• 2 years ago
Nos encanta la temporada de otoño y por eso te traemos los outfits básicos para que luzcas increíble en una salida con amigas, en el trabajo o estando en casa. Es momento de darle un giro a tu guardarropa e irte de compras. Paga con CoDi®, así tus pagos serán seguros, rápidos y sin comisión.
00:00 Autumn basics. These are the basics you need in your closet for autumn.
00:05 Start with a beige or nude pants. It can also be the classic black.
00:11 Add a light tank top and a leather jacket of the color you prefer.
00:15 For the season I recommend the earth tones.
00:19 Make combinations with loose blouses. The basics of basics is that you have a pair in black and white.
00:25 Knit is still in trend. It is autumn and in your closet you can not miss a point dress and of course some boots or boots.
00:33 I paid for these outfits with Kodi because the payments are fast, safe and without commissions.
00:39 (upbeat music)
00:42 (upbeat music)
