• last year
00:00:00 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:00:03 There's a re-unit for a missing person.
00:00:21 [DIAL TONE]
00:00:24 [RADIO CHATTER]
00:00:27 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:00:31 Something or other had long hair and a beard.
00:00:34 He was alone.
00:00:37 License number, St. Vincent Soch.
00:00:40 Class D, David.
00:00:41 9-0-0, what's going on there?
00:00:47 No, I just made--
00:00:49 [RADIO CHATTER]
00:00:52 735 John, any other units?
00:00:57 10-52, channel 1 at 23-08.
00:00:58 [RADIO CHATTER]
00:01:00 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:01:03 OK, he's got no record found on his face, negative.
00:01:06 And I'm not getting any MD.
00:01:07 I'm calling him.
00:01:08 No record found.
00:01:11 On March 4, 1996, a missing persons report
00:01:15 was filed with the Jackson County Police Department
00:01:17 by a Miss Judy Dixon.
00:01:19 Miss Dixon reported that her son, a Mr. Baron Dixon,
00:01:23 had left a panic-stricken message
00:01:25 on her answering machine, stating
00:01:27 that Mr. Dixon would be leaving and never coming back.
00:01:31 His vehicle and his belongings were found by the County
00:01:34 Sheriff's Department.
00:01:35 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:01:38 Mr. Dixon had arranged to meet with two friends
00:01:46 at a designated campsite that the trio was familiar with.
00:01:50 Mr. Dixon's vehicle was discovered about five
00:01:53 miles south of that campsite.
00:01:56 The two friends Mr. Dixon had arranged to meet
00:01:59 were a Mr. Randy Kenneth Sloan and a Mr. Edward T. Tackett.
00:02:05 So right here is where it happened.
00:02:17 We had the fire going here.
00:02:19 And then it was that ridge right there
00:02:22 that this shape, or like a light bubble thing,
00:02:26 floated right on down this way.
00:02:29 It's crazy.
00:02:33 Mr. Sloan and Mr. Tackett had admitted
00:02:39 to using hallucinogenics on the night in question.
00:02:43 It was the biggest spaceship I had ever seen.
00:02:46 Mr. Sloan and Mr. Tackett had outstanding warrants
00:02:52 for their arrest.
00:02:54 I had an unpaid speeding ticket.
00:02:58 And I just had some problems with neighbors
00:03:01 about some noises coming from my garage.
00:03:04 That's all.
00:03:04 Mr. Sloan and Mr. Tackett were questioned, and later
00:03:12 booked into county jail for their outstanding warrants.
00:03:15 Well, you know, it sounds insane.
00:03:19 I'd call me insane too if I was me.
00:03:20 But it was like a light or like a vessel.
00:03:25 And it just floated real graceful like down there.
00:03:28 No jerking at all.
00:03:30 No, and it was no lights.
00:03:32 And there were no lights.
00:03:35 And like, it was about this big.
00:03:37 Investigating officers described the witnesses
00:03:43 as excitable and incoherent.
00:03:48 And when I put-- it was about this big
00:03:50 when I put my hand up, it was about that big.
00:03:54 How close was it?
00:03:57 If I'd had a rock, I could have hit it.
00:04:01 And then it just--
00:04:02 one second, it was gone.
00:04:03 Mr. Dixon's vehicle was subsequently impounded,
00:04:10 and his belongings were entrusted to his mother,
00:04:12 Mrs. Judy Dixon.
00:04:15 Baron is my only child.
00:04:17 Baron was always fascinated with spaceships.
00:04:21 He loved spaceships ever since he was a little baby.
00:04:25 I thought he'd be a football player when he grew up.
00:04:29 But he never got interested in sports at all.
00:04:33 His only interest was outer space things.
00:04:35 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:04:43 That was-- what's a year?
00:04:47 I think about a year.
00:04:48 I think he worked here for about a year.
00:04:49 I worked here for maybe less than a year, actually.
00:04:52 I hated that guy.
00:04:53 Yeah, we all hated him.
00:04:54 I hated that guy.
00:04:55 All he did was talk about fucking spaceships.
00:04:57 It was aliens in the beginning.
00:04:57 All he did was talk about spaceships.
00:04:59 Spaceships.
00:04:59 All the fucking time.
00:05:00 All the time.
00:05:01 He got a little sick of hearing that all the time.
00:05:02 Remember that one thing we used to say?
00:05:03 Yeah, he used to say that.
00:05:05 He used to go, spaceships are going to take me away.
00:05:07 We'd all fucking cry.
00:05:09 Oh, man.
00:05:10 It was crazy.
00:05:10 It was a shame he--
00:05:11 I fucking hated him, too.
00:05:12 Oh, yeah.
00:05:13 God, he was an idiot.
00:05:15 He just didn't fit in.
00:05:19 His only friends were Ed and Randy.
00:05:23 And I don't think they were a very good influence on him.
00:05:28 Did you take hallucinogenics on the night
00:05:31 that Baron disappeared?
00:05:34 I took four hits of acid.
00:05:37 Well, I had 12 originally.
00:05:39 But I took one of Ed's.
00:05:42 So maybe I had five hits.
00:05:44 And I had some of Baron's, too.
00:05:46 So that was probably--
00:05:48 So Ed probably had seven or eight of them.
00:05:53 I tried to keep Baron away from him.
00:05:56 We were pretty fucked up, because we took all of Baron's
00:06:02 acid when he didn't show up.
00:06:04 Yeah, we'd been waiting around the fire pit for him.
00:06:08 He didn't show up.
00:06:10 But he had called me at 5 PM.
00:06:13 And he had told me that that was the night.
00:06:17 And he'd been--
00:06:18 He knew they were coming.
00:06:19 Yeah, he knew it.
00:06:20 Because he'd been talking about aliens all his life.
00:06:23 He said they were coming.
00:06:24 But he never said that--
00:06:25 but they were coming that night.
00:06:28 And he was serious.
00:06:30 He never said that before.
00:06:32 In all the 20 years, I knew him.
00:06:34 He never had any false alarms or anything.
00:06:38 No, that was the night.
00:06:40 He knew it.
00:06:42 The two witnesses claim that while on their hallucinogenic
00:06:47 experience, they did not see a space ship.
00:06:51 But what they did see, and I quote, is a
00:06:54 space-traveling vessel.
00:06:57 What?
00:06:59 Do you--
00:07:00 the police feel that because you took hallucinogens, that
00:07:04 maybe you hallucinated the spacecraft, that you didn't
00:07:07 see a spacecraft?
00:07:09 I might have been fucked up.
00:07:10 But I know when I see a space ship.
00:07:13 I told him it wasn't a space ship.
00:07:16 It was a space vessel.
00:07:17 I suspected that they were trying to get Barron to do
00:07:26 something with drugs the same as they were.
00:07:29 See, what I was saying before was about how the scope you
00:07:37 can shoot for a mile away.
00:07:39 But when you're shooting them close, like this we are, you
00:07:43 shoot underneath the scope with the--
00:07:46 That's a good setup.
00:07:48 But if he was a mile away, I'd just look in the scope.
00:07:52 And then I could hit him.
00:07:53 Well, OK.
00:07:54 I'm going to shoot the dog in the face.
00:07:55 Make that 100 Dalmatians.
00:08:06 When you're shooting at him, you should shoot for him like
00:08:08 it's real, like you should shoot him in the heart, or in
00:08:12 the face, or in the belly, or in the groin.
00:08:18 You could shoot him in the neck.
00:08:21 Neck shot's pretty good.
00:08:22 A neck shot will always take him out.
00:08:25 So I'm going to probably shoot this one in the neck.
00:08:30 Or I'll try to pop one of his eyes off.
00:08:32 [GUNSHOTS]
00:08:38 There goes that pile of cow shit.
00:08:40 I'm going to shoot them dogs that are fucking.
00:08:47 [GUNSHOTS]
00:09:17 Ever since he was little, he was fascinated by spaceships.
00:09:22 And he talked about aliens and spaceships.
00:09:25 Only he called them skyboats.
00:09:28 Skyboats?
00:09:29 Yes, skyboats.
00:09:31 And there were sky mommies and sky daddies.
00:09:34 We've got a whole movie of him running around, holding a
00:09:40 football over his head, and saying, skyboat, skyboat,
00:09:45 skyboat.
00:09:48 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:10:16 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:10:29 Tell me how you knew Judy and Baron.
00:10:31 Oh, I live next door to Judy and Baron.
00:10:34 Let's see, until Baron was 12 or 13, make it about 20 years.
00:10:39 Did he talk to you about aliens much, or stuff like that?
00:10:44 That's all he ever talked about.
00:10:46 Over and over again.
00:10:48 Over again.
00:10:48 It was just too much.
00:10:52 So do you believe he was taken away by aliens?
00:10:56 Yeah, I would say he was.
00:10:59 He had just started school, maybe the first grade, when he
00:11:04 told me that people from another planet were going to
00:11:07 come and take him to another planet.
00:11:10 I told him they weren't going to do that.
00:11:13 But he said, oh, yes, they are.
00:11:16 He was determined on it ever since then.
00:11:20 You couldn't tell him any different.
00:11:22 Hello, my name is Ruth Seiferlein, and I was Baron's
00:11:26 third grade teacher.
00:11:29 Baron was a very memorable child, to say the least.
00:11:33 He was very creative, always making things, or wanting to
00:11:36 make things, or building, or painting,
00:11:39 or anything like that.
00:11:41 He loved model airplanes.
00:11:44 And he was very active.
00:11:47 He did talk about aliens and spaceships quite a bit.
00:11:51 This is some of the artwork Baron did as a boy.
00:11:54 His teachers gave him busy work so that to keep his mind
00:11:59 occupied, he was just too much for a lot of his teachers.
00:12:04 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:12:23 Oh, yes, he also had a habit of keeping his hands in the
00:12:25 front of his pants, like down his pants, a lot.
00:12:30 I'd pull him aside, and I'd say, Baron, you've got to
00:12:33 keep your hands out of your pants.
00:12:36 Well, he'd take them out, and he would never
00:12:38 give me any trouble.
00:12:39 But two minutes later, he'd have his hands right back down
00:12:42 his pants.
00:12:43 I couldn't get him to stop.
00:12:45 And it was just one more thing for the kids to
00:12:48 pick on him for.
00:12:49 He didn't finish high school.
00:12:56 The kids were picking on him too much, and
00:12:59 he got tired of it.
00:13:01 Baron wet his pants a couple of times during class, and
00:13:04 that was hard for the kids to accept.
00:13:06 It seemed to compound his problems a lot.
00:13:10 One time in high school, Baron read a paper about how he
00:13:13 wished that aliens would come for him right in the middle of
00:13:16 class so he wouldn't have to go to school or work or do
00:13:21 anything he didn't want to do.
00:13:23 But the teachers thought he was just nuts.
00:13:29 I'm Dr. Matthews.
00:13:30 At one time, I was a psychiatrist for the Jackson
00:13:32 County Public School System.
00:13:35 Baron Dixon was referred to me by Mrs. Bailey, an English
00:13:40 teacher at the time.
00:13:42 Baron had written a paper in which he wished that aliens
00:13:46 would come and remove him from the classroom so that he
00:13:50 could prove to his peers that the stories he had told them
00:13:52 in the past were true.
00:13:58 I began meeting with Baron twice a week, and we talked a
00:14:03 great deal about aliens and his wish to disappear.
00:14:09 Baron had convinced himself that one day--
00:14:12 a date he was not certain of--
00:14:15 he would be picked up by a traveling spacecraft and taken
00:14:18 to another planet.
00:14:21 On this planet, he would be what he referred to as the
00:14:25 captain of the workers, or the laborers of that planet.
00:14:29 A rather common fantasy, actually.
00:14:33 Did he ever talk to you about taking other people to another
00:14:38 planet as well?
00:14:39 I'm not at liberty to talk to you about anything that his
00:14:43 mother did not already make public by publishing his now
00:14:46 famous summer vacation report.
00:14:51 The school psychiatrist told me that Baron needed a lot of
00:14:55 attention.
00:14:57 He didn't trust the real world because of all the lies
00:15:01 his father had told him.
00:15:03 His father was a traveling salesman.
00:15:07 See, Baron had caught his father in a motel room with
00:15:12 another woman.
00:15:13 And it wasn't his mom.
00:15:15 It wasn't his mom.
00:15:17 And it was shortly after that, he went down to find out who
00:15:22 his real parents were.
00:15:25 So he went down to the adoption agency and tried to
00:15:29 look up the records and everything.
00:15:31 And they couldn't find any records on him.
00:15:33 And according to their offices, Baron never, ever,
00:15:38 even really existed.
00:15:40 So no one knows where Baron came from?
00:15:44 Nobody.
00:15:47 It is true that Baron was adopted.
00:15:53 And it's true that the agency didn't have any record of his
00:15:56 existence.
00:15:58 We tried to have a baby.
00:16:01 But Baron's dad's sperm was crooked.
00:16:06 Its tail was bent.
00:16:08 And it would just swim in circles.
00:16:11 It'd never go to the egg.
00:16:27 Well, he'd gone down to that motel because his dad was
00:16:30 traveling, you know, sales.
00:16:33 Baron didn't get to see his father very much.
00:16:36 Well, and the thing was that his dad-- it was a surprise
00:16:39 visit, and his dad didn't know that he
00:16:41 was coming down there.
00:16:43 Baron had just gotten his driver's license.
00:16:47 And he decided to drive up to the city to surprise his dad.
00:16:51 And Baron just walks in the room.
00:16:53 And there was his dad.
00:16:55 And there was this naked woman bouncing
00:16:57 around in the hotel bed.
00:16:58 And it wasn't his mom.
00:17:00 And it wasn't his mom.
00:17:04 He told Baron that the woman in the room had locked herself
00:17:07 out of her room.
00:17:09 And he was just letting her use his.
00:17:12 All right, I got the sound rolling.
00:17:14 You got it?
00:17:14 You got everything else rolling?
00:17:15 Start rolling?
00:17:16 Let's go.
00:17:16 Yeah, yeah, you got it rolling.
00:17:18 OK.
00:17:18 You got sound for everybody.
00:17:19 OK, good.
00:17:20 [ENGINE STARTS]
00:17:33 Mom's fixing, right?
00:17:35 Yeah.
00:17:36 OK.
00:17:36 Found a place, yeah?
00:17:37 Yeah, we found it.
00:17:38 I'm Terry Flackard.
00:17:40 I'm the production manager.
00:17:41 This is Suzy Fox.
00:17:42 She's the production assistant.
00:17:45 Brian Ferguson on sound.
00:17:46 He's our sound man.
00:17:47 Behind the camera is Jeff Cochran.
00:17:49 Hey, how you doing?
00:17:50 Good to see you.
00:17:51 Here, let me get this water off.
00:17:53 OK.
00:17:53 Just hosing the dog down.
00:17:55 That's good.
00:17:56 Anybody want to shut the water off?
00:17:58 And--
00:18:03 You found a place, huh?
00:18:05 We found it.
00:18:05 And it's nice to meet you.
00:18:08 Very nice to meet you.
00:18:09 Well, where do you want to do this?
00:18:10 We can do it inside, out here, probably inside.
00:18:15 How about in the kitchen?
00:18:16 Keep it cool.
00:18:16 Yeah.
00:18:17 OK.
00:18:17 Come on in.
00:18:18 Come on in.
00:18:18 Come on in.
00:18:19 Put my bag in the trunk.
00:18:21 All right, you kids behave.
00:18:23 Dad's getting an interview today.
00:18:24 [INAUDIBLE]
00:18:30 Go ahead and tell me your name.
00:18:32 Yeah, my name is Daniel Edgar Dixon.
00:18:35 But nobody calls me that.
00:18:37 They call me Muff.
00:18:38 Muff?
00:18:39 Yeah, Muff, M-U-F-F. I'm Barron's dad.
00:18:45 Barron was very upset when he found out that his father had
00:18:48 been unfaithful to me.
00:18:51 He had very little to do with his father after that.
00:18:55 Well, I'm sure you've been told about Barron's imagination.
00:18:59 Boy gets a thought in his mind, there's no change in it.
00:19:02 I was up in Kingman, Arizona, a hotel room on a road trip.
00:19:08 Barron surprised me one day by knocking on the door.
00:19:12 I let him in.
00:19:13 Just as he came in, a lady come walking out of the shower.
00:19:19 She left a couple rooms down.
00:19:20 The shower wasn't working.
00:19:21 So me being a nice guy, I said, come on and take a shower here.
00:19:27 Well, Barron took one look at her and one look at me.
00:19:31 And I don't know what he was thinking.
00:19:33 Barron couldn't believe his father lied to him like that.
00:19:41 And he asked me, what else had his father
00:19:44 been lying to him about?
00:19:47 Yeah, I remember I used to tell Barron stories
00:19:50 about how Japanese cars are made,
00:19:52 what the moon is made of, and who lives on a big house
00:19:56 on the hill.
00:19:57 And that boy was never short of questions.
00:20:01 He wanted to know about everything and everybody.
00:20:03 He was a smart kid.
00:20:08 I never had to explain things to him more than once.
00:20:11 And many things he seemed to already know.
00:20:14 Yeah, I loved Barron a lot.
00:20:17 He was my boy.
00:20:20 We did quite a bit together.
00:20:22 I wish we could have done more.
00:20:23 But I think he was a mama's boy.
00:20:26 [MUSIC - THE KING, "BITCH"]
00:20:27 Yeah, bitch.
00:20:29 Fuck you, stank ass hoe.
00:20:32 He was a big fucking liar.
00:20:34 He talked everything--
00:20:35 Always making shit up.
00:20:36 Always lying.
00:20:36 Always lying shit out of his ass.
00:20:39 Fuck, it didn't even matter.
00:20:40 He brought in these paintings.
00:20:42 I remember every time he had the paintings,
00:20:43 he told me, those paintings, they all-- because he said,
00:20:46 one thing, I'm going to quit.
00:20:47 He goes, I'm going to keep coming to work.
00:20:49 I'm going to quit.
00:20:49 He's probably going to get my paintings.
00:20:51 What?
00:20:51 Who's trying to say it's a barricade?
00:20:52 He said, when he's my superior, he's
00:20:54 going to quit and paint these paintings of spaceships.
00:20:56 Because he has this art dealer gallery guy
00:20:59 that's going to sell these paintings of spaceships.
00:21:01 He got these pictures in, these fucking pictures that he did.
00:21:03 And they were fucking stupid.
00:21:05 It looked like a fucking retard did them.
00:21:07 Hello, I'm Richard Stoneman.
00:21:09 I'm Baron Dixon's art dealer.
00:21:11 Baron came into my gallery in 1992.
00:21:17 He had six paintings.
00:21:20 They were very simple, very childlike paintings
00:21:23 of spaceships.
00:21:25 They were done in very bright colors, very playful.
00:21:28 These three are on loan from clients.
00:21:31 As you can see, they're very fun, playful paintings.
00:21:36 Childlike, very childlike.
00:21:38 One might even say disturbingly childlike.
00:21:41 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:22:04 Hi, I'm Rasta Sinevi.
00:22:07 This is my home.
00:22:08 As you see, I'm a collector of modern art.
00:22:11 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:22:22 This piece is TIA, that's Trans Interdimensional Airwave
00:22:27 Service.
00:22:29 They started out as Trans International Airlines,
00:22:32 but through the technology, managed
00:22:35 to come out with this wonderful spaceship-type lamp.
00:22:40 It actually goes-- it's interdimensional.
00:22:42 It travels.
00:22:43 You see, you charge it up like that.
00:22:45 And when you get enough of a charge, it takes off.
00:22:49 This is my spaceship to honor that piece.
00:22:53 It's called We Come in Peace.
00:22:55 And of course, when the aliens do come,
00:22:57 you just know they're not going to come in peace.
00:22:59 They're going to come loaded with guns and weapons,
00:23:01 and they're going to annihilate us all.
00:23:04 That's such is life.
00:23:06 I like the paintings, and I felt good about them.
00:23:10 I told him I would show his paintings in my gallery.
00:23:13 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:23:19 The gallery, Richard Stoneman of the Richard Stoneman Gallery,
00:23:24 he was selling me a line of crap when he sold me the piece.
00:23:27 I saw it.
00:23:28 I fell in love with it.
00:23:29 It's so modern.
00:23:32 It's like a throwback to the modern art of the '60s,
00:23:37 when all it's super serious hoity-toity-ness, you know?
00:23:43 I had to have it.
00:23:44 It was hilarious.
00:23:45 My friends all love it.
00:23:47 You know, I have parties, and people come,
00:23:49 and they gather around the painting, and they ignore me.
00:23:52 They ignored everything else in the room.
00:23:54 And believe me, I have some lovely things here.
00:23:57 People are just drawn to this painting.
00:23:59 It's magical.
00:24:00 I feel blessed to have had the wisdom to acquire it.
00:24:05 That's what primarily it does for me.
00:24:07 It moves me.
00:24:08 It makes me giggle.
00:24:09 I sit.
00:24:10 I admire it.
00:24:11 The little puppy flying up to his mommy or daddy
00:24:14 or whatever the creature is up there, it's hard to tell.
00:24:19 I guess it's a sexless being.
00:24:20 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:24:26 I did not see Barron for about a year
00:24:30 after he brought in the spaceship paintings.
00:24:34 When he did come back, he brought
00:24:36 in these rather large paintings that
00:24:41 were so disturbing and violent that I
00:24:43 was tempted to call the police.
00:24:46 They were the most gruesome paintings I had ever seen.
00:24:50 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:24:55 [SIZZLING]
00:25:01 This is my bedroom.
00:25:03 And this is where I live.
00:25:08 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:25:22 Barron gave me this painting because a lot of them
00:25:26 he couldn't sell.
00:25:27 But I like this one the best because--
00:25:32 I don't know.
00:25:35 I just like to look at it and think about where I am in life
00:25:38 and how big the world is and how big the galaxy is
00:25:44 and how there's so many different kinds of people
00:25:47 and different kinds of plants.
00:25:50 I like to think what people on other planets
00:25:52 might be like because, see, we only
00:25:56 know a little bit about the planets that surround us.
00:25:59 But there's millions of planets.
00:26:03 And there's millions of stars.
00:26:06 And I just like to look at it and think
00:26:13 about what people on other planets might be like.
00:26:16 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:26:22 I like things because they speak to me.
00:26:25 They tug on my heart or something.
00:26:28 And I just have to have them.
00:26:30 That's how I acquired that lovely painting over there.
00:26:32 Just had to have it.
00:26:33 It was hilarious.
00:26:36 This little fella in a bubble and his dog flying up to him.
00:26:40 I mean, that's great.
00:26:41 You would expect a dog to have a bubble on his head.
00:26:43 And he's not.
00:26:44 And that means he's truly an alien dog.
00:26:46 I kind of have an alien dog myself.
00:26:48 So I know about that.
00:26:50 Baron requires a great deal of attention.
00:26:55 And one way people get attention is by running away or staging
00:26:59 their disappearance.
00:27:01 Baron was able to disappear and validate his entire life
00:27:08 and get the attention that he needs.
00:27:11 He got his name in the paper, his picture in the news,
00:27:15 a documentary.
00:27:16 This is the journey.
00:27:19 This one over here is the adventure.
00:27:23 And this last one is the day the aliens came and took me
00:27:27 to another planet.
00:27:28 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:27:31 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:27:48 Baron was pretty upset when he couldn't
00:27:51 make a living as an artist.
00:27:52 He didn't like work.
00:27:57 It was too much like school.
00:27:59 People kept picking on him.
00:28:01 Cherry boy had a red face, and big guy had a red face,
00:28:04 and a big bro.
00:28:05 He was lazy.
00:28:05 He couldn't even do a fucking thing around here.
00:28:07 His little space--
00:28:08 I couldn't believe he lasted a year.
00:28:10 He used to call him ET.
00:28:11 He used to call him ET, remember?
00:28:13 Hey, ET.
00:28:15 ET bonehole, motherfucker.
00:28:16 I go, where's your fucking spaceship?
00:28:17 Hey, bitch boy, where's your spaceship?
00:28:20 This is Baron's dog.
00:28:23 Her name is Bobo.
00:28:25 Baron got her when he was, oh, 28, 29, maybe 30.
00:28:32 She was a little tiny thing, no bigger than a shoe.
00:28:37 He was fucking--
00:28:41 He was the king of the homeless, red-faced, big-bro,
00:28:44 stinky-fish-looking spaceship.
00:28:46 Oh, my arm hurts.
00:28:46 She had to work with him all the time.
00:28:48 All the time.
00:28:50 Baron used to get down and hug her.
00:28:53 And he'd say, you're the only friend I've got, aren't you,
00:28:56 Bobo?
00:28:57 And she'd lick his face.
00:28:58 Remember that fish we brought?
00:29:04 He got-- that big fish was this big.
00:29:06 It was a big ass, about a sea bass.
00:29:08 A big sea bass, I guess.
00:29:09 It was pretty big.
00:29:10 Well, it was like that.
00:29:12 I used to take that fish, and I'd just take that fish,
00:29:14 and slap him right on top of the head, man.
00:29:16 He didn't care.
00:29:17 He didn't care.
00:29:18 He had juices in his hair and everything.
00:29:19 He didn't care.
00:29:22 Bobo gets up with me in the morning.
00:29:25 And then I give her breakfast, and then let her out.
00:29:28 And she goes out to the end of the driveway,
00:29:32 lays there all day looking up at the sky.
00:29:35 It's as though she's waiting for Baron to come back home.
00:29:40 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:29:44 [BELLS RINGING]
00:29:47 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:30:16 But I don't get as that dog as his.
00:30:19 Every day it sits at the end of the driveway,
00:30:21 stares up at the sky all day long, every day.
00:30:26 And it does it every day.
00:30:28 Weird.
00:30:29 That is creepy.
00:30:31 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:30:35 [BELLS RINGING]
00:30:38 Tell me your name and your relationship to Baron.
00:30:51 My name is Kathy Bell.
00:30:55 You know, people tease me a lot about my name.
00:30:58 Oh, OK.
00:30:59 What relationship--
00:31:00 Oh, yeah.
00:31:00 My name is Kathy Bell, and I'm Baron Dixon's ex-girlfriend.
00:31:04 Oh, OK.
00:31:05 How did the two of you meet?
00:31:07 We met at a Dead show when I was 21.
00:31:09 No, I was 22.
00:31:11 At a Grateful Dead concert, we met when I was 22.
00:31:13 And how old was Baron?
00:31:15 He was 38.
00:31:16 Oh, wow.
00:31:17 Yeah.
00:31:17 Well, my parents didn't like that a lot either, but you know.
00:31:21 He was a lot of fun.
00:31:22 And he'd tell me these weird stories, but it was a blast.
00:31:25 He told me stories about other planets,
00:31:28 and people on the other planets.
00:31:31 And I don't know, I would just totally get sucked up
00:31:34 into his stories about secret societies
00:31:38 and how there is a secret society that's
00:31:40 going to be shipping people from this planet
00:31:43 to another planet, a new planet that they have.
00:31:46 And it's a better planet.
00:31:47 It's cleaner.
00:31:48 There's no pollution.
00:31:51 It's a better planet.
00:31:52 And Baron said that he was going to be
00:31:55 in charge of a group of workers at the new planet
00:31:59 and that they were going to be building this thing that's
00:32:01 going to be connected to the Washington
00:32:03 Monument and some church in Rome or something.
00:32:06 I don't know.
00:32:07 I mean, I would believe it, but I don't know if I really
00:32:11 believed it or if it was just fun believing it.
00:32:13 But it was-- I don't know.
00:32:15 He was a blast.
00:32:17 It was like a game.
00:32:18 It was fun.
00:32:20 Oh, and then we had this great spaceship
00:32:22 that he made in his backyard.
00:32:23 And he made it out of cardboard and one by twos.
00:32:26 And we'd mess around in that all night long
00:32:29 and camp, look at the stars.
00:32:31 And it was just like a clubhouse.
00:32:34 And we'd sit around eating Twinkies and drinking
00:32:37 wine coolers all night.
00:32:38 It was great.
00:32:38 It was just like a clubhouse.
00:32:40 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:32:43 This is the spaceship Kathy and Baron built.
00:32:52 He used to do a lot of them as a kid out of the refrigerator
00:32:56 boxes.
00:32:58 I'll open that for you.
00:33:00 You can feel free to look inside.
00:33:07 Let me get the lights.
00:33:08 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:33:11 [HUMMING]
00:33:15 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:33:19 [HUMMING]
00:33:23 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:33:26 It was peaceful.
00:33:51 And it was like I could see through it.
00:33:55 It was a light.
00:33:56 But I don't think I could.
00:33:57 It was like a light in it or around it.
00:34:00 It was like a beautiful angel.
00:34:02 It was heavenly.
00:34:05 And you know, I was like, whoa.
00:34:09 We were freaking out for like two hours.
00:34:11 I mean, a fucking spaceship.
00:34:14 Where's Baron?
00:34:15 We kept yelling, where's Baron?
00:34:17 It was his own--
00:34:18 For like two hours, we were--
00:34:19 Should have been Baron's day.
00:34:21 We'd been talking about it forever.
00:34:22 And it was--
00:34:23 Yeah.
00:34:23 And then--
00:34:24 Baron's late for his own abduction.
00:34:26 It was kind of--
00:34:27 And we didn't know, you know, what had happened to him.
00:34:29 We didn't know where he was.
00:34:30 Or anything.
00:34:31 You know, we were just so freaked out.
00:34:34 Then we found out.
00:34:35 And we never got to say goodbye.
00:34:38 We found out he's gone.
00:34:40 And we never got to--
00:34:42 He never even got to say goodbye to us or--
00:34:44 No one did.
00:34:45 His mom.
00:34:46 Kathy.
00:34:48 He told Kathy a bunch of stuff.
00:34:51 He never said goodbye to his mom.
00:34:53 Just a message on his mom's answering machine.
00:34:56 He loved his mom.
00:34:58 He really took good care of his mom.
00:35:01 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:36:56 - Hello, you've reached Judy Dixon.
00:36:59 Please leave your name and number,
00:37:01 and I will call you right back.
00:37:02 [PHONE RINGING]
00:37:05 - Mom, mom, pick up the phone.
00:37:10 Oh, please be there, mom.
00:37:12 Oh, jeez.
00:37:13 Tonight's the night, mom.
00:37:15 Tonight's the night.
00:37:16 They talked to me.
00:37:17 Tonight's the night.
00:37:19 Jeez.
00:37:21 I don't know, mom.
00:37:24 I'm kind of scared.
00:37:25 They said I'm never coming back.
00:37:27 I'm not going to get to see you.
00:37:31 Oh, jeez, mom.
00:37:32 I wish I could be there.
00:37:34 I wish I could give you a big hug goodbye.
00:37:39 Oh, jeez.
00:37:40 This is not how I thought it was going to be.
00:37:43 Oh, mom.
00:37:46 I love-- I love you, mom.
00:37:49 I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused you growing up.
00:37:55 I love you, mom.
00:37:58 Goodbye.
00:38:01 I'm sorry.
00:38:04 I'm sorry.
00:38:06 I loved Barron so much.
00:38:10 I don't know what to do.
00:38:13 I don't know what to do.
00:38:17 I'm so lonely.
00:38:20 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:38:39 He called me a lot after we broke up.
00:38:43 He didn't want to break up, but it was too hard
00:38:47 to go out with him.
00:38:48 He did not know when to stop.
00:38:51 He didn't know how to act in public.
00:38:54 He would talk about UFOs and aliens to my parents.
00:38:58 They didn't even like him to begin with, so you can imagine.
00:39:02 And my sister hated him.
00:39:05 She did not like him at all.
00:39:07 Barron was so creepy.
00:39:09 I mean, he was a full-grown guy, and he lived with his mother.
00:39:13 I don't know what my sister saw in him.
00:39:15 He was big and hairy and ugly, and he believed in aliens.
00:39:21 He was just stupid.
00:39:23 Barron was a lot of fun.
00:39:26 I mean, he liked nature, and we'd go camping.
00:39:28 And we had these great things called pods, and we'd camp out
00:39:33 on them at--
00:39:34 Pods?
00:39:34 No, pods.
00:39:35 P-O-D-S, pods.
00:39:38 They were these big tents that Barron made.
00:39:40 They were so great.
00:39:41 He made them out of parachutes.
00:39:43 And we'd camp in them at night and look at the stars and the
00:39:46 constellations.
00:39:47 He knew everything about the stars and the constellations.
00:39:50 It was amazing.
00:39:51 He knew everything.
00:39:54 And we'd dream.
00:39:57 We'd dream about other planets and what our dream planet
00:40:00 would be like.
00:40:01 We wished that there was a place where everybody was
00:40:04 nice and everyone was in love and everyone had a mom and a
00:40:09 dad, and I don't know.
00:40:13 We'd just dream.
00:40:14 Well, I am Heather Westfall, and Kathy used to be one of my
00:40:31 best friends.
00:40:33 Well, she began dressing really bad.
00:40:36 She started dressing like a hippie.
00:40:39 Then she's going to Grateful Dead concerts, and the next
00:40:43 thing you know, she is totally in love with Barron.
00:40:48 Tell me about the first time you met Barron.
00:40:52 I think the first time I met Barron was at my New
00:40:54 Year's Eve party.
00:40:56 Kathy had invited him.
00:40:58 He comes strolling in, and he's wearing this really tacky
00:41:03 sweater that was far too tight for him.
00:41:05 And he has on these tight, pleated dress slacks.
00:41:10 And he absolutely creeped everyone out, because he's
00:41:13 standing in the corner, and he's not blinking his eyes.
00:41:17 He's just staring at everyone like this.
00:41:20 I don't know.
00:41:24 It was absolutely creepy.
00:41:26 And he'd always been telling me about this guy shooting off
00:41:29 rockets and such.
00:41:31 I went out to the Superstition Mountains.
00:41:34 I remember this.
00:41:35 And the very first time I saw Barron, he was dressed like
00:41:39 some kind of futuristic astronaut.
00:41:41 And he had some voice changer on his--
00:41:45 I am a robot.
00:41:46 I am a robot.
00:41:49 I make Japanese cars, like that.
00:41:52 It was funny.
00:41:53 And he gave me this camera, and he goes, take a picture of
00:41:58 this, and take a picture of that, and whatever.
00:42:01 And he went and made a whole movie out of it.
00:42:04 And he called it The Launch.
00:42:07 The Super Launch.
00:42:08 The Super Launch.
00:42:09 The Super Launch.
00:42:10 The Super Launch.
00:42:12 The Super Launch.
00:42:14 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:42:30 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:42:52 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:43:02 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:43:12 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:43:22 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:43:32 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:43:52 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:44:05 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:44:19 I know he really liked my sister.
00:44:21 I mean, you could tell he was totally in love with her.
00:44:23 But I don't know.
00:44:25 He was just weird.
00:44:27 Well, none of my friends liked him.
00:44:30 So it was mostly just Barron and I. But sometimes we'd
00:44:35 hang out with Randy.
00:44:38 We won't use everything.
00:44:39 We'll just spill some of the stuff.
00:44:40 We just keep it running.
00:44:43 Yeah, but it's illegal.
00:44:48 It's a smoke--
00:44:48 whoa!
00:44:49 Jesus!
00:44:50 Oh!
00:44:51 Oh, boy.
00:44:53 There we are.
00:44:54 Hey, where we going, guys?
00:45:00 I thought we were going to do some donuts.
00:45:03 [SCREAMING]
00:45:11 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:45:14 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:45:40 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:46:03 It's just something we do for fun.
00:46:06 I want that bitch up!
00:46:08 Go!
00:46:09 Go, baby, go!
00:46:11 [INAUDIBLE]
00:46:13 [INAUDIBLE]
00:46:22 Well, the night that he disappeared, he called me.
00:46:25 He did call me.
00:46:27 He told me that he was going to go to the new planet that he
00:46:32 was talking about.
00:46:33 And he said that he wasn't coming back.
00:46:38 I could hear that he was scared.
00:46:46 He was really scared.
00:46:49 I'm afraid that he's in hiding somewhere, stalking my sister.
00:46:54 And one night, he's going to come out of hiding and do
00:46:56 something awful to her.
00:46:58 I mean, he used to call me all the time.
00:47:01 He doesn't call me anymore at all, not even--
00:47:04 I don't know.
00:47:05 Where is he?
00:47:07 I mean, I'm not saying he used to stalk me or anything.
00:47:09 But I would see him everywhere I went, every single day.
00:47:16 I talked to him on the phone every day.
00:47:19 And now he's nowhere.
00:47:21 I was right here.
00:47:22 I came out, saw Baron across the street, donut shop, bag of
00:47:26 donuts in his hand.
00:47:28 And I yelled out, hey, Baron!
00:47:30 I'd you as an outer space, you old son of a bitch.
00:47:33 You can't be in outer space and be over there eating
00:47:41 donuts at the same time.
00:47:43 I don't care who you are.
00:47:47 Emmett James?
00:47:49 He wouldn't know his head from a hole in the ground.
00:47:53 My name is Emmett James.
00:47:56 I've known Baron ever since he was a little grasshopper.
00:48:00 I knew Baron when he was wearing diapers,
00:48:04 like a little baby.
00:48:07 Baron had a hard time making friends.
00:48:11 I think the only friend he ever had was what he had in his
00:48:15 imagination.
00:48:16 Baron was a troublemaker, ever since he was little.
00:48:23 Young whippersnapper, his mind was gone.
00:48:27 You know, all the people that knew Baron, they
00:48:29 thought he was crazy.
00:48:32 They just didn't know.
00:48:33 My name is Dean McDermott.
00:48:43 I'm the president and chairperson of the IRO.
00:48:48 That's the UFO Information Retrieval Organization.
00:48:53 The IRO is a nonprofit organization that is involved
00:48:57 in fundraising as well as lobbying in order to try and
00:49:01 establish a place where alien forces can land their
00:49:05 spacecrafts without any fear of danger.
00:49:11 What we have here is the plan that I've come up with to
00:49:19 establish a space landing area in Scottsdale, Arizona.
00:49:24 This is actually like a large parking lot, but it has lights
00:49:30 for landing at night.
00:49:32 It also will have some bleachers and a modest dwelling
00:49:37 wherein we will have restrooms, telephones, and of
00:49:40 course, snack machines.
00:49:43 Sort of like a highway rest area.
00:49:48 Let me turn this on and give you the effect.
00:49:49 [BEEPING]
00:49:55 Hm.
00:49:57 Hold on just one second.
00:49:58 [BEEPING]
00:50:04 Is it on yet?
00:50:05 Uh, no.
00:50:07 Hm.
00:50:10 OK, hold on just one more second.
00:50:13 Try this over here.
00:50:16 Is it on yet?
00:50:17 Uh, no.
00:50:18 How about now?
00:50:19 Now.
00:50:20 Is it on yet?
00:50:22 Uh, no.
00:50:22 Hm.
00:50:24 Oh, yeah.
00:50:25 Yeah, it's on.
00:50:26 Oh.
00:50:27 Good.
00:50:28 Ah, there.
00:50:30 As you can see, the lights.
00:50:33 OK.
00:50:34 Anyway, this area is set up also, as you can see, with a
00:50:40 large antenna.
00:50:43 And this can send out a radio signal both in Morse code and
00:50:47 in English, which says, welcome to our planet.
00:50:50 Please stop and introduce yourself.
00:50:53 My name is Dean McDermott.
00:50:55 This place is safe for landing.
00:50:59 And this message, of course, repeats endlessly.
00:51:01 Do you feel that Baron was taken away by aliens?
00:51:11 No, I do not.
00:51:13 Why don't you believe that?
00:51:15 Because they, they being aliens, like to work with
00:51:19 humans who are cooperative and peaceful.
00:51:21 And Baron was just stubborn and rude.
00:51:26 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:51:47 Tell us your name and what it is you do.
00:51:49 My name's Nate Lund.
00:51:50 I maintain a few websites.
00:51:53 is a site for my own artwork.
00:51:59 is public 3D artwork, tutorials, et
00:52:05 cetera, and then
00:52:08 Tell us about the Baron Dixon website.
00:52:11 It's a site all about my cousin, Baron, who
00:52:14 disappeared somewhere.
00:52:16 Do you think he was taken to another planet?
00:52:19 No, no.
00:52:21 I knew you were going to ask that, but no.
00:52:24 There's about 20 people or so that check into the message
00:52:26 boards pretty much every day, not twice a day.
00:52:30 They post messages about where they think he might be.
00:52:32 They talk about him.
00:52:33 Take it way too seriously.
00:52:35 So do you believe in aliens?
00:52:43 I know there's aliens.
00:52:45 They took Baron.
00:52:48 Another thing I do with the website is people can report
00:52:52 sightings of Baron.
00:52:53 Most of the sightings are along Interstate 25 and 40.
00:52:59 And then there's a few in Winneminnesota and Fort Wayne,
00:53:04 Indiana.
00:53:05 We got relatives in both places.
00:53:08 Most of the people I come in contact with think he was
00:53:13 abducted.
00:53:15 They're all a little bit like him.
00:53:17 [CHUCKLES]
00:53:19 So you believe that you're going to go to the new planet?
00:53:24 Why else would I be doing all this?
00:53:26 What else do you do with the website?
00:53:31 It's the only one I make money with, because I sell t-shirts
00:53:35 to help keep it going.
00:53:37 This one here.
00:53:38 It says, where in the galaxy is Baron Dixon?
00:53:40 Even though I don't believe he's out there, everybody else
00:53:44 does, and this is what sells.
00:53:45 So it keeps people coming.
00:53:47 The photo I got is from a birthday party for my brother.
00:53:53 I also sell individual photos.
00:53:54 Now here's one guy claiming that he knows Baron Dixon's on
00:54:04 the third moon of Pluton.
00:54:07 Right.
00:54:11 [CREEPY MUSIC]
00:54:20 Did you enjoy being around Baron?
00:54:22 No, no.
00:54:24 Why not?
00:54:24 He was creepy, actually.
00:54:27 What--
00:54:28 what was creepy about him?
00:54:30 Well, he always had this thing where he'd want me to give
00:54:31 him a piggyback ride.
00:54:33 It was like a big hello.
00:54:35 I don't know.
00:54:36 I-- I don't like that.
00:54:37 [CHUCKLES]
00:54:39 How did I meet Baron?
00:54:41 Um, well, when I joined the engineering faculty here, and
00:54:46 that was a while ago now, I was a model rocket fanatic.
00:54:50 I loved the whole process of designing rockets, gluing them
00:54:55 together late at night, and then the next morning going
00:54:59 out on the range, slamming home a big
00:55:02 engine, and whoosh, bang.
00:55:06 I loved that.
00:55:07 So I wanted to turn other people on to it, and I
00:55:11 volunteered to teach a class at the Y. And that's where I met
00:55:16 a young--
00:55:16 young Baron.
00:55:18 He--
00:55:18 he impressed me from the start.
00:55:21 He was a smart kid, curious kid.
00:55:23 We learned a lot together.
00:55:26 We designed some big rockets, and we shot
00:55:30 them off.
00:55:31 Great fun.
00:55:33 Do you believe that aliens may have taken him to another
00:55:37 planet, then, or--
00:55:40 Well, aliens, I mean, to-- to believe that, you've got to
00:55:42 believe in-- in aliens.
00:55:43 And I'm a scientist.
00:55:44 I don't believe in aliens.
00:55:47 I don't believe that there are, you know, little green or
00:55:51 gray or purple fellows swooping around in a spacecraft,
00:55:57 grabbing people, taking them up for medical experiments or
00:56:02 for travel to other planets or whatever.
00:56:04 I--
00:56:05 you know, what hard evidence is there of that?
00:56:07 No, I--
00:56:07 I don't--
00:56:08 I don't believe that.
00:56:09 Then, uh, do you believe that he may have staged his
00:56:12 disappearance, then?
00:56:14 Well, like I said, I don't believe in aliens.
00:56:18 But there are facts, a couple of facts, about his
00:56:23 disappearance that I've thought a lot about and that--
00:56:27 that trouble me.
00:56:29 First, his dog.
00:56:31 He loved his dog.
00:56:32 And he-- he loved his dog.
00:56:34 I mean, he really loved his dog.
00:56:37 It just didn't seem to me to be like him just to
00:56:40 abandon his dog.
00:56:42 I mean, if he'd wanted to stage his disappearance and
00:56:45 then to start a-- a new life, why didn't he just stage the
00:56:49 abduction of his dog?
00:56:50 I mean, aliens are supposed to swoop down and
00:56:55 abduct cattle, right?
00:56:57 So why not--
00:56:58 why not a dog?
00:56:59 I mean, it would have seemed credible.
00:57:02 The second thing is his car.
00:57:05 His car was found in the middle of nowhere, 30 miles
00:57:10 from the nearest bus stop.
00:57:12 If he staged his abduction, he left himself
00:57:15 an awful long walk.
00:57:17 And, you know, why wouldn't he have just staged an abduction
00:57:22 from a vacant lot or from behind a restaurant?
00:57:26 Would have been far more convenient.
00:57:28 So there are a couple of facts that trouble me about his
00:57:33 disappearance.
00:57:34 It seemed strange to me.
00:57:35 But, you know, I'm not saying he was abducted by aliens.
00:57:41 They just bother me.
00:57:42 -Do you think that Randy and Ed may have had something to do
00:57:46 with his disappearance or--
00:57:48 -Randy.
00:57:48 ---or had something to do with his disappearance?
00:57:50 -Randy and Ed.
00:57:51 Randy and Ed.
00:57:52 They're such burnouts.
00:57:53 I mean, I doubt that those guys could have concocted a
00:57:57 story and a scheme that was coherent enough to fool the
00:58:01 police.
00:58:02 And they would have broken down.
00:58:03 They would have got confused under interrogation.
00:58:05 I mean, those guys, I mean, between their interest in
00:58:09 explosives and recreational chemicals, I mean, they've
00:58:12 burnt so many brain cells.
00:58:14 I doubt they could get it together to help out Barrett.
00:58:20 -Well, we got it all set here now.
00:58:23 -It might be a straight up one.
00:58:25 -No, actually, it's a--
00:58:26 -Two bean burritos.
00:58:28 -Two fish burritos.
00:58:31 -And a pint of beans.
00:58:33 -And a pint of beans.
00:58:34 That's all we need.
00:58:36 -Two fish burritos and a pint of beans.
00:58:38 -That's good.
00:58:39 Excellent, amigo.
00:58:53 This is Barron's apartment.
00:58:54 My sister has several rentals in the area, so she's letting
00:59:03 me keep the apartment so that if he comes back, he'll have
00:59:11 his own stuff and his own place.
00:59:16 I kept everything just the way it was.
00:59:18 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:59:21 Barron was a big fan of Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter.
00:59:27 He felt that they were about to announce alien contact.
00:59:30 But he kept records, and Ronald Reagan made five
00:59:39 separate speeches referring to aliens.
00:59:42 Jimmy Carter made three.
00:59:45 I think Barron felt that if they made reference to alien
00:59:52 contact, people would accept him more and maybe not be so
00:59:59 mean to him.
01:00:00 -Do you mind if we take a look around the place?
01:00:06 Would that be all right?
01:00:07 -No, I don't mind at all.
01:00:10 You go right ahead.
01:00:12 It makes me a little sad being in here.
01:00:15 If you don't mind, I'm going outside.
01:00:18 Just take your time.
01:00:19 -Oh, thank you.
01:00:20, [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:00:48 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:00:58 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:01:08 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:01:18 [MUSIC PLAYING]
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01:03:08 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:03:18 -Barron Dixon's apartment was searched.
01:03:20 Smoking paraphernalia was found that was coated with a
01:03:23 marijuana residue.
01:03:25 A small amount of marijuana was also found.
01:03:29 There is a concern.
01:03:31 A great deal of information regarding serial killers was
01:03:34 found in Barron's apartment.
01:03:36 -I'm afraid that he's going to kidnap my sister and kill her.
01:03:39 He could do it.
01:03:40 He's a psycho.
01:03:43 -We were also made aware that Mr. Dixon was making frequent
01:03:46 contact with an ex-girlfriend.
01:03:49 We were also told that he had said, before his
01:03:52 disappearance, that he would be coming back to take his
01:03:55 girlfriend with him.
01:03:57 This department takes threats from ex-boyfriends very
01:04:00 seriously, especially those that collect information on
01:04:04 serial killers.
01:04:06 -Barron was not a violent person.
01:04:10 I mean, I know all the police are freaked out because of all
01:04:13 the serial killer books that he has.
01:04:15 But he has all kinds of books.
01:04:17 He has books on Buddhism and gardening.
01:04:19 And he has the Bible.
01:04:20 And he has medicinal herb books.
01:04:22 And he has books on fishing and healing.
01:04:25 I mean, why didn't they call him a great fisherman or a
01:04:27 healer or something?
01:04:29 -I remember one time when Barron beat up his dad and his dad
01:04:33 had to go to the hospital because Barron broke both his
01:04:37 dad's feet.
01:04:40 -Well, Randy claims that Barron broke both your feet.
01:04:45 -Broke my feet?
01:04:47 No, I tripped, twisted my ankle or something, tripping over
01:04:51 a dead dog or a toy or something.
01:04:54 -My name is Cynthia Lynn Bell.
01:04:57 My daughter dated Barron Dixon.
01:05:00 I didn't like Barron from the first moment that I met him.
01:05:04 And my distrust of him only served to fuel Kathy's
01:05:08 interest.
01:05:10 She dated him just to rebel against me.
01:05:13 -My mom hated Barron more than I did.
01:05:16 And that's saying something, because I really hated him.
01:05:20 -He went on and on about aliens and spaceships.
01:05:25 He even went on to intimate to me that he had been chosen to
01:05:31 help populate another world, to manage some workers or
01:05:36 something.
01:05:37 He was very scary.
01:05:39 He frightened me.
01:05:41 -My mom used to ask me if Barron ever hurt me.
01:05:44 Barron would never hit me.
01:05:47 He was always the hero.
01:05:49 He would have protected me at all costs.
01:05:51 He would have saved me no matter what.
01:05:54 -Or organize workers, to move everybody to another planet.
01:05:58 This is a grown man.
01:06:03 And he's dating my daughter.
01:06:07 -Barron surprised me one day.
01:06:10 He almost ran up to me.
01:06:13 He was very excited that he wanted to show me something.
01:06:16 So he took out his wallet, and he slipped out a picture.
01:06:20 And the picture was of a lovely, really beautiful young woman.
01:06:24 And he told me it was his girlfriend.
01:06:26 And we talked a little bit, and he seemed very excited and
01:06:32 very in love.
01:06:33 And the whole incident kind of took me aback, because I hadn't
01:06:38 seen Barron with a girl really ever before.
01:06:41 And I think this girl was perhaps his first love.
01:06:46 Maybe he was in love for the first time in his life.
01:06:49 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:06:53 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:06:56 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:06:59 [MUSIC PLAYING]
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01:07:53 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:07:56 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:07:59 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:08:02 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:08:05 He's a stalker.
01:08:07 He's stalking my daughter.
01:08:10 He was stalking her before the alleged abduction.
01:08:13 And he's stalking her now, I'm sure of it.
01:08:16 Well, he just looked like a complete psychopath.
01:08:19 I mean, all of my friends were afraid of him, even the guys.
01:08:24 It was nice when Barron got his own apartment,
01:08:27 because we could finally be together, I mean, really together.
01:08:33 It was nice to be secretive.
01:08:35 Being away from everybody and all their opinions,
01:08:39 it was just really nice.
01:08:42 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:08:45 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:08:48 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:08:51 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:08:54 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:08:57 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:09:00 On December 7, 1997, a missing persons report
01:09:04 was filed on Miss Catherine Bell.
01:09:07 The last person to have seen Miss Bell
01:09:13 was her sister, a Miss Kristen Bell.
01:09:17 I saw my sister drive off.
01:09:19 She was by herself.
01:09:20 She was perfectly happy, probably the happiest
01:09:23 I'd ever seen her.
01:09:25 She told me that she loved me, that she was going to miss me.
01:09:28 And then she drove off, and she never came back.
01:09:32 So you believe that she's with Barron,
01:09:35 and she's alive and well?
01:09:37 Yes, I do.
01:09:39 When interviewed, Kristen said that her sister
01:09:42 seemed to be in very good spirits,
01:09:44 and that she spoke to her for several minutes.
01:09:48 Catherine then told her sister she
01:09:50 was going to another planet to live with her boyfriend,
01:09:54 Mr. Barron Dixon.
01:09:58 Miss Bell then got into her own vehicle by herself
01:10:05 and drove away under her own free will.
01:10:12 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:10:15 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:10:18 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:10:20 How do you account for Kristen's sudden change of mind
01:10:25 and now believing that her sister is with Barron
01:10:28 and that she's fine?
01:10:31 She's a little kid.
01:10:32 She'll believe anything.
01:10:33 Mr. Sloan and Mr. Tackett were questioned that evening
01:10:40 and later released.
01:10:43 Uh, what happened to you guys once Kathy disappeared?
01:10:48 Well, I'll give you three fucking guesses.
01:10:51 Here come the cops.
01:10:52 First thing they did is rise our ass up.
01:10:55 Crawling all over.
01:10:56 As if we know what happened.
01:10:57 We told them, Barron's in space.
01:11:00 Yeah.
01:11:01 What do you want from us?
01:11:03 So what do you believe happened to your friend Kathy Bell?
01:11:10 Oh, Barron probably kidnapped her,
01:11:12 and God knows what he did with her after that.
01:11:17 He's a disgusting pervert.
01:11:21 Well, see, the good thing is if they came back for Kathy,
01:11:27 like Barron said, then they should be coming back for us.
01:11:32 They just have to come back, I guess,
01:11:35 get people one at a time.
01:11:38 That's what I figured.
01:11:40 I can't wait.
01:11:41 They can't get here soon enough.
01:11:43 I'll leave all this shit behind.
01:11:45 What is it?
01:11:46 Some sort of picnic.
01:11:49 Barron's involvement with Randy and Ed concerned me.
01:11:52 He brought them over to the house a few times,
01:11:55 and I could see those boys were into the wrong kinds of things.
01:12:00 As soon as they saw this lab equipment around here,
01:12:03 well, their eyes lit up, and they were asking me,
01:12:06 "Well, how can we make this explosive or that explosive?"
01:12:10 And, you know, I was just saying, you know,
01:12:13 "No, no, we don't want to get into that."
01:12:16 You know, it doesn't look good for us.
01:12:20 They're just going to believe what they want to believe,
01:12:23 and there's not much we can do.
01:12:25 They'll probably try to pin it on us.
01:12:27 Why not?
01:12:28 Someone's got to take the fall.
01:12:31 Yeah, they seemed morbidly interested in that kind of thing.
01:12:34 And then, when I said, "No, no,
01:12:37 there would be no creation of explosives in my house,"
01:12:40 they wanted to cook up some drugs, and that evening, too,
01:12:44 they wanted to cook up some, you know, acid speed,
01:12:48 and I just said, "Hey, no, don't talk about this."
01:12:52 They'll be coming back for us.
01:12:54 They can't get here soon enough for me.
01:12:57 I'm right up to here with this bullshit.
01:12:59 I'd leave all this behind in a second,
01:13:02 move on with my life.
01:13:04 Every time they came over, they seemed excited.
01:13:09 They'd be like children, and wanted me to come out
01:13:12 in their souped-up car and look in the trunk,
01:13:15 and they'd have more guns, and some types I thought
01:13:18 were probably illegal--automatic weapons, ammunition, and so on.
01:13:23 So I was concerned and uncomfortable
01:13:26 about his association with these two.
01:13:29 It just seemed like they were into bad stuff.
01:13:33 [gunshots]
01:13:36 [gunshots]
01:13:40 [gunshots]
01:13:43 [gunshots]
01:13:54 [gunshots]
01:14:09 [gunshots]
01:14:12 [gunshots]
01:14:17 Do you think you'll ever see Kathy again?
01:14:24 No.
01:14:28 No one listens to us. No one listens to me.
01:14:32 -Fuckers. -I don't give a shit.
01:14:34 I'd sooner take my chances with the aliens--
01:14:36 I hope the aliens come back before the cops come back, though.
01:14:39 That's what I mean. I'd rather be with the fucking aliens.
01:14:42 My whole life's been in the shit van for months now.
01:14:46 And then they still come back at us.
01:14:50 I'll tell you what, it don't look good for me and Randy here.
01:14:53 This is probably the end for me and Ed.
01:14:57 My sister came home and told me she was going away,
01:15:01 that two people had come up to her in the parking lot
01:15:04 and asked if she wanted to go to the new planet to live with Baron.
01:15:07 And of course she said yes.
01:15:10 She was incredibly happy.
01:15:12 She came home, gave me a hug, gave me this letter,
01:15:16 and then she drove off.
01:15:19 I'll read the letter.
01:15:22 "Dear Mom and Sis,
01:15:25 "I don't know how to say this so that you'll believe me,
01:15:27 "so I'll just be blunt.
01:15:29 "I'm going to go to another planet to live with Baron.
01:15:32 "We're going to live in a community with other people from Earth.
01:15:35 "The new planet is very clean and is unexplored.
01:15:38 "There are no businesses and no government and no money.
01:15:42 "Everyone is working together to build big gardens
01:15:45 "with sculptures, murals, and paintings.
01:15:47 "I know it sounds crazy and I know it sounds impossible,
01:15:50 "but I want you to believe me.
01:15:52 "The new planet is beautiful.
01:15:54 "I love you guys.
01:15:56 "I'll miss you.
01:15:58 "Love, Kathy."
01:16:01 "P.S. Sis, you're young and you're smart.
01:16:05 "Don't listen to what they tell you.
01:16:08 "Believe in yourself.
01:16:10 "Believe in a new planet."
01:16:13 I believe.
01:16:16 [music]
01:16:19 [music]
01:16:47 Where's Baron?
01:16:53 [music]
01:16:56 Baron, Baron, where the hell did you go?
01:17:00 We looked all over, but we couldn't find him at the show.
01:17:04 [music]
01:17:07 Baron, Baron,
01:17:16 where the hell did you go?
01:17:21 Baron, Baron,
01:17:31 where the hell did you go?
01:17:37 [music]
01:17:40 [music]
01:17:43 [applause]
01:18:05 [music]
01:18:08 (upbeat music)
01:18:11 (audience cheering)
01:18:14 (upbeat music)
01:18:16 (upbeat music)
01:18:19 (audience cheering)
01:18:22 (upbeat music)
01:18:25 (upbeat music)
01:18:27 (upbeat music)
01:18:30 (upbeat music)
01:18:32 (upbeat music)
01:18:58 (upbeat music)
01:19:01 (upbeat music)
01:19:12 (upbeat music)
01:19:15 (upbeat music)
01:19:17 (upbeat music)
01:19:20 (upbeat music)
01:19:22 (upbeat music)
01:19:25 (upbeat music)
01:19:27 (upbeat music)
01:19:30 (upbeat music)
01:19:33 (upbeat music)
01:19:38 (upbeat music)
01:19:43 (upbeat music)
01:19:48 (upbeat music)
01:20:00 (upbeat music)
01:20:02 - Can we go back to Earth someday, Daddy?
01:20:09 (chiming)
01:20:11 (chiming)
01:20:13 [BLANK_AUDIO]