00:00The Cowboy G-Men in Chippewa Indians, starring Russell Hayden as Pat Gallagher and Jackie
00:08Coogan as Stoney Crockett.
00:11Here in northern Wisconsin dwell the people of the peacemaker and giver of corn, the legendary
00:16hero Hiawatha.
00:17For 300 years, this has been the home of the Chippewa, a peaceful tribe of fishermen, hunters,
00:23and farmers.
00:25In 1880, green gold was discovered in Wisconsin, timber.
00:29Some of the most valuable stands were at Lac du Flambeau, on the Chippewa lands.
00:33The crisis came in 1886, when lumber operators attempted to force the Chippewa from their
00:41Government agents Pat Gallagher and Stoney Crockett were placed on special assignment
00:45to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and sent to Lac du Flambeau.
00:52Anybody home?
01:04Is the squaw of the house in?
01:15What's the matter, Stoney, getting in some target practice?
01:44No, an Indian grabbed me when I looked in that teepee.
01:46Are you sure?
01:47Sure, I'm sure.
01:48Well, let's investigate.
01:49After you.
01:50Stoney, there's no one in there.
02:01It's funny, isn't it?
02:02You know that Indian might have scalped me?
02:04Don't you think it's a little late for that?
02:06What are you doing here, Pat?
02:08The wire I got said to meet you at the Indian agency at Lac du Flambeau.
02:11Yeah, I know.
02:12I got there.
02:13The agency's boarded up and the agents disappeared.
02:16And every teepee I visited was as empty as this one.
02:19What do you think it means?
02:20Well, I think the Chippewa's getting ready to move across the Mississippi, like the other
02:23Wisconsin tribes.
02:24And we got here just in time.
02:27You bring the documents?
02:28Oh, yeah, I got them right here.
02:29Oh, good.
02:30You keep them.
02:31All right.
02:32How do you want to play this?
02:33Well, I think we'll tell everybody we're here to check on the lumber footage.
02:35We won't expose the document until the right time.
02:38Undercover, huh?
02:39I think it's easier, don't you?
02:41All right.
02:57Lac du Flambeau was founded by the French fur traders about 1634.
03:01They named it after the flaming birch bark torches carried by the Indians.
03:06Now it seemed deserted, not a soul in sight.
03:12Hey, now, that door wasn't open when I was in town before.
03:21Let's have a look.
03:26It was a pretty crude little school, but it was a big step forward for the Indian children.
03:31Apparently, it was closed along with everything else in town.
03:39Hey, Pat.
03:40Cute, isn't it?
03:43Put that down.
03:45Yes, ma'am.
03:46Now, would you explain, why are you here?
03:50Well, my name's Gallagher, miss, and I'm Crockett.
03:54We saw the door open, so we just walked in.
03:57Are you the school mom, ma'am?
03:59I was, but our school is closed, and we had just opened it.
04:03Oh, you know, I never had a pretty school mom like that.
04:08What's your name, miss?
04:09I was named for Hiawatha's mother, Winona.
04:12Winona, that's a pretty name.
04:15You belong to the Chippewa tribe, then.
04:18Then maybe you can tell us what's going on.
04:20The schoolhouse closed, and the Indian agents disappeared.
04:24Our people are forced to sell their lands.
04:26They're moving across the Mississippi.
04:28By the new moon, the Chippewa will be gone.
04:31Oh, you don't want to do that.
04:32By then...
04:35The Chippewas have always lived here.
04:37Why do they want to leave?
04:38We do not want to leave.
04:40They tell us after the new moon, only white men can own land here.
04:44We asked the governor for help, but he told us Indians were a government matter.
04:49Then the Chippewas are selling their lands.
04:52Before they take them from us.
04:54Even our little school.
04:56It's the first we ever had.
04:58Well, that's a shame.
05:00Yes, it is.
05:02Look, Winona, the government doesn't want to take your land away from you.
05:07They want to help you people.
05:08That's why they sent us.
05:10You are sent by the government?
05:12I'm sure I am, ma'am.
05:14We were warned you would come.
05:15But we have a few more days.
05:17Until then, get out!
05:18Get out of my school!
05:20Get out!
05:28Stoney and I covered the country.
05:30We learned someone was anxious to get the Chippewa off of their lands by the first of the month.
05:35The Indians had been tipped off that we were from the government.
05:38And no one would talk to us.
05:40Finally, we found ourselves in the office of the Bartlett Lumber Company.
05:44Talking to the biggest timber operator in the state.
05:47Oliver Bartlett.
05:49Yes, I'd like to get the Chippewa timber concession.
05:52Who wouldn't?
05:53Some of the best stands of pine in Wisconsin.
05:56How long have you been trying to get this timber, Mr. Bartlett?
05:58Well, ever since I heard the Indians wanted to move out west,
06:01I made them a good cash offer, but they turned it down.
06:08Then you've given up the idea?
06:10No, no, not quite.
06:12A half-breed hunter and guy by the name of Tom Careful came in to see me about a week ago.
06:17Said he could persuade the Chippewa to take my offer.
06:20So, naturally, I told him to go ahead.
06:26Why should they sell to him and not to you?
06:28Well, maybe because he has Indian blood in him.
06:31Understands them better.
06:33If he can get that timber for me, I don't care what he does to get it.
06:37Maybe you should, Mr. Bartlett.
06:39The Indians have lived in these forests a long time.
06:42It's their home. They don't want to leave.
06:44There's something more important than just cutting lumber.
06:47I know, but it's just good business for me.
06:51Is it for anybody else?
06:53Where can we find this half-breed Tom Careful?
06:56He lives in a little cabin between here and the Indian village.
06:59I'm afraid you'll find him pretty close mouthed.
07:03Maybe we can teach him the sign language, eh, Stoney?
07:06Good-bye, Mr. Bartlett.
07:09Good-bye, sir.
07:10Good-bye, boys.
07:15Now, there's a real humanitarian.
07:18Funny thing, Stoney.
07:20Ever since we got into town, I've had a feeling we're being watched.
07:23By the Indians?
07:24By somebody.
07:25You know, I've had this feeling before, and it's never failed.
07:28Someplace out there, there's eyes watching us.
07:31Well, if the Indians saw us talking with Bartlett,
07:34they're sure to be against us.
07:37Say, I still think that Indian girl would help us if she could.
07:41Why don't you ride back into town and have a talk with her?
07:43That's a pretty good idea, because she's awful pretty.
07:46Yeah, I thought you'd like that.
07:48Well, I see you.
07:49Well, I'm going to look up this Tom Careful.
07:51I'll meet you back at the teepee later.
07:54Come on.
07:56Come on.
08:22You're one of them government men.
08:24Might be.
08:25I'd like to talk to you.
08:27Ask you a few questions about the Chippewas.
08:30I got just one thing to say to you.
08:35Get out of here.
08:37But I don't think you understand.
08:39It's you don't understand.
08:41I said get.
08:42And get fast.
08:45Or what?
08:48Or this.
08:54Come on.
09:25Like I said, I'd like to ask you a few questions.
09:28Like what?
09:30What makes you think the Indians would sell to you after they turned Bartlett down?
09:34Because I know them better.
09:36I'm half Chippewa myself.
09:38That's no good.
09:39Keep talking.
09:40I just reminded them that they have to be off land by new moon.
09:44If they don't sell by then, they get nothing.
09:47And they believed you?
09:49What made you think they'd sell the land to you?
09:52Because of Noko N.
09:56Who's Noko with?
09:58Medicine man.
10:00He tell people to wait.
10:02That great spirit will save their homes.
10:05So, they wait.
10:07Across big waters.
10:09Where can I find this medicine man?
10:11He's teeping on way to Chippewa village.
10:16That's better.
10:19Thanks for the information.
10:33Hey, Tony!
10:42Hi, Tony.
10:43Did you get anything out of Careful?
10:45After a little persuasion.
10:46Oh, you mean Careful got careless?
10:48How about you?
10:50I mean, a girl was gone and the school was all locked up.
10:53Yeah, we've got to find this medicine man.
10:55I understand he's got a lot of influence with the tribe.
10:57Just so he doesn't influence them to go on the war path.
11:00You know, Tony?
11:02I've got that feeling again.
11:04You mean about somebody watching us?
11:20Come on.
11:26Hey, Pat.
11:28This place gives me the willies.
11:30Don't tell me you're superstitious.
11:43Well, nobody in there.
11:45No, nobody but the evil spirits.
11:50Not him.
11:51What do you mean?
11:52After telling him so long?
11:53He just wanted to be sure that we were on his side.
11:56Oh, nice to know that.
11:58It took a few years off my life worrying about him.
12:04What's he saying, Pat?
12:05He says his people have defied the great spirit.
12:08They moved to new lands across the great waters.
12:11That means they're selling out, huh?
12:12Look that way.
12:14His people have deserted the prayers and remedies of their ancestors.
12:18They've drank the white man's cure and fallen down.
12:22They drank the white man's curse around Potawatomi's uncle.
12:25Ask him about this.
12:33He says the man with the bottles is still around.
12:36I knew Zerbo would do most anything for a silver cartwheel.
12:39Well, he must be still around, Stoney.
12:41You better pick him up.
12:42We'll have the Indians identify him.
12:44You know, I've been wanting to put him in jail for a long time.
12:47But now that I'm actually going to do it...
12:49Yeah, I know.
12:50You hate to do it, don't you?
12:52Guess you got to take the good and the bad.
13:10I went to the deserted Chippewa village and found no one.
13:14Now the drums began, and I tried to follow them.
13:17But they seemed to be coming from all directions.
13:20No matter where I went, I couldn't shake the sensation of being followed.
13:26Now I was sure of it.
13:28I'd caught a glimpse of him.
13:39So it's you that's been followed.
13:40Let me go!
13:42Let me go!
13:43You promised not to bite.
13:46All right, what's the idea?
13:47Have you not heard the drums calling our people across the big waters?
13:52Well, that's why the Indian village is empty.
14:00What's the matter?
14:01The ring.
14:02Oh, that.
14:05The Shawnee chief gave it to me when he made me a blood brother.
14:08I'm one-fourth Shawnee, you know.
14:11The Shawnee are of our blood.
14:13Yes, I know.
14:14The Shawnees and the Chippewas all descend from the Algonquins.
14:18The ring symbol is like ours.
14:22How can you be false to your blood in the symbol?
14:27I'm not, believe me.
14:29I want to help your people.
14:31You've got to trust me.
14:33I want to trust you.
14:36You can.
14:38You know, we're in a sacred place here.
14:42The Glade of Hidden Rock.
14:45The Glade of Hidden Rock?
14:47It is written that when a man and a maiden enter here with hatred in their hearts,
14:52they will be doomed forever to loneliness.
14:57I checked my hatred outside.
14:59Mine too has vanished.
15:01The magic of the glade.
15:03You know, you're the prettiest Indian princess I ever saw.
15:09I must go.
15:11It is getting late.
15:15I'll see you tomorrow at the schoolhouse.
15:20Would you wear this to prove that I'm friendly?
15:31All right, I don't want any more trouble.
15:34Now look.
15:35Look, just talk up and loud and clear.
15:39But I tell you, sir.
15:40I didn't sell fire water to the Indians.
15:46Zerbo is not fire water.
15:48It is a perfectly useless or a harmless mixture if used externally.
15:55Yeah, but the only trouble is the Indians can't read the label.
15:59Even internally, sir.
16:00The formula is merely peppermint leaves, licorice.
16:04And alcohol.
16:05Oh, no, sir.
16:06Merely a little swamp oil.
16:08I'll show you the ingredients.
16:10They're in my pack.
16:13May I go, sir?
16:25I wonder if that stuff really is harmless.
16:37What happened?
16:38What happened?
16:46Oh, you are so right, sir.
16:48Technically, it is fire water.
17:53They got along.
17:54That's one way they'll track us.
17:55Put it down.
18:07You sure burned that bald spot, didn't you?
18:13Oh, what a sight.
18:18That's Pat's horse.
18:24Close it, old boy.
18:31Something must have happened to Pat.
18:33Well, gee, I sure hope you find him.
18:36Don't worry. Zipper will take me right to him.
18:38Oh, by the way, what size shoe do you wear?
18:40A size seven, sir.
18:41Let me see that here, just a minute.
18:43Thank you very much.
18:44What are you doing there?
18:46What are you doing?
18:47I just want to see that you're very comfortable.
18:48Give me this one down here.
18:49There you are.
18:51Now, don't go away, kid, and watch out for the Indians.
18:55But, Stoney, you can't do this to me.
18:57Oh, flip-flop-flop.
19:07Hey, Pat.
19:08You going to be all right?
19:09Hi, Stoney.
19:11What happened to you?
19:13I was ambushed by a couple of Indians.
19:15After all these years.
19:17Yeah, I guess they were after the documents.
19:19You know, it's a good thing you gave them back to me.
19:22It sure is.
19:23We've got to post those by Wednesday.
19:25Let's head back to that teepee.
19:26All right.
19:27You feel all right?
19:29Let's go.
19:30Come on.
19:31Come on.
19:32Come on.
19:33Come on.
19:34Come on.
19:35All right.
19:36You feel all right?
19:37Yeah, I'm all right.
19:38Come on.
19:39Take it easy.
19:41Hey, partner.
19:43You're sure they're here to cheat us?
19:46Unless we can stop them from posting those documents.
19:49Once it's posted, the Chippewas will leave their homes.
19:52And they won't get a cent for them, either.
19:54But if you can only get that document,
19:56Mr. Barlow will pay your people a fair price.
19:58How could anyone be so low?
20:00Just today.
20:01When will you see him again?
20:03He's coming here in the morning.
20:04Very well.
20:05You know what to do.
20:06We leave the how up to you.
20:10Early the next morning, the last day of the month,
20:12we took Zerbo and rode into Locke the Flambeau,
20:15where I was supposed to meet Winona.
20:17Give me those documents, Tony.
20:18I might want to show them to Winona.
20:20What are you trying to do, be teacher's pet?
20:34Good morning.
20:41Oh, so that's the way it is.
20:43At least you're still wearing my ring.
20:46You said yesterday you came to help us.
20:50That's right.
20:53Well, I can't tell you just now, but...
20:56I see.
20:59Then you do understand.
21:01Will you come with us to the Indian village now?
21:04In a moment.
21:08Here, I'll get it.
21:12I'll get it.
21:31Not again.
21:33Who was it?
21:34The little Indian girl?
21:35Must have.
21:37Miss Tony, the documents.
21:39They're gone.
21:40Well, I guess our little Pocahontas is soured on us.
21:44Zerbo saw her going out the back door heading for Bartlett's.
21:47Maybe we can overtake her.
21:49But sir, you promised me a chance to prove my innocence.
21:52Yeah, well get yourself a character witness.
21:54I know a good character witness, but I can't get him for 90 days.
21:57What's he doing?
21:5890 days.
21:59Oh, get the medicine man. Meet us at Bartlett's. Come on, Pat.
22:09Here she comes.
22:34You got the documents?
22:43Yeah, I was right. We'd never have gotten those timberlands without this.
22:48What do you mean?
22:49This makes Lac du Flambeau a Chippewa reservation as of tomorrow.
22:53But only if the Chippewa are living there and they're pulling out tonight.
22:56But you said...
22:57We told you a little white lie, but you'll be well rewarded for what you've done.
23:01No, I will tell my people. You will never get our lands.
23:12Looks like we'll have to get rid of her as well as this.
23:16I think I know how to do it.
23:35All our troubles go up in smoke.
23:37Let's get out of here.
23:52Hey, Pat, that place is on fire.
23:54It's the government men.
24:00We got to make a break for them. Now!
24:28Hold it, Bartlett.
24:41Bart, where's those documents? Where's the girl?
24:43Hey, Pat!
24:45Keep your eye on him.
24:46Hey, stop it, you!
24:52You, careful. Move over here.
24:57Don't you make a move.
24:59Government wants you for fraud and attempted murder.
25:08They lied.
25:09They said you were our enemy.
25:11I understand.
25:12They did not destroy the documents.
25:15Pat, do you mind?
25:21In 1887, by terms of the General Allotment Act,
25:24the United States Congress created the Chippewa Indian Reserve at Lac du Flambeau.
25:29To this day, the people of Hiawatha live peacefully on the shores of their Wisconsin lakes.
25:54The End