‘The Falcon and the Winter Soldier’ Interviews with Wyatt Russell, Erin Kellyman and Amy Aquino‘The Falcon and the Winter Soldier’ Interviews with Wyatt Russell, Erin Kellyman and Amy Aquino

  • last year
"The Falcon and the Winter Soldier’s" already infamous Wyatt Russell, Erin Kellyman and Amy Aquino join Cinemablend’s Managing Editor Sean O’Connell to discuss the new Marvel and Disney+ show. Keep your eyes and ears peeled as they dive into the enormity of joining a Marvel project, Karli’s motivations, who is threatening her, Dr. Raynor’s ‘superpowers,’ and so much more!
00:00 John Walker in this series talks about the expectations
00:03 of stepping into his new role of Captain America.
00:06 And I'm just curious as an actor,
00:09 if a role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe
00:11 carries a similar weight,
00:12 or as an actor, is it really just the next gig?
00:15 - What could be bigger than this?
00:17 - It's just the next gig for me.
00:22 You know, you just go do the best that you can
00:26 with what you have always.
00:27 It doesn't matter whether you're doing it,
00:30 you know, a $2 million indie movie,
00:32 or a $500,000 indie movie,
00:34 or a $400 million Marvel show.
00:36 It doesn't matter.
00:37 It's the same camera, it's the same actors,
00:40 it's the same thing.
00:41 So that kind of overwhelming thoughts,
00:45 I don't think they help.
00:47 You know?
00:50 - Yeah, that's very true.
00:51 It probably doesn't help too.
00:53 Like, do you have your own action figure yet at this point?
00:57 - Uh, I don't know.
00:59 You'd know better than me.
01:00 (laughing)
01:01 I don't know.
01:02 - Oh, it is so not just the next gig.
01:07 It, and you know, obviously this is my first foray
01:11 into the Marvel Universe.
01:12 I didn't even know what the Marvel Universe meant
01:14 when I first told Titus Wellerberg
01:17 I was, that I'd gotten the gig.
01:19 And he was like, "Oh my God, Marvel!
01:21 "The Marvel Universe, what are you talking about?
01:23 "It's a franchise, it's a universe."
01:26 That was the first moment I went,
01:27 "Oh, this is like a really big thing."
01:29 And then all the secrecy around the scripts.
01:33 And I mean, I don't,
01:35 you don't have to worry about spoiler alerts with me
01:36 because I have no idea.
01:39 That doesn't get shared with you
01:41 unless you're actually, you know, taking part in it.
01:44 So it was huge and it was,
01:47 and I don't usually get kind of freaked out by a new job,
01:52 but this one, it did scare me some.
01:55 Oh, there's a wait.
01:56 There is a wait.
01:57 I think there's always,
01:59 whenever you're heading into a franchise that is so big
02:02 and has so many followers and so many fans,
02:04 there's always that,
02:06 they're very protective over their show.
02:07 And rightly so, it's been around for so many years.
02:10 So there's always a level of nerves
02:13 when coming in and being the newbie.
02:15 But people have been quite nice to me personally.
02:19 Like the messages that I've been getting
02:21 have been quite nice.
02:21 I don't know about anything beyond my DMs,
02:23 but people have been quite friendly.
02:26 - Good. I hope that keeps up.
02:28 - Hello, girl, kick your ass.
02:30 - Hi!
02:31 - I would like to know,
02:32 what do you remember about the first day
02:33 you saw yourself in the full costume though?
02:35 What are your memories?
02:36 Like, do they treat it as a big thing
02:38 or is it just a normal costume fitting?
02:40 - No, it's definitely different.
02:41 It's definitely different.
02:42 It's a different thing.
02:43 'Cause it has to be, it's very specific.
02:46 All the people who work on the costumes
02:48 do such a tedious work with moving this seam here and that,
02:52 measuring from here to your belly button
02:54 and how long is this
02:55 and how much bigger do you think you're gonna get
02:57 if you just adjust the suit here and ga-ga-ga-ga-ga.
03:00 And it's so much stuff that it doesn't always fit right.
03:05 So there's lots of fittings and it just,
03:08 they want it to look like they want it to look.
03:11 So it's a process.
03:13 Like I didn't get the suit really right
03:16 in terms of how it was fitting on my shoulders
03:19 for like maybe to like a month or two into shooting
03:22 'cause it would pull down or it would hurt
03:23 and the suit underneath
03:24 and there's three pieces to the suit
03:26 and they lock different ways.
03:27 And it was like, holy God,
03:29 this thing is difficult to wear.
03:30 - This is kind of a geeky question,
03:32 but Super Soldier Serum, I'm curious.
03:35 Does it make you a better fighter
03:37 or does it just enhance skills
03:40 that your character already has?
03:42 - I think it enhances what she's got in her already.
03:46 I think that, yeah, yeah.
03:48 It's an enhancement.
03:49 - Does Dr. Rainer get to throw a punch at any point?
03:52 Everyone kicks butt on this show.
03:54 - I hope so.
03:56 I think she kind of did.
03:57 She sort of threw up, you know,
03:58 a gut punch to him, didn't she?
04:01 - Yes, she did.
04:02 - But we'll see.
04:02 I will, you know,
04:03 we don't know what kind of superpowers Dr. Rainer has.
04:06 Stay tuned.
04:07 - Good tease.
04:08 I love that.
04:10 - Making progress already.
04:11 - Have you guys had discussions
04:12 about whether John Walker disappeared during the blip?
04:14 The blip seems to be a pretty important
04:15 to people in the show.
04:18 - I don't know.
04:19 It's a good question.
04:20 I have no idea.
04:21 You'd have to ask Zoe or one of the producers.
04:24 Every time I asked questions like that,
04:27 it was like, don't ask too many questions Wyatt.
04:29 I'm just gonna get more confused.
04:31 - So your character Carly clearly prefers
04:33 the way life was during the blip.
04:34 How many conversations and what types of conversations
04:37 did you have about what life was like during all of that?
04:41 - I had spoken with Zoe and Carly actually
04:47 about what specific things that Carly liked
04:50 about when everybody was gone.
04:53 And what I got from it was that people had come together
04:58 out of the trauma of other people leaving.
05:00 And there was more of a unity
05:02 and people worked together more because they needed to,
05:06 because nobody knew what was going on.
05:07 And there was just some things that people had to accept
05:10 and work through and everybody was helping each other.
05:12 And I think that's what made people unite a little bit more.
05:17 And that's what Carly wants to get back to.
05:20 - One world, one people.
05:23 - We walked away from last, the most recent episode,
05:25 number two, with a question of
05:28 who is texting you these threats?
05:30 And I know you won't tell me who it is,
05:32 but I'm curious if you could at least tell me like,
05:35 how long we're gonna have to wait
05:36 to find out who it might be?
05:38 - Do you know what?
05:41 I actually can't even remember
05:42 in what episodes you find out who that is.
05:45 I think you might just have to watch, I'm sorry.
05:50 I won't be able to tell you anyway, to be honest, but.
05:52 - When you guys film things,
05:53 is it kind of all over the place?
05:55 Do you jump around to like,
05:56 or do you think of them as episodes
05:58 when you're filming them?
05:59 - It was quite jumpy.
06:01 Yeah, it was, but also Kari was there
06:03 to kind of give you a brief of everything
06:06 that had happened beforehand.
06:07 So you were in the right head space
06:10 and frame of mind of things.
06:12 So it was jumpy, but it felt fine when we were filming.
06:15 - Do you ever get comfortable with the fact
06:16 that you're having a fight with Avengers?
06:18 - No, when am I?
06:21 I don't know, not at all.
06:22 It's never normal.
06:23 Like, especially when it's like,
06:27 I'm not fighting a stunt double,
06:29 especially when it's the actor.
06:31 It's just so, and they're all in their hero costumes
06:33 and I'm just stood there, little old me, like, I don't know.
06:36 It's so weird.
06:37 It's so surreal.
06:39 It's crazy.
06:40 I didn't get used to that at all.
06:42 - Brilliant, keep it up.
06:43 I'm so happy for you.
06:44 Thanks, Erin.
06:45 I appreciate your time.
06:46 - It was nice talking to you.
06:47 (upbeat music)
