then make it clear that you will cause an ignorant people to be misled.
15:49 And know that among you is the Messenger of Allah. If he had obeyed you in much of the matter, you would have been cursed. But Allah has made the faith to be dear to you and has adorned it in your hearts and has made you hate disbelief and disobedience and disobedience.
16:18 And know that among you is the Messenger of Allah. If he had obeyed you in much of the matter, you would have been cursed. But Allah has made the faith to be dear to you and has made it adorned in your hearts and has made you hate disbelief and disobedience and disobedience.
16:47 And Allah has made the faith to be dear to you and has made you hate disbelief and disobedience and disobedience. These are the people who are guided.
16:54 This is Allah's grace and His blessing, and Allah is the Knower of the limitless, the Wise.
17:13 And when two groups of the believers fight, make peace between them. But if one of them is against the other, then fight the one you like until you are in it, to the command of Allah.
17:41 And when two groups of the believers fight, make peace between them. But if one of them is against the other, then fight the one you like until you are in it, to the command of Allah.
17:59 And when two groups of the believers fight, make peace between them. But if one of them is against the other, then fight the one you like until you are in it, to the command of Allah.
18:16 And when two groups of the believers fight, make peace between them. But if one of them is against the other, then fight the one you like until you are in it, to the command of Allah.
18:45 And when two groups of the believers fight, make peace between them. But if one of them is against the other, then fight the one you like until you are in it, to the command of Allah.
18:55 Alhamdulillah, the translation of the Quran has been presented. Let's go to Allama Mufti Muhammad Ismail Noorani for the interpretation of these verses.
19:08 In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds. And peace and blessings be upon the Master of the Prophets and Messengers.
19:15 Dear viewers, Alhamdulillah, in this session, the third chapter of Surah Al-Fatah has been recited.
19:25 And with it, the Surah Al-Hujurat has been started.
19:31 We started the interpretation of the verses of Surah Al-Fatah. In this, verses number 8 and 9 are very worth of attention.
19:42 Allah, the Lord of the worlds, has clearly stated the attributes of the Master of the two worlds.
19:48 And He also pointed to the purpose of prophethood.
19:51 [Arabic]
20:20 In this blessed verse, Allah, the Lord of the worlds, has stated the attitude of a believer in the matter of the Prophet and his pure self, in the matter of bringing faith.
20:34 And here, a beautiful thing is that Allah, the Lord of the worlds, has stated the faith first.
20:39 [Arabic]
20:41 And then in the middle, He spoke of glorification and reverence.
20:44 And in the end, the word of glorification, is a sign of worship.
20:48 So, in the matter of faith and worship, Allah has stated the glorification and reverence.
20:53 The scholars have argued that the glorification and reverence is such a thing, which has one part with faith and one part with worship.
21:02 So, the part of faith is completed by the glorification and reverence, and the part of worship is completed by the connection with the glorification.
21:13 So, if the glorification and reverence is removed from the middle, and the respect is removed, then neither faith nor worship remains.
21:20 So, this is a very beautiful sequence, and the scholars have argued on the importance of glorification of the Prophet.
21:26 And we should certainly understand its importance, it is a very important topic.
21:30 Then, in the 10th verse, Allah, the Lord of the worlds, has mentioned the revelation of the pledge of Ridwan.
21:37 The pledge of Ridwan is the pledge that was made at the time of the reconciliation of Hudaibiyah, when the Prophet, peace be upon him,
21:44 sent Hazrat Usman Ghani to Mecca to make him a representative and to negotiate with the disbelievers.
21:51 And such rumors were made that Hazrat Usman Ghani has been martyred.
21:55 At that time, the Prophet, peace be upon him, was at the place of Hudaibiyah, and about 1400 companions were present there, or more than that.
22:02 And the Prophet, peace be upon him, was sitting under a tree, and the Prophet, peace be upon him, took the pledge of allegiance.
22:08 So, that tree is called the tree of allegiance, and this pledge is called the pledge of Ridwan.
22:12 Ridwan is said, in the next verse, that from where the recitation of the Quran started, "Allah is pleased with those who have taken the pledge of allegiance from the Prophet."
22:22 Since it is the announcement of the acceptance of the Prophet, so its name is kept as the pledge of Ridwan.
22:27 And Allah has stated the excellence of this pledge of allegiance, that He said, "Innal Lazeena Yubai'oonaka"
22:32 O beloved, those who pledge allegiance to you, "Innama Yubai'oonallahu"
22:37 They are pledging allegiance to Allah. And He said, "Yadullahi Fauqa Ideehim"
22:41 Their hands are the hands of Allah. That is, Allah, the Lord of the worlds, has declared His hands as His own hands.
22:47 And to deal with the Prophet, He has declared it as His own hands.
22:51 From here, it is known that when to pledge allegiance is to turn to the Prophet and to the Prophet, to Allah,
23:02 to pledge allegiance to the Prophet, to pledge allegiance to Allah, then to ask for help from the Prophet,
23:08 that is, to ask for help from Allah, to glorify the Prophet, to glorify Allah,
23:13 rather, to mention the Prophet, is to mention Allah.
23:17 So we will find many such verses in the Quran where Allah has declared the matter of the Prophet as His own matter.
23:23 So from this we should learn that all the matters of the Prophet's glorification and honor
23:31 are certainly counted in the glorification and honor of Allah.
23:35 Then along with the importance of this pledge of allegiance, I would also like to say that
23:41 "Yadullahi Fauqa Ideehim" when Allah has said that Allah's hand is on their hands,
23:45 when the Prophet was pledging allegiance, all the companions were placing their hands on the blessed hands of the Prophet.
23:52 Now when the matter of Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani came, he was not present at that time.
23:57 He had gone to Makkah Mukarramah and had gone as a representative to negotiate with the disbelievers.
24:02 So when the matter of the pledge of allegiance of Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani came,
24:06 that he was not present and was not present at such an important occasion of excellence,
24:10 then how astonishing is this narration and how great is the status of Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani
24:15 that on that occasion the Prophet placed his blessed hand on his other hand and said
24:21 "Allahumma Hazihi Yadu Usman" O Allah, this is the hand of Usman and I pledge allegiance to him.
24:28 That is, the Prophet is pledging allegiance to himself on his blessed hand by Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani.
24:33 And here also remember that the pledge of allegiance is always made from the side of the living.
24:37 What has gone is not from the side of the living.
24:40 This means that the Prophet knew that the rumor that was made about Usman was just a rumor.
24:46 The proof of the fact that he was a slave of Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani,
24:50 that he was a slave of Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani, was that he knew and had an idea.
24:54 In fact, another clear proof of this is that when the disbelievers said to Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani
24:58 that if you want you can circumambulate, then what did Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani say?
25:02 That how can I circumambulate without my Prophet?
25:07 In fact, he even said that if you keep the Prophet at the station of Hudaibiyah for ten years,
25:12 then Usman-e-Ghani will not have the courage to circumambulate without the Prophet.
25:16 And there the Prophet himself also had an idea that when the companions said that
25:21 O Messenger of Allah, it is very good for Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani, he must be circumambulating a lot.
25:26 The Prophet said that I do not think that Usman-e-Ghani will be able to circumambulate without me.
25:30 The government is also saying the same thing that Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani is saying in front of the disbelievers.
25:35 So, the government was certain that he knew this.
25:37 The rest was to do the Bai'at so that the companions would get honor.
25:41 It was the time of Bai'at-ul-Rizwan, the pleasure of Allah was to be accumulated in it.
25:45 So, this happiness was accumulated.
25:47 The rest is that in the next Rukum Allah the Lord of the worlds mentioned about those who were the Mukhalafin.
25:51 Mukhalafin means those villagers or those tribes who were left behind and he told them to walk together.
25:57 Let's go to Makkah, but they left behind making various excuses.
26:01 And they were not going to come back.
26:03 But now when the Prophet is returning after reconciling, returning from the reconciliation of Hudaibiyah,
26:07 so they started thinking of excuses quickly that now we will have to make some excuses in front of the Prophet.
26:12 There were hypocrites among them, there were some new tribes who kept announcing their loyalty to Islam.
26:18 So, their excuses have been told here that they will say, Allah has already told the Prophet that
26:22 as soon as you reach Madinah, these excuses will come that we could not go with you.
26:27 Why?
26:28 Our wealth and our family had a lot of responsibilities.
26:33 So, you should ask for forgiveness for us.
26:36 But these were just the topics.
26:38 There were no such things in their hearts.
26:41 They had something else in their hearts.
26:43 So, these are all things.
26:44 What was in the heart, they have also told.
26:46 Their belief was that Allah will not return the Prophet and the believers.
26:50 That the Prophet will not return, the Muslims will not return.
26:53 So, they kept thinking of such things.
26:55 Allah Almighty told His Beloved about their whole situation.
26:58 So much so that when the issue of the spoils of war came up,
27:02 they would say quickly that now we want to go with you so that we get some share in the spoils.
27:09 So, by mentioning these hypocrites here, the believers were reminded that we should not be prey to excuses.
27:18 When the time comes for religion, when the time comes for religion,
27:21 then we should try to do whatever we can.
27:24 We should not include ourselves in the excuses that Allah did not like them at all.
27:31 Other than this, when the mention of these excuses came and their condemnations were revealed,
27:36 then you see that the Muslims who were exempt from the feet, the eyes,
27:41 such people who could not go in Jihad, could not travel with the Prophet,
27:44 they were afraid that Allah Almighty would not be upset with us.
27:48 So, this is the condition of fear of God.
27:50 Allah said, "There is no harm in the blind, nor is there any harm in the lame,
27:57 nor is there any harm in the one who is exempt from the feet, nor is there any harm in the sick."
28:03 So, Allah said their status and their remembrance in this way.
28:08 So, surely these are the people who have eternal fear of God in their hearts,
28:12 so they keep on fearing.
28:13 When a verse is revealed about someone, they keep it on themselves and think.
28:17 We have said this in different sessions that we should keep the verses that have been revealed about the disbelievers,
28:22 about the hypocrites on ourselves and think about them,
28:26 as it has been the case with the believers.
28:29 Then after that, the time came when Allah announced His pleasure.
28:32 "Allah is pleased with those who make the Bai'at"
28:37 whose details we have mentioned earlier.
28:40 Then, Allah Almighty has mentioned some other details of the Treaty of Hudaibiyah,
28:45 how Allah has blessed them,
28:47 stopped the swords of the disbelievers and protected all the believers.
28:51 Despite the fact that they were in a state where they were not in a position to fight,
28:57 because they had obviously left Madinah,
28:59 they had not brought any weapons or equipment with them.
29:01 So, Allah has protected the believers from a difficult time,
29:05 its details have been mentioned here.
29:08 The disbelievers and the polytheists stopped the Muslims from Makkah,
29:13 from the Ka'bah and from Umrah.
29:15 So, this was not based on any principle,
29:17 but it was just a stubbornness of ignorance.
29:19 It was an ignorant stubbornness which Allah has interpreted as "Hamiyyat".
29:22 "Izz ja'alalladhina kafaru fee qulubihi mulhamiyyata, hamiyyat al-jahiliyyah"
29:26 It was their stubbornness that we will not let the Muslims come to Makkah,
29:29 we will not allow the Ka'bah to be destroyed.
29:31 This was based on a stubbornness.
29:33 "Fa anzalallahu sakinatahu 'ala rasoolihi"
29:35 So, what did Allah do with the believers?
29:38 He gave them peace.
29:40 "Wa alzamahum kalimatat taqwa"
29:42 And Allah gave them steadfastness on Taqwa.
29:44 "Wa kaanu ahqa biha wa ahlaha"
29:46 And these companions were worthy of it and its people.
29:49 Here, it is important to note that Allah has declared the companions as "Ahl".
29:53 He has declared them as "Ahl", as worthy of Taqwa.
29:56 So, it was known that to praise the companions,
29:59 to declare them as "Ahl", this is Allah's Sunnah.
30:03 The one who claims to be a believer,
30:05 his way should be to praise the companions.
30:09 He should call the companions as "Ahl",
30:11 he should call them as "Taqwa"
30:13 and he should praise them as Allah has praised them.
30:16 After this, Allah indicated that dream,
30:19 that the Prophet (pbuh) was going to the place of Hudaybiyah,
30:23 although he was going to Makkah,
30:25 but we mention Hudaybiyah in such a way that it was stopped at that place.
30:28 Before going to that place, the Prophet (pbuh) stated a dream that
30:31 we are entering Masjid-ul-Haram, we are doing Tawaf,
30:34 he mentioned the Halak and Taqseer.
30:36 Now, when this place of Hudaybiyah was changed to Sulah,
30:39 and we could not do Tawaf, the companions said that
30:42 the Prophet (pbuh) had told us a dream, so what happened to it?
30:45 The Prophet (pbuh) said that I had not said that this will be fulfilled this year.
30:48 So, Allah stated the same.
30:50 "Laqad sadaqallahu Rasoolahu ru'ya bilhaq"
30:52 No doubt, Allah fulfilled that promise.
30:55 This is a true dream.
30:57 You will surely enter Masjid-ul-Haram, Inshallah.
31:00 "Aamineena aman kaisaad muhalliqeena ru'oosakum wa muqassireen"
31:03 And with Halak and Taqseer,
31:05 i.e. some people were doing Halak and some were doing Taqseer,
31:08 so Allah Almighty stated all these things in this.
31:11 Then in the last verse of this, Allah Almighty mentioned
31:14 His Beloved, His Prophethood,
31:17 by saying Muhammadur Rasoolullah,
31:19 and then He told the description of the companions,
31:21 that the blessed ones who are with you are strict on the disbelievers,
31:25 and are very merciful to each other.
31:28 "Hu halqa-e-yaraan tu bir-e-sham ki tara narm,
31:31 razmi haq-u-batil hu tu faulad-e-mumin"
31:34 Allah Almighty stated the description of the companions,
31:37 His Ruku and Sujood,
31:39 and He also told the light of their faces.
31:41 "Seemaahum fee wujuhihim min athar-e-sujood"
31:44 The effect of prostration has a lot of light on their faces.
31:47 Some people think that this is a sign of black colour,
31:51 so the scholars have rejected it,
31:53 that it is not necessary that it is a sign like this.
31:55 It is a sign of a person who has done nothing.
31:57 So it is not necessary.
31:58 Yes, it is a sign for the righteous people.
32:01 But the scholars have said that the real meaning of this is the light of the face,
32:05 which Allah Almighty gives them in the form of prostration.
32:09 So the description of the companions,
32:11 Allah Almighty has continuously stated in this form.
32:13 In today's recitation, the Surah Hujurat has also been recited.
32:17 But since its recitation is still going on,
32:19 InshaAllah in tomorrow's session,
32:21 we will start the commentary of Surah Hujurat,
32:23 and will briefly discuss it.
32:25 And we will explain further situations in this regard.
32:28 May Allah Almighty enable us to reflect and act on the subject of the Holy Quran.
32:33 Ameen.
32:34 "Dawana anilhamdulillahi rabbil 'alamin"
32:36 Thank you very much, Mufti sahib.
32:37 You have explained the commentary in a very beautiful way.
32:39 Respected viewers, as it was said today that the Surah Hujurat will begin.
32:44 Today the need is that the whole Quran is recited,
32:47 the different Surahs of Mubarak and the whole Quran.
32:49 But the Muslim Ummah should read Surah Hujurat as a special recitation,
32:56 read its translation and commentary.
32:58 The reason for this is that the situation in the world today,
33:01 there are some incidents in which the emotions of Muslims are distorted.
33:07 So the Muslim Ummah should know what is the position of the Chosen One,
33:10 what is the greatness of the Chosen One,
33:12 and the etiquettes of the Prophet's (pbuh) family.
33:16 How Allah has blessed us with this Surah of the Holy Quran,
33:23 which we can know by reading,
33:25 what is the position of the Chosen One, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
33:28 We pray to Allah that Allah accepts our arrangement,
33:31 the arrangement of ARYQ TV,
33:34 grant us the knowledge of the Holy Quran,
33:36 and grant us and you the blessings of the Holy Quran.
33:39 With this, I would like to ask the host, Muhammad Rais Ahmed, for permission.
33:42 Allah Hafiz.
33:43 [Holy Quran Recitation]
