• last year
Dans ce reportage, l'annonce du président Emmanuel Macron concernant la crise au Niger prend une place centrale. Suite au coup d'État survenu en juillet, Macron a réitéré le soutien de la France envers le président déchu Mohamed Bazoum, rejetant les nouvelles autorités. Le retrait de l'agrément de l'ambassadeur français Sylvain Itté par le gouvernement nigérien a également été évoqué, soulignant le désaccord croissant entre les deux pays. Cette position réaffirmée reflète les tensions diplomatiques et les enjeux stratégiques dans cette région riche en ressources naturelles et cruciale pour la lutte antiterroriste.
La France, sous la direction d'Emmanuel Macron, maintient une politique étrangère ferme dans la crise nigérienne, en condamnant les putschistes et en exprimant un soutien sans équivoque au président Bazoum. Cette décision a des répercussions sur les relations diplomatiques tendues entre la France et le Niger, tandis que la communauté internationale cherche des solutions pour restaurer la stabilité. Les tensions entre les autorités de transition et la France se cristallisent autour de l'ambassadeur Itté, illustrant la complexité des enjeux géopolitiques et économiques dans cette région d'Afrique de l'Ouest.

#EmmanuelMacron #SylvainItté #Niger #coup #autorités #crise #France #Bazoum #CEDEAO #CNSP #diplomatie #déstabilisation #Colonna #international #Sahel #ressources #terrorisme #Afrique #politique #président.
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00:00 In an announcement that shook diplomatic relations between France and Niger, President
00:13 Emmanuel Macron insisted on affirming his position regarding the expulsion of the French
00:17 ambassador, Sylvain Ité, by the new Nigerian authorities following the coup d'état
00:21 of July 26.
00:23 In a speech before the ambassadors in Paris on Monday, August 28, the head of the French
00:28 embassy clearly expressed that France did not recognize the authorities from this coup
00:32 d'état and that it would continue to support Mohamed Basoum, the president of the exiled
00:35 and detained by the military.
00:37 This statement highlighted the firmness of French foreign policy in this Nigerian crisis.
00:43 President Macron said, "Our policy is simple, we do not recognize the coup d'état, we
00:49 support a president who has not resigned, and we support the policies of the CDAO,
00:53 referring to the economic community of the states of West Africa which also condemned
00:58 the coup d'état and called for the restoration of the constitutional order. "
01:01 Among the highlights of his speech, the president confirmed that Ambassador Sylvain Ité, despite
01:07 the withdrawal of his agreement by the Nigerian transition government, would not leave his
01:11 post in Niamey.
01:13 This decision affirms France's solidarity with President Mohamed Basoum, putting
01:18 into practice the courage of President Mohamed Basoum on the commitment of our ambassador
01:22 on the ground which remains despite the pressures, despite all the declarations of
01:26 illegitimate authorities, concluded Emmanuel Macron.
01:29 This unwavering position of France clearly exposes the palpable tension between Paris
01:34 and the military who have taken power in Niamey.
01:37 The National Council for the Salvation of the People, CNSP, the body at the head of the
01:41 coup d'état, had previously accused France of playing a role in the destabilization
01:45 of the country, allegations quickly contradicted by Catherine Colonna, French Minister of
01:50 Foreign Affairs.
01:52 The French president's statement underlines the complexity of the situation in Niger.
01:57 The coup d'état has plunged the country into political uncertainty, while the international
02:02 community is looking for answers to restore stability.
02:05 France's firm attitude also reflects the strategic and economic challenges involved
02:09 in this region of Africa, rich in natural and vital resources for the fight against
02:13 terrorism in the Sahel.
02:15 As negotiations and diplomatic pressure continue, France has aligned itself with
02:21 other regional and international actors in the condemnation of the coup d'état and
02:24 in the defense of the constitutional order.
02:26 This situation exposes the tensions between the different parties taking to the light
02:31 the complex challenges of foreign policy in West Africa.
02:43 (air whooshing)
