Al via la raccolta delle mele nelle valli trentine

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - Un’operazione che andrà avanti fino a metà ottobre.


00:00 [Music]
00:14 Thousands of farmers, dozens of businesses, but above all an entire community involved in the celebration of a real rite,
00:20 the harvest of apples starts in these days in Trentino, in the valleys of the Noce, Val di Nonne, Val di Sole and in the Limitrofe areas.
00:27 The event, which will last until mid-October, becomes a collective rite,
00:31 extended by the rhythms of nature and the varieties of the fruits characterized, as known, by different times of ripening.
00:38 [Music]
00:41 The season of this year for the quality of apples has been a very good season,
00:45 the quality is very high and for the moment in Val di Nonne, even if we are a little scared,
00:50 given the very hot season of the harvest, we have a high quality of apples because the harvest is still very low in percentage
00:59 compared to the amount of apples produced in the valley.
01:02 Now we are at the beginning of the harvest of the Gala variety,
01:06 the apples will now be delivered to the harvest centers in the 16 Melinda plantations
01:11 and then will be stored in the 16 plantations and a large percentage will be stored at our site,
01:18 the natural mine, where we keep 20% of our apples.
01:24 Throughout the year, our apples will be selected from the 5 Melinda processing rooms.
01:31 The apples that will not be destined for the fresh product are transformed by the Melinda Lab transformation company.
01:39 [Music]
01:45 [Music]
01:51 (music fades)
