30 Times Humans Messed With The Wrong Bears

  • last year
00:00 In eastern British Columbia, an adventurous hiker almost had a heart attack after coming
00:07 face to face with an unexpected guest on the trail.
00:11 At the start of the video, the nature lover is seen running down a rather narrow trail
00:16 while recording his experience on a GoPro attached to his chest.
00:28 For quite a while, all appears to be going smoothly, and then, out of nowhere, a giant
00:34 grizzly bear pops out and does this.
00:47 Frightened by the sight of the predator charging at him, the hiker immediately picks up the
00:51 pace and starts sprinting away as fast as he can.
00:59 The video comes to an end as the man, thankfully, seems to have managed to escape from that
01:09 situation, unharmed.
01:13 While hiking Mount Roberts in Juneau, Alaska, two men came face to face with an extremely
01:19 curious black bear.
01:21 This nerve-wracking clip opens with one of the hikers trying to scare off the animal
01:26 while recording the ordeal on his camera.
01:38 Instead of running off like the men expect it to, the predator continues to approach
01:43 them at a steady pace, forcing them to slowly retreat.
02:00 This encounter stretches on for quite some time, but eventually the animal seems to lose
02:06 interest in the men and decides to venture into the nearby bushes in search of food.
02:11 Taking advantage of the bear's distracted state, the hikers pull out their bear spray
02:16 and wait for the animal's next move.
02:29 Since the animal fails to make a move, the hikers decide to continue their trip.
02:35 This terrifying video begins with the men heading back to their canoe while engaging
02:40 in a verbal game in an effort to amuse themselves.
02:44 As they continue playing their game, the camera suddenly gets a glimpse of a terrifying stalker
02:50 who after a while proceeds to do something frightening.
03:04 Dodging the bear in time, they get into a standoff where the animal refuses to retreat
03:10 despite their shouting, raising their hands, and at one point even walking up to it.
03:25 Thankfully the sticks they picked up kept the bear from approaching, allowing them to
03:29 reach their canoe and leaving no one hurt in the encounter.
03:34 In Saskatchewan, a pair of friends had a horrifying day when they encountered a black bear that
03:40 didn't seem to be intimidated by their presence at all.
03:44 The video starts out with two men in the wild observing their surroundings from the safety
03:49 of a tree while one of them records the experience.
03:53 While looking around, the explorers spot a black bear nuzzling up to a blue tank and
03:59 they begin to focus on it silently.
04:12 Suddenly noticing that it is being watched, the bear snaps its neck in the direction of
04:17 the men and proceeds to do the unthinkable.
04:30 Now in such proximity to the bear, the men decide to stay still and quiet so as not to
04:36 attract its attention.
04:48 Luckily for the men, the bear does not look in their direction and after a few minutes
04:52 it returns to the ground, leaving them to their own devices.
04:58 Here a man can be seen interacting with a curious bear cub while doing something at
05:03 the back of his pickup truck.
05:15 Moments later, the bear decides to investigate deeper and get a closer look at his truck,
05:20 which leads it to do this.
05:34 After the bear rested its paws and sharp claws on the truck, the man became cautious, worrying
05:41 that the predator might climb up.
05:43 Bears are incredibly great climbers and can easily climb any tree or elevated surface
05:48 quickly.
05:50 This paired with the curiosity of the cub quickly turns the encounter south as a few
05:55 seconds later, this happens.
06:09 What this man thought to be a drunk roommate coming home and stumbling around turned out
06:15 to be something much more terrifying.
06:17 The clip starts off with the cautious man recording a huge and hungry predator walking
06:23 around his living room.
06:35 A few seconds after he started recording, the bear notices him recording from the stairs,
06:40 leaving it with no choice but to run after him.
06:53 As the bear makes its way upstairs, he runs to his room and looks back one last time,
06:58 only to see this.
07:10 After reaching his room, he talks with his scared roommate, who tells him that the predator
07:15 went back downstairs.
07:16 Unfortunately, the clip ends abruptly and what happens next remains unknown.
07:23 At the beginning of this clip, a woman in her later years can be seen peacefully taking
07:29 a nap, not expecting to see her worst nightmare when she wakes up.
07:43 Shocked and confused, she jumps out of her seat and puts distance between her and the
07:48 animal but ultimately stands her ground.
07:57 Thankfully the bear got scared and ran away from the encounter, leaving no one harmed.
08:03 In Yamal, Siberia, a group of unsuspecting workers were having a fun time feeding a hungry
08:10 polar bear when things suddenly went south.
08:13 Initially the camera starts rolling right as the men attempt to lure the animal closer
08:19 by safely feeding it from a raised platform.
08:30 At some point, one of the men very bravely decides to walk down the stairs to feed the
08:36 predator from closer when the unimaginable happens.
08:51 Now finally, worried for their safety, the men make sure to remain on the platform as
08:57 the animal keeps roaming around for a few more minutes to eventually walk away completely.
09:05 In this clip, filmed from Russia, a large and aggressive bear can be seen trying to
09:10 charge the man recording the encounter multiple times.
09:24 In the video, it can be seen that the man is holding his rifle ready in case the predator
09:29 decides to make a move.
09:31 After the bear fails to scare him, the man decides to try something bold before considering
09:36 shooting the animal.
09:48 Bears are easily scared of confrontation with humans as they have learned through time and
09:53 experience that humans pose a great danger to them.
09:57 The animal then gets scared of the man's advancements and decides to leave him alone.
10:04 This nail-biting encounter begins with a family entering their house amid a calm background.
10:21 After a few moments, two bears come into the camera frame who walked before the house and
10:27 out of the camera's range to the other side of the alley.
10:46 The blood-curdling moments began when a woman, completely unaware of the presence of wild
10:52 bears, came out of the house and went her way but there was a disaster waiting to happen.
11:14 The lady tried balancing herself on the slippery steps while locking the gate when the two
11:19 bears were seen chasing her.
11:36 It was her lucky day, she didn't get caught by those wild animals and went safely inside.
11:44 During a hunting trip in Saskatchewan, one man got the experience of a lifetime after
11:49 he came face to face with a hungry black bear.
11:53 The clip begins with the man recording a video of the animal climbing up a tree where he
11:58 was initially settled.
12:09 He sits still while he records the predator getting closer and closer as it eventually
12:15 reaches the top striking him with fear.
12:28 With incredible calmness, the brave hunter manages to keep his composure despite being
12:33 in an extremely dangerous situation.
12:48 Fortunately the bear eventually loses interest in the hunter and it climbs down, leaving
12:53 him breathless.
12:56 A bear approaches two terrified hikers desperately trying their best to scare the bear away and
13:02 escape danger.
13:04 Despite yelling at it multiple times, the predator still charges forward refusing to
13:09 be scared and standing its ground.
13:13 The encounter is very intense as the animal's body language shows the bear already considering
13:19 attacking both of the hikers.
13:22 The back and forth only lasts a couple of seconds before the hikers eventually decide
13:27 to take charge and do this.
13:39 Unfortunately the clip ends abruptly and what happens next remains unknown.
13:47 A hunter in America got the experience of a lifetime after an extremely curious bear
13:53 and decided to come check him out from up close.
13:56 Watch to see what the hunter did.
13:58 This unbelievable video starts with the two hunters scouting the area in search of their
14:03 next target.
14:04 After a few minutes one of the men sees a large black shadowy figure in the distance
14:09 and decides to walk up ahead to grab a closer look.
14:22 What is finally confirmed to be a black bear now starts dangerously approaching the armed
14:28 man and eventually comes face to face with him and his gun.
14:32 Will the hunter shoot?
14:33 Keep watching to find out.
14:45 After the intense stare down, the animal appears to lose interest in the hunter and decides
14:49 to let him go, leaving both men in complete disbelief.
14:55 This terrifying video from Turkey begins with a man staring at something unusual.
15:01 As some moments passed, that unusual thing turned out to be the worst beast he could
15:06 encounter there.
15:23 The man immediately fled the scene, but his dog clashed with the hungry bear in the snow.
15:29 Both the animals exchanged blows, but the bear sadly outpowered the dog.
15:43 In the end, the bear was left alone in the frame as the man had already fled the scene
15:48 and the dog also took to his heels.
16:01 Nonetheless the encounter was indeed petrifying and I am happy everyone made it out alive.
16:09 A group of hikers encounter a large grizzly bear blocking their trail and coming their
16:15 way, scaring them stiff.
16:28 All of them try to remain calm, afraid of possibly making a move that will scare the
16:33 predator and make it lash out.
16:36 All three of the men in front can be seen holding their pepper spray ready, as this
16:40 is their only chance of defending themselves.
16:44 Shortly after what felt like hours, the bear steps in their personal spaces and decides
16:49 to mess with their nerves.
16:53 Thankfully, it only climbed up the hill and left all of them unharmed.
17:09 While on a grizzly bear hunting expedition in British Columbia, Steve Rinella and Ryan
17:14 Callahan were forced to protect themselves by doing the unthinkable.
17:19 At the start of the video, the two men are attempting to reach the top of a small isolated
17:24 mountain range in order to get better visibility.
17:28 On reaching the top, the explorers catch sight of a grizzly bear and her three cubs devouring
17:34 some nearby blueberry bushes.
17:47 At first, the men manage to go unnoticed while watching from a distance.
17:51 Sadly, that does not last long, because the mother spots them and starts approaching.
17:57 Realizing that they are in impending danger, the men start trying to scare off the vicious
18:14 bear by shouting, but their attempt proves futile.
18:18 Left with no other choice, the now desperate men pull out their guns and do this.
18:34 Eventually the mother bear and her cubs retreat into the bushes.
18:38 On a seemingly average expedition in Greenland, a group of researchers had their day turn
18:45 into a living nightmare when they were dangerously approached by a hungry polar bear.
18:51 Before anything, things seem to be going well as they prepare to leave their camp when they
18:55 suddenly spot the predator lurking a few hundred feet away.
19:11 After a few stressful minutes, the hungry polar bear unfortunately gets way too close
19:16 for their liking and they bravely decide to try and scare it away.
19:35 With everyone there now seriously worried for their safety, the animal continues to
19:40 calmly roam around their camp for a few more minutes, but eventually loses interest and
19:46 simply swims away from them altogether.
19:50 What he thought was going to be a good morning started grim after this unlucky camper woke
19:56 up to the sight of a large black bear searching for breakfast.
20:00 The intense video starts as the man immediately picks up his camera after noticing the curious
20:06 animal sniffing the outside of his tent.
20:19 Despite the large predator being so close to him, the man keeps his calm and even gets
20:25 the courage to do something that is sure to give you an adrenaline rush.
20:40 As the brave man stands in a face-off with the bear, it walks up on him, eventually getting
20:46 only a few inches away from him.
20:59 Thankfully the bear eventually leaves him alone after a frightening ten minutes, prompting
21:05 him to quickly evacuate the area.
21:09 A man came face to face with death after he encountered a large mother black bear with
21:15 cubs hiding in the trees during his hike in the Appalachian Trail Conservancy.
21:20 The intense encounter starts with the man recording his hike, when suddenly he stops
21:26 in his tracks after seeing something between the trees.
21:41 After seeing the enormous black bear staring at him, he stops and slowly backs up a few
21:47 inches from the animal in order to compose himself.
22:01 Despite the presence of the bear, he resorts to walking forward once again as slowly as
22:07 possible, hoping not to anger or startle the mother bear as he passes by.
22:23 Luckily for him, the predator lets him pass through and go on safely.
22:29 This short yet terrifying video captures a man recording a black bear climbing down a
22:35 tree after seeing him.
22:48 Despite the predator reaching the bottom in a flash, he stands his ground, which makes
22:52 the bear do this.
23:04 The predator stops in its tracks after he fires a warning shot.
23:08 Luckily, the clip ends as the animal is seen running off.
23:13 A supposedly long and drawn out hunt almost ended in the most gruesome way imaginable
23:20 after the hunter became the hunted.
23:23 This terror striking encounter begins with the man recording a bear trying to sniff him
23:28 out from the ground under his little tree stand.
23:42 Moments later, the bear spots him and doesn't waste any time and proceeds to climb up towards
23:47 the hunter with a menacing look.
24:00 Fortunately the bear goes back down, giving the man the chance to grab his shotgun and
24:05 pepper spray.
24:06 Expecting the worst, he prepares and aims down his weapons as the bear decides to pull
24:11 off one terrifying move.
24:24 Thankfully the hungry bear gets the message and leaves him alone, ending the close call.
24:32 Along the Aleutian Island chain, a skinny dipping experience took a shocking turn when
24:37 a frightening brown bear came along and ruined the fun.
24:42 At the start of the video, an explorer explains that she had been bathing naked in a nearby
24:47 river when a bear suddenly appeared and did this.
25:03 And the female adventurer and her friend attempt to shoo away the bear by shouting, but the
25:09 unfazed predator simply ignores them and picks up the pace.
25:19 In one final attempt, the now desperate woman begins to throw rocks at the approaching animal
25:25 and that does the trick.
25:37 Luckily for the women, the bear turns around and runs into the bushes.
25:42 In northern Manitoba, YouTuber Frank Wolf and his wife had a sudden visit from a few
25:49 polar bears that took an extremely unfortunate turn.
25:53 At first, they begin recording the beast along with two others behind it begin walking right
25:59 towards their cabin from the river up ahead.
26:11 Unfortunately for them, the curious animal decides to start fiddling around their camp
26:17 and suddenly begins chewing on their canoe.
26:35 After many frustrating minutes, the man decides to take matters into his own hands and runs
26:41 to grab his shotgun in hopes of scaring the predators away.
26:58 The bears thankfully end up sparing the man to move along from the area completely, leaving
27:04 them both standing there in disbelief.
27:09 In the beginning of this clip, a bear can be seen entering a house through a window
27:14 that was left open while no one was home.
27:26 Throughout the video, the bear can be seen exploring the house and roaming around, seemingly
27:31 looking for something to eat.
27:43 At one point, the animal is even seen awkwardly trying to scratch itself on the side of a
27:48 kitchen counter.
28:00 Sadly for the family, the bear made its way back out before they got home.
28:06 While camping in the snowy mountains, a man and his loyal companion became the target
28:11 of a double grizzly bear attack.
28:13 At the beginning of this video, we can hear the man screaming at the top of his lungs
28:18 to prevent his poor dog from approaching the bears up ahead.
28:31 He calls his dog several times but to no avail.
28:34 He then proceeds to walk closer to his dog, despite the predators being only a few meters
28:39 away.
28:50 His dog doesn't stop going closer to them, so the man, left with no other choice, runs
28:54 to his dog in order to tie it to a leash.
29:07 Luckily no one was harmed during the encounter and they both return to their tent as the
29:12 bears are nowhere to be seen.
29:15 Two men are walking on a trail in the woods, trying to find a good spot to camp and take
29:21 a break.
29:32 One of the pair decides to record and comment on their trek when out of nowhere something
29:37 comes out of the bushes.
29:46 The incredibly large bear charges at them and immediately retreats back into the bushes
29:53 for cover.
29:54 The men then proceed to walk backwards, cautious of the bear showing itself again to attack
29:59 them.
30:11 Thankfully they were able to go back to safety unharmed.
30:16 Here a man rides his bike on an empty road, trying to get a closer look at a large brown
30:22 bear minding its own business.
30:25 A few seconds later he manages to get closer to the bear as it doesn't notice him, allowing
30:30 him to sneak up behind it.
30:43 It doesn't take long for the animal to notice though, as its keen senses alert it and its
30:48 instincts telling it to do this.
31:01 Now regretting his very misguided decision, he screams in fear, thinking that it would
31:08 be his last bike ride.
31:11 The bear only bluffs though and does not pursue him, which makes him relieved.
31:17 A large group of people can be seen panicking, screaming and running around and evading a
31:23 terrifying rampaging predator.
31:36 The giant bear runs around trying to catch anyone slow enough and unable to outrun the
31:41 large and strong jaws of the terrifying predator.
31:45 The crowd tried their best not to get caught, but it seemed impossible as the animal seemed
31:51 fast enough to catch a running human.
31:53 The setting of the encounter does not favor the crowd in the slightest bit, as the snow
31:58 prevents them from running properly.
32:11 The bear's large paws help distribute its weight, which allows it to maneuver well in
32:16 the snow.
32:17 The bear eventually leaves the crowd alone and runs away in the distance.
32:23 While floating down a river towards their next camp, Fred Eichler and company came across
32:29 three bear cubs and one angry mother bear.
32:33 At the start of the video, Fred's team can be seen riding the river and they come across
32:38 three bear cubs.
32:49 While moving forward, they unfortunately come too close to the cubs, which angered someone
32:55 else previously hidden in the thick bushes.
33:09 Thankfully the large mother bear got scared of the shot and ran away from them.
33:16 This next frightening clip shows us a huge bear walking around in a plain field, searching
33:22 for something to eat.
33:34 The first few seconds of the video seem relatively normal, until moments later, the hungry bear
33:40 spots something interesting in the distance.
33:54 The people recording then realize what's going on, and they are quick to comment on the terrifying
34:00 chain of events about to happen.
34:02 It is unlikely that a bear would attack a large group of people, but there's really
34:07 no way of telling what these animals are thinking.
34:11 Moments later, the bear finally gives in to its urges and decides to do something that
34:15 leaves everybody involved scared to the core.
34:30 it was just a bluff charge and everybody involved remained unharmed.
