The funniest and most humorous animal videos ever- you laugh you lose PETASTIC

  • last year
00:00 *chewing*
00:12 *chewing*
00:18 *cough*
00:19 *laughing*
00:20 *chewing*
00:28 *chewing*
00:32 *laughing*
00:39 *chewing*
00:54 *singing*
01:07 *music*
01:17 Are you trying to get it in your kennel?
01:20 Oh my god!
01:25 *music*
01:34 Are you okay dude?
01:38 Bonds wake up.
01:40 Wake up.
01:42 Hey Bonds.
01:43 Bonds.
01:44 Hey Bonzo.
01:45 Oh there you're good.
01:55 *sigh*
01:58 *grunt*
01:59 *thud*
02:01 *grunt*
02:02 *grunt*
02:03 *laughing*
02:12 *laughing*
02:18 Ow!
02:19 He is not funny!
02:20 *laughing*
02:24 She's asleep.
02:25 I can touch her little belly.
02:28 That's good.
02:32 *bark*
02:40 Speak.
02:42 Speak.
02:43 Say woo woo.
02:44 Say woo woo.
02:45 Say woo woo.
02:46 Woo woo.
02:47 *whistling*
03:00 How you feel about getting tripped?
03:03 *growling*
03:06 *bark*
03:07 *growling*
03:09 *cough*
03:10 *snoring*
03:24 *music*
03:40 No.
03:44 No.
03:47 I hate traveling with you.
03:48 Woah!
03:49 *laughing*
03:51 I spilled.
03:53 I honestly have no idea why he does this.
03:56 Um, my working theory is that he's stupid.
03:59 Oi!
04:08 *fart*
04:16 Hey Scout.
04:19 Do you?
04:22 Oh my god.
04:27 He just flung cat litter out of the box.
04:32 He's probably gonna do it again.
04:35 Oh my god.
04:39 No!
04:52 *laughing*
05:00 *laughing*
05:25 What the?
05:27 It's all flowers.
05:41 *howling*
05:51 I hate you a lot.
05:55 Dude, turn around.
05:57 No, turn around.
06:00 *laughing*
06:04 *laughing*
06:08 *laughing*
06:20 Okay, okay, okay.
06:22 Ready?
06:24 *screaming*
06:27 Oh!
06:28 *laughing*
06:30 Ow!
06:32 *laughing*
06:38 No.
06:42 No!
06:43 No!
06:47 Gentle.
06:50 Stay.
06:53 Good girl.
06:54 Drop it.
06:55 Sailor.
06:56 Sailor!
06:57 *laughing*
07:10 *laughing*
07:32 *screaming*
07:57 Hi.
08:00 No.
08:05 This door's open.
08:07 You can just come right on in.
08:15 *laughing*
08:35 *laughing*
09:03 Ow.
09:05 No.
09:30 *laughing*
