• last year
(Adnkronos) - “E’ una bella intuizione quella di fare un festival legato al giornalismo e al brand journalism, perché oggi più che mai, per quello che è il mercato del giornalismo, il mercato della comunicazione, è sempre più importante crearsi una comunità di lettori e di persone che partecipano all'avventura editoriale, in qualche modo in una forma nuova che sta agganciata appunto ad un brand. Così Stefano Arduini, direttore Vita.it, spiega perché Vita.it ha scelto di supportare la prima edizione del Brand Journalism Festival che il 12 novembre riunisce editori, aziende, giornalisti, decision maker, esperti e appassionati della comunicazione in un confronto sull'evoluzione del mondo dell'editoria, del giornalismo e della corporate communication.


00:00I think it's a good intuition to do a festival related to journalism and the brand journalism.
00:16Because today, more than ever, for what is today the journalism market, the communication market,
00:22it is increasingly important to create a community, a community of readers and people who participate
00:28in the editorial adventure. In a way, a new form is a new form that is linked to a brand,
00:36what we can today absolutely legitimately define as a brand, which is a bit like the title,
00:41the perimeter within which a type of journalism moves. Vita is a sort of typology,
00:47the Vita brand, I must say that fortunately it is a very strong brand, it is a brand that precisely
00:53confines, determines, defines a way of doing journalism and a type of audience, which is a type of audience,
00:59in our case, this obviously concerns Vita, interested in civic participation,
01:04civic activism, volunteering and general interest.
01:08Here you have to clarify, obviously journalism has its rules, which are also deontological rules,
01:26which are important to respect because it is a form of disrespect towards our readers and followers.
01:33So a business account is doing business communications and a business account is doing journalism.
01:37This does not remove the fact that there are some journalistic models that are absolutely legitimate,
01:43that work, that in some way even Vita is starting to use, for example,
01:49surveys that are supported by a company, which, how to say, in an absolutely explicit and transparent way,
01:56it is declared that it supports that type of survey, but then the survey is a purely journalistic survey,
02:02nothing to do with business communication, there is no green disc to ask the company that can support this type of project.
02:10It is simply a company that is interested in financing and supporting a type of survey,
02:16it does it, it declares it to us and after that it has all the criticisms of being a journalistic product.
02:22What is different, however, is that under the guise of spoilers business communication is done
02:26within articles and a journalistic head, which obviously Vita does not do.
02:41This is a very challenging question.
02:44The theme of the future of journalism and therefore of journalistic heads
02:48is the theme of how young people achieve reading, listening, participation.
02:54Therefore, there are many tools.
02:56Obviously, it is necessary to use tools or devices or platforms that have that language,
03:03which is in line with the times.
03:05Young people are in some environments, in some digital environments, but also in some physical environments.
03:10One must be found there and must use the language that is of that type of tool.
03:16However, the thing to be careful about is that the tool does not eat the message.
03:22That is, the message cannot be violated.
03:25A type of journalism, which in our case is a social journalism, is a journalism of civil commitment,
03:31cannot be in some way amputated to meet the needs of platforms
03:37or large companies that manage social media.
03:40You have to find a balance.
03:42I believe that even today you can be appreciated by a young audience
03:47if the product remains a journalistic product, an authentic product, a sincere product and a quality product.
03:54Perhaps it is easy to say, much less easy to put it into practice,
03:58but I believe that the way to follow Twitter at all costs is a lost way.
