• last year
Le Gabon fait face à un coup d'État mené par un groupe de militaires, suscitant de vives préoccupations au niveau international. Suite à cette situation alarmante, la Russie exprime sa profonde inquiétude et suit de près les événements en Afrique. Le porte-parole du Kremlin souligne que la Russie observe attentivement la situation au Gabon et appelle à une analyse nuancée des troubles qui touchent plusieurs pays du continent. Maria Zakharova, porte-parole du ministère russe des Affaires étrangères, recommande aux citoyens russes de reporter leurs voyages au Gabon en raison des risques sécuritaires. Cette instabilité politique inattendue au Gabon remet en question la stabilité régionale et suscite l'attention de la communauté internationale.

Le groupe de militaires à l'origine du coup d'État dénonce une gouvernance irresponsable et imprévisible, entraînant une détérioration de la cohésion sociale au Gabon. Ils se présentent comme le "Comité de transition et de restauration des institutions" et aspirent à rétablir l'ordre et les institutions gouvernementales dans le pays. La situation actuelle soulève des interrogations quant à l'avenir politique et à la stabilité du Gabon, qui a été considéré comme relativement stable dans une région souvent troublée. La communauté internationale appelle au calme et à la résolution pacifique de la crise, tout en surveillant de près les développements futurs dans le pays.

#coupdEtat, #Gabon, #Russie, #instabilitépolitique, #criserégionale, #communautéinternationale, #stabilité, #ordreconstitutionnel, #sécurité, #analyse, #développementspolitiques, #voyageurs, #précaution, #résolutionpacifique, #inquiétudes, #gouvernance, #situationpolitique, #stabilitépolitique, #risquessécuritaires. #frt
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00:00 Moscow closely follows the situation in Gabon by feeling a deep concern about this, according
00:13 to the spokesman for the Russian presidency.
00:15 This statement emphasizes the particular tension that Russia is carrying with the situation
00:20 in Africa, where several countries are in trouble.
00:23 The Kremlin spokesman has today stated that the situation in Gabon is causing a deep
00:29 tension, we observe what is happening there.
00:32 These words, pronounced with conviction, demonstrate the interest of Russia for the events that
00:37 are taking place in this Central African country.
00:38 However, it is important to note that the spokesman called for no general conclusion
00:45 on the situation in Africa.
00:46 Indeed, the growing threat of the number of conflicts in the region, with the current
00:51 troubles in Gabon and Nigeria, requires a deep and nuanced analysis.
00:55 Russian diplomacy has also reacted to this worrying situation.
01:00 Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, called on Russian citizens
01:06 to refrain from traveling to Gabon for the moment.
01:09 This warning highlights the potential risks for the security of Russian expatriates
01:13 in the country.
01:14 Now, let's dive into the heart of the events in Gabon.
01:19 Today, a group of a dozen soldiers announced a coup, thus marking a break
01:24 in the country's political stability.
01:26 The authors of the coup denounce an "irresponsible, unpredictable governance"
01:30 which has led to a continuous degradation of social cohesion, thus threatening to
01:34 plunge the country into chaos.
01:36 In their statement, the soldiers have claimed to act on behalf of a "transition and restoration
01:42 committee of institutions".
01:44 This statement suggests that the authors of the coup aspire to restore order and to restore
01:48 government institutions, in order to put an end to the current crisis situation.
01:53 This coup in Gabon has taken many observers by surprise.
01:58 The country, led by President Ali Bongo Ondemba since 2009, has been known for its relative
02:04 political stability in a region often troubled.
02:06 However, recent political and social tensions have shaken the confidence of the population
02:12 in the system in place.
02:13 The consequences of this coup are still uncertain.
02:17 The international community closely follows the evolution of the situation and expresses
02:22 its concerns about the future stability of Gabon.
02:25 Neighboring countries, as well as regional and international organizations, have called
02:29 for calm and respect for the constitutional order.
02:42 (air whooshing)
