12 Bear Encounters That Went Horribly Wrong

  • last year
00:00 From terrifying clashes to narrow escapes, these tales will keep you on the edge of your seat.
00:06 Get ready to witness the untamed power of nature in 12 Bear Encounters Gone Horribly Wrong.
00:13 Number 12. A couple of dirt bike riders in the lush forests of Compiègne in the
00:19 Holy France region of Paris have their world turned upside down when they come up close and
00:25 personal with this vicious mammal. One of the dirt bikes stops in the middle of its course
00:31 when it hits a tree. Out of the woods, an unwelcome guest pays them a visit
00:36 and does what nightmares are made of. Before anything else goes downhill,
00:45 the other driver revs his dirt bike so loudly that the bear has no choice but to flee.
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00:57 Fortunately, they both survive to tell the tale of how they narrowly avoided becoming bear food.
01:04 Number 11. An unwelcome beast arrives with an offer they cannot refuse,
01:10 disrupting a peaceful French countryside day. The police rush to the scene and are horrified to find
01:17 they are unprepared for their opponent. The authorities are on foot and have no chance
01:26 against the grisly bear. The video then cuts off at that point, and to this day we still do not
01:42 have any answers as to how the situation may have come to a close for the police.
01:47 Number 10. In the Russian forest, a bird hunter discovers that he has taken on a more difficult
01:54 challenge than he initially bargained for. When the hunter hears a crunch behind him,
02:00 he quickly gets on his stomach and aims his gun in the direction of the sound.
02:04 [Music]
02:14 What emerges from the bushes is a sight that has nothing to do with birds at all.
02:31 The hunter aims carefully and tries to frighten the equally bewildered bear away. The animal does
02:37 so, retreating back into the dense forest, leaving the bird hunter gasping for air.
02:42 Number 9. On his hike through Shikoku forest, an unwary traveler learns firsthand about the
02:50 forest's splendor and peril. Tatsuhiko, the hiker, sees a group of bears playing in the
02:56 trees almost immediately on his trek. It was a surprise to him to learn that he was not the
03:11 only one who thought the experience was extraordinary. Tatsuhiko moves away from the
03:26 Japanese black bears in a hurry, which is enough to make the cubs lose interest in the fact that
03:32 he's there. Number 8. A man in Hokkaido is taken aback when he spots something other than fish
03:39 swimming in the raging Tesshio river. Naoi, the man recording, had the idea that today would be
03:45 a good day to go fishing, but he was immediately halted in his tracks when he laid eyes on
03:51 something that was significantly larger than he was. Crossing the river, the beast came from five
04:08 meters away and stared at Naoi with hostility. Naoi reached into his pocket and pulled out his
04:24 bear spray, hoping it would be enough to ward off the approaching bear just to see it retreat back
04:31 into the dense forest. Number 7. When one of nature's forces attacked Masayuki Matsuyama,
04:38 he was fishing in the upper reaches of the Kanagawa river in Misaka-cho,
04:43 Fuyufuki city, Japan. As Matsuyama walked up and down the river looking for a better catch,
04:49 he came across a great spot, but he was briefly stopped. As he roared back to the animal,
05:05 he confirmed that it was the Usuri brown bear that attacked him and kicked it on the snout.
05:21 Matsuyama yelled twice and the ferocious bear retreated into the woods, being driven off. Thus,
05:28 Matsuyama managed to escape and tell his story. Number 6. A man on a routine bike ride in the
05:35 forests of the Boreo forest region is jolted to his core when he encounters an opponent who can
05:42 keep up with him. As he traces his usual spots for a chill bike ride, a man in the footage,
05:48 named Gregor, encounters another forest enthusiast, a grizzly bear.
06:03 He started to cycle so fast as if he were lightning. As he makes a swift
06:07 move to check his back, the beast almost catches up on him.
06:20 As he approaches the crossroads, hunters in the distance notice that a bear is pursuing him and
06:26 fire a few shots to frighten it off. As much as Gregor was relieved, the incident served as a
06:32 cautionary tale for when he ventured out again. Number 5. A family relaxing by California's Lake
06:40 McClure is rudely awakened from a nap when a hungry and curious creature wanders up to their
06:46 campsite. David Kessler and his family are startled when they notice an interesting encounter with a
06:52 grizzly bear. He sniffed around as if to see if there was anything that might pique the interest
07:08 of his taste buds. Realizing there is nothing he likes, the animal struts away.
07:23 David's family was smart enough to devour the steaks as soon as they came off the grill.
07:28 What a fortunate story! Number 4. A local fisherman in Mammoth Lakes, California,
07:34 receives a visitor so bizarre that he thinks he is imagining things. Jim and his friend are
07:41 utilizing the day going fishing by the lake when, as they wait for a catch, a massive bear emerges
07:47 from the surrounding forest. The mammal puts on a show in front of them and parades as they are on
08:04 the edge of their camping chairs. The animal, sensing that it has nothing in common with the
08:19 humans, jogs off without so much as a backward glance. A fortunate day to go fishing indeed,
08:26 if you ask Jim. Number 3. When a hiker meets in person with a full-grown grizzly bear,
08:33 it comes as quite a surprise to him. In the California wilderness, a hiker came face to
08:39 face with a mountain bear. They stared each other down as the man adjusted his breathing
08:44 so as not to frighten the animal. As the man braces himself to use his bear spray,
08:59 the bear gives off rather improbable signals. It was as if the bear just had too much to eat
09:15 that afternoon and walked around the man fleeing the scene. Number 2. A rather interesting encounter
09:23 happened to a man near Churchill, Canada, who was visited by a very intrigued polar bear. As Jerry
09:30 checks on his truck to go out for an errand, he is surprised to see an unusual sight under the vehicle.
09:47 He then engages in a face-off with the polar bear, looking all doe-eyed and mesmerized at Jerry.
09:53 Jerry should count himself lucky because the bear that paid him a visit was merely an inquisitive
10:09 specimen and not a dangerous one. Number 1. Albin and his fellow "glamping" companions
10:16 are shocked when a lurker ruins their peaceful evening off Road Park in West Virginia. As the
10:23 group chills around the camp, even before they get a chance to make a fire, they find themselves in
10:29 the presence of a lurking bear. The out-of-the-ordinary bear goes sniffing around the
10:45 group's truck. They follow it and catch it near the camp table and fix its attention on one
10:51 certain thing on it. Albin and the rest of the group watch the bear as it rummages through
11:07 their provisions. They were lucky this time to come up with a relaxed creature.
