• last year
Dans un contexte de tensions croissantes en Afrique, la rivalité entre la Russie et l'Occident s'intensifie au Niger. Le président français Emmanuel Macron a salué la décision de l'ambassadeur français Sylvain Itte de rester dans le pays malgré l'ordre de départ émis par les putschistes. Le coup d'État ayant renversé le président nigérien Mohamed Bazoum a suscité la condamnation de la France et de nombreux pays voisins, aggravant ainsi les relations bilatérales. Les manifestations de partisans du coup d'État près de la base militaire française à Niamey témoignent du mécontentement à l'égard de la présence militaire française dans la région. Cette rivalité entre la Russie et l'Occident en Afrique s'explique par leurs intérêts concurrents et leur volonté d'étendre leur influence géopolitique. Les pays africains se retrouvent ainsi pris entre ces deux puissances, cherchant à naviguer avec prudence pour préserver leur stabilité et promouvoir leur développement économique et politique. #EmmanuelMacron #ambassadeur #France #junte #Niger #ultimatum #soutien #décision #politiciens #crisepolitique #tensiondiplomatique #défi #bravoure #ébullition #messagefort #audace #frt
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00:00 In a disturbing international news, the French ambassador to Niger is facing a delicate situation.
00:14 While he had received the order to leave the country following a rapid deterioration of
00:18 bilateral relations, Sylvain Itt decided to stay on the spot despite the expiration
00:23 of the 48-hour delay imposed by the Putschists.
00:26 A decision that surprised and even defended by French President Emmanuel Macron,
00:31 stating in a speech of challenge that he salutes the ambassador for his "courageous choice".
00:34 Niger has recently been shaken by a coup d'état that overthrew the elected president,
00:40 Mohamed Bazoum.
00:41 This coup d'état was condemned by France as well as by many neighboring countries
00:45 of Niger, including the Economic Community of the States of West Africa (CDAO).
00:50 Ambassador Itt refused to meet the new Nigerian leaders after the coup d'état,
00:56 which led the agency to ask him to leave the country.
00:58 However, the decision to stay on the spot of the French ambassador testifies to the
01:03 growing tension between France and Niger.
01:06 It is not a coincidence that thousands of supporters of the coup d'état have demonstrated
01:10 near the French military base in Niamey, the capital of Niger.
01:14 Some of these demonstrators demanded the departure of French troops, thus expressing
01:19 their discontent with the French military presence in the region.
01:22 In a speech pronounced in front of the ambassadors gathered in Paris, President Macron defended
01:28 this military presence by justifying that without the intervention of France, the country
01:32 and its borders would be nothing more than a distant memory.
01:35 According to him, neighboring countries of Niger, such as Mali and Burkina Faso, would have
01:40 suffered the same fate without the French intervention.
01:43 France indeed deployed troops to Mali in 2013 to fight separatist rebellions
01:49 and armed Islamist groups.
01:50 Since then, French anti-terrorist operations have spread to other countries in the Sahel
01:56 region, including Burkina Faso, Chad and Niger.
02:00 Africa thus becomes a theater of indirect confrontation between Russia and the West.
02:05 The French military presence in the Sahel region is perceived as a way to counter
02:09 Russia's growing influence, which seeks to extend its economic and political relations
02:14 in Africa.
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02:23 Also leave your point of view in the comments.
02:25 (air whooshing)
